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Emil Persson / Perfect Day Media

Tog Peter Settman fondue till Sverige? Säger Zara Larsson “texta” snarare än “messa” för att visa hur amerikaniserad hon råkat bli? Vet Thorsten Flinck verkligen vem Steve Jobs är? Har Alice Bah Kuhnke betalat för en lap dance i sitt liv? Lyssna och lär i Fördomspodden, podcasten där kända svenskar bemöter de många fördomar Emil Persson har om dom. Lyssnarnas favoritavsnitt hittar du på https://www.fö
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Ford Video Guy


Tim Bartz ”fordvideoguy” discusses the most up to date Ford news from a dealer insider. He will have a weekly topic discussion and answer live questions about Ford and products every Tuesday night.
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Prophet Benjamin Fordjour

Prophet Benjamin Fordjour

Wisdom moments with Prophet Benjamin Fordjour, A voice called to restore the dignity of humanity, To demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit, To reveal the true identity of Christ in us, To raise and build people of absolute dominion, To raise a fearless generation, To brings salvation to the unsaved, revival to the broken hearted, liberate men from captivity, To reveal absoluteness of the Holy Ghost, To break the walls of demonization and bring about unity to the Body of Christ across the ...
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Welcome to The FORDIFY Show, where soulful entrepreneurship meets purposeful success! Hosted by Emily Ford, a powerhouse entrepreneur and globally acclaimed speaker, this podcast is your go-to resource for transforming dreams into reality with authenticity, clarity, and unshakeable confidence. Since 2011, Emily has been inspiring entrepreneurs to navigate challenges and create impactful personal brands that reflect their God-given purpose. Join Emily as she brings her vibrant energy and insi ...
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In "HUNGRY MINDS – eine Generation, die fordert" besprechen Journalistin Ronja Ebeling und Sozialforscher Dr. Kilian Hampel Themen rund um die Lebens- und Arbeitsperspektive der jungen Generation. Gemeinsam mit spannenden Gästen machen sie auf Missstände in der Gesellschaft aufmerksam und beleuchten das Bildungssystem, die Arbeitswelt und Politisches – also das, was Deutschland und die Welt bewegt. Sie stellen persönliche Geschichten und spannende Vorbilder vor, um Impulse für Veränderungen ...
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Welcome to Guilders-Ford Radio, a Necromunda podcast broadcasting from the East Gate Docks of Guilders-Ford in Hive Primus (via Guildford Games Club, Surrey, UK). Any comments, questions or corrections? Join the Guilders-Ford Radio community over on social media... Follow the links!
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Förderbande – ein Podcast der NRW-Stiftung

NRW-Stiftung / Marija Bakker und Cornelia Wegerhoff

Spannende Kulturstätten, sehenswerte Museen und Denkmäler, artenreiche Flora und Fauna und besondere Naturschutzgebiete – Nordrhein-Westfalen hat einiges zu bieten. In unserem Podcast „Förderbande“ fördern wir kleine wie große, wohlbekannte wie bisher verborgene Schätze zu Tage, die es von der Eifel bis zum Teutoburger Wald und vom Niederrhein bis zum Siegerland zu entdecken gibt. Gemeinsam mit wechselnden Gästen geben wir Einblicke in unsere Arbeit und werfen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen ...
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One Church is a diverse community of people based in Columbus, Ohio with a goal of igniting a movement around the world. We believe that life is better in community. To learn more head over to our website at ONE.CHURCH
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Yogastunden - dynamisch und fordernd

Sukadev Volker Bretz - Gesundheit und Spiritualität

Intensives Üben mit fordernden Yogastunden. Dynamische Yoga Sessions mit Variationen und immer neuen Herausforderungen. Yoga Classes, die immer Neues bieten. Raus aus der Bequemlichkeitszone - rein ins Yoga Abenteuer. Yoga für Fortgeschrittene und solche die es werden wollen. Längere und kürzere Yogastunden von und mit Sukadev und anderen Yogalehrer/innen von https://www, Du solltest mit dem Yogastil vertraut sein, um mit diesen Übungen praktizieren zu können.
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❤️ Wie kannst du dein Kind schlau fördern? Gute Frage! Was wäre, wenn ich dir sage, dass ich genau dafür Lernmethoden entwickelt habe, mit denen dein Kind so lernt, wie das Gehirn am liebsten lernt – mit Geschichten, Bildern und Spielen. 💜 Ich bin der festen Überzeugung, dass Eltern die wichtigste Säule in der Bildung ihrer Kinder sind. Denn du sitzt jeden Tag mit deinem Kind an den Hausaufgaben, förderst es schon als Kleinkind, erklärst und lernst mit ihm. Ich möchte dich für diese wichtige ...
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‘Views and News with Clarence Ford’ shares and reflects a broad array of different perspectives. The show is inspirational, passionate and positive. Clarence and the team aim to leave listeners feeling both motivated and empowered. Known for his love of jazz and a good game of golf, Clarrie brings his unique flavour to this show. Some new features include ‘Heritage Hour’ every Wednesday between 10 and 11 am, The Masterclass on Fridays at 11 am as well as a segment exploring music trivia. Ano ...
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Welcome to Fordwebbdesign podcast. I am a graphic designer and an aspiring entrepreneur, I am still growing my business and structure of it. I hope to inspire you to grow while I am on this journey. Let’s grow together.
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Become a Paid Subscriber: This Podcast shares the importance of creating/using your God-given gifts to positively impact others without hesitation and taking chances through the unknown, plus pushing through fears! Also, this is intended to encourage you to persist forward in your dreams, with practical steps/lessons/stories/potential reasons why you avoid the work (based on personal experiences and observations! I post n ...
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Are you fed up with Doug Ford and his only the get the rich richer polices? or his "only Doug can get it done" mentality SO ARE WE! introducing Ontarios ford problem your new favourite podcast featuring two dudes who are done with Doug
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HEY! Ladies and gentlemen’s welcome to the Fordern podcast as your host I will be talking about the things you love and hate. Me and the team are going to talk about the Coronavirus for our first podcast and let you guys know what you guys want to suggest.
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Stolthet og fordom – en litteraturpodkast

Hilde Slåtto og Ingrid Svennevig Hagen

Stolthet og fordom – en litteraturpodkast lages av Hilde Slåtto og Ingrid Svennevig Hagen. Serien "Åh, Europa!" er en kjærlighetserklæring til europeisk litteratur. I 2024 skal vi lese oss gjennom hele Europa og dele leseopplevelsene med lytterne våre. Velkommen!
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show series
Livestream Agenda Intro and Chat Good Dealer Highlight Scheduling Live Q&A Dealer News Recalls Is It True On My Mind Live Q&A Join the Long Mac Crew Membership: Merchandise Personal channel: https://yout…
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What protects a life from becoming a sham? What provides a life with clearer vision of God? Jesus provides instruction in the 6th beatitude that’s on tap for us this Sunday. Jesus is forming people whose behavior matches their beliefs. People whose life’s actions are synced with pure motivations … are in a good place!…
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Wahlkampf-Special Das Grundgesetz – nur ein verstaubtes Buch oder eine lebendige Grundlage unseres Zusammenlebens? Am Wahlsonntag sprechen wir mit dem Politikwissenschaftler Jan Boskamp über Demokratiebildung an Schulen, politische Neutralität von Lehrkräften und die Frage, wie man junge Menschen für Grundrechte begeistert. Zum Werbepartner dieser …
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The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA), through its subsidiary Intersite Asset Investment (SOC) is extending an invitation to property developers and investors to lease, repurpose, and develop properties at various train stations nationwide. Annette Lindeque, CEO of Intersit. See for privacy information.…
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Imagine living with a rare nerve disease, where every day is a battle with no clear end in sight. This is the reality for Rameez Cassiem, a father, husband, and motivational speaker who has been diagnosed with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN), a condition that attacks the body's motor nerves, leading to gradual muscle weakness.Once a breakdancer a…
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So… Valentine’s Day didn’t exactly go as planned? Maybe your date spent the whole evening texting their ex, or perhaps you treated yourself to a fancy dinner—alone—while the couple at the next table fed each other like they were filming a rom-com. Or, worst of all, you received absolutely nothing except a special offer email from your internet prov…
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