A essência de um ofício, um percurso, um legado, uma personalidade, um evento, uma época, um livro.A história, as artes, a ciência, a diplomacia, as ideias e o pensamento.
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Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
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Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hil ...
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Um programa onde se fala de vinho, gastronomia e cultura. Para ouvir Segunda-feira às 23h40.
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ADHD Podcast for Parents and Educators
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Apprendre, découvrir et explorer de nouveaux champs de connaissances, progresser ensemble, aborder et partager des sujets qui vous touchent directement, c’est le programme d'ESSENTIEL academy ! Retrouve Julie & Mag tous les mercredis à 20h pour une séance express de coaching ! www.essentielradio.com
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Mit der buch|essenz stellen wir Sachbücher von besonderer Bedeutung für den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs, als Buchzusammenfassungen für dich bereit. Du musst Sachbücher mit mehreren hundert oder gar tausend Seiten nicht gänzlich lesen, um die Kernaussagen und Argumente der Autoren zu verstehen – denn genau dies decken unsere kompakten Buchessenzen ab. Mehr: www.fes.de/buch-essenz
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Podcast oficial del paraiso del house de la FM mezclado y seleccionado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE. Cada fin de semana en tu dial favorito de radio y en nuestro podcast oficial en http://podlink.to/essentialdeluxe
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The finest House, Soulful, Nu Disco and Jackin in the World each week
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A place where joy and smiles are the order of the day as music lifts our spirits and souls
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A show in which musicians and other creators talk about the songs that shaped who they are.
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Vetiver Vibes is a podcast created to open the conversation around becoming a certified aromatherapist, creating a successful health business and your go to place for general tips and tricks in aromatherapy. Join us weekly where we teach people to be empowered in Aromatherapy and bring you the Essential Oil Scoop!
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essenZ fürs Ohr – der Podcast für alle mit Wissenshunger! Jeden zweiten Freitag im Monat veröffentlichen wir – Dr. Heike Niemeier und Team – eine neue Folge, in der wir Themen rund um Essen und Ernährung auf den Tisch bringen – und das gern auch mit Gäst:innen. Leicht verdaulich und geschmackvoll werden so Wissenschaft und Kochtopf, die Theorie und die Praxis, zusammengebracht.
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The Essential Reads podcast is a collection of classic audiobooks from your favourite authors such as Orson wells, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Mary Shelley, and many more, narrated by Isaac Birchall. Join Isaac on his journey to help get these books to the masses in an easy accessible way. Support the show and Join the Book Club https://ko-fi.com/theessentialreads
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Essential Church exists to remove every non-essential barrier between people and God and move them towards a loving relationship with Jesus Christ that can be enjoyed for all eternity. For more information, visit www.essentialchurch.com
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¡Bienvenidos a el Podcast de Essenta FisioSalud! Somos una clínica de fisioterapia ubicada en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, comprometidos con tu bienestar y salud integral. En nuestro canal, encontrarás contenido informativo y educativo sobre salud, fisioterapia y bienestar. Además, contamos con un emocionante podcast en el que invitamos a expertos y profesionales del sector para discutir temas relevantes y compartir sus conocimientos. ¡Únete a nuestra comunidad y descubre cómo mejorar tu calidad ...
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future college student...which means hella podcasts😂 #GSC22
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My vision for Essential Zodiac Podcast is to provide valuable and reliable information on a variety of topics related to astrology. We'll discuss New and Full Moons, important monthly transits and unique Astrological happenings. The podcast is released every other week, on the Friday closest to the New and Full Moons.
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for the love of house, for the love of deep!
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Improve your tennis with the Essential Tennis Podcast, the very first podcast dedicated to tennis lessons and instruction! Tennis professional Ian Westermann answers listener questions about technique, strategy, mental toughness, and much more.
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Hello everyone, and welcome to Learning Essentials. I’m your host, Herly. I am excited to be back and share podcast episodes about anything that speaks on the essentials of day-to-day learning within the realm of workplace scenarios or life in general. As we start the year, allow me to take you on another journey to inspire us as we start the new year with the new YOU. Subscribe now and make Learning Essentials a part of your weekly routine. Let’s dive into Our Essentials!
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Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum du isst, was du isst? Oder warum es manchmal so schwer fällt, deine Ernährungsziele zu erreichen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Im Podcast Kopfsache Essen tauchen Life Radio Redakteur Philipp Granbacher und die bekannte klinische Psychologin Cornelia Fiechtl (www.achtsam-essen.at) tief in die faszinierende Welt der Ernährungspsychologie ein. Hier erfährst du, wie dein Gehirn deine Essgewohnheiten beeinflusst und wie du diese Erkenntnisse nutzen kannst, u ...
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Join AOT2 and Ugochi on their wild journey as they discuss everything Pop culture, music, movies and more. 234 Essential focuses on Nigerian pop culture but goes beyond trending topics on social media. It looks at the bigger picture and provides accurate historical and societal context to what is trending online. 234 Essential Podcast is another podcast original from Global Village. For fan mail: fanmail@234essential.com For ads: info@globalvillage.studio 234 Essential on Twitter 234 Essenti ...
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Vous trouverez toutes nos informations sur : https://www.frugarilla.fr
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Get the essential astrology download for your week! Your host, Veronica Perretti, delivers the forecast with humor and clarity so that even the newest astro-phile can follow along. Discover how current events are impacted by the movement of the planets. Find out what's happening up there in the heavens so you can dictate your fate down here on Earth.
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Nurse Essentials is a podcast about all things nursing — from tips for making your next shift easier to advice on how to handle the big challenges you face. Whether you’re just starting your practice or have years of experience, we’ve got you covered.
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Featuring extended interviews with some of the biggest names in football and in-depth analysis of the latest talking points with Sky Sports' football journalists, dive deeper with the Essential Football podcast. Follow, like or subscribe today and make sure you don’t miss an episode.
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Podcast by EssentialOilsMovie
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Join Bryan Foster as he discusses the essentials of worship on each podcast. Bryan Foster is the Minister of Music at Faith Baptist Church in West End, NC. Bryan has been in music ministry for over 25 years and has a wealth of knowledge to share.
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A movement to better overall health geared towards the Pan-Asian community but ultimately to all that can benefit. As children of Asian immigrants, we were taught at an early age to not speak out and accept things as they are. Ikigai Essentials is a platform to inspire and empower others, particularly Asian Americans who may have felt similar pressures to conform or stay silent. Life is too precious to remain silent, so I am hopeful that by taking a step forward I am able to help reduce the ...
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Cruise expert, YouTuber and author Gary Bembridge helps you discover, plan and enjoy unforgettable cruise vacations with his tips packed show. For more visit http://www.youtube.com/tipsfortravellers and http://www.tipsfortravellers.com and look for his books including "The Cruise Traveler's Handbook" and "Essential Cruise Tips".
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Nicole Siller ist Sexualberaterin, Beziehungscoach und Autorin. Du möchtest Dein Liebesleben wieder lustvoll genießen? So wie gutes Essen? Facettenreich, überraschend, schmackhaft, bewährt? Ich möchte Dich in diesem Podcast inspirieren und anregen, Deine Sexualität sowie generell Dein Leben, weil das ja alles irgendwie zusammenhängt, genussvoll und selbst zu gestalten. Damit Du es (wieder?) richtig auskosten kannst. Natürlich ist das für jeden Menschen individuell. Da gibt es kein Richtig od ...
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Edufaith Essentials is an educational podcast dedicated to providing essential tips and knowledge about diverse learners: students with disabilities, Section 504, ESOL, MTSS/Response to Interventions, teaching, leadership, and current information. Edufaith Essentials' mission is to bring awareness, tips, and information to impact and promote inclusion in education positively. Edufaith Essentials aims to Restore Faith in Education, One Student at a Time.
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Gaumen Hoch führt Tischgespräche in einer gemütlichen Runde, die weiß: Essen ist nicht nur Nahrungsaufnahme – es ist Kultur, Emotion und Gemeinschaft. Und darüber darf und soll geredet werden. Aber keine Sorge: nicht mit vollem Mund.
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Neben Sex gibt es nichts Intimeres als Essen. Lebensmittel sind nichts Beiläufiges. Schließlich isst und trinkt jede und jeder von uns unglaubliche 1,5 Tonnen im Jahr. Von der Herstellung über Auswirkungen auf Klima und Nachhaltigkeit bis hin zu unserer eigenen Gesundheit: Was bewegt uns aktuell und in Zukunft, wenn es um die zweitschönste Sache im Leben geht? Hannes Royer und Maria Fanninger, das Gründungs-Duo von Land schafft Leben, unterhalten sich jede Woche mit spannenden Persönlichkeit ...
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Essential Grooves: Bringing you the hottest and latest in House/Tech House/Techno/Funky-Groove-Jackin/Nu Disco. Debuting in 2020 as monthly show with Deep Influence on MIX93FM has now expanded to a weekly show and the line up with the talents of Oscar Velazquez, Deanne, Mike Ivy, and surprise DJ take overs from time to time!. Keep it locked in as we take you on a musical journey.
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If you're going to learn about using essential oils safely, get your information from someone who doesn't profit from selling them. Lea Jacobson is an essential oil safety expert with the honor of educating over a million health-conscious families on safe remedies for themselves and their loved ones.
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Join Derek Hudson as he explores Essential Dynamics, a framework for approaching the challenges facing people and organizations. Consider your Quest!
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Join Gaby, Paul and their guests as they discuss All Things EUC. Each episode will bring a new story about EUC. An insight into designing solutions, an interview with an industry peer or maybe just a good old chat about EUC and daily life.
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This podcast is full of tools and inspirational messages that will help you explore how to create and manifest what you want through your core belief systems. You will learn to embrace all aspects of your natural abundance such as self love, life passion, financial satisfaction, and your ability to grow healthy relationships at home, in business and within your community.
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Welcome to Chasing the Essential, where we live for finding the greatest music there is, whether that means dusting off an album on your shelf or downloading a hot off the presses song on your phone. Great music is out there and it is our goal to find it and share it with you.
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Hello World!
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Welcome to Systems Essentials for Online Business Owners! I'm Samantha, here to help you organize and streamline your business operations so that you can save time and mental energy and focus on what you love to do! I'm so excited that you are here!
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Programa "Vida e Essência" Com Mayra Soares pela Rádio Cloud Coaching
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Wissen, Perspektiven & Hintergründe rund um eure Lebensmittel & die Menschen dahinter. Ehrliche und offene Gespräche direkt auf den Höfen, in den Unternehmen und bei den Menschen zu Hause. Wissen aus erster Hand, ungecoacht und authentisch, von denen, die es wissen müssen. Und ja, ein bisserl Humor darf auch nicht fehlen. Reicht doch, wenn der Rotwein trocken ist.
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This podcast details the experiences of medium, psychic, tarot reader, spirit photographer and activist Kaolin. Produced in collaboration with Northampton Open Media.
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In dieser Ausgabe des BauertothePeople Podcast war ich zu Gast bei Ubbo Looden im ostfriesischen Greetsiel. Und Ubbo hatte sein Leben lang einen besonderen Beruf. Er war nämlich Kapitän auf einem Krabbenkutter, seinem Krabbenkutter. Ubbo strahlt eine ganz besondere Ruhe aus, dass kann man sicher im Gespräch hören und bei uns auf YouTube auch sehen.…
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Es gibt unterschiedliche Gründe dafür, warum wir essen. Hunger ist wohl häufigste Grund. Aber auch Stress, Trauer oder Langeweile können Gründe für das sogenannte "Emotionale Essen" sein. Essen kann auch Glückshormone im Körper ausschütten. Mitunter kann die Lust zB auf Süßigkeiten aber nur eine Bewältigungsstrategie des Körper sein. In dieser Folg…
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In der allerersten Episode des Gaumen Hoch-Podcasts „Übers Essen spricht man nicht“ geben die Gründer:innen der Gemeinschaft Gaumen Hoch Einblicke in ihre Vision einer nachhaltigeren Gastronomie. Ihr Ziel: Menschen aus der Gastronomie, der Landwirtschaft und dem Handel eine Bühne zu geben, die sich für eine verantwortungsbewusste Ernährung einsetze…
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„Man muss manchmal ein Pionier sein und seinen eigenen Weg gehen, denn es nützt nichts, wenn man immer auf andere hört.“ Mit gerade einmal 21 Jahren hat David Kirchsteiger Neuland betreten und arbeitet am Aufbau einer Aquaponik. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Fischaufzucht bei gleichzeitiger Kultivierung von Nutzpflanzen: In einem Kreislauf reinigen…
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Britta L. leidet unter immer wiederkehrenden, genetisch bedingten Nierensteinen (Kalziumoxalatsteine). In der akuten Phase kommt es zu Koliken: Bauchkrämpfe, Übelkeit, Erbrechen und starke Schmerzen sind die Folge. Britta hat schon zahlreiche OPs hinter sich, ihr droht die Dialyse. Das will Ernährungs-Doc Viola Andresen verhindern. Konkret bedeutet…
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Die Wechseljahre sollten sich zur Popkultur entwickeln, ähnlich der Pubertät. Warum? Betrifft es uns doch alle, die so glücklich sind, länger zu leben. Langsam kommen sie aus der Tabuzone. Über die Menopause und ihre Phasen bei der Frau wird schon öfter geredet und geschrieben. Über die Andropause der Männer weniger. Zu beidem sagen wir Wechseljahr…
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Explorateur dans l'âme, chasseur de trésor ou à la recherche du cadeau parfait pour ces fêtes ? Prépare-toi à embarquer pour la PLUS grande quête de ta vie ! Retrouve Julie & Mag dans une nouvelle édition d’ESSENTIEL academy.由ESSENTIEL radio
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Guarding Your Heart U, Inc. Essential Church December 1, 2024由Essential Church
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A Herdade dos Grous faz 20 anos由Renascença
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 7, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY:The theatre is very crowded when t…
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A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle chapter 9 On The Great Alkali Plain by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY:After the Ferrier's…
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Berlin-based avant-guitarist Jules Reidy is known for creating elaborate, beautiful textures with their instrument, often in large washes of disorienting sound. As evidenced in several collaborations with previous guest of the show Oren Ambarchi, Reidy’s heavily-layered and highly-spiritual work–particularly on their newest release, Ghost/Spirit, w…
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"Well, here's a song I wrote when I was about a hundred and forty-four" - The Soundtrack of Our Lives Pete Donnelly Exploding Lightbulb Erik Voeks The Symmetry sparkle*jets u.k. Right Idea Old 97's Falling Down 20/20 Back to California Deer Tick Grey Matter Tommy Keene Tuesday Morning The Mighty Lemon Drops My Biggest Thrill Joe Strummer & The Lati…
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Send us a text Here's why using Slack and email to assign tasks to your virtual assistant might be holding you back, and what you should be doing instead. In today’s episode, I’ll discuss why Slack and email aren’t the best tools for managing tasks with your virtual assistant. Instead, I’m going to introduce you to a game-changing tool—Asana—that w…
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December kicks off with a vibrant New Moon in adventurous Sagittarius, inviting fresh starts and bold opportunities. This celestial alignment encourages optimism, independence, and a desire to expand your horizons. However, Mercury retrograde in the same sign adds a reflective twist—this isn't just about new beginnings but also revisiting unfinishe…
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Edición #1264 del paraíso del house de la FM mezclado y presentado por Diego Castillo donde sigue sonando su nuevo track 'Take Slow'. Además novedades de Riva Starr, CASSIMM, Chaka Kahn bajo el remix de Jet Boot Jack, Danny Tenaglia bajo el remix de Stuart Ojelay, Deep Dish, Deep Sea Cosmonauts bajo el remix de K-Klass, Definite Grooves x Crazy Flu…
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Essential Questions: Liverpool against Manchester City - would a win for The Reds spell the end of the title race?
Sky Sports’ Ron Walker, Peter Smith and Sam Blitz look ahead to Super Sunday’s big clash as Premier League leaders Liverpool host defending champions Manchester City, a match you can watch on Sky Sports from 4pm and follow on skysports.com.由Sky Sports
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Send us a text Psalm 100:4“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.” There is nothing that fills us up or fulfills us more than God’s presence. There is nothing that gets us into the presence of God faster than thanksgiving and praise. There is not a greater lost art in the B…
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In this podcast, Eckhart talks further about a necessary shift in consciousness. Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Hinduism all point to this message. Collectively, we’ve been reaching toward enlightenment for millennia. The Buddha taught that we are here to awaken. Jesus also emphasized the importance of staying awake. Each of these tradi…
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A place where joy and smiles are the order of the day as music lifts our spirits and souls由MacTee
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 6, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY: That evening at Dinner Lord Henry…
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Send us a text Here's How to Organize Your Digital Workspace for 2025. In this episode, I’m going to give you tips on how to organize your digital workspace in Asana, Google Drive, and even your email inbox, so you can hit the ground running in the new year. I’ll also be giving you actionable steps for setting up systems that will make everything r…
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AOT2 and Ugochi review the blockbuster movie 'Gladiator 2' and engage in a throwback about being grateful for the little things that happened in Nigeria. The suspension of two commissioners by the Ebonyi Governor and other news that made the rounds this week. OUTLINE 00:00 - Introduction 30:20 - Gratitude for little things in Nigeria 52:15 - Catch …
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A drinks package can easily add $1,000 or more to the cost of your seven-night cruise. They've become popular and cruise lines push cruisers hard to buy them, arguing they’re great value, but are they really? And who exactly should, and should not, be buying them and why? I highlight how to avoid falling into traps that so many cruisers do with dri…
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Essential Grooves: Bringing you the hottest and latest in House/Tech House/Techno/Funky-Groove-Jackin/Nu Disco. Debuting in 2020 as monthly show with Deep Influence on MIX93FM has now expanded to a weekly show and the line up with the talents of Oscar Velazquez, Deanne, Mike Ivy, and surprise DJ take overs from time to time!. Keep it locked in as w…
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Send us a text由Bryan Foster
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SUMMARY The concept of "You Incorporated" - examining whether we would keep our job if we were the CEO, CFO, or manager of our own lives. The issue of self-control and being "mastered" by things we desire, such as addictions, impulses, and cravings. The limitations of willpower and the ancient Greek philosophical idea of the "mind over matter" appr…
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Em destaque a melhor edição de sempre.da Essência do Vinho Lisboa由Renascença
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How this real estate company went from a "hot mess" to a clean, organized workspace: A Short 'n' Sweet Episode
Send us a text Let me tell you about this real estate company I recently did an Asana VIP Setup for. 🤩Wondering what you could accomplish with a systemized business using Asana? I'd love to show you what's possible!! Book your Asana VIP Setup today and get your central hub set up in only one day! Click here to get started. 🥳 ASANA RESOURCES & SUPPO…
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En el episodio de hoy charlamos con Maria Ruiz. Fisioterapeuta experta en obstetricia, embarazo y mujer. Espero que disfrutes de este podcast. Recuerda que también estamos: @essenta_fisiosaludhttps://essentafisiosalud.com/
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Wie sie die Gesellschaft herausfordern – und wie man ihnen begegnen sollte.Erfahrungen von sozialer Ausgrenzung sowie von Abstieg und Statusverlust haben einen großen Einfluss darauf, wie zufrieden Menschen mit der Demokratie sind und wie groß ihr Vertrauen in Politiker und Institutionen ist. Ziel der Politik muss es also sein, in Krisenzeiten ein …
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 5, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY:At Sibyl’s home, she dances around…
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Grias eich! Ich weiß nicht, wie es euch geht aber manche Erkenntnisse lassen zumindest bei mir, manchmal sehr lange auf sich warten. Ich habe sogar die Vermutung, dass es nicht nur “manche” sind, sondern - zumindest in meinem Fall - sehr viele, die da in der Zukunft sicher auch noch auf mich warten. Aber dafür gibt es ja die Ahaa!-Momente, nicht nu…
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Stress spielt in unserem Körper eine sehr große Rolle. Auch beim Essverhalten. Einerseits nehmen wir uns stressbedingt oft zu wenig Zeit zum essen. Andererseits reagiert der Körper ebenfalls auf den Stress. Was genau da im Körper geschieht, was positiv ist und was negativ - darüber spricht Cornelia in der neuen Folge. Auch mit wertvollen Tipps, wie…
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Tracklist: 1. Intro 2. Melanie De Biasio - Brother [Shunus remix] 3. Local Options - Be My Satellite [Original mix] 4. Arco - Melody Of Love [Lucas Keizer remix] 5. Sound quest ft. Moyo - Nilipaulendo [Deep Inc & Santi Touch deepah mixx] 6. David Kassi - Arahova [BIG AL Back from Arahova remix] 7. Added - Rumble In The Bronx [I. Katelanos remix] 8.…
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A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle chapter 8 On The Great Alkali Plain by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :Dhttps://ko-fi.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.patreon.com/theessentialreadshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfOFfvo05ElM96CmfsGsu3g/joinSUMMARY:Part 2 opens on a D…
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Send us a text People always ask me how I'm so efficient. In this short and sweet episode, I'll share my tips for you. 🥳 ASANA RESOURCES & SUPPORT: FREE SOP Bank Asana System Asana Organizational System Templates Organize & Streamline with Asana Essentials Custom Asana VIP Setup ✨WORK WITH ME: Back-pocket Support Custom Asana VIP Setup 🥰 CONNECT WI…
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"... and I got a clear and able mind that sees my life going fine" - Melissa Ferrick Myracle Brah Whisper Softly Josh Rouse Dressed Up Like Nebraska Tommy Keene Never Really Been Gone Goo Goo Dolls Broadway The Knack Terry & Julie Step Out The Plimsouls Dangerous Book The Connells Still Life Superdrag Sold You An Alibi Dada Beautiful Turnback Time …
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AOT2 and Ugochi catch up on the previous week and discuss every news that made the rounds. OUTLINE 00:00 - Introduction 06:54 - Catch up 58:17 - X of the week https://x.com/naija_pr/status/1858890767634170283?s=46&t=TONH6Zg-DUi2giubvg1cig 01:04:50 - Nudity on X 01:46:00 - Flop and Prop of the week由Global Village
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This week comes with a big vibe shift. From the murky waters of Scorpio, the Sun emerges and enters Sagittarius bringing light, joy, and some holiday magic. The big news though is that Pluto enters Aquarius and this time, it's for good, well at least for the next 20 years. With Pluto in the fixed air sign get ready for big-idea thinking, a speed-up…
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