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The GITN podcast is dedicated to exploring the paranormal and sharing your ghostly experiences. Sharing our experiences will help solve the mystery behind this phenomenon. If you want to share your paranormal experiences, send us an email at [email protected] Plus we will share evidence from our investigations, so be sure to subscribe and get involved in the conversation.
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Join entrepreneur, educator, and proud Indonesian, Gita Wirjawan in exploring the ways forward for our society through stories and experiences by thought leaders, trailblazers, and opinion-makers from Indonesia and the region.
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In 'Gitaarmannen, de podcast' praat gitarist Ed Struijlaart met zijn favoriete NL gitaristen (m/v) over hun leven en muziek, met de liefde voor de gitaar als rode draad. Word Gitaarvriend voor extra afleveringen:
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Podcasten, der hjælper kvinder i og omkring overgangsalderen med at opnå et varigt vægttab, minimere symptomer og skabe en sund fremtid. MENOPAUSE ⎮ KOST ⎮ VANER ⎮ MOTION ⎮ OVERSPISNING ⎮ VELVÆRE ⎮ SUKKERTRANG ⎮
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GITA Podcast

Jai and Gaura Sharan

This podcast exists to systematically propagate spiritual knowledge to society at large and to educate all people in the techniques of spiritual life in order to check the imbalance of values in life and to achieve real unity and peace in the world....Lets dive into the Gita
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Timeless Wisdom for Troubled Times-- Join us on a fun and enlightening journey through The Bhagavad Gita, one of the oldest and coolest yogic texts around. We’ll dive into its ancient wisdom and find ways to make it totally relevant to your life today. Starting from page one, we’ll uncover practical lessons that’ll uplift, entertain, and inspire you. By the end of each episode, you’ll be ready to live a more connected, empowered life—Gita inspired! ht ...
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Gitbar, programmazione e sviluppo web. Un piccolo punto di ritrovo per lo sviluppo fullstack. Parleremo di php laravel e symfony, javascript e VueJS, angular o react, di continuous integration, deployment, docker, kubernetes, scrum fino ad arrivare al machine learning e alla blockchain che come sapete sono un pò come il prezzemolo e ci stan bene su tutto. Parleremo anche della vita dello sviluppatore, pattern e soft skills. Io sono @brainrepo, sviluppatore e host di questo podcast e il vostr ...
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Bhagavad Gita has always been male oriented since every character therein is male. From Arjuna to Shri Krishna, Duryodhan to Karna, Bhima to Dushyasan and even the Masters are male, Women would find it extremely difficult to correlate to it since it is the battlefield and men fought the wars. This is a spiritual masterpiece which needs to be deciphered. Our Master KrsnaG or fondly called Krsna Guruji also goes by the name Krsnaknows decodes this wonderful journey from the beginning to the en ...
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Kopflastig. Gitarre & Bass im Gespräch

Vitali Petrovic & Sebastian Bluschke

Frank Zappa sagte einst: "Über Musik zu reden ist wie über Architektur zu tanzen." Ungeachtet dessen trauen sich Vitali Petrovic & Sebastian Bluschke in ihrem Podcast über alle Themen rund um die Musik zu sprechen: Gibt es Talent? Was ist Erfolg? Kann man in jedem Alter noch ein Instrument lernen? Wozu braucht man Musiktheorie? Wie richtet man einen Proberaum ein? In ihren Gesprächen vermischen die beiden Berufsmusiker persönliche Erfahrungen, wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und nützliche Tip ...
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True Crime Geschichten direkt aus dem Knast. Von einem Ex-Gefangenen und einer Justizbeamtin. Außerdem: Fragen, Antworten, Wissenswertes und Diskussionen über den Strafvollzug und Maßnahmenvollzug. Ein sehr genauer Blick hinter Gitter, der offenbart was hinter Gefängnismauern wirklich los ist und was an den Berichten in Film und TV tatsächlich stimmt und was nicht.
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Our mission is to share the wisdom of Vedanta (the knowledge of universal oneness) and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness - enabling people to become positive contributors to society. The Podcast features the teachers of Chinmaya Mission, who capture the essence of the Bhagavad Geeta, the Upanishads and other ancient Hindu scriptures and bring them to us in a contemporary language with messages relevant to our times. Find more Geeta treasures including access to an exclus ...
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GIT Thailand

GIT Thailand

ทุกเรื่องราวอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับ โดยสถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนาอัญมณีและเครื่องประดับแห่งชาติ (องค์การมหาชน)
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Gitarowe rozmowy z ludźmi z branży muzycznej. Znajdziecie tutaj tematy związane z pracą muzyczną, produkcją sprzętu, realizacją nagrań itd. Podcasty pojawiają się na moim kanale YouTube w formie filmów wideo (nagrywamy obraz w trakcie rozmowy) -
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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The GITA Interviews talks to some of today's top CEOS to discuss how they're working on a global scale by utilizing GITA. GITA is an alliance of carefully selected and OEM validated, professional IT partners. They open the door for companies to an international landscape, serving multinational organizations, no matter where on the globe they do business.
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git reset

Kyle McDonald

Sit back and relax. The git reset podcast is a fresh take on the web development world that will (hopefully) make you laugh. A new guest each episode who will answer somewhat ridiculous questions about web development and tech.
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective. 5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind : Yatharth Geeta by Swami Adgadanand.
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show series
The second film in our pairing of Scottish cinema reunites director Ken Loach and writer Paul Laverty, this time for a dramedy heist film that still has all the working-class pathos Loach is famous for! In "The Angels' Share," the story begins by showing us a series of individuals all getting sentenced to "community payback" (community service) for…
  continue reading Marcia Bittencourt und Julian Scarcella: Musik für die Leichtigkeit Hannover ist bisher nicht als Nabel brasilianischer Musik bekannt. Dennoch haben sich in Norddeutschland die Sängerin Marcia Bittencourt und der Jazz- und Rockgitarrist Julian Scarcella für eine fast traditionelle Komposition…
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The technique described by Shri Krishna to attain the peace of mind is discussed here in following verses from the Bhagavad Gita For Women Chapter 2 by Krsnaknows. For more details click the link below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Youtube:
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Sandra, Philipp und Tony haben die Pokémon Presents vom Pokémon Day genau unter die Lupe genommen – und natürlich besonders die große Enthüllung: Pokémon Legenden Z-A! War das neue Spiel wirklich das große Highlight der Präsentation? Oder gab es vielleicht sogar größere Überraschungen? Die drei sprechen darüber, wie die Grafik auf den ersten Blick …
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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I denne episode af VÆGTVINDER dykker vi ned i, om en plantebaseret kost er gavnlig i overgangsalderen. Hvordan kosten påvirker vægttab, hormoner og symptomer som hedeture og søvnproblemer. Du får indsigt i, hvordan du tilpasser din kost, så den passer til din livsstil, og hvorfor balance er vigtigere end strenge diæter. Lyt med og få konkrete råd t…
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📢 Word lid van de Gitaarmannen WhatsApp-community!➡️ 🎸 Vandaag een speciale aflevering vanuit The Fellowship of Acoustics! Rudi Bults, de oprichter van deze iconische gitaarspeciaalzaak, neemt ons mee in zijn ondernemersverhaal, van tuinontwerper tot een van de grootste vintage gitaarhandelaren van E…
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Heute haben die beiden mal wieder ein Thema, an das Sebastian sehr wissenschaftlich herangehen möchte. Es geht um die Grundlagen der Musik, und so stellt sich die Frage: Was sind musikalische Grundlagen? Ist es etwa ein Fundament, auf dem alles andere aufbaut? Sind es nur verschiedene Bodenplatten, die zuerst bei jedem Stockwerk vergossen werden mü…
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Swami Swaroopananda, Global Head of Chinmaya Mission, is a revered spiritual leader known for his clear, profound Vedanta teachings. His wisdom guides many towards self-discovery and inner peace, making complex concepts accessible and inspiring globally.
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Welcome to episode 87 where I’m going to share with you my top 3 customer service tips you might want to focus on in your fashion business! | Membership | Free guides | Facebook group | Questions | Donations | Instagram | | #fashionbusiness #fashionentrepreneur #fashionstartup #howtostartafashionbusiness #customerservice…
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In December of 2024 we received a message from a fellow academic in Scotland! Hugh O'Donnell wrote us and suggested we take a look at two Scottish dramas, both from acclaimed director Ken Loach and writer Paul Laverty! First up, the story of 15-year-old Liam (Martin Compston) in 2002's "Sweet Sixteen!" Liam, his grandfather Rab (Tommy McKae), and h…
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From the flying shields of Alexander the Great to Ezekiel’s enigmatic vision, ancient history is filled with mysterious accounts of unexplained aerial phenomena. Were these stories divine encounters, natural events, or evidence of extraterrestrial visitations? In “Ancient UFOs: Mysteries in the Sky,” we explore some of history’s most fascinating UF…
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Bhagavad Gita Ch. 11 “Yoga of the Vision of the Universal Form” Verses 47, 48, & 49 The lecture discusses Krishna’s statement that no one has ever seen the Cosmic Form before Arjuna and that this Cosmic Form is not available to the seekers pursuing traditional religious practices. Moksharthi - Please visit YouTube for Bhajans by Neil Bhatt - https:…
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Anger is doorway to hell. How does anger arise and how it leads one to complete ruin is mentioned by Shri Krishna to Arjuna in these verses from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verses 61 Onwards as given by Krsnaknows exposition. For more details click links below 👇For more: https://krsnaknows.comSubscribe to us on Youtube:…
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From the guillotine to the electric chair, history is full of bizarre, brutal, and downright absurd execution methods. In this darkly funny episode, we dive into the most infamous, creative, and horrific ways people have been put to death throughout history. We’ll explore medieval torture devices, botched executions, and the strange stories behind …
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In questo episodio di GitBar, i conduttori discutono di Distrobox, un innovativo strumento per gestire container, e del lavoro in ChainGuard, un'azienda focalizzata sulla sicurezza delle immagini Docker. Viene approfondito il concetto di S-BOM (Software Bill of Materials) e la sua importanza nella sicurezza del software. Inoltre, si esplora la manc…
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Abenteuer vs. Isekai – unsere Serien-Tipps! In dieser Episode tauschen Philipp und Tony ihre Serien-Empfehlungen aus – mit spannenden Diskussionen und frischen Eindrücken! Tomb Raider: The Legend of Lara Croft – die beiden tauchen in die neue Animationsserie ein, vergleichen sie mit der letzten Game-Trilogie von Crystal Dynamics und teilen ihre Ged…
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I overgangsalderen oplever mange kvinder en forværring af smerter – fra muskel- og ledsmerter til migræne og nervesmerter. Men hvorfor sker det, og hvad kan du gøre for at lindre dem? I denne uges episode af podcasten VÆGTVINDER taler jeg om hormonernes rolle, sammenhængen mellem smerter, stress og søvn samt konkrete strategier til at få det bedre …
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