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Bottom Line Week 1: Jesus wants us to work together. Bible Story: Luke 5:1-11, 27-32; 6:12-16; 8:1-3 Memory Verse: “TWO PEOPLE ARE BETTER THAN ONE. THEY CAN HELP EACH OTHER IN EVERYTHING THEY DO." ECCLESIASTES 4:9, NIRV Who is someone that you like to do things with? Take some time as a family: Think about your friends from church or school. What t…
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Bottom Line Week 4: You can make a difference right now. Bible Story: 1 Timothy 4:12 Memory Verse: "HOW YOU MADE ME IS AMAZING AND WONDERFUL. I PRAISE YOU FOR THAT. WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS WONDERFUL. I KNOW THAT VERY WELL." PSALM 139:14, NIRV Who has made a difference in your life? Share a time when you had a chance to make a difference and you took …
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Bottom Line Week 2: God made you to make a difference. Bible Story: Exodus 3-4:15 Memory Verse: "HOW YOU MADE ME IS AMAZING AND WONDERFUL. I PRAISE YOU FOR THAT. WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS WONDERFUL. I KNOW THAT VERY WELL." PSALM 139:14, NIRV Have you ever felt like you didn't have what it takes to make a difference? Describe what happened! What are som…
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Bottom Line Week 1: God made you, knows you, and loves you. Bible Story: Psalm 139:1-14 Memory Verse: "HOW YOU MADE ME IS AMAZING AND WONDERFUL. I PRAISE YOU FOR THAT. WHAT YOU HAVE DONE IS WONDERFUL. I KNOW THAT VERY WELL." PSALM 139:14, NIRV Think of someone in your family. Share something you like about the way God made them? Do you ever find it…
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Bottom Line Week 2: When you’re worried, trust God. Bible Story: Matthew 6:25-34 Memory Verse: "BE STRONG, ALL YOU WHO PUT YOUR HOPE IN THE LORD. NEVER GIVE UP." PSALM 31:24, NIRV When do you feel worried the most? Who is someone who makes you feel better when you’re worried? Why is it hard to calm down when you are worried about something?!…
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Bottom Line Week 1: When you’re sad, remember you’re not alone. Bible Story: John 11:1-45 Memory Verse: "BE STRONG, ALL YOU WHO PUT YOUR HOPE IN THE LORD. NEVER GIVE UP." PSALM 31:24, NIRV Who is someone who makes you feel better when you’re sad? What makes you sad? When you're sad what can you do to remind yourself that you are not alone?!…
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Bottom Line Week 4: Celebrate Jesus with others. Bible Story: Luke 2:8-20 Memory Verse: “[MARY] IS GOING TO HAVE A SON. YOU MUST GIVE HIM THE NAME JESUS. THAT’S BECAUSE HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS.” Matthew 1:21 “What are some ways we can celebrate Jesus with other people?” “If you had some really good news, who would you want to tell? …
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Bottom Line Week 3: Celebrate because God sent a savior. Bible Story: Luke 2:1-7 Memory Verse: “[MARY] IS GOING TO HAVE A SON. YOU MUST GIVE HIM THE NAME JESUS. THAT’S BECAUSE HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS.” Matthew 1:21 “Talk about a time you needed help with something you couldn’t do on your own. What’s something fun you can do to celeb…
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Bottom Line Week 2: Celebrate because God is always with you. Bible Story: Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:18-25 Memory Verse: “[MARY] IS GOING TO HAVE A SON. YOU MUST GIVE HIM THE NAME JESUS. THAT’S BECAUSE HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS.” Matthew 1:21 What is your favorite Christmas memory? Is it always easy for you to remember to celebrate beca…
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Bottom Line Week 1: God always had a plan to send Jesus. Bible Story: John 1:1-5, John 1:14 Memory Verse: “[MARY] IS GOING TO HAVE A SON. YOU MUST GIVE HIM THE NAME JESUS. THAT’S BECAUSE HE WILL SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM THEIR SINS.” Matthew 1:21 Has there ever been a time where you didn't understand someone's plan? How did you respond? How can remember…
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Bottom Line Week 1: Give with a good attitude. Bible Story: 2 Corinthians 9:7 Memory Verse: "EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT IS FROM GOD." JAMES 1:17A, NIRV What is a time you did something even when you didn't want to? How did you feel after? Who is someone you think has a good attitude about things? Why do you think that? Why do you think having a go…
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Bottom Line Week 1: you always have something to give. Bible Story: 1 Kings 17:7-16 Memory Verse: "EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT IS FROM GOD." JAMES 1:17A, NIRV What do you have a lot of that you could share? What is something someone gave or shared with you that meant a lot to you? Has there ever been a time when someone needed something and you wer…
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Bottom Line Week 1: God gives us good things Bible Story: James 1:17 Memory Verse: "EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT IS FROM GOD." JAMES 1:17A, NIRV What is something good that has happened lately to you or a friend? When is it easy to see that God gives us good things? When is it hard? What are some good things God has given you? (friendships, things, …
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BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!! Daniel and Caylee are taking the kids podcast to every week! Starting in november join us both as we recap what we learned each and every week. See you then! SHOW NOTES Bottom Line Week 1: Be ready to do the right thing. Bottom Line Week 2: Think before you speak. Bottom Line Week 3: Think before you act. Bottom Line Week 4: Know…
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Bottom Line Week 4: Comfort others the way God comforts you. Bottom Line Week 5: Jesus is the light of the world. Memory Verse: “LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE SO OTHERS CAN SEE IT. THEN THEY WILL SEE THE GOOD THINGS YOU DO. AND THEY WILL BRING GLORY TO YOUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN.” MATTHEW 5:16, NIRV How can you show someone you care? Who is someone you kn…
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Bottom Line Week 1: You can shine God’s light Bottom Line Week 2: Use what you have to help others Bottom Line Week 3: Make time to help others. Memory Verse: “LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE SO OTHERS CAN SEE IT. THEN THEY WILL SEE THE GOOD THINGS YOU DO. AND THEY WILL BRING GLORY TO YOUR FATHER WHO IS IN HEAVEN.” MATTHEW 5:16, NIRV Questions: “What does it …
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Bottom Line Week 3: Hang out with wise people. Bottom Line Week 4: Never stop growing in wisdom. Memory Verse: “If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone and doesn’t find fault. James 1:5, NIrV Questions: What makes someone wise? “Who are some of your closest friends right now? What …
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Bottom Line Week 1: Wisdom is worth searching for. Bottom Line Week 2: When you see yourself clearly, you can make the wise choice. Memory Verse: “If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you. God gives freely to everyone and doesn’t find fault. James 1:5, NIrV Questions: “Who is someone that helped you lately? Who …
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