这是一档关注日本消费与生活的节目,由蓝莓评测编辑部与长期旅居京都的妮子共同打造。 我们希望通过不同品牌背后的故事、主播们与品牌之间产生的真实链接,陪你一起深度探索别样和风。 微信搜索并关注「蓝莓评测」公众号,发现更多消费灵感。
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The world is changing fast, but you can learn it at a slower pace.
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我们是Annie和Kerin, 两个北京姑娘,我俩从大一18岁开始认识,是最好的朋友,彼此了解。 Annie是一名住在北京的中文老师,有自己的Youtube频道Story learning Chinese with Annie, 适合初级和中级的汉语学习者。 Kerin曾经是中文老师,现在住在伦敦,中西家庭16年,喜欢分享中西不同的文化,有自己的Youtube频道 Kerin在伦敦和Kerin-in-London。 现在我们两人联手打造一款新的学习汉语分享文化的频道,帮助海内外朋友提高汉语,了解中国文化。 欢迎随时和我们联系[email protected] [email protected]
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欢迎来到小帅宇宙!佐治亚小帅是一档关于北美华人和美国亚裔的故事访谈播客,我们在这里探讨移民和落地生根。用鲜活的故事,让更多人看到更多的可能性。佐治亚小帅会是2025最不可错过的宝藏中文播客。节目关心华人在北美如何 Survive and Thrive。节目关心华人在北美如何 Survive and Thrive。节目嘉宾是在美国或者加拿大生活(过)的华人和亚裔,在这里我们聊北美生活,搞钱,创业,副业和爬梯。曾获得喜马拉雅2024年度特色播客。 Welcome to Xiaoshuai-verse! Asian Answers with Xiaoshuai is a Chinese podcast. The host Xiaoshuai interviews Asian Americans across the United States and Canada biweekly. East or west, Xiaoshuai is the best. #Contact 小红书/推特: xiaoshuaifm Newsletter(读书/投资/内容创作):https://li ...
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"22 George Street" is a podcast that delves into the intriguing world where tradition and innovation intersect. It explores the stories and insights behind family businesses that break conventions and dare to innovate, ultimately making a mark on the global business stage. Through compelling storytelling and in-depth analysis, " "22 George Street" es un podcast que explora el fascinante mundo donde se encuentran la tradición y la innovación. Ofrece historias e ideas detrás de los negocios fa ...
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Pub On Air 空中酒吧是一個全新的Podcast,由一群旅英或是曾經旅英的台灣人製作,以英國特有的酒吧社交文化為節目形式,討論與台灣有關的社會議題,關注公共參與的各種挑戰、討論國際新聞的不同觀點。製作團隊將在這一系列的Podcast中,訪問、討論、思辨與台灣息息相關的社會議題,誠摯邀請你/妳來一起喝一杯(誤)。
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停課不停學的妳(你)需要喝一杯咖啡的時候 長輩/小孩和你(妳)都可以一起學習英文和台語 洽談合作: [email protected] Firstory贊助:https://pay.firstory.me/user/iamnotabcerin "music by audionautix.com". Youtobe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH4AXBxdVWNmtETsk3LwSbw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Daily Quote To get everything you want is not a good thing. Disease makes health seem sweet. Hunger leads to the appreciation of being full-fed. Tiredness creates the enjoyment of resting. (Heraclitus) Poem of the Day 鹧鸪天•元夕有所梦 姜夔 Beauty of Words Genius Sacrificed for Failure William N. Brown
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①China's Chang'e-7 mission to land on lunar south pole for water ice search: report ②Chinese scientists develop new AI model for cyclone forecast ③China unveils first guidelines on NEV insurance ④This Spring Festival, travelers are swiping right — on each other's homes ⑤A Thousand Whys: The charm and magic behind Chinese calligraphy…
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4: 春节送礼难?礼物选择、亲戚关系与十年变化大揭秘!Struggling with Spring Festival Gifts? The Truth About Gift Choices. (B2)
In today’s episode, we explore one of the most anticipated—yet sometimes stressful—traditions of the Chinese New Year (春节): gift-giving. Whether it’s visiting relatives or showing appreciation, giving and receiving gifts during the Spring Festival is a big part of the celebration, but it also comes with its own set of pressures. We’ll discuss: The …
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Why do some Chinese people get offended when you say "Happy Lunar New Year" instead of "Happy Chinese New Year"? In recent years, the Chinese government has pushed for exclusive recognition of "Chinese New Year", rejecting the broader term that acknowledges the festival’s shared East Asian heritage. But is Lunar New Year really a Chinese-only tradi…
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本期特别嘉宾是 佐治亚州众议院议员 Matt Reeves,他代表佐治亚州第 99 选区,包括 Duluth、Suwanee 和 Sugar Hill 地区。在 2024 年大选中,他成功连任,赢得了自己的首次连任之战。 Matt Reeves, a Georgia State House Representative, serves District 99, which includes Duluth, Suwanee, and Sugar Hill. In the 2024 election, he secured his first re-election victory and continues to represent the district with dedication. …
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写在最前面:整个2月份,我们都会在小宇宙评论区进行抽奖,精选评论将获得超fun中文脱口秀北美巡演免费门票。 本期嘉宾是Rachel 47,我们聊了她的裸辞做海外中文脱口秀的历程,尤其是最近搞了一件大事:做了独立综艺,海外版“脱口秀大会”。快来听,因为听开心的人聊天会让你获得开心的一周! 提示:参与制作的工作人员,或者参与录制的观众朋友们,快快快快转发起来吧!!! 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) Rachel Shi 侍奇(网名47),纽约拉疯喜剧CrazyLaugh创始人 节目链接: Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@crazylaughcomedy/videos B站:https://space.bilibili.com/1597325597 小红书:Rachel4747…
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①Beijing English Map launched for trial operation ②Training facility for humanoid robots launched in Shanghai ③China's Hainan commercial launch site to build two new launch pads ④Chinese scientists advance development of High-energy Underwater Neutrino Telescope ⑤China expands mangrove forest coverage amid conservation efforts ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why…
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Daily Quote People always entrust their happiness to the future, which slips away unnoticed. (Albert Camus) Poem of the Day Without You By Hermann Hesse Beauty of Words 春燕归来 厉彦林
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Daily Quote The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself. (Charlotte Brontë) Poem of the Day And Death Shall Have No Dominion Dylan Thomas Beauty of Words 醒心亭记 曾巩
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Britain: The sick man of Europe - How the UK Caught China’s Economic Disease? The Death of Spontaneous Order in Britain: From Free Markets to Bureaucratic Paralysis Welcome to 22 George Street. In this episode, we explore how Britain—once the global champion of free markets—has succumbed to the very bureaucratic stagnation it once criticized in Chi…
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《自发秩序》三部曲(一):英国病人——市场经济大溃败 描述: 欢迎来到 “乔治街22号” 播客,本期是**《自发秩序》三部曲的第一集,我们聚焦曾经自由市场的灯塔——英国,探讨它是如何一步步走向市场经济的溃败**。 从1688年光荣革命、19世纪工业革命,到维多利亚时代的自由放任(Laissez-faire),英国曾经依靠自由市场和法治成为全球霸主。然而,今天的英国却深陷高税收、高监管、政府干预的泥潭,资本与人才加速逃离,经济增长乏力,市场活力消失。这是市场自身的失灵,还是政府过度干预的必然结果? 📉 英国的问题有哪些? ✔️ 房地产市场崩溃:绿色带政策+租赁监管=房价飙升,年轻人买不起房 ✔️ 金融自由度下降:脱欧本应带来自由化,却因监管过度导致资本外逃 ✔️ 科技创新受限:AI、金融科技、…
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3: 天价彩礼 vs. 现代婚姻:金钱应该决定幸福吗?Sky-High Bride Prices vs. Modern Marriage: Should Money Define Happiness?(B2)
In some cultures, bride prices (彩礼) have skyrocketed, putting immense pressure on families and young couples. But in modern relationships, should money really be the key to happiness? 💰💍 In this video, we explore: 🔹 The rising cost of bride prices in China and other cultures 🔹 Traditional vs. modern views on marriage and financial expectations 🔹 Ho…
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2: 坐月子:为什么中国妈妈们坚持‘月子’?月嫂、月子餐全解析! Exploring the Role of Maternity Care, Meal Plans, and More!(B2)
In today’s episode, we dive deep into one of China’s most unique and fascinating postpartum traditions—坐月子 (Zuo Yuezi). But what exactly is it? Why do new mothers in China spend a full month resting, avoiding certain foods, and following strict rules for recovery? Join us as we explore: What is Zuo Yuezi? A detailed explanation of this ancient trad…
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Daily Quote The days were short, the nights were long, and the cold was intense. The world seemed to have shrunk into a small, icy prison, where every step was an effort and every breath a struggle. (George Eliot) Poem of the Day A Prayer in Spring Robert Frost Beauty of Words 雪 梁实秋
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1:We’re Starting a New Channel! | 听俩北京姑娘闲聊 – Fun Chats on Life & Culture for upper intermediate
Welcome to 听俩北京姑娘闲聊, where two Beijing girls, Annie and Kerin, chat about everything from trending topics to fascinating cultural differences between the East and West. In this episode, we dive into [mention the main topic of this video], sharing our thoughts, experiences, and some good laughs along the way. Join us for a fun, relaxed conversation …
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Daily Quote It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. (Eleanor Roosevelt) Poem of the Day 静女 Beauty of Words Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice Somerset Maugham
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①Beijing boasts over 2.1 million professionals in high-end industries: report ②Chinese firm launches expressway unmanned truck platoon self-driving testing ③Scientists develop most refined chimpanzee brain atlas ④Australian-Chinese research makes breakthrough in solving mystery of how Mars evolved ⑤Critically-endangered ducks spotted in N China nat…
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①China promotes data labeling to spur AI development ②China's sci-tech museums draw over 100 mln visits in 2024 ③Chinese dark tea steeps its way to popularity along Maritime Silk Road ④Oldest ornithischian dinosaur from Asia identified in southwest China ⑤Scientists conduct new Antarctic voyage to venture further south ⑥A Thousand Whys: How do Chin…
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感受与思考受基因控制——中国文明的隐形天花板. 为什么中国人麻木,活得没有人味?四年前的今天,中国进入全面封控,人们经历恐惧、愤怒、白纸运动。然而两年过去,一切仿佛从未发生,人们忙着在小红书和美国对账,封控的苦难似乎已被遗忘。这是为什么?中国社会的遗忘,是文化、基因、体制交织的结果?本期22 George Street,我将从哲学、神经科学、历史的角度,解析中国人为何不再反思。 🔬 科学研究发现: 📌 同理心、冒险精神、服从权威的倾向,部分受基因决定 📌 催产素受体基因(OXTR)影响人的共情能力,而东亚人群更倾向于服从秩序 📌 多巴胺受体基因(DRD4 7R)影响社会是否敢于变革,而东亚人的 7R 变异极低 📌 基因 VS. 文化:是什么让中国人更难反思? 黑格尔说:中国的历史不是进步,而…
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民族是天生的,还是被发明的?我们常常认为自己的民族身份是固定的,然而,历史、文化、政治认同的塑造,往往比血统和基因更加关键。 本期 22 George Street,我们从民族发明学的角度,探讨汉族、回族的形成机制,以及“共族”是否正在成为中国的第 57 个民族? 为什么汉族并非一个单一民族,而是一个不断扩展的文化共同体?回族的民族身份如何由宗教信仰定义,而非血统?而在中国,是否存在一个新的政治共同体,以高度统一的意识形态、行为模式、经济认同,逐步演化为一个民族? 如果回族的认同是宗教信仰,汉族的认同是文化传统,那么推崇共产主义的共族小粉红和老粉红是不是也已经符合种族发明的条件? 百年之后的人们看现在是不是一段共族政教合一的历史? 更重要的是,历史上东德、摩尔多瓦、俄罗斯的经验告诉我们:即使…
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近年来,一些中国人开始坚持将春节翻译为“中国新年”(Chinese New Year),抗议“农历新年”(Lunar New Year)的称呼,认为被种族歧视,声称春节是中国文化的独有标志。但事实真的如此吗?春节的历史远比我们以为的更加多元,它不仅属于中国,也属于韩国、越南、新加坡等多个东亚和东南亚国家,甚至连中国人使用的农历也是西方传教士制定的。本期播客,我们将一起探讨春节的起源、历法的演变、丝绸之路的文化交流。春节应该成为连接世界的文化桥梁,而不是身份政治与仇恨的工具。 🎧 立即收听 22 George Street,解锁春节的真正意义! 🔗 #春节 #农历新年 #文化交流由22 George Street
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再别康桥 徐志摩 你是人间的四月天 林徽因 教我如何不想她 刘半农 一棵开花的树 席慕蓉 乡愁 余光中 远和近 顾城 面朝大海,春暖花开 海子 热爱生命 汪国真
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①China to promote use of humanoid robots for elderly care ②China delivers first batch of homegrown, mass-produced large civil UAVs ③Chinese researchers complete world's largest snow leopard population survey spanning 360,000 square km ④Paddy-field remains dating back 8,000 years discovered in China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is strategy game Go so charm…
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第 72 期,聊聊一碗卖了 100 多年的牛肉饭。 在日本牛肉饭三巨头中,吉野家大概是我们很多人的日式牛肉饭启蒙,它是三巨头中创始最早的一家,相比千禧年之后才进入中国的食其家和松屋,吉野家早在上世纪 90 年代就抢先进驻中国,截至 2024 年 1 月,它在中国的门店已经超过了 700 家。 调研吉野家的创业史的过程中,我们也发现,和其他稳扎稳打的百年品牌不同,吉野家在 100 多年间经历了数次起起落落,甚至近乎「毁灭性」的打击都有好几次。近几年,吉野家也因为食品或者时常出现在舆论和新闻的中心,好吃的牛肉饭选择也更多了,好像有一次陷入了「下落」的危机。 聊成功的品牌固然有很多大家喜闻乐见的经验可以分享,但某个阶段「不那么成功」的品牌背后也有值得思考的真实处境。 也欢迎大家在评论区和我们分享好…
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Daily Quote 昨夜斗回北,今朝岁起东。(孟浩然) Poem of the Day 守岁 苏轼 Beauty of Words 记旧历除夕 林语堂
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①More zebrafish to swim in China's space station ②Chinese astronomical observatory discovers new comet ③Humanoid robots to participate in half-marathon, sports events in Beijing ④China's national mangrove germplasm resource bank starts construction ⑤Winter sports industry injects vitality into SW Chinese city ⑥A Thousand Whys: Feeling bored? Try th…
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Daily Quote In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King) Poem of the Day 江雪 柳宗元 Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen
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Daily Quote The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself. (Charlotte Brontë) Poem of the Day And Death Shall Have No Dominion Dylan Thomas Beauty of Words 醒心亭记 曾巩
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Daily Quote It always seems impossible until it's done. (Nelson Mandela) Poem of the Day Dreams – are well – but Waking’s better Emily Dickinson Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen Seventh Story What Happened in The Snow Queen's Palace and What Came of it
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这期话题展围绕美国孩子的体育锻炼展开,尤其是学校之外的足球俱乐部。我们会聊如何如何运动员心态的培养,鸡娃的家长,联赛的管理,俱乐部的管理,包括阳光的一面和苦涩的一面。 嘉宾 (☆▽☆) 胡宇皓,小勇士足球学校教练和董事(大西雅图地区) Little Warriors Sports Academy Board of Director https://www.littlewarriorssports.org/ 主要内容 (~ ̄(OO) ̄) 体坛周报冉雄飞,是我的同事 什么?一个足球俱乐部有一百多支球队! 谷氏付出并不鲜见:花样滑冰,游泳,足球 啊不赚钱呐?搞了半天课外培训是non-profit 不是圣人,也不是生意人 保持年轻的秘诀:跟小孩一起混呀 三秒识别靠谱的教练(可泛用) 美国课外班:40…
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①China rolls out measures to boost cultural, tourism consumption ②First Chinese-made large cruise ship to set sail from Qingdao ③China in need of over 31 million of smart manufacturing workers by 2035: report ④Chinese scientists work on first flag capable of waving on Moon ⑤Major lake in China's industrial hub records best water in decades ⑥A Thous…
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Daily Quote He's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. (Emily Bronte) Poem of the Day Nothing gold can stay Robert Frost Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories - Sixth Story Hans Christian Andersen
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①Beijing opens airport service counters for foreign travelers ②China's Chengdu plans to build laboratory for police bionic robots ③Chinese researchers develop green, effective pesticide formulation ④Great Wall's most dangerous section to launch 1st tourist route ⑤In Shaanxi, a long-buried Han Dynasty tomb is a study in power ⑥A Thousand Whys: How d…
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Daily Quote Winter is the trial of the soul, a test of man's endurance. (George Santayana) Poem of the Day 雪梅 卢梅坡 Beauty of Words The Pond in Winter Henry David Thoreau
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Daily Quote The desire for beauty is human folly. Wise people never wish to be beautiful, nor do they care about the beauty of others. (Anne Bronte) Poem of the Day 智慧之歌 穆旦 Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories - Fifth Story Hans Christian Andersen
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Daily Quote In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. (Martin Luther King) Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories - Fourth Story Hans Christian Andersen
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①China sets up first medical large model application testing center in Shanghai ②New cross-regional computing service hub officially in operation in west China ③NW China dinosaur tracks reveal Cretaceous behaviors ④Study reveals tiny plastic particles' impact on terrestrial food webs ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the holiday system worked in ancient China?…
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第 71 期,聊聊「抹茶」,开启新一年的新气象。 抹茶这种起源于中国的绿色粉末,在日本文化中扮演了重要角色,也见证了中日文化交流的历程。 九世纪末,日本的遣唐使将抹茶带回日本,为茶文化在日本的发展注入了新的活力。现在,从各类抹茶饮品、制品到传统日式抹茶的体验,我们也依然在享受抹茶经历时代变迁延续的美味。千利休有一首诗说:「先把水烧开,再加进茶叶,然后用适当的方式喝茶,那就是你所需要知道的一切,除此之外,茶一无所有。」 找到适合自己的方式,可能才是享受茶的本质。所以,作为「不专业」的抹茶爱好者,本期我们将从抹茶的历史展开,聊一聊过去和现在的抹茶,也大方分享主播们各自推荐、喜欢的抹茶体验、目的地和小零食。也欢迎大家在评论区和我们分享自己喜欢的抹茶喝法和抹茶制品推荐~ 特别鸣谢:本期节目赞助「玩尽…
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Daily Quote I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will. (Charlotte Bronte) Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen Third Story The Flower Garden of the Woman Who Could Conjure
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①China announces month-long online shopping event for Spring Festival ②Surging number of foreign tourists enter Hainan visa-free in 2024 ③China to have national data infrastructure in place by 2029 ④Chinese scientists pioneer climate-smart crop breeding to combat global warming ⑤Beijing Central Axis to open more heritage spaces to public ⑥A Thousan…
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Daily Quote Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. (Mario Puzo) Poem of the Day 短歌行 曹操 Beauty of Words Matilda Roald Dahl
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Daily Quote Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. (William Shakespeare) Poem of the Day 雪梅 卢梅坡 Beauty of Words The Snow Queen Hans Christian Andersen Second Story A Little Boy and a Little Girl…
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Daily Quote Winter is the trial of the soul, a test of man's endurance. (George Santayana) Poem of the Day Winter Morning Alexander Pushkin Beauty of Words The Snow Queen in Seven Stories Hans Christian Andersen Story the First Which Has to Do with a Mirror and its Fragments
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①Chinese scientists make breakthrough in dynamic wireless charging efficiency ②China's first homegrown large cruise ship receives 600,000 inbound and outbound visits ③China unveils facial recovery of ancient human skulls ④Longest city road discovered at 3,000-year-old ancient China capital site ⑤A Thousand Whys: Is human nature good or evil?…
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Daily Quote Imagine all the people living life in peace. (John Lennon) Poem of the Day Afterwards Thomas Hardy Beauty of Words The Pond in Winter Henry David Thoreau
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①19 foreigners among China's first officially certified hotpot chefs ②China's online literature rakes in over 605-million-USD in overseas revenue in 2023 ③Longest cross-sea bridge in China's Guangxi opens to traffic ④Historical archery tower in Beijing opens to public ⑤Long-awaited discovery of ancient walls offers insights into China's earliest dy…
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Daily Quote The world is little, people are little, human life is little. There is only on big thing – desire. (Willa Cather) Poem of the Day The Darkling Thrush Thomas Hardy Beauty of Words Matilda Roald Dahl
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