What two women (with a whacked sense of life) would talk about while having drinks.
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LA Fire Recap, What Not To Say and No Crying Over Spilt Coffee由Gerk and Keek
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A brief pause to re-group. We appreciate you all!!由Gerk and Keek
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Gerk Rant, Trick Knees & Old Lady Feet and Thank God You're My Ex由Gerk and Keek
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Extortion, Blackmail, Chinese Lovers and the Dodgers Take It All!由Gerk and Keek
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Exit Only Girls, Asshole Irony, Cute Little Hemorrhoids and Facebook Dating Dud由Gerk and Keek
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Fleet Enemas, Drug Mules, Johnny Manometry and Keek's A Pirate由Gerk and Keek
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Adventures In Hormones, Fecal-philiacs, Violated Poopers and Off Label Hefty Bag Usage由Gerk and Keek
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Gerk's Only Fans Page, Procrophiliac's Fart Panties and All Things Fucked Up Cousin Baby!!由Gerk and Keek
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Gerk Rant, Olympics Hate Speech, Rage Baiting, Farts Are Funny and a Very Special Guest!由Gerk and Keek
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Poop Water, Olympic Update, Pee Pee Etiquette and Gerk's Cold Dark Heart由Gerk and Keek
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Fish Can't Swim, It's A Dirty Dirty World, and a Surprise Caller由Gerk and Keek
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Guests, Games, Faux Holes, Party Crashers and 10 Years of Hijinks!由Gerk and Keek
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Post Covid Perfect Attendance Morons, Eyebrow Vanity and a Big 'Ole Five Head由Gerk and Keek
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Eunuch Cicadas, Locked Out Misadventures and Black Men Named Chad由Gerk and Keek
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Keek's Got Free Shit, Gerk's Fucked Up Anniversary and Professional Pooper Scoopers由Gerk and Keek
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Renovation Nightmare, Russian Movers, Anxious Pets and Who Would You Pay?由Gerk and Keek
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Black vs. White, Funny vs. Not Funny and OJ is Dead由Gerk and Keek
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The O.G. Superfan, Tight Scrubs, Porch Pirate Trash Bag and Oops, I Pissed My Pants!由Gerk and Keek
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Fuzzy 55, Pre-Op Talk, Loreen's a Skank and We're A Protected Class!由Gerk and Keek
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OCD, Rotting Sea Creatures, The World's Worst Superhero and Florida Man Games由Gerk and Keek
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Big Word Friday, Judgy Bitches and Fuck You, Stewart!由Gerk and Keek
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It's Fucking Valentine's Day, Dueling ENTs and a Thumb Up My Ass由Gerk and Keek
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Trash Compacted Woman, Shit Covered Florida Man and Cotton Headed Ninny Muggins由Gerk and Keek
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Blood Bath Birthday Party, Skin Talisman, The Ick and Jesus Is My Friend由Gerk and Keek
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Bunny: The Musical, Winter Solstice and We're At Maximum Tilt由Gerk and Keek
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