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"22 George Street" is a podcast that delves into the intriguing world where tradition and innovation intersect. It explores the stories and insights behind family businesses that break conventions and dare to innovate, ultimately making a mark on the global business stage. Through compelling storytelling and in-depth analysis, " "22 George Street" es un podcast que explora el fascinante mundo donde se encuentran la tradición y la innovación. Ofrece historias e ideas detrás de los negocios fa ...
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Pub On Air 空中酒吧是一個全新的Podcast,由一群旅英或是曾經旅英的台灣人製作,以英國特有的酒吧社交文化為節目形式,討論與台灣有關的社會議題,關注公共參與的各種挑戰、討論國際新聞的不同觀點。製作團隊將在這一系列的Podcast中,訪問、討論、思辨與台灣息息相關的社會議題,誠摯邀請你/妳來一起喝一杯(誤)。
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停課不停學的妳(你)需要喝一杯咖啡的時候 長輩/小孩和你(妳)都可以一起學習英文和台語 洽談合作: pumaerin@gmail.com Firstory贊助:https://pay.firstory.me/user/iamnotabcerin "music by audionautix.com". Youtobe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH4AXBxdVWNmtETsk3LwSbw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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show series
Why do some Chinese people get offended when you say "Happy Lunar New Year" instead of "Happy Chinese New Year"? In recent years, the Chinese government has pushed for exclusive recognition of "Chinese New Year", rejecting the broader term that acknowledges the festival’s shared East Asian heritage. But is Lunar New Year really a Chinese-only tradi…
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①China announces month-long online shopping event for Spring Festival ②Surging number of foreign tourists enter Hainan visa-free in 2024 ③China to have national data infrastructure in place by 2029 ④Chinese scientists pioneer climate-smart crop breeding to combat global warming ⑤Beijing Central Axis to open more heritage spaces to public ⑥A Thousan…
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民族是天生的,还是被发明的?我们常常认为自己的民族身份是固定的,然而,历史、文化、政治认同的塑造,往往比血统和基因更加关键。 本期 22 George Street,我们从民族发明学的角度,探讨汉族、回族的形成机制,以及“共族”是否正在成为中国的第 57 个民族? 为什么汉族并非一个单一民族,而是一个不断扩展的文化共同体?回族的民族身份如何由宗教信仰定义,而非血统?而在中国,是否存在一个新的政治共同体,以高度统一的意识形态、行为模式、经济认同,逐步演化为一个民族? 如果回族的认同是宗教信仰,汉族的认同是文化传统,那么推崇共产主义的共族小粉红和老粉红是不是也已经符合种族发明的条件? 百年之后的人们看现在是不是一段共族政教合一的历史? 更重要的是,历史上东德、摩尔多瓦、俄罗斯的经验告诉我们:即使…
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近年来,一些中国人开始坚持将春节翻译为“中国新年”(Chinese New Year),抗议“农历新年”(Lunar New Year)的称呼,认为被种族歧视,声称春节是中国文化的独有标志。但事实真的如此吗?春节的历史远比我们以为的更加多元,它不仅属于中国,也属于韩国、越南、新加坡等多个东亚和东南亚国家,甚至连中国人使用的农历也是西方传教士制定的。本期播客,我们将一起探讨春节的起源、历法的演变、丝绸之路的文化交流。春节应该成为连接世界的文化桥梁,而不是身份政治与仇恨的工具。 🎧 立即收听 22 George Street,解锁春节的真正意义! 🔗 #春节 #农历新年 #文化交流由22 George Street
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①China to promote use of humanoid robots for elderly care ②China delivers first batch of homegrown, mass-produced large civil UAVs ③Chinese researchers complete world's largest snow leopard population survey spanning 360,000 square km ④Paddy-field remains dating back 8,000 years discovered in China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is strategy game Go so charm…
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①More zebrafish to swim in China's space station ②Chinese astronomical observatory discovers new comet ③Humanoid robots to participate in half-marathon, sports events in Beijing ④China's national mangrove germplasm resource bank starts construction ⑤Winter sports industry injects vitality into SW Chinese city ⑥A Thousand Whys: Feeling bored? Try th…
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①China rolls out measures to boost cultural, tourism consumption ②First Chinese-made large cruise ship to set sail from Qingdao ③China in need of over 31 million of smart manufacturing workers by 2035: report ④Chinese scientists work on first flag capable of waving on Moon ⑤Major lake in China's industrial hub records best water in decades ⑥A Thous…
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①Beijing opens airport service counters for foreign travelers ②China's Chengdu plans to build laboratory for police bionic robots ③Chinese researchers develop green, effective pesticide formulation ④Great Wall's most dangerous section to launch 1st tourist route ⑤In Shaanxi, a long-buried Han Dynasty tomb is a study in power ⑥A Thousand Whys: How d…
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①China sets up first medical large model application testing center in Shanghai ②New cross-regional computing service hub officially in operation in west China ③NW China dinosaur tracks reveal Cretaceous behaviors ④Study reveals tiny plastic particles' impact on terrestrial food webs ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the holiday system worked in ancient China?…
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①Chinese scientists make breakthrough in dynamic wireless charging efficiency ②China's first homegrown large cruise ship receives 600,000 inbound and outbound visits ③China unveils facial recovery of ancient human skulls ④Longest city road discovered at 3,000-year-old ancient China capital site ⑤A Thousand Whys: Is human nature good or evil?…
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①19 foreigners among China's first officially certified hotpot chefs ②China's online literature rakes in over 605-million-USD in overseas revenue in 2023 ③Longest cross-sea bridge in China's Guangxi opens to traffic ④Historical archery tower in Beijing opens to public ⑤Long-awaited discovery of ancient walls offers insights into China's earliest dy…
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①China to accelerate construction of open, unified transportation market ②WeChat QR payment access expanded for visitors to Chinese mainland ③Chang'e-6 samples reveal rebound in moon's magnetic field ④Scientists uncover mysteries of life evolution on early Earth ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why facing the south matters?…
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①China to implement 3-year action plan to optimize consumer environment ②China's ancient capital Xi'an launches two direct int'l air routes ③Asteroid named after ancient Chinese mathematician ④Bamboo slips reveal governance ideology of ancient China ⑤Smart robotic arm inspired by elephant nose, octopus tentacle ⑥Ancient climate crisis offers warnin…
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Why do the Chinese often appear to struggle with criticism? In this episode of 22 George Street, we explore why criticism, especially from Western nations, often provokes defensive responses from China. From phrases like “What about America’s racial inequality?” to “What about Britain’s colonial past?”, these rebuttals reveal more than mere defensi…
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欢迎来到本期《22 George Street》。在这一期节目中,我们将聚焦一个引人深思的话题:为什么中国人受不了批评?“天下乌鸦一般黑”“你怎么不看看美国?”这些中国式反应看似为问题辩护,但其实反映了深层的文化和心理结构。我们通过深入探讨,分析了这些现象背后的多重原因,包括集体主义文化的根深蒂固、面子文化对个人与集体形象的极度关注、华夷之辨历史观对外界批评的敏感性,以及儒家思想中情感化的国家认知如何模糊了治理责任。为什么批评在中国社会中常常被视为对集体形象的威胁?从历史到现实,文化因素与心理防御如何交织成一种对批评高度敏感的社会现象?我们结合启蒙运动的精神和社会科学的成果,揭示了“比烂”逻辑如何妨碍对问题的深度探讨,也分析了为何面对外界批评时,中国人更倾向于情绪化防御,而非理性回应。批评不…
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①China's trade-in program boosts consumer goods sales by over 1 trillion yuan ②Largest "ro-ro" auto terminal in Yangtze River basin goes operational ③Spherical robot joins police patrols in east China city ④Over 97,000 massive open online courses available in China: Ministry of Education ⑤Beijing opens 2 more mausoleums of Ming emperors to public ⑥…
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①Mega cross-sea passage in Greater Bay Area opens to traffic ②China unveils commemorative coins to celebrate upcoming Chinese New Year ③'It's the moon's fault': "da nian san shi" to be skipped for next 5 years ④Rescued wild elephant calf in SW China makes good recovery ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people "count in nines" in winter?…
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①China sets up first quantum computing-empowered medicine research institute ②China's modified AG50 light-sport aircraft makes maiden flight ③Chinese tourist arrivals to Cambodia up 52.5 pct in first 10 months of 2024 ④Shanghai to hold F1 Chinese Grand Prix until 2030 ⑤16 crested ibises returned from Japan settle at Beijing Zoo ⑥Research discovers …
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欢迎收听《22 George Street》,我是乔治。在今天的节目中,我们将深入探讨一种在中国文化与外交中极具代表性的现象——“寻找幕后黑手”的思维模式。这种思维不仅塑造了中文网络文化中“汉奸”“行走的50万”“拿了CIA 16亿”等充斥舆论场的流行说法,还深刻影响了中国在国际事务中的决策逻辑,尤其是在选择盟友和处理国际关系时的策略取向。我们将从历史、文化和政治三个维度剖析这种思维的来源。为什么“幕后黑手”的概念在中国文化中如此根深蒂固?从封建王朝的权力斗争到现代政治运动,中国历史充满了“阴谋论”色彩:政权更迭背后总有“幕后推手”,从“邪教蛊惑人心”到“境外势力干涉内政”,复杂的社会问题往往被简化为外部操控的结果。这种思维逻辑如何在现代中国的网络舆论场中得到强化?它如何影响了普通人对不同意…
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①Generative AI product user base in China reaches 230 mln ②China to see 100,000 eVTOLs for taxi and personal use by 2030: industry report ③10 Chinese online literature works added to British Library collection ④Remnants of ancient city gate found in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: What's so special about doornails in China?…
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欢迎收听本期《22 George Street》。在中文互联网的世界里,“举报”这个词的频繁出现,可能也包括本播客的留言区. 举报已经成为中国一种独特的社会现象, 无论是在网络还是现实,“举报”所代表的行为早已超越了简单的规则监督,成为一个复杂的中国文化符号。本期节目,我们将聚焦中国的举报文化,从哲学、历史和社会学的角度,探讨这一现象与中国人深层次的心理文化之间的联系。为什么举报文化在中国不仅没有被抵制,反而被利用为打击异己和发泄心理不满的有力工具?从哲学角度看,零和思维让人们将成功视为对自己资源的威胁;从历史角度看,科举制度和高度竞争的社会环境培育了揭发对手的心理惯性;从社会学角度看,差序格局下的关系竞争将嫉妒心理渗透到人际网络之中。在这样的文化背景下,社会主义制度中本已压迫性的举报机制得…
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This episode of 22 George Street discuss the unique and pervasive culture of reporting in China and its implications for foreign businesses and society. Beginning with the challenges faced by international companies operating in China—ranging from controversies over Xinjiang cotton to disputes about maps including the South China Sea—the podcast hi…
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①Beijing, its neighbors launch ice and snow season ②Largest drone-testing airspace in N China approved to bolster emerging economy ③Chinese scientists find a way to effectively remove plastic contaminants in water ④China's first overseas atmospheric background station starts operation in Antarctica ⑤Over 300 endangered storks spotted in north China…
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This episode of 22 George Street begins with reflections on the missed opportunities for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting the role of compromise in political progress. Drawing parallels to China, the discussion delves into the cultural and historical factors that inhibit compromise within its political system. From the Empres…
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En este episodio de 22 George Street, exploramos cómo las cifras oficiales de crecimiento económico de China, a menudo infladas, contrastan con datos independientes como las observaciones satelitales de luces nocturnas. Analizamos cómo estos datos revelan que el crecimiento reportado de China podría estar sobreestimado en un 50% en las últimas déca…
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In this episode of 22 George Street, we discuss how information censorship in China profoundly shapes cognitive frameworks and worldviews. With only 1-5% of global knowledge available in Chinese and heavily filtered through firewalls and AI surveillance, the result is an insular information ecosystem that limits critical thinking and nuanced unders…
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This episode of 22 George Street examines the global trend of decoupling from China and its parallels in personal interactions with individuals deeply rooted in traditional Chinese thought patterns. We discuss the challenges of engaging with such mindsets, including rigid hierarchy, transactional relationships, and expectations of ideological confo…
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在当今全球化遭遇挑战的背景下,“与中国脱钩”已成为国际社会讨论的热点。然而,脱钩不仅是国家之间的策略,也与个人选择息息相关。本期《22 George Street》深入探讨了与中国人交往可能带来的隐性风险,并从文化、社会和政治多个维度剖析这些风险的来源。我们揭示了中国社会的思维模式如何塑造了人际交往中的工具性逻辑、等级框架以及对一致性的极端要求。这种交往方式不仅让互动充满紧张和不确定性,更可能引发误解和冲突。通过引入哲学和社会学的视角,本期节目探讨了为什么远离老中并不是种族歧视或偏见,而是一种基于理性和现实的选择。面对高度工具化的关系模式、举报文化的盛行以及对权力的崇拜,如何通过审慎的交往策略来降低个人风险?如果你正试图理解在跨文化交往中的困境与挑战,本期节目将为你提供深刻的思考和启示。…
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在本期《22 George Street》中,我们聚焦中国文化中禁欲与吃苦的执着,以及这种价值观如何深刻影响了中国人的反思方式。从曾国藩日记中对女色的自责,到“吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”的传统观念,我们可以看到,这种浅薄的自省方式不仅局限了个体的精神成长,还成为强化社会等级、掩盖制度问题的工具。我们将探讨这种价值观的历史与文化根源,揭示为何禁欲与苦难崇拜在中国文化中被塑造成道德高地。同时,结合宗教改革和启蒙运动的思想,我们深入剖析西方社会如何通过质疑传统、追求个人自由和幸福,摆脱了中世纪的禁欲与苦修观念,走向理性和创造的新时代。本期节目不仅反思了传统价值观的局限,更提供了重新定义反思本质的启发。我们探讨了反思如何超越简单的自责和忍耐,转向对自由、幸福,以及个人与社会关系的深层审视。通过启蒙哲学…
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①New exhibition in Beijing offers glimpse into ancient Greece ②China Railway launches rail transport trial for electric vehicle batteries ③Beijing Daxing airport handles 4 million international passenger trips this year ④Chinese scientists discover impact crater on mountain ridge for first time ⑤World's captive panda population hits 757 ⑥A Thousand…
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In this episode of 22 George Street, we explore how the deeply rooted hierarchical value system (阶级差序) shapes Chinese society. From probing questions about status to relentless power dynamics, we discuss how these behaviors stem from Confucian ideals that prioritize rank and dominance. We trace the historical and philosophical roots of this mindset…
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寄生型人生观的陷阱——中国人的精神剖析. 在本期《22 George Street》中,我们聚焦中国社会中深刻存在的一种现象——寄生型人生观。通过三个层面的分析,我们揭示了这一人生观如何塑造了中国人的精神世界:对权威的依赖使人拒绝成长,操纵他人的习惯让关系变得工具化,而贪婪的无止境扩张则让社会陷入资源内耗与信任危机。这一寄生型人生观不仅源于传统文化的影响,还反映了一种对现代性与独立精神的深刻抗拒。通过与西方哲学、价值观的对比,我们探讨了中国社会在前现代思维中的困局,以及为何“越拥有,越空虚”的恶性循环难以打破。如果你想理解中国社会为何难以走出传统模式,或想反思寄生型思维对个人自由与社会发展的影响,这期节目将带你看到更深层的逻辑与背景。寄生型人生观的背后,是权威的幽灵与信仰的缺席。唯有打破对外…
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①Quirky science award celebrates the power of curiosity ②New site of Natural History Museum of China to open in 2029 ③Olive seeds from China's space station germinate on Earth ④East China province poised to build bulk commodity hub ⑤South China metropolis plans more gender-neutral toilets to ease long waits for women ⑥A Thousand Whys: Did ancient C…
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In this episode of 22 George Street, we embark on a thought-provoking journey: what if Chinese Buddhism experienced a transformative reformation akin to Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation? We delve into the historical, cultural, and spiritual dynamics of Chinese Buddhism, exploring how its deep entanglement with power and hierarchy has led to s…
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在本期《22 George Street》中,我们深入探讨了中国社会独特的阶级差序文化及其深远的影响。这种根植于历史和文化的“恶风”不仅塑造了中国人的价值观,也驱动了社会的日常运行。从打探隐私到攀附权力,再到彼此互害,这些行为背后是阶级差序逻辑的深刻渗透。我们分析了为什么中国社会看似稳定的差序结构,其实是一台无情的“绞肉机”,将所有人卷入攀比与内耗的循环之中。这种文化不仅导致个人尊严的牺牲,也严重阻碍了社会的创新和信任的建立。本期节目中,我们还将这种前现代的价值观与启蒙运动后的西方现代价值观进行了对比。通过回顾洛克的社会契约论和康德的自主性理念,我们探讨了平等与自由如何成为现代社会的基石,同时揭示了中国社会为何难以摆脱零和思维和互害文化。在国际关系中,这种差序逻辑又如何影响中国的行为模式,使…
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①Blossoming pet cafes across China serve joy, warmth ②China's leading science institution launches international program on synthetic cells ③Chinese researchers advance understanding of mechanisms behind allergic diseases ④Chinese archaeologists reconstruct 5,000-year-old ancestor's face via 3D technology ⑤A Thousand Whys: Things you should know to…
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①"Chinese hamburger" toys captivate youth with creative design, consumption scenarios ②Hong Kong Int'l airport to open third runway on Nov. 28 ③Chinese scientists design membranes to recover oil, water for waste treatment ④How a Chinese city brings ancient trees back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why did Sichuan food stand out among all other cuisines …
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①Heilongjiang eyes ice-and-snow boost ahead of 9th Asian Winter Games ②Working group for low-altitude economy established in Shenzhen ③Bonded aircraft repair takes off in China's Xinjiang ④Scientists' new finding challenges current ice sheet modelling ⑤Snow leopards spotted in China's Yunnan for first time ⑥A Thousand Whys: How did ancient Chinese …
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①China, Canada to increase direct flights to satisfy travel, trade demands ②Robotic grippers designed to handle delicate living things ③China turns out its self-developed tunnel boring machine with biggest diameter ④Rare flying squirrel species found in China's Xizang ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why could hot pot solve everything for Chinese?…
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①China, New Zealand launch fast patent grant program ②Hong Kong optimizes admissions schemes for global talent ③Harbin extravaganza to expand ahead of ninth Asian Winter Games ④Package sales stimulate hotel market as off-season looms ⑤New study uncovers evolution of China's largest desert ⑥A Thousand Whys: Fun Chinese facts you should know about sn…
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In this episode of 22 George Street, we explore the unique worldview that has shaped China’s perception of itself and its place in the world for centuries. Known as the “Middle Kingdom,” China historically saw itself as the cultural and political center of civilization, with a worldview similar to medieval Europe’s geocentrism, where all things rev…
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欢迎来到《22 George Street》!今天我们将从哲学视角切入,探讨中国人的“地心说”世界观。这种世界观根植于等级结构和“天朝上国”的自我定位,造就了独特的文化框架。无论是鲁迅、柏杨的自我批判,还是巴罗这样的西方观察者,他们的记录让我们看到,中国人的视角和思维方式常常受制于对自我中心的坚守,类似于欧洲中世纪的“地心说”模式。在本期节目中,我们将探讨中国人的“三位一体”——以等级为基础的世界观、价值观和人生观。通过解读这些互相支撑的思想支柱,我们揭示中国人独特的心态和行为模式。这种世界观如何塑造了中国人在现代社会中的应对方式?它带来了哪些内在限制?欢迎一起踏上这场思想之旅,理解中国的过去,剖析中国的现在,预见中国的未来。…
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①Record-high delegations, athletes expected to participate in 9th Asian Winter Games ②China kicks off month-long consumption campaign in five big cities ③China's Shenzhen to prioritize AI, NEV, biomedical industries ④Dinosaur fossils found in Hong Kong for 1st time ⑤A Thousand Whys: How do Chinese people celebrate the Start of Winter?…
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①Flying car factory breaks ground in south China's Guangdong ②China's scenic mountains' new workforce for transportation: robot dog porters ③Expedition extends known length of Asia's longest cave to 437 km ④Sanya set to welcome China's National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities ⑤Giant panda pair gifted to Hong Kong come out of quarantine ⑥A Th…
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①Beijing's payment facilitation services benefit international visitors ②Beijing plans to vastly expand autonomous driving test area ③China's first provincial germplasm resource bank in full operation ④Neolithic human settlement site discovered in north China ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is it like to live in a Beijing quadrangle?…
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