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Este é o 'Durma com essa', podcast de notícias do Nexo, um jornal digital para quem busca explicações precisas e interpretações equilibradas sobre os principais fatos do Brasil e do mundo. De segunda a quinta, o programa traz para você a notícia mais instigante do dia. E que pode continuar a ecoar por aí.
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Denis Botana e Danilo Silvestre contam alguma coisa um para o outro. Histórias, causos, experiências pessoais, algo que um de nós descobriu, viveu ou leu sobre nos últimos tempos. Tem do submundo dos perfumes às origens dos reality shows, passando por vício em xadrez e arte contemporânea.
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Der Essay bietet Produktionen auf höchstem Niveau und mit literarischem Anspruch. Unsere Autor*innen sind Philosoph*innen, Dichter*innen, Soziolog*innen, Künstler*innen. Im SWR Kultur Essay denken sie laut. Manchmal denken sie auch leise. Aber immer hörbar und meinungsstark. Der Essay: Ein akustisches Theorie-Theater.
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Brought to you by Loughborough University’s Anarchism Research Group (ARG), Anarchist Essays presents leading academics, activists, and thinkers exploring themes in anarchist theory, history, and practice. For more on the ARG, please visit and follow us on Twitter at @arglboro
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Neste podcast, você vai ter a experiência de ouvir livros que adoramos ler, com histórias que amamos escutar. Vai ser melhor ainda se você estiver com o livro em mãos pra poder acompanhar esta aventura sonora. Pelo Instagram, o adulto que te acompanha nessa jornada pode se comunicar comigo, me mandar uma mensagem sua pedindo "Conta essa história pra mim?". ACESSE: APOIE O PODCAST:
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Join College Essay Advisors' Founder and Chief Advisor, Stacey Brook, and Director of Advising, Becca Myers, for the inside scoop on all things college essay-related – from brainstorming tips to real time essay reviews. This is your chance to go behind the scenes at CEA and discover what admissions is really looking for!
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Recktenwalds Essays

Engelbert Recktenwald

Dieser Podcast bietet Essays über aktuelle und überzeitliche Themen aus Philosophie und Theologie aus katholischer Sicht. Dazu gehören kritische Analysen moderner Entwicklungen in Kirche und Gesellschaft sowie Einsichten aus Glaube, Vernunft und Offenbarung, von denen ich überzeugt bin, dass sie das nötige Hintergrundwissen abgeben, um sich ein zeitgeistunabhängiges Urteil bilden zu können.
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Delve into the unknown as we explore the mysteries of the universe and beyond. From cosmic phenomena to the edges of human understanding, our podcast unravels the enigmatic forces shaping existence, inspiring curiosity and wonder about the infinite possibilities of the cosmos.
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No universo dinâmico do empreendedorismo, cada passo é uma jornada repleta de desafios e aprendizados. No "Lancei Essa", mergulhamos fundo no emocionante mundo dos negócios para explorar as histórias por trás das startups e dos empreendedores visionários que as impulsionam. Fuckup Night: Fundadores compartilham falhas e lições aprendidas, inspirando empreendedores a superar adversidades nos negócios. Ecosystem of a Startup: Exploramos o ciclo de vida de uma startup, entrevistando diversos at ...
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The mission of ESSAY is to serve as a source of information, experience, strength and hope to sexaholics, both inside and outside the rooms of Sexaholics Anonymous. Our vision is to provide a high-quality “meeting in print” that gathers together members from around the world. It can serve as a portable “extra meeting” especially for loners and for members who don’t have access to many meetings. In addition, Essay serves as an outreach tool to carry the message to those who have not yet found ...
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Essa Geração

Fundação Tide Setubal

A sétima temporada do podcast Essa Geração é realizada por meio de parceria entre a Tide Setubal e o Geledés - Instituto da Mulher Negra. Desta vez, o tema central é a pluralidade cultural. A temporada é composta por cinco episódios sobre as relações da cultura com o cotidiano em áreas diversas, como multiculturalismo, encruzilhadas culturais, oralidade, influência afrodiaspórica e transformação social por meio de equipamentos e coletivos culturais. Ficou interessade? Fique por dentro da tem ...
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Vem ouvir essa história

Vem ouvir essa história

"Vem ouvir essa história" é um podcast que convida as crianças a viajarem para bem longe com a imaginação! São histórias como a de uma menina que viaja em uma bolha de sabão e de um menino que gostava de se vestir de princesas… Em falar em princesas, as que vão passar por aqui são todas fortes e corajosas! Animadas atrás de uma aventura e gostam mesmo é de se divertir e explorar por aí. Aqui você vai ouvir histórias de pessoas diferentes de você, porque o diferente é muito bom, né? Vamos tam ...
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Master academic writing with ease! Writing Tricks is here to help you write with clarity and confidence. From crafting college essays to refining your writing style, this podcast is your guide to becoming a confident and effective writer. Whether you're a university student or simply want to write better, tune in for quick tips, step-by-step strategies, and inspiration to improve your skills today. Take your work to the next level. Perfect for students, professionals and lifelong learners. W ...
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Practical, up-to-date interviews with experts in college admissions, financial aid, personal statements, test prep and more. Ethan Sawyer (aka College Essay Guy), interviews deans of admission, financial aid experts, and veterans of the admissions field to extract, then distill their advice into practical steps for students and those guiding them through the process. From creating an awesome college list to appealing a financial aid letter, Ethan skips the general advice and gets right to th ...
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Essays for King Jesus

Anabaptist Perspectives

Short essays to cultivate thoughtful, faithful living through substantive reflection on issues relevant and timely for people in Anabaptist churches and of broad interest to other Christians and seekers. You can find the full text at
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O ano de 2025 começa cercado de expectativas quanto ao que as instituições vão fazer com os suspeitos de planejar um golpe de Estado no Brasil. No Congresso, o governo tenta aprovar mudanças no Imposto de Renda. Já nos meses iniciais haverá eleições para definição dos próximos presidentes da Câmara e do Senado. Nos EUA, tem nova posse de Donald Tru…
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Este é o último episódio da série de Natal! Se não ouviu os outros, volta lá! Neste capítulo, José, Maria, o menino Jesus e o burrinho voltam, enfim, para Jerusalém. Se encontram com a família, os animais e a casa, da qual sentiram tanta falta! Venha ouvir o último episódio sobre o nascimento de Jesus e essa família tão conhecida por todos! O nome …
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Amarílis conta a história dos irmãos Luisa e Tiago que adoram ler, mas Tiago não pode ver as imagens. Ele é cego. Então a irmã transforma as imagens em palavras e ainda coloca uma pitada de criatividade, transformando qualquer fotografia ou ilustração em imensas aventuras. Essa história me acompanhou esse ano todo, enquanto pesquisava sobre Audiode…
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No Natal de 1906, música foi transmitida pela primeira vez via rádio para barcos que sequer imaginavam que algo assim seria possível. E mais tarde, em 1914, soldados inimigos da Primeira Guerra Mundial resolveram celebrar o Natal juntos e descobriram que eram muito mais parecidos do que diferentes. Qual a importância de compartilharmos festas, cele…
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"A História de uma Founder que Dominou as Vendas com Fernanda Teles (Rodada de Impacto 001)"Estes livros fizeram diferença em nossa jornada e por isso compartilhamos com vocês.Confira neste link a seleção essenciais para startupeiros. siga nas nossas redes …
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Der Gaza-Krieg spielt sich nicht nur auf den Schlachtfeldern ab. Genauso wichtig ist es den Kontrahenten, die Meinungshoheit zu erringen. In den konservativ-rechten israelischen Medien wird der Terrorangriff der Hamas am 7. Oktober 2023 als "das schlimmste Pogrom seit dem Holocaust" ausgelegt. Auf der arabisch-palästinensischen Seite bezeichnen Med…
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In this essay, Dana Williams discusses the many complicated connections between sociology and anarchism. In particular, Williams explores what could be meant by "anarchist-sociology" and the potential for a social science anarchist studies. Dana Williams is Professor of Sociology at California State University, Chico in California (USA). Williams's…
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Am 29.12.2020 spätnachts spazieren der 20-jährige Krys M. und seine Freunde am Rheinufer in Köln Porz entlang. Der Rentner Hans Josef B., zu dieser Zeit CDU Bezirksrat, fühlt sich von ihnen belästigt.Es kommt zu einem Wortwechsel am Gartenzaun. Rassistische Beleidigungen fallen. Hans Josef B. zieht eine Waffe und schießt.In ihrem Essay denkt die Au…
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Die Geschichte der südkoreanischen Gastarbeiter in der Bundesrepublik ist kaum bekannt. Das Schweigen darüber wirft Fragen auf: Welche Geschichten finden in einem Einwanderungsland wie Deutschland Gehör? Wessen Lebenswege werden erinnert und anerkannt? Von Martin Hyun, Essay und Diskurs…
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A painting that intertwines anguish, hope, and revival becomes a powerful visual narrative of the human experience. The anguish might be depicted through dark, chaotic brushstrokes, jagged textures, or muted colors that convey pain and despair. In contrast, hope emerges as a glimmer of light, a softening in the palette, or a gentle flow of forms th…
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Struggling to make your essays flow smoothly? In this episode, we uncover 5 powerful transition words that can elevate your writing and ensure your ideas connect seamlessly. Learn how to use them effectively, avoid common mistakes, and transform your essays from good to exceptional. A must-listen for anyone aiming to write with clarity and impact! …
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Ein Asylbewerber aus Afrika verbrennt 2005 in Dessau im Polizeigewahrsam. Der an Händen und Füßen Gefesselte habe sich selbst angezündet, behaupten die Beamten. 15 Jahre lang scheitert die Justiz trotz mehrfacher Anläufe daran, den Fall aufzuklären - und macht ihn damit zum Politikum. Über ein Jahrzehnt hat die Autorin den Fall verfolgt, Akten stud…
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Ketchup ist in Deutschland zum aufgeladenen Symbol für alles Schlechte und Banausige geworden, das aus den USA stammt. Im Windschatten des „Coca-Kolonialismus“ wurde er zum Kristallisationspunkt des westdeutschen Nachkriegs-Antiamerikanismus. Von Holm Friebe und Rainer Kirberg, Essay und Diskurs…
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Join Stacey and Becca as they discuss the increasing trend of applicants using AI to write their college admissions essays. They discuss the current climate of admissions, what they’ve seen in their work with students, and what they’ve heard from their contacts in admissions offices. Take a look at the AI-generated essay Becca reviewed: https://www…
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I recently dated someone for three months. The first month was great, but by the second month, I felt like he was pulling back emotionally. By the third month, we said our goodbyes. Earlier in the third month, I broached the topic to him that I had been feeling a change in our communications for a few weeks. He thought about it, then it dawned on h…
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My name is Abdelbarie, and I’m a sexaholic. Friends in America would pronounce my name Ab-del-BAH-ree, but to be honest, it’s the word “sexaholic” I’m still not used to. I never knew exactly what was wrong with me. I thought I was just a normal guy with a nasty porn and masturbation habit. As it turns out, I’m not normal at all.…
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January 6, 1968 — October 21, 2024Ghent, Belgium We are greatly saddened by the sudden passing of the ESSAY Editor, Luc D. As you can see by this issue, ESSAY will continue—although it won’t be the same without Luc’s magic. I was on the Board of Trustees (BoT) in 2020 when we needed a new editor for the ESSAY. Luc D. stepped forward among other app…
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JOB POSTING — PLEASE SHARE! Editor — ESSAY Magazine The SA Board of Trustees is seeking applicants from the Fellowship for the position of Editor of the ESSAY magazine. The Editor has managerial oversight and responsibility for the ESSAY magazine and will report directly to SA’s Board of Trustees (BoT).…
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Viele betrachten Gendern als Verhunzung der Sprache, besonders bei Werken der Dichter und Denker. Dabei ist die Annahme, dass es sich hierbei um eine moderne Mode handelt, völlig falsch: Bereits in der deutschen Klassik wurde kräftig gegendert. Von Angela Steidele, Essay und Diskurs…
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Brandverletzungen und Lärmschäden, Feinstaub und Gestank, Geldverschwendung und Müll – ein ganzes Bündel von Begleiterscheinungen trübt die Freude am Silvester-Feuerwerk. Und doch ist es sehr beliebt – warum ist das so?Feature von Tobias BarthMit: Maria Lang und Andreas TobiasRegie: Anke BeimsProduktion Deutschlandfunk Kultur 2022Verfügbar bis 28. …
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Neste penúltimo episódio da série “O Burrinho de Maria”, acompanhamos Maria, José e o burrinho durante sua estadia no Egito, para onde fugiram para proteger o menino Jesus. O cenário é marcado pela simplicidade e pela luta diária, enquanto o burrinho desempenha um papel importante como companheiro fiel. A família recebe a boa notícia de que é segur…
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Rom ist die Hauptstadt des Barock. Berühmte Architekten entwarfen die Plätze und Paläste: Carlo Maderno oder Francesco Borromini. Allesamt Männer. Doch es gab auch eine Architektin, die Rom mitgestaltete. Es ist Zeit, Plautilla Bricci kennenzulernen. Von Laura Helena Wurth, Essay und Diskurs…
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O ano de 2024 se encaminha para o fim após uma série de acontecimentos que colocaram o mundo em atenção: as revelações da trama golpista gestada por Jair Bolsonaro e seu entorno, os efeitos latentes da crise climática, a volta de Donald Trump à Casa Branca e os desenrolares dos conflitos em curso. E mais. O Durma com Essa desta quarta-feira (25) fa…
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Maria e José se juntaram aos cameleiros para ir até o Egito. Após mais um aviso do anjo, o burrinho salvou todos de uma tempestade de areia. O caminho foi árduo mas, finalmente, chegaram ao Egito, sãos e salvos com o menino Jesus em seus braços. 🎧 Acompanhe esta narrativa tocante, parte de uma emocionante série episódica! O nome do livro é "O Burri…
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What if an essay could shock, amuse, and provoke all at once? In this episode, we’re uncovering the brilliance of Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal. Published in 1729, this satirical essay suggests a shocking solution to poverty in Ireland: selling children as food for the wealthy. But beneath the absurdity lies a sharp critique of 18th-century so…
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My name is Dave, I’m a recovering sexaholic, and I’ve been sexually sober since August 1, 1985 by the grace of God and this wonderful Fellowship. I came into the Fellowship when I separated from my first wife hoping to save my marriage. After two years of sobriety, we still divorced, and by the grace of God, I knew absolutely that I had no business…
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שמי עבדלברי, ואני סקסוהליסט. חברים באמריקה יבטאו את שמי כ"עבדלבהי", אבל בכנות, זו המילה "סקסוהליסט" שאיני רגיל אליה. אף פעם לא ידעתי מה בדיוק הבעיה אצלי. חשבתי שאני בחור נורמלי עם הרגל מגונה של פורנוגרפיה ואוננות. כפי שהתברר, אני לא נורמלי בכלל由Essay Magazine
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שמי דייב, אני סקסוהוליסט בהחלמה, ואני נקי מאז ה-1 באוגוסט 1985 בחסדי האל והחברותא הנפלאים. הצטרפתי לחברותא כשנפרדתי מאשתי הראשונה, מתוך תקווה להציל את הנישואים שלי. אחרי שנתיים של נקיות, התגרשנו בכל זאת, ובחסד האל ידעתי בוודאות שאין לי מה לחפש בשום סוג של מערכת יחסים רומנטית, אם היא לא כוללת מחויבות. הבהירות הזו הגיעה כאשר השתתפתי במפגשים במרכז שיי…
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לא הייתי נשוי כשהגעתי בגיל 26 לאס איי. התפכחתי ונשארתי מפוכח גם במהלך כמה דייטים ומערכות יחסים. פגשתי את אשתי אחרי 16 שנים במפוכחות. נשארתי מפוכח במהלך תקופת החיזור שלנו וב-12 שנות נישואים (עד כה)由Essay Magazine
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לאחר שסיימתי את חשבון הנפש של צעד רביעי אודות פגעת שלי, הייתי אסיר תודה כששמתי לב שפגעתי לפחות בכל אחד מאלה שיצאתי איתם לאחר שהתפכחתי. ישנם עדיין דברים לעבוד עליהם, אך היכולת שלי לנהל מערכת יחסים בריאה השתפרה מאז שהגעתי ל-SA. אתאר חלק מההתקדמות שראיתי בחשבון הנפש שלי由Essay Magazine
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לאחרונה יצאתי עם בחור במשך שלושה חודשים. החודש הראשון היה מעולה, אבל בחודש השני הרגשתי שהוא מתחיל להתרחק רגשית, ובחודש השלישי כבר נפרדנו מוקדם יותר בחודש השלישי, פתחתי איתו את הנושא ואמרתי שהרגשתי בשבועות האחרונים שחל שינוי בתקשורת בינינו. הוא חשב על זה ופתאום הוא הבין למה הוא התרחק. דיברנו על זה והבנו שזה עניין שאף אחד מאיתנו לא יכול להתגבר עליו: …
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