"22 George Street" is a podcast that delves into the intriguing world where tradition and innovation intersect. It explores the stories and insights behind family businesses that break conventions and dare to innovate, ultimately making a mark on the global business stage. Through compelling storytelling and in-depth analysis, " "22 George Street" es un podcast que explora el fascinante mundo donde se encuentran la tradición y la innovación. Ofrece historias e ideas detrás de los negocios fa ...
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文本和更多内容 关注VX公众号和视频号:家森Jason The aim of this website is to provide you with good materials for IELTS and English Speaking. 品质原创雅思口语内容;每日更新
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《不摆了》是一档朋友之间聊天,关于一切的播客。「Technology is the campfire around which we tell our stories」我们希望成为那堆篝火。 另外可以可以通过邮件联系我们:bubaile17@gmail.com
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Laughing Together is a podcast where a quirky couple takes you on a hilarious journey through the ups, downs, and unexpected twists of married life. From laugh-out-loud stories to lighthearted (most of the time intense maybe!) debates, we share the joy, chaos, and love that make our relationship unique. Whether you're single, dating, or married, tune in for a dose of humor, heart, and the occasional quirky life lesson. Join us each week as we prove that laughter truly is the best medicine—es ...
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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没这样做过 I haven't done anything in that way before 充满 is filled with 在工作或者学习状态 at work or in study 我乐于...I am willing to
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记得清晰 remember things clearly 尤其在笔记本上 especially on the notebook 多亏现代科技 Thanks to modern technology 最好的方式 the best way
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童年生活可有意思啦 my childhood life could be very very fun 六岁之前 before I was at the age of six 玩耍 play around 和现在的生活完全不同 it was totally different from today's life
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适合 be right for 被分散精力 be very easily distracted 尤其是学习 especially on my study 在...前面 in front of
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本期节目,我们探讨了“婚姻中的爱与被爱”这一主题。从我们出国前在父母和身边人身上感受到的婚姻观念,到来到加拿大后的亲身经历,我们分享了从恋爱时的炽热激情,到婚姻中的柴米油盐和平淡真实。我们结合自身和身边朋友的故事,讨论了在不同文化背景下,对“爱”与“被爱”的理解是如何变化的。欢迎收听我们的分享,也敬请期待下一期,我们将聊聊加拿大的人际关系,并与国内进行对比。 In this episode, we explore the theme of "Love and Being Loved in Marriage." We discuss how our understanding of marriage was shaped by our parents and people around us …
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一整天 all day long 开车去任何地方 drive my car to anywhere that I want 爱坐车 I would be a passenger if possible 处理工作 cope with my regular work
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生活无聊 my life is quite boring 海外深造 in another country for further study 八卦之类的 some gossips or such 我可以接受 I am fine with it
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睡着之前 before I am trying to fall asleep 半夜打电话 make phone calls to me just in the mid of the night 持续很久 last very long 接电话 answer any calls
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喜欢吃热量和卡路里的东西 eating different kinds of calories and fat 炸鸡和奶酪汉堡 cheeseburgers and fried chickens 很难实现 it was really hard to get 坚持去做 carry on doing it forever
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年轻 at the young age 参加运动 Just take part in some sports 兴趣 passion and personal interest 厉害的职业生涯 successful career
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Britain: The sick man of Europe - How the UK Caught China’s Economic Disease? The Death of Spontaneous Order in Britain: From Free Markets to Bureaucratic Paralysis Welcome to 22 George Street. In this episode, we explore how Britain—once the global champion of free markets—has succumbed to the very bureaucratic stagnation it once criticized in Chi…
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《自发秩序》三部曲(一):英国病人——市场经济大溃败 描述: 欢迎来到 “乔治街22号” 播客,本期是**《自发秩序》三部曲的第一集,我们聚焦曾经自由市场的灯塔——英国,探讨它是如何一步步走向市场经济的溃败**。 从1688年光荣革命、19世纪工业革命,到维多利亚时代的自由放任(Laissez-faire),英国曾经依靠自由市场和法治成为全球霸主。然而,今天的英国却深陷高税收、高监管、政府干预的泥潭,资本与人才加速逃离,经济增长乏力,市场活力消失。这是市场自身的失灵,还是政府过度干预的必然结果? 📉 英国的问题有哪些? ✔️ 房地产市场崩溃:绿色带政策+租赁监管=房价飙升,年轻人买不起房 ✔️ 金融自由度下降:脱欧本应带来自由化,却因监管过度导致资本外逃 ✔️ 科技创新受限:AI、金融科技、…
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害羞 I'm too shy to do so 聪明 I'm a clever person 尴尬 it is a very embarrassing moment 没接触过的 I've never seen before or I've never touched before
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就位于... just right located in 搞一杯咖啡 grab a cup of coffee 坐在我的老位置 sitting in my same old spot 在那见面 meet up there
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本期 podcast《笑着聊吃》,Nadia和逗逗一起回忆了来到加拿大后的美食经历,分享了我们见过、吃过的各种美食,以及那些与食物相关的温馨小故事。 我们聊到了曾经一起去过的餐馆、尝过的特色菜肴,以及不同类型的美食文化带来的惊喜与感受。每道菜、每家餐厅都承载着一段回忆,让我们在异国尝试到了更多种类的饮食文化。我们还探讨了各自记忆中最深刻的味道,那些令人怀念的美食如何勾起过往的情感。 此外,我们也聊到有了孩子之后,饮食上的一些变化,比如对食物选择的考量、口味的调整,以及对健康饮食的关注。 最后,我们预告了下期精彩内容——来到加拿大后,身边发生的八卦与小故事,敬请期待! In this episode of the podcast Laughing and Talking About Food,…
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天生的 be born with 担心物质条件 worry about the material life 现实那些事 the reality or stuff like that 有野心的 ambitious
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大多数情况下 In most cases 去工作地方上班 travel to the real workplace 处理工作事项 deal with lots of things at work 充分利用免费无线网络 make full use of free wifi
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不经常这样 but we don't do that quite often 我的日常生活 my regular life 三口之家 I have a family of three 我们的好搭档 a good partner to us
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从未 I haven't done anything in that way before 很懒 because I am very lazy 不够明智 I don't think it's a smart decision 愿意 be willingly to
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感受与思考受基因控制——中国文明的隐形天花板. 为什么中国人麻木,活得没有人味?四年前的今天,中国进入全面封控,人们经历恐惧、愤怒、白纸运动。然而两年过去,一切仿佛从未发生,人们忙着在小红书和美国对账,封控的苦难似乎已被遗忘。这是为什么?中国社会的遗忘,是文化、基因、体制交织的结果?本期22 George Street,我将从哲学、神经科学、历史的角度,解析中国人为何不再反思。 🔬 科学研究发现: 📌 同理心、冒险精神、服从权威的倾向,部分受基因决定 📌 催产素受体基因(OXTR)影响人的共情能力,而东亚人群更倾向于服从秩序 📌 多巴胺受体基因(DRD4 7R)影响社会是否敢于变革,而东亚人的 7R 变异极低 📌 基因 VS. 文化:是什么让中国人更难反思? 黑格尔说:中国的历史不是进步,而…
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选择 go with b溃 drive me crazy 比如下载一个播客 then like a podcast for example 戒掉 give up
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我不是一个安静的人 I'm not a quiet person 热闹生活适合我 the noisy life would be right for me 户外活动 the outdoor activities 释放压力 release the bad emotions
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二十岁的年纪 I'm at the age of twenty 机会 opportunities for 轻松做改变 make the change very easily 充满活力 I could be very energetic
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在本期《笑着看秀》中,我们一起回顾了没有 Netflix 时代的电视真人秀节目。从中国的经典到英语世界的热门,我们讨论了那些影响我们观剧习惯的喜剧、爱情、真人秀和美食节目,并分享了我们个人的看法和感受。下期节目精彩预告:我们将聊聊中加两国的饮食文化差异,分享亲身经历与趣味故事,敬请期待! In this episode of Laughing Together, we take a nostalgic look at TV reality shows before the era of Netflix. From Chinese classics to English favorites, we discuss the comedy, romance, reality, and cookin…
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春节假期 it is just in the spring festival 走亲访友 visit my relatives 去长途旅行 go on a long journey 无聊 Quite boring life
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民族是天生的,还是被发明的?我们常常认为自己的民族身份是固定的,然而,历史、文化、政治认同的塑造,往往比血统和基因更加关键。 本期 22 George Street,我们从民族发明学的角度,探讨汉族、回族的形成机制,以及“共族”是否正在成为中国的第 57 个民族? 为什么汉族并非一个单一民族,而是一个不断扩展的文化共同体?回族的民族身份如何由宗教信仰定义,而非血统?而在中国,是否存在一个新的政治共同体,以高度统一的意识形态、行为模式、经济认同,逐步演化为一个民族? 如果回族的认同是宗教信仰,汉族的认同是文化传统,那么推崇共产主义的共族小粉红和老粉红是不是也已经符合种族发明的条件? 百年之后的人们看现在是不是一段共族政教合一的历史? 更重要的是,历史上东德、摩尔多瓦、俄罗斯的经验告诉我们:即使…
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Why do some Chinese people get offended when you say "Happy Lunar New Year" instead of "Happy Chinese New Year"? In recent years, the Chinese government has pushed for exclusive recognition of "Chinese New Year", rejecting the broader term that acknowledges the festival’s shared East Asian heritage. But is Lunar New Year really a Chinese-only tradi…
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近年来,一些中国人开始坚持将春节翻译为“中国新年”(Chinese New Year),抗议“农历新年”(Lunar New Year)的称呼,认为被种族歧视,声称春节是中国文化的独有标志。但事实真的如此吗?春节的历史远比我们以为的更加多元,它不仅属于中国,也属于韩国、越南、新加坡等多个东亚和东南亚国家,甚至连中国人使用的农历也是西方传教士制定的。本期播客,我们将一起探讨春节的起源、历法的演变、丝绸之路的文化交流。春节应该成为连接世界的文化桥梁,而不是身份政治与仇恨的工具。 🎧 立即收听 22 George Street,解锁春节的真正意义! 🔗 #春节 #农历新年 #文化交流由22 George Street
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现在 At the moment 妈妈人美心善 she is very gentle and nice 有分歧 have some disagreements 一个温暖的拥抱 give me a warm hug
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应该能应该能 It can be it can be 擅长 I am pretty good at 坏运气走开 bad emotions or fatigues would be certainly gone 愿意和我讲话 be willingly to talk to me
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曾经很痴迷 I used to be really crazy about 下载1000本 download more than 1000 books a time 有点意思 quite fun 必然困啊 I would feel very sleepy for sure
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讨厌自己呆着 I hate spending time alone 喜欢音乐 I am a super fan of music 喜欢刷TIKTOK spending some time on TIKTOK too 不喜欢啥也不干 I hate doing nothing at all
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两个理由 Two reasons can be identified 做改变 make the change about their current life 或许遇到工作机会 probably meet certain opportunities for regular work 旅游火了很多年啦 this phenomenon has been popular for years
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睡得好 I could sleep well 活力满满 that means, I must be full of energy then 吃个早午饭 And I could have a perfect brunch 辛苦的一天儿 my tough day
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在本期《笑着追剧》中,我们聊了聊各自喜欢的不同国家的电视剧类型,分享了作为夫妻的追剧心得。从个人推荐到我们对不同剧集风格的总结,带你一起回顾这些电视剧的独特魅力。快来听听我们的对比和讨论,看看到底哪些剧集能打动你!另外,别忘了锁定下一期,我们将聊一聊精彩的真人秀节目! In this episode of Laughing Through Shows, we explore our favorite TV shows from different countries and dive into the types of shows we each enjoy as a couple. From personal recommendations to the unique traits we’…
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或许可以 I would probably say yes 如果他们穿上 if they try them on 讲真 seriously 这货消失了 he is disappearing too
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过十九岁的生日 when I just had my nineteenth birthday 收到的唯一礼物 that was the only gift I received 放空 rest my mind without thinking anything 搞点啤酒 grabbed some beers
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强烈推荐两个方式 Two ways are highly recommended 别孩怕 don't be afraid 知行和一 they should do as what they think 保持联络 keep in touch with
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每个周末都想开车旅行 go on the car trip almost every weekend 好处 good points 火车票 train tickets 太贵 too ridiculous expensive
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很久 for a long time 扔掉 just throw them away 崭新 brand new every day 活力满满 be full of energy
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有难度 a bit challenging for me 之前一天 the day before 之后一天 the day after 很难管理时间 it's very hard for me to manage my time
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与众不同 they are different 希望 自由 鼓励 hope, freedom and encouragement 强迫我 force me 表示尊重 show respect to
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In this festive episode of Laughing Together, we dive into the joys and chaos of celebrating both Canadian Christmas and Chinese New Year as a multicultural family. From heartwarming moments with the kids during the holidays to hilarious mishaps that only parents can truly understand, we share our personal experiences and unique traditions. We'll e…
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期末来临 When the final comes 期末成绩更好 my final results would be much better then 参加 take part in 提升工作效率 improve my efficiency at work
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粗来玩 hang out and spend a good time in the coffee shop or cinema 有人打扰 get disturbed 放空 resting my mind without doing anything 孤独寂寞冷 feeling bored and lonely
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传统色彩 traditional colors 心情不美丽 I would be in a bad mood too 兴奋有活力 feel very excited and energetic 不然 otherwise
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跟好朋友借过钱 I used to get some money from my best friend 帮助我 helped me out 不聪明的决定 I don't think it is a smart decision 珍惜友情 cherish your friendship
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