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停課不停學的妳(你)需要喝一杯咖啡的時候 長輩/小孩和你(妳)都可以一起學習英文和台語 洽談合作: pumaerin@gmail.com Firstory贊助:https://pay.firstory.me/user/iamnotabcerin "music by audionautix.com". Youtobe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH4AXBxdVWNmtETsk3LwSbw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Pub On Air 空中酒吧是一個全新的Podcast,由一群旅英或是曾經旅英的台灣人製作,以英國特有的酒吧社交文化為節目形式,討論與台灣有關的社會議題,關注公共參與的各種挑戰、討論國際新聞的不同觀點。製作團隊將在這一系列的Podcast中,訪問、討論、思辨與台灣息息相關的社會議題,誠摯邀請你/妳來一起喝一杯(誤)。
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Welcome to “What’s Up with Chengyu” where we explore the fascinating world of Chinese idioms! In each episode, we delve into the origins and meaning behind a Chinese idiom “chengyu”. Whether you're a language enthusiast, a history buff, or simply curious about the world around you, What’s Up with Chengyu has something for you. Join us as we unlock the secrets of chengyu, culture and more, one idiom at a time! Follow along for your weekly dose of language and culture 🎙Subscribe 📱Instagram: wh ...
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萬籟俱寂 How do you describe silence? You might be able to pick up some idea from the poet 常建 cháng jiàn, who's known for his crafted words in portrait the mountain scenery and temples. Join me in this episode as we delve into the beauty of nature through the eyes of the ancient Chinese poet, and get to know a little more about what mot…
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Are you a music enthusiast? Music has the power to trigger our emotions, evoke memories, and transport us to different states of being. But there is a type of music that can be described as "music of dissipation", according to the philosopher Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子). In this episode, we'll explore the origin of 靡靡之音 mǐ mǐ zhī yīn, and discover what this p…
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時歷一年,香港電影節(英國) @HKFF.UK HongkongFilmFestivalUK 將於3月18日至3月31日舉辦第二屆,這次共有37部電影(27部劇情片、紀錄片和短片作品,以及10部網上放映的短片)將於英國7個城市播映,還有一系列的對談活動、跨媒介藝術活動與電影賞析工作坊等等,有興趣的朋友們不要錯過! 本屆電影節的主題是「香港與香港的距離(Home Away From Home)」,與觀眾一同探討因距離與差異而充滿可能性的世界。 本集Podcast邀請到策展人黃靜來分享第二屆香港電影節的第一手資訊。 It has been a year since the first Hong Kong Films Festival (HKFF UK) launched in the UK. T…
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We all experienced this frustration. Spend a lot time and energy talking to others and only realize they didn't get it or not evening listening. Here is the advice from 牟子/móuzi/, an ancient Chinese scholar, don't play music to cows 對牛彈琴 More about 琴 ✅琴瑟和鳴 from S2E04. Relationship goal. More about this episode on …
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The relationship has always been an essential element toward happiness in life. A poetry published in 700 BC tells us what a perfect relationship looks like or sounds like in the case of this weeks idiom And when communication fails, is what you are about to experience. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone 😺 M…
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🐰Lunar New Year 🧧 is just around the corner! Before I head to Japan for a long waiting (3 years!) holiday, here are the idioms commonly used to describe the new year celebrations. If you are the FOMO type, is the perfect description for the places you should not miss. And if you spot a place that’s …
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Is there a track that keeps playing in your head even when the music stops? And who’s voice is euphoric that you just can’t have enough? is the idiom to describe that music or voice brings euphoria to you and lasting in the air as if you can still hear it. Not a spooky story at all, let’s find out! More about this episode on…
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Have you ever worked with someone you admire and heard so much about before you actually meet them? If so, this is the idiom to describe your reaction, like you hear thunder⚡️ Make sure you use it next time when you want to impress someone you first meet and express how exciting you are! ✅久仰大名 如雷貫耳, jiǔ yǎn…
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How long do you usually spend on writing an essay or a piece of article? 2 hours? A day? a couple of weeks? Meet Zuǒsī 左思, the man spent a decade to compose ONE piece but initial feedback was rather underwhelming. Find out what he did to make his work went viral causing a paper shortage in the capital city Luoyang.
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Shout out to the audience from Richardson Taxes. Thank you for your support! Sometimes silence is golden. Sometimes, you don't want to have people 噤若寒蟬 jìn ruò hán chán. Find out the origin in today's podcast! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ amofutbol@gmail.com ⭐️Rate, review and follow thi…
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Back from my family trip and something else so I had to take another week off from it. First, if you are looking for a catchy name for your clinic, our first idiom is something to consider. 十全十美 shí quán shí měi. Find out why in today's episode! 樂極生悲, lè jí shēng bēi. Means happiness to the extreme and turns into unfortunate. 宥卮, yòu zhī. A…
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Fight doesn't always involved guns and knifes. Morden day competition at office and politics have more conspiracy plots and intrigue. You don't need to participate in any but definitely would be useful to spot the 勾心鬥角 at workplace. Let's find out the story behind the idiom. ✅ 杜牧, dù mù, poet from Tang Dynasty. The author of ē fá…
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A student's achievement is the teacher's too. And the only reason we made progress is the younger generation outdo the pervious. And 青出於藍 qīng chū yú lán is the best way you express your gratitude to those who helped you accomplished your challenges. ✅ 荀子 xún zǐ ✅ 靛青 diàn qīng, indigo blue ✅ 蓼藍 liǎo lán, indigo plant or the diffi…
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It's Mid Autumn Festival 中秋節 zhōng qiū jié this Saturday! People celebrate differently throughout the time but it's always about the moon 🌕 and mooncake 🥮 Find out why when 光風霽月 guāng fēng jì yuè is the perfect time to take a walk in this episode. More info about Mid Autumn Festival https://youtu.be/NtipfuWE5Vc Poem in the episode 天垂六幕水浮空,霽月光…
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It's September! For some, it's the end of summer. How would you summarize your summer? 汗流浹背hàn liú jiá bèi is something we all shared I believe. Listen now and tell me if you are one of us! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ amofutbol@gmail.com ⭐️Rate, follow and share this podcast ⭐️ Music by…
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Do you agree it's all fair in love and war? Especially at war, is deception part of the strategy? Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子), the icon from Legalism gave his thought in one idom bīng bú yàn zhà 兵不厭詐 and an intriguing story. Let hear it. ☑戰國時代 Jhànguó Shíhdài, Warring States Period ☑法家 Fǎjiā, Legalism ☑儒家 Jújiā, Confucianism More about this…
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A different arrangement was made this week, tell me how do you think about it? Today’s idiom is guǐ guǐ suì suì A ghostly idiom for the Ghost Month! What to find out what’s the Ghost Month and more spooky facts? Hit the play button! *雷公 léigōng, the God of Thunder *普渡 pǔdù, or 中元普渡 zhōng yuán pǔdù, Ghost Festival in Taiwa…
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Welcome to the second episode of show! The idiom of the week is chē shuǐ mǎ lóng Car, Water, Horse and dragon. Is this about wildlife? Quite the opposite, it’s mostly used to describe living in the city. Find out why in today’s episode. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ amofutbol@gmail…
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Welcome to the FIRST episode of show! Our very first idiom is suǒ xiàng pī mǐ 所向披靡 It's from one of the most well-known stories between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. So let's find out what happened between them. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ amofutbol@gmail.com ⭐️Rate, review and follow this pod…
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Welcome to what’s up with Chengyu! What’s Chengyu? Chengyu is idiom in Mandarin Chinese. Fascinating history in a 4 characters term, well mostly 4. It’s not difficult to learn if you know the context. Join me to tackle it with stories of its origin and examples. Get more on Instagram 📱 whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, corrections, inquiries ✉️amofu…
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說到德國歷史,腦海中第一印象是什麼? 德國和台灣在二戰前後的教育環境/制度有什麼異同之處?回想過去的歷史課,你有認真學歷史活用還是為了考試死背或是跟小編一樣完全放棄睡整學期?你期望的歷史課又是什麼樣子呢? 這集我們透過The Lesson 紀錄片前導,探討德國在二戰過後,怎麼透過引導式教育讓德國人面對過去黑暗的歷史的一頁。剛搬到德國不久的Umeshu邀請兩位駐英歷史學者Brandy and Highball 分析對照台灣與德國的歷史教育,也聊聊「理想中的歷史教育」大概會是什麼樣子。 特別來賓:Brandy, Highball 主持:Umeshu 企劃:Umeshu, Gin 音樂:Cola 後期:Gin, Golden Ale 平面設計:Crémant 社群媒體:Grappa, Scotch…
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這一集的空中酒吧企劃團隊約到了第一屆香港電影節的策展人黃靜來跟大家分享籌辦影展的心路歷程和想法,為什麼想辦香港電影節?有哪些電影在近幾年站上了香港電影的舞台?這些電影跟香港的生活和改變又有什麼關係?來聽聽策展人怎麼說,和她又推薦了什麼歌搭配服用 :) In this episode, we invited the curator of the inaugural edition of the Hong Kong Film Festival (UK), Ching Wong, to share her thoughts in curating the festival. What makes her curate the festival? What are the recent films …
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這一集的空中酒吧企劃團隊要跟大家聊聊氣候變遷跟我們生活的關係,為什麼我們需要了解全球暖化?最近剛開完的COP26跟我們的生活有什麼關係?台灣在討論環境議題的困境又有什麼?你聽過風電嗎?除了潮,對我們的生活和自然環境又有什麼影響?英國的案例又可以告訴我們什麼? 特別來賓:Cider 主持:Rosé, Gin 企劃:Rosé, Gin 音樂:Cola 後期:Umeshu, Rosé, Gin, Golden Ale 平面設計:Crémant 社群媒體:Grappa, Scotch
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這一集的空中酒吧企劃團隊要跟大家來聊聊當台灣在微解封的同時,英國正在全面解封中,那麼台灣和英國的民眾面對這樣的變動又有什麼樣的反應?長期的Work From Home在二地的經驗上又有什麼樣的不同?Long Covid又對疫情和生活造成了什麼樣的影響? 主持:Rosé, Sangria, Gin, Umeshu 企劃:Rosé, Sangria, Gin, Umeshu 音樂:Cola 後期:Rosé, Umeshu, Golden Ale 平面設計:Crémant 社群媒體:Grappa, Scotch
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這一集的空中酒吧企劃團隊邀請到二位研究愛滋病毒暴露前預防性投藥(PrEP)的專家,來跟我們分享什麼是PrEP?為什麼要有PrEP?為什麼要推廣PrEP?PrEP改變了什麼?英國和台灣推廣PrEP的方式有什麼不同?要怎麼取得PrEP?聽完這集,不只讓你獲得知識,也讓你獲得具體實用的資訊。 主持:Scotch, Grappa, Gin 企劃:Scotch, Grappa, Gin 音樂:Cola 後期:Golden Ale, Gin 平面設計:Crémant 社群媒體:Grappa, Scotch
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本集介紹a/an, this/that的用法和六個文具相關用品的單字 What's this? What's that? pen / a pen / It is a pen. 原子筆 pencil / a pencil / It is a pencil. 鉛筆 book / a book / It is a book. 書 school bag / a school bag / It is a school bag. 書包 ruler / a ruler / It is a ruler. 尺 eraser / an eraser / It is an eraser. 橡皮擦 "music by audionautix.com". Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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Dragon Boat Festival 端午節 1.rice dumpling 肉粽 2.Dragon boat race 龍船比賽 3.Row dragon boat 划龍舟 4.sachet 香包 5.Mugwort 艾草 6.Realgar wine 雄黃酒 7.Egg standing 立蛋 8.poet 詩人 "music by audionautix.com". 撥接 Instrumental 演唱: Julia Wu 吳卓源 編曲: terrytyelee 梁永泰 作曲: terrytyelee / Julia Wu 吳卓源 製作: terrytyelee / Tower da Funkmasta 陶逸群 發行: ChynaHouse 授權: https://creative…
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疫情肆虐下認識新朋友和約會有變得比較困難嗎?如何在疫情上上下下的時候還保有社交生活呢?不同的交友軟體和模式又有什麼樣的經驗可以分享呢?這集空中酒吧我們來聊聊空中的火花! 主持:Grappa, Scotch, Umeshu, Gin 企劃:Grappa, Umeshu, Gin 特別來賓:Limoncello, Crémant 音樂:Cola 後期:Golden Ale, Gin 平面設計:Crémant 社群媒體:Grappa, Scotch
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提到數位身分證和Clubhouse你首先會想到什麼呢?再提到高度隱私的健保資料庫你又會想到什麼呢?你知道英國沒有身份證制度嗎?這後面的故事又是什麼?電子疫苗護照真的可行嗎?這集的空中酒吧我們想跟大家來聊聊這些隱私的大哉問!一起來吧! 錄音:Sangria, Gin 企劃:Sangria, Gin, Rosé 音樂:Cola 後期:Gin, Golden Ale 平面設計:Crémant 社群媒體:Grappa, Scotch
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聖誕假期前台灣爆出近期的第一位本土確診病例,英國因應新變種病毒而大幅收緊聖誕假期放鬆的防疫措施,對生活有什麼改變?防疫到現在的二地又有什麼差別?這一集,讓我們來連線聊聊。 01:00 台灣和英國的疫情和生活? 01:40 確診機師趴趴造成恐慌? 02:30 英國的聖誕假期計畫被政策急轉彎打亂? 04:15 英國封城有人會逃跑導致破功嗎? 06:00 為什麼英國要分區域封城? 07:00 封城會對心理健康有影響嗎? 08:50 英國人有乖乖被封城嗎? 10:30 防疫到現在會疲乏嗎? 10:50 英國防疫真的做得爛嗎? 12:00 台灣和英國的航班數量差異對防疫有影響嗎? 14:10 台灣傑出的防疫是用什麼換來的? 15:50 防疫有國家權力擴張的問題嗎? 17:40 回台灣檢疫有遇到污名或指…
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台灣人為什麼關心美國大選?美國大選對在西方社會的少數移民又有什麼啟示?愛爾蘭都柏林選出了史上第一位亞裔市長,身為移民後代,她的從政之路又有哪些特別的地方?空中酒吧第四集,三位線上酒友要來跟大家談談移民的參政之路有什麼挑戰,有什麼優勢,又有什麼機會。 錄音: Rosé, Sangria, Gin 企劃:Rosé, Sangria, Gin 音樂:Cola 後期:Golden Ale, Gin 平面設計:Crémant 社群媒體:Grappa, Scotch
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第三集的空中酒吧,我們邀請到英國北歐臺灣影展的策展人Aephie 一起來喝一杯,聊聊第二屆影展的策展故事與精彩的海怪變形記。你曾經參加過英國北歐臺灣影展嗎?還是你也是受疫情影響至深的藝文工作者呢?跟我們交流你的想法和故事吧! 本集內容分為上下兩集,分別於 10/30 &11/13 上架,歡迎搭配即將到來的英國北歐臺灣影展一併服用。 | 上集重點 | 以「未癒之傷」為題的第二屆英國北歐臺灣影展,將以一系列的臺灣電影、讀書會與活動,邀請大家一起來感受故事、人與狀態的全新連結。 *疫情之下的國際影展與電影院 *做自己的作品 邁向策展人之路 *英國北歐臺灣影展的主題與延續 *影展選片與冥冥之中的緣分 *冰島臺灣不同步舞池 Shake it up! *電影策展人的推薦歌單 | 下集重點 | 你是貓派還…
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第三集的空中酒吧,我們邀請到英國北歐臺灣影展的策展人Aephie 一起來喝一杯,聊聊第二屆影展的策展故事與精彩的海怪變形記。你曾經參加過英國北歐臺灣影展嗎?還是你也是受疫情影響至深的藝文工作者呢?跟我們交流你的想法和故事吧! 本集內容分為上下兩集,分別於 10/30 &11/13 上架,歡迎搭配即將到來的英國北歐臺灣影展一併服用。 | 上集重點 | 以「未癒之傷」為題的第二屆英國北歐臺灣影展,將以一系列的臺灣電影、讀書會與活動,邀請大家一起來感受故事、人與狀態的全新連結。 *疫情之下的國際影展與電影院 *做自己的作品 邁向策展人之路 *英國北歐臺灣影展的主題與延續 *影展選片與冥冥之中的緣分 *冰島臺灣不同步舞池 Shake it up! *電影策展人的推薦歌單 | 下集重點 | 你是貓派還…
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相隔八年的時間,台灣再次掀起美豬進口的討論。不一樣的是:政府這次直接公布明年初開放被注射萊克多巴胺的美國豬肉進口,在台灣的市場、政治、衛生教育等等方面掀起各種輿論。Pub On air 第二集讓我們來討論美豬進口台灣的影響、到底吃還是不吃,以及在英國的台灣人如何看待美豬進口這件事:) 0115 英國酒吧食物大亂鬥 0430 萊克多巴安的用途、使用地區和法規 0555 為什麼英國豬肉臭臭呢? 0817 英國肉品的挑選&購買經驗 1340 食用萊豬是否會危害健康? 2215 開放美豬產生的政治/地方問題 2635 其他國家開放美豬/牛進口的現況 3120 美國畜牧業的未來發展與佈局 3405 各國怎麼決定肉品進出口的比例 3625 美豬進口台灣的影響有哪些? 3800 產銷履歷的政府配套措施與執…
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第一集邀請到英國政府前僱員、第一位取得英國政治庇護資格的香港朋友 Simon 來到空中酒吧,聽聽 Simon 關心國際政治的啟蒙、分享讓他充滿歸屬感的台灣、還有過去一年來遭受的政治迫害與抗爭歷程。 04:00 申請政治庇護的緣由 07:10 政治啟蒙與台大交換生經驗 10:40 Simon 與台灣的連結 14:15 關心香港的未來的代價 20:20 國安法立法的擔憂與反擊證明清白 29:00 未來在英國的動向 31:00 推薦歌單 ● 六四紀念曲(單獨囚禁時聽的、唱的,維持理智的方式) ● 願榮光歸香港 ● 海闊天空 製作團隊: ● 企劃:Gin, Grappa, Scotch, Sangria, Rosé, Umeshu, Guinness ● 音樂:Cola ● 後期:Golden Al…
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Pub On Air 空中酒吧是一個全新的Podcast,關注公共參與的各種挑戰、討論國際新聞的不同觀點。製作團隊將在這一系列的Podcast中,訪問、討論、思辨與台灣息息相關的社會議題,誠摯邀請你/妳來一起喝一杯(誤)。 Editorial Team: Gin, Grappa, Scotch, Sangria, Rosé, Umeshu, Guinness; Music: Cola; Post-production: Golden Ale, Gin; Graphic design: Crémant
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