There is zero formal financial education through the standard schooling system. Your formal education prepares you for your career and making money! ...but after graduation you're on your own trying to figure out what to do. This leads to a lot of frustrated, furious people! Finance and Fury picks up where your formal education left off, providing a unique insight into the world of economics, personal finance and building wealth with three different episodes each week. To start the week, in ...
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In this episode, we look at sunk and prospective costs using the Commonwealth Games as an example. The aim of this is to see how to make better financial decisions in your everyday lives.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we discuss private equity investments versus investing in the share market. As this asset class has become more accessible to every day investors, is it worth it?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we explore the Buffett indicator. Can this metric be used to predict the performance of the share market in relation to its average return?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the current state of governmental policies to solve poverty. We will be looking at the current solutions to the problems of economic inequality and poverty and then some alternatives.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we will look at economic incentives and human nature and how our responses to incentives can be our best and worst quality at the same time.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at strategies to minimise tax or maximise wealth benefits prior to the end of the financial year.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the news about US debt defaults from reaching their debt ceiling. Whilst a default is unlikely to happen, what does this mean for financial markets now and into the future?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at how the seeds of communism came from the free-market ideals that contributed to the breakout of the French revolution.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the concept of the financial curse, looking at the Goldilocks ratio of the financial system.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at if regulations can solve societal problems. To explore this concept, we will be looking specifically at drug regulations to see if this has been a positive or negative detriment on the economy and society.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at if we even need Central banks but as they are probably not going anywhere anytime soon, we look at how to negate their negative financial effects on your own life.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we break down the real harm that Central Banks do to the population of each country and by extension, the economy.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we will look at both sides of the arguments for and against a housing crash. Is the property market going to see a further decline, beyond what has already occurred? Or is it on the path to recovery?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the collapse of Credit Suisse and the role bail in legislation played in their deal with UBS. We also look at the moral hazard this creates, in an effort to see if the current legislation works in our favour or against us.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we focus on the liquidity issues within the financial system and if this could turn into solvency problems in banks. Or can all of these issues be solved by central banks throwing more money at the problem?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the risk in financial markets over bank runs, and the liquidity fears and contagion risks ramping up in the financial sector. Is it something legitimate or white noise?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we will be doing a deeper dive into the superannuation policy proposals from Labor. We will be looking at who will be impacted and what to watch out for over the coming years.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode we compare investing through managed funds and exchange traded funds (ETFs). Whilst they are the same in many ways, we look deeper into their structure, pros and cons and when to use them or when not to.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we break down an article written by the Treasurer of Australia that argues for the government to have a more active involvement in the economy and financial markets, describing it as "values-based capitalism". Can this really better your daily lives?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we break down investing within the share market, between choosing large, mid or small cap? We go through what different capitalisations are, their characteristics, and how these differ in their performances.由Finance and Fury
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In today’s episode, we will be looking at how population growth affects economic output, along with what the optimal population growth rate is, depending on the economy that you live in.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the recent Ipsos survey with predictions on the year ahead. How accurate have these predictions been in the past and do the results spell trouble for the share market in 2023?由Finance and Fury
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In today’s episode, we look at the economics and viability of solar energy at large, along with the cost benefits analysis when it comes to putting this on your home, viewing this from an investment perspective.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at geopolitical risks and their effects on equity portfolios. We explore how certain events impact asset pricing, what events can be ignored and how to help mitigate any risks.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look back at 2022 and how to remove one major cognitive bias that impacts our ability to make financial decisions or, make rational choices in general.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the history of taxes and what I believe is a new type of tax that we will face, being a tailored carbon tax based around your spending.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we explore the concept of liquidity and what role this plays towards investment risks. We also look at the current issues with Blackstone and if illiquidity is really a bad thing, or something that can protect investors from themselves.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at a road to regulation for stable coins and the fallout this would have on markets.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we break down the economic factors of productions and rather than applying these to an economy, look at using these principals in your everyday life to maximise your own life and personal wealth.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we go through a full summary on the FTX collapse and lessons that can be learnt. We also look at the many moving pieces along with the potential fallout and implications for crypto markets at large.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the economics of Hollywood and how this has changed over time – to help look at the potential future of their revenue streams. We compare those that produce entertainment to those that demand it.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the roles of Central Banks and if they go bankrupt, will they bring the economy and global financial system down with them?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at hedging international investments. But what does hedging mean, and how can it help or hurt your investment returns on international investments?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at if borrowing to invest is still worth it with higher interest rates. We also look at if it is better to reduce debt or use it to build wealth?由Finance and Fury1
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In this episode, we look at the chances of Australia going into another recession and compare this to the last one that we were told we had to have.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at one of the most disruptive factors for real economic growth.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the current state of the market and black swan events.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we will be looking at a better way to select an investment than relying solely on historical performances.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we will be doing a deeper dive into historical returns, particularly focusing on if past performance is useful when selecting investments.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at some recent data from the ABS. We look at the statistical concept of poverty, how to focus on what you need and not to compare yourself to others and averages.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at some results from the recent Dalbar study, tracking the average investors behaviours. We break down why chasing returns is the biggest mistake the average investor could make and how to avoid this.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, the aim is to look at what the root causes of financial stresses are and talk about strategies to reduce these, both initially but in the long term by implementing strategies in your own lives.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at Belt and Road initiative and along with the domestic debt problems that China is currently facing. Signs are starting to point to lowering economic growth but could these lead to a major economic collapse?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode we look at why credit growth has become the most important factor when determining property price movements. We look at why credit growth matters and what fiscal and monetary policy decisions over the past 30 years have created price increases and declines.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at recent policy promises from politicians on the rental housing market. Are these the solution to achieving affordable rent? Or can they hurt those they are seeking to help along with the investors who own the properties?由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at a historical example of inflation from an expansion in the money supply. We also look at the difference between inflation from money supply increases in comparison to inflation coming from a lack of supply.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we will be looking at investing in IPOs and if this can be a strategy for sustainable above market returns, or if this is simply a capital trap for investors.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at some historical performances of portfolios from Jack Bogle, Warren Buffet and Ray Dalio. We look at the allocations that have provided the most consistent returns but also why this may not be the best thing for long term returns.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at some alternative solutions to solve inflation in the long term beyond interest rate increases. We explore supply side economics to look at helping to reduce prices in the long term and increase our capacity to demand.由Finance and Fury
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In this episode, we look at the influence the RBA has and will have on housing prices. We look at interest rate movements and regulations and how prices are expected to respond.由Finance and Fury
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