In this podcast series writer-director Jason Branagan has conversations with filmmakers and above-the-line talent about all things filmmaking.
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Mike and Ken talk to award-winning documentary filmmakers about their art, their subjects, and their process.
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Filmmaker Commentary is dedicated to showing you how to improve your film making process. We do this by reviewing the DVD and Blu-Ray commentaries and special features of working movie directors, producers, actors, and writers. Hosted by Filmmaker Reginald Titus Jr. Co-Hosted by Film Producer Casey G. Smith Support this podcast:
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Demystifying the world of Filmmakers in Advertising. Interviewing directors, copywriters, producers, and more in the world of advertising and commercial filmmaking. | sponsored by Cry |
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Surviving as a Filmmaker in 2019. Join us as we chat about all things indie film, including interviews with industry pros.
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The Filmmakers Hangout Podcast is a lively and engaging show where hosts Brandon and Landon Fiscus sit down with local filmmakers to discuss their experiences, challenges, and insights from every corner of the set. Each episode dives into different roles in the filmmaking process, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the creative minds shaping the industry.
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The Faith and Family Filmmakers Podcast helps filmmakers who share a Christian worldview stay in touch, informed, and inspired. Releasing new episodes every Monday, we interview experts from varying fields of filmmaking; from screenwriters, actors, directors, and producers, to composers, talent agents, and distributors. Hear inspiring stories from the journeys of successful Christian Filmmakers. Find out what’s currently being written and produced. Learn about distribution and fundraising st ...
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This podcast is dedicated to discussing movies, industry news, filmmaking, and telling stories. So tune in, comment, and join the community. Or more simply…if you love movies then this is the podcast for you! Hosted by D-man and C.P.
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A brother / sister duo chatting about the iconic movies we grew up with - and you guessed it, one of us is a filmmaker. Warning: we’re 90s/00s kids (sorry, not sorry) // New episodes every other Sunday // Find us on instagram: @oneofusisafilmmaker
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Interviews with leading film and TV creators about their process and craft. From screenwriting to film language to cinematography, we'll be examining the innovative ways today's best filmmakers are getting their visions out into the world.
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A podcast about how to make film and TV by filmmakers who actually make them. Interviewing guests from the film-making world from Indie film to Hollywood and everything in between. Hosts Giles Alderson (The Dare), Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar (Wolves of War), Tori & Matthew Butler-Hart (Two Down), Phil Hawkins (Prancer: A Christmas Tale), Stephen Follows (Film Data Analyst), Christian James (Fanged Up), Andy Rodger (Three Day Millionaire) and many others explore the world ...
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Filmmakers Academy presents two of the film industry’s most unique and reliable podcasts for professionals who work behind the camera. We explore the latest trends, interview industry leaders, and offer leadership and lifestyle guidance tailored to fit the needs of filmmakers. Stop what you’re doing this very moment and subscribe to Filmmakers Academy to watch LIVE episodes for free on the FA Platform! While full audio episodes are available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, you can watch past ...
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HONEST, OPEN ADVICE ABOUT YOUR FILMMAKING CAREER Are you about to leave Uni with a filmmaking degree? Or want to change careers and work in a creative industry? We want to give you the tools you need to enter the real world of production or freelancing. Honest and open career advice from people in the business. We also talk to those in other creative industries to discuss their careers, the potential cross over with film production and practical tips for a successful and fulfilling career. h ...
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カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員賞を受賞した「そして父になる」を撮った是枝裕和監督が撮影監督の瀧本幹也氏と共にApple Storeに登場 。写真家・瀧本氏による映画撮影の常識にとらわれない斬新な撮影技法や、カンヌでの秘話などを語ります。映画界と写真界、それぞれの分野で最前線を走るお二人による濃密な対話をお楽しみください。
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Welcome to Vonti Talks with Filmmakers Podcast, where we take you behind the scenes and beyond the silver screen into the captivating world of entertainment. Immerse yourself in exclusive interviews with industry heavyweights, from Oscar and Emmy winners to A-list celebrities, Netflix Casting Agents, Executive Producers, Directors of Photography, Production Designers, and more. Join our host, Vonti McRae, as she navigates through the dynamic landscape of TV, film, and documentaries, unraveli ...
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Filmmakers discuss other filmmakers who inspire them and their work.
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は紀里谷和明監督が登場。モーガン・フリーマンとクライヴ・オーウェンを主演に迎えたハリウッド・デビュー作「ラスト・ナイツ」の見どころや制作秘話、作品に込めた思いなどを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。6月18日公開の話題作『クリーピー 偽りの隣人』の監督、黒沢清氏が登場します。第66回ベルリン国際映画祭ベルリナーレ・スペシャル部門に出品されたことでも話題となった本作。脚本担当の池田千尋氏と共に、長編原作の映像化の醍醐味や、映画の見どころ、制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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The experiences of being an Indie Filmmaker the pros & cons of making a film with little budget.
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は1月7日公開の映画『僕らのごはんは明日で待ってる』市井昌秀氏が登場します。『箱入り息子の恋』で第54回日本映画監督協会新人賞を受賞し注目を浴びる日本映画界の新鋭・市井昌秀監督と、本作のヒロインで、ドラマ、映画、CMと幅広く活躍する人気急上昇中の新星・新木優子が、この映画の見どころや制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker. 。今回は、12年ぶりの日本製作で第29作のゴジラシリーズとなる「シン・ゴジラ」の監督・特技監督の樋口真嗣氏が登場。待望の新作の舞台裏について語ります。編集・VFXスーパーバイザーの佐藤敦紀氏と共に、細部にまでこだわった演出やキャスティング、製作の過程などに ついて、ここでしか聞けない興味深いトークを展開します。モデレータはエグゼクティブプロデューサーの山内章弘氏です。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は「GO」や「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」で知られる行定勲監督が登場。2016年 1月9日公開の新作映画「ピンクとグレー」をご紹介します。現役アイドル加藤シゲアキが書いた青春小説の傑作を大胆な手法で映画化した「ピンクとグレー」の見どころや制作秘話などをトークライブ形式で語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は6月25日公開の映画『TOO YOUNG TO DIE!若くして死ぬ』の監督、宮藤官九郎氏の登場です。不慮の事故で地獄に落ちた高校生 (神木隆之介) が生き返りを目指して地獄の赤鬼キラーK (長瀬智也) と共に奮闘する超絶地獄コメディ。この映画の見どころや制作の裏話などを、独自の世界観を生み出した美術の桑島十和子氏と小泉博康氏とのトークショー形式で語ります。
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The Layman Filmmakers conversation discusses no-to-ultra-low-budget filmmaking with fellow beginner filmmakers
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今回は、フランス映画祭2013のオープニング作品「In the House(英題)」を撮ったフランソワ・オゾン監督がApple Store Ginzaに登場。東京国際映画祭プログラミングディレクターの矢田部吉彦氏をモデレーターに迎えて、オゾン監督が映画への思いを熱く語りました。子供の頃に最初に撮った映画作品や強く影響を受けた作品について、また資金援助をした日本人の堀内氏についてなどファンにはたまらない秘話もたっぷり。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の 声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmaker。今回は、日本アカデミー賞など数々の賞を受賞している白石和彌氏が登場。音楽を担当した安川午朗氏をゲス トに迎えて、6月25日公開の話題作『日本で一番悪い奴ら』の舞台裏や見どころをご紹介します。モデレータは文筆家の轟夕起夫氏。両氏の最新作をは じめ、日本映画の今をたっぷりと伺います。
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「桐島、部活やめるってよ」で日本アカデミー賞最優秀監督賞などを受賞した吉田大八氏がMeet the Filmmakerイベントに登場。角田光代氏の小説を映画化した待望の新作、「紙の月」について語ります。モデレーターは東京国際映画祭プログラミングディレクターの矢田部吉彦氏。細部にまでこだわった演出やキャスティング、製作の過程などについて、ここでしか聞けない興味深いトークを展開します。是非ご参加ください。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は、佐藤信介氏が登場。ヒット作「図書館戦争」の続編「図書館戦争 THE LAST MISSION」の劇場公開(2015年 10月10日)を前に、トークショーを実施。図書館の自由を守る主人公と"メディアの良化"を掲げる検閲部隊との熾烈な戦いを描いたこの映画の見どころや撮影秘話などをたっぷりお話ししています。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmaker。今回は、2016年10月14日公開の話題作『永い言い訳』の監督、西川美和氏が登場。デビュー作以来一貫して完全オリジナル作品に挑み、最新作は、直木賞候補ともなった原作小説「永い言い訳」を上梓し、映画作品を制作した力作です。プロデューサーのバンダイビジュアルの西川朝子氏、分福の北原栄治氏を迎えて、小説から映画に至るまでの過程や、映画の見どころ、制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker. 。今回は、大河ドラマ「龍馬伝」や映画「るろうに剣心」シリーズを手掛けられた大友啓史監督が登場。清水玲子氏のコミックスを 映画化した、8月6日(土)に公開の待望の新作「秘密 THE TOP SECRET」について語ります。モデレーターはジャーナリスト/メディア・アクティビストの津田大介氏。細部にまでこだわった演出やキャスティング、製作の過程などに ついて、ここでしか聞けない興味深いトークを展開します。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は2016年 5月27日公開の映画『神様メール』の監督ジャコ・ヴァン・ドルマルが登場。ユーモラスでファンタジック、唯一無二の映像表現で世界的に高い評価を受けるドルマル監督が、この映画の見どころや制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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In-depth film analysis by filmmakers. Featuring writer Simon Lee, director of photography Emma Duncan and director Paul Welsh.
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker. 。今回は、『ドライヴ』で世界中を魅了した鬼才ニコラス・ウィンディング・レフン監督が登場。ゲームクリエイターの小島秀夫氏を対談相手に、1月13日(金)公開の待望の新作『ネオン・デーモン』の舞台裏と見所についてたっぷり語ります。監督独自の演出やこだわりぬいたキャスティング、さらにクリエイター同士のものづくりに対する思いなど、ここでしか聞くことのできない制作秘話をご紹介します。
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Welcome to the Filmmakers Digest podcast, where we talk films, the art of creating films, and what holds us back and what makes us dive further into the mystique.
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Filmmaker Freedom is a new kind of filmmaking podcast. It's handcrafted it for those of us who like to think outside the box, to experiment, to walk our own path instead of doing things the way they've always been done. If you want to make make films you're proud of and make a living from it, this is the show for you. It's full of clear, focused, and actionable advice to help you succeed as an indie filmmaker in a constantly changing world.
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日本の映画界を代表する映画作家 - 岩井俊二(『スワロウテイル』『リリイ・シュシュのすべて』『四月物語』『花とアリス』他)が、8年ぶりの長編劇映画となる最新作『ヴァンパイア』について語ります。吸血鬼を主役にした奇妙な純愛物語である本作は、カナダを舞台に外国人キャストを起用し全編英語で撮影。自身が原作・脚本・監督・音楽・撮影・編集・プロデュースと一人6役をこなしたその映画製作について、また映画のテーマとなっている死生観などについても聞きました。
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Let’s talk film with filmmaker Raul Colon Support this podcast:
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Documentary Filmmakers Guide is a weekly podcast that looks at the latest industry news, previews filmmaking gear & has interviews with documentary filmmakers.
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We're the BackSeat FilmMakers! A weekly podcast reviewing the latest movies and more! Check us out on twitter @BackSeatFilms
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We're BACK with season 5, starting with a very festive episode where we debate some of the best animated Christmas movies of all time. From 'The Snowman' (1982) to 'The Polar Express' (2004) to 'Klaus' (2019), tune in to hear what Orion and Cassiah's top 3 animated films are that get them into the holiday spirit!…
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How did director Brady Corbet and his team make one of the most epic-feeling movies of the year for less than 10 million dollars? Listen in to our conversation with him to learn the filmmaking tricks they used to tighten the budget, and hear him discuss what the Brutalist Architecture in 'The Brutalist' really means. Learn more about your ad choice…
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In Episode 12 of the Filmmakers Hangout Podcast, filmmaker Caden Bye shares the journey behind his latest project, The Farm. He delves into the inspiration, creative decisions, and challenges that shaped the film. Caden also reflects on his earlier works, offering insights into how his experiences have evolved his storytelling and filmmaking approa…
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Tis the season! We return to a Holiday Classic. If you don't like Home Alone 2 You don't like Christmas! This film is good ol fashioned entertainment. Filmmaker Commentary is Hosted by Reginald Titus Jr. Co-Hosted by Casey G. Smith --- Support this podcast:…
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Send us a text #genre #filmpodcast #filmmaking This week on the podcast, I’m joined by filmmakers Lorrisa and C.J. Julianus, the husband-and-wife team behind the feature film The Misadventures of Mistress Maneater. Lorrisa wrote the script and stars in the lead role, while C.J. directed the film. We dive into the challenges they faced during the re…
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In this episode, creative directors Brandon Curl and Dale Austin of GSD&M discuss their extensive work with major brands, including recent campaigns for Capital One and Pizza Hut. They share their strategies for selecting directors, handling unexpected challenges, and the importance of pushing deadlines when necessary. They also explore their backg…
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The incredible one man studio Tyler Perry joins us to chat about The Six Triple Eight his latest written and directed feature film as well as his inspiration producer Nicole Avant!! Tyler and Nicole sit with Giles Alderson about how they made their true story WW2 epic. They discuss: Finding ideas and sizzle reels. Pitching to studios and not waitin…
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Episode 108 - Testimony Series - Doors Only God Could Open This episode is a part of our December Testimony series. A series of short testimonies of times that God showed up upon set or in ways related to the film-industry. In this episode, Hannah Benson, a writer, actress, and content marketer, shares her journey. Raised in a creative, homeschooli…
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Episode 107 - Testimony Series - Let Go and Let God This episode is a part of our December Testimony series. A series of short testimonies of times that God showed up upon set or in ways related to the film-industry. In this episode, Selah Avery shares about her divine guidance in the film industry. Feeling disheartened by the difficulty finding ro…
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Episode 106 - Testimony Series - I Can This episode is a part of our December Testimony series. A series of short testimonies of times that God showed up upon set or in ways related to the film-industry. In this episode, Tyler Sansom, a film director, producer and pastor from southern Indiana, shares the profound impact of his film, 'I Can.' Releas…
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At our inaugural Future of Filmmaking summit this November, IndieWire's Chris O'Falt hosted a fascinating discussion on performance capture filmmaking, featuring the director, VFX supervisor, and a lead actor from "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes." Listen in to hear how the team on these films is pushing performance capture technology forward, an…
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Marta Hooper | Group Creative Director at AntiSocial/Thinkingbox Today, Monica chats with Marta Hooper, Group Creative Director at AntiSocial - the social media division of Thinkingbox. In this episode, Marta discusses: Social-first thinking in your brand strategy How she got her start in advertising (as a plan B to becoming a pro tennis player) A …
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Finding the Frame - Making “Vigilante” (feat. Wesley “Wuz Good” Armstrong, Jamee Ranta & Alain Fleury)
In this episode of Finding the Frame, Chris Haigh welcomes the "Vigilante Team" – Jamee Ranta (producer), Wesley "Wuz Good" Armstrong (director), and Alain Fleury (producer, editor) – about their short film "Vigilante," which follows four friends with superpowers who protect their neglected neighborhood. The discussion delves into the evolution of …
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Season 2, Ep. 5 Insights with Film Director and Screenwriter Dominic Goodie out of Atlanta, GA
Our next episode highlights Army Veteran Dominic who is an accomplished American Film Director and Screenwriter. He adeptly navigates various genres, from heart-pounding action to spine-chilling horror. With an impressive repertoire of short films, Dominic's latest project "Witnessed," showcases his talent as a writer, producer, editor, and directo…
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A24's HERETIC writers & directors Scott Beck and Bryan Woods on crafting a modern day masterpiece
Hello and welcome! This show’s guests: the writer-director duo Scott Beck & Bryan Woods. You might know them from movies like A Quiet Place (2018) or The Boogeyman (2023). Today, however, they’re here to talk about their latest film, Heretic (2024), starring Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, and Chloe East. In their honest conversation with hosts Giles …
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This week we get the holiday spirit and discuss Xmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa movies! From our favorites, trivia, overrated/underrated, to why we don’t have as many new classics recently, we have fun exploring the holidays and Xmas movies. Be sure to continue the conversations and enjoy the show!
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Peter D. Marshall worked more than 40 years as a film and TV director, TV producer, 1stAD. He directed 30 episodes of TV, and 25 commercials. He was 1stAD on 12 movies including Dawn of the Dead, The Butterfly Effect, and Happy Gilmore. He worked with directors like John Woo, Zack Snyder, Phillip Noyce, Ed Zwich, and John Badham. He worked with act…
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"Nickel Boys" is not only one of the best films of the year, but also one of the most experimental and challenging we've seen in a long while. IndieWire's Chris O'Falt sat down with Director RaMell Ross to explore why this story had to be told in first-person cinematography, and hear what Ross is trying to say about film form, and how it needs to e…
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For episode 11 of the Filmmakers Hangout Podcast, join us as we chat with Patrick White, actor in the local film The Farm. Patrick shares insights into his role, what it was like working on set, and the experience of bringing this compelling story to life. Don’t miss it! Send us a text Magical North Pole offers visits, videos and more from Your Pal…
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Welcome to episode #37 of The Filmmaker's Playbook, hosted by writer-director Jason Branagan. -- My guest this week is writer and director, Waris Islam. Waris's directing credits include TV shows like The Bay, Vera, Holby City and EastEnders. He also wrote and directed on the BBC series, Bishaash and has multiple feature films in development. -- To…
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Episode 105 - Testimony Series - God Showed up in Guatemala This episode is a part of our December Testimony series. A series of short testimonies of times that God showed up upon set or in ways related to the film-industry. In this episode, Matt Chastain, writer, director, and podcast host, recounts a miraculous event that occurred during the film…
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The director of "Jackie" and "Spencer" returns to his unofficial trilogy of films about famous women in moments of crisis, this time to depict the final days of one of opera's most renowned singers, Maria Callas. Larraín talks to IndieWire's Jim Hemphill about directing Angelina Jolie in the biggest role of her career, and how he found a cinematic …
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Episode 104 - The Story Behind the Red Letter Awards In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers podcast, Geoff interviews Carla Jackson, founder of the Red Letter Awards. Carla shares her journey from overcoming personal life challenges, including severe burns, a near death experience, and the loss of family. The conversation touches on Kar…
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Today’s pod features one of our special “Anatomy of a Scene” episodes. Emily Kassie and Julian Brave NoiseCat join us once again to discuss their feature documentary, “Sugarcane”. Emily & Julian were first on the show when we recorded them live from Sundance. We wanted to have them back on to dig in deep on a scene from the movie that spans contine…
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'Sugarcane' is an investigative documentary about abuse at a Catholic Native school in Canada. The film's director's joined Chris O'Falt to talk about the years of developing the project, speaking to honest Native experiences, and the camera's power to heal. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Send us a text #filmmaking #filmpodcast #tubi This week on the podcast I talk to actor and director Dzifa Mallet. Dzifa decided he wanted to change careers and move into acting so made a short film and then turned this into his debut feature "Remedy for a Broken Heart". I spoke to Dzifa about what it was like working on his debut feature for someon…
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This week on the podcast we welcome Brian Wallace as a guest host to tell us all about his upcoming TV pilot “World Twistories”! We discuss the concept and origin of the show, unforeseen challenges, hosts, and its current festival run. It’s such an exciting opportunity to discuss a project currently in its development run and Brian provides such fa…
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Ace Producer Sarah Brocklehurst (Black Pond, Animals) chats with Giles Alderson and Dom Lenoir about how she made her latest feature 'The Outrun' which stars and was also produced by Saoirse Ronan. We talk who she got the rights to the book. How a letter can work and why tenacity is key. How Saoirse came on board and became a producer along with Ja…
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For Palestinian villagers in the rural southern West Bank community of Masafer Yatta, life under the Israeli occupation is terrifying. The Israeli military can show up, without warning, waving orders to demolish your house; those resisting can be arrested or even shot. Among the Palestinians who call Masafer Yatta home is filmmaker Basel Adra. Base…
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Robin Hood: Men in Tights is a 1993 adventure comedy film and a parody of the Robin Hood story. The film was produced and directed by Mel Brooks, co-written by Brooks, Evan Chandler, and J. David Shapiro. Filmmaker Commentary is Hosted by Reginald Titus Jr. Co-Hosted by Casey G. Smith --- Support this podcast:…
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RJ Cutler (“The War Room”, “The September Issue”, “Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry”) joins Mike and Ken once again to talk about his latest documentary, “Elton John: Never Too Late.” As RJ tells us, the film “ Tells the story of two monumental decisions in the life of Elton John. The first, a decision he makes [to come out] in an intervi…
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Have you heard about this movie where Amy Adams turns into a dog? Writer and Director Marielle Heller (Can You Ever Forgive Me?, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood) spoke with IndieWire's Sarah Shachat about how she related to this wild and thought-provoking story, and explains how she tackled the famous Hollywood no-no, working with both children…
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In this episode of The Filmmakers Hangout Podcast, actor Kenny Williams joins us to discuss his journey through previous projects, reflecting on his experiences and the inspiration he’s drawn from classic shows of the past. Tune in for a nostalgic yet forward-looking conversation! Send us a text Magical North Pole offers visits, videos and more fro…
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Episode 103 - Collaborative Connections and the Room4 App In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers Podcast, Jaclyn interviews Laura May about the creation and vision behind the Room4 app. Starting from her early experiences casting for faith-based films, Laura recounts her journey and the divine inspiration that led to developing a platfo…
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Today our guests are Errol Morris, director of the new MSNBC documentary “Separated”, and Jacob Soboroff, executive producer, upon whose 2020 book, “Separated: Inside an American Tragedy,” the documentary was based. We had Errol on the show last year to discuss his Oscar-shortlisted portrait of John le Carré, “The Pigeon Tunnel”, which with its imp…
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Episode 102 - Balancing Faith, Family, and Film In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers podcast, Jaclyn interviews Laura Mae, a Navy wife, mother of nine, actress, casting director, and producer. Laura discusses her journey from a passionate dreamer with a love for the arts to participating in an international ministry for faith-based fi…
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Luca Guadagnino joins us for his 5th appearance on the Toolkit Podcast, this time to discuss his drug-infused psycho-sexual drama "Queer." Luca explains how the novel has been a part of his life for decades, why he decided to shoot the film on soundstages with painted backdrops, and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Send us a text #filmmaking #filmpodcast #directing This week on the podcast I talk to Director Joshua Caldwell. After making a bunch of short films Joshua went onto make his debut micro budget feature 'Layover'. It won a bunch of awards and launched his directing career. Joshua's directed television and feature films including 'Infamous' and 'Mendi…
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We invited directors Brendan Bellomo and Slava Leontyev back to “Top Docs” to discuss the unique art that animates their Sundance award-winning documentary “Porcelain War,” an intimate portrait of three Ukrainian artists and their responses to the Russian invasion of their country. Brendan and Slava analyze one of the film’s magical moments, about …
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