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Is playing the harp harder than you thought it would be? Ever wish you knew the secrets to learning music that only the experts and the eight year old YouTube stars seem to know? Want to finally finish the pieces you start and play them with ease, confidence and joy? Harp Mastery founder and Harp Happiness expert Anne Sullivan believes every harp player can learn to play the music they want the way they want. Tune in as she clears the confusion around topics like fingering, technique, sight ...
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Duften af harpiks

Radioteket - Niklas Landin & Jonas Landin

Duften af Harpiks er en håndbold-podcast præsenteret af målmand på det danske landshold Niklas Landin og Jonas Landin. I hvert afsnit inviteres en æresgæst i studiet til en snak om gamle minder og anekdoter fra livet som håndboldspiller. Instagram https://www.instagram.com/duftenafharpiks_niklas_landin/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/duftenafharpiks/ Udsendelsen er produceret af Radioteket Mail: radioteket@radioteket.dk
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Denne podkasten handler om hår og motebransjen. Frisørene og ildsjelene Ann Marit og Renate har med seg nye spennende og inspirerende gjester i hver episode, som forteller sin unike historie, og deler sin inspirasjon og erfaring fra bransjen med dere. For annonsering: silje@modernemedia.no.
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You're invited to hang out on Lisa Harper's back porch and enjoy conversations about all things Jesus, theological anthropology, biblical orthodoxy, Spanx, the merits of Tex-Mex and more! We believe this podcast will help you dive deeper into God's word, understand that the gospel is great news for everyday life, not just when viewed in the light of eternity, and that God is for us, that He's always been in the process of redeeming our inherent value as imago Dei and restoring us into a vibr ...
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Welcome to "The Doc Dudes," your go-to podcast for an insider's look into the world of plastic surgery, brought to you by the experts at Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery in Charlotte, NC. Join top plastic surgeons Dr. Garrett Harper, Dr. Robert Graper and Dr. Evon Zoog as they unveil the art and science behind today's most advanced cosmetic treatments. Hear about patient transformations and get an inside look into the world of cosmetic procedures from the surgeons who perform them. The Charlot ...
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Welcome to HarperAcademic Calling. Our podcast is designed to give educators, students, as well as every reader, a behind-the-scenes chat with a range of our authors--from well-loved favorites to up-and-coming debut writers--about their books.
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Life can be challenging and sometime even impossible. In this podcast Laurie tackles some of the many issues facing us today from a biblical perspective with humor and honesty. It is meant to be a safe judgment free space much like grandma’s back porch. A place you would go for a warm hug and invaluable advise from others who have been there and done that. You are not alone. You are not a mistake. God does have a plan for your life. It does not matter where you are or what you have done. God ...
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Digital Wisdom has been started with the idea to help aspiring digital marketers with various business ideas, strategies to become successful. Subscribe our Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxfa97vUJVqM03SHzgHezgw Follow me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/digitalmarketinglord Follow me on Instagram https://instagram.com/digitalmarketinglord Visit our website https://digitalmarketinglord.com/
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A research project dedicated to the analysis and study of the biologicals known as Human beings, archiving a collection of stories, first hand accounts, and historical documents pertaining to the behavior, evolution, and societies of Humanity.
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Let's be perfectly clear: a billion is at least 1,000x better than a million. This is a marketing and branding podcast for anyone who is trying to build a brand -- especially a billion dollar brand. Marketing and advertising industry veterans, Bill Harper (aka BrandBoss) and Bryan Elliott (from the acclaimed Behind the Brand podcast) team up to brainstorm new business ideas, interview business professionals who are building really great companies, analize what's right and wrong with brands, ...
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Welcome to The Ripple Effect Podcast with Steve Harper, where the power of connection, building better relationships, and creating a positive impact on the world take center stage. Join us on a transformative journey as we explore the profound effects that small actions can have on individuals, communities, and the global community as a whole. At the heart of The Ripple Effect Podcast is the belief that every action we take creates a ripple that spreads far beyond its initial impact. Hosted ...
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We are Harpo Podcast

Kevin & Sarah Harpootlian

A show that attempts to encourage and entertain while allowing you to peek into the home of the Harpootlian Clan. Each week we will hear what is happening in Kevin’s Corner, Sarah’s Space, The Rec Room and Family Matters.
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Changing the human condition, I believe, is a matter of setting priorities - and love is the answer to positive change... Not immediate gratification. Or the weather. And we start today by fasting from grumbling.
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A podcast that invites listeners to an earful of fun as each time we sit down together in front of the mics we learn a bit more about how my 3-year-old loves life, and how she sees the world while chatting all about it with her daddy.
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show series
Keyboardist: Gail Nobles Story by: Gail Nobles Photo: Gage Skidmore Usage: Wikipedia CC BY-SA 2.0 Hello, I’m Gail Nobles and you’re listening to Eagle Harp. Today’s topic is Sugarhill gang the lover in you. Alright, Let's talk about that classic jam from the Sugarhill Gang called "The Lover in You." This tune comes from their album "Rappin Down Tow…
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This is an emotive, sparkly, ethereal piece, encouraging new beginnings. Look within, for the thing that will make you feel better. Be it music, books, creativity, friendship, community, God. The seeker looks for what they love, what is good for their spirit and what brings them comfort. Angels sing all around. They're never far away, offering stre…
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Today’s episode focuses on the music of harpist, singer and composer Sophia Dussek. It is partly music history, partly harp history and partly harp technique. But it’s really about connection. I want to help you feel a connection to our roots, to some of the musical and harp traditions that aren’t merely history, but are part of the fabric of our d…
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Mathias Gidsel 1 https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/mathias-gidsel-01-u-hold-klejn-og-faldteknik/id1482597703?i=1000514966715 Mathias Gidsel 2 https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/mathias-gidsel-02-forventninger-fremtidsplaner-og-sprogidiot/id1482597703?i=1000516655497 Nikolaj Jacobsen 1 https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/nikolaj-jacobsen-01…
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Creative people bring color to an otherwise lifeless and monotonous workplace. They lie at the heart and core of many companies and organizations. How can you keep their innovative spark burning? How can you be the leader that creative people need? Best-selling Author, International Speaker, and “arms dealer for creative leaders,” Todd Henry graces…
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I dette afsnit fortæller Kevin Møller meget åbenhjertigt om en periode i sin ungdom, der har været med til at gøre ham til den, han er i dag. Tak Kevin for din åbenhed - Jonas og Niklas. ............................... Følg med på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/duftenafharpiks_niklas_landin/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/duftenafharpiks/ .…
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I dagens afsnit skal vi lære Kevin Møller bedre at kende og det bliver en snak om fællesskab, rollen som 2. keeper, facader og karriere. Kevin Møller har kendt Niklas siden de mødtes på Oure Idrætsefterskole, hvor de boede på værelse sammen. Siden da har de fulgtes og og sammen med Jannick Green været en del af en målmands-trio på landsholdet igenn…
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Learn all about why some people enjoy the feeling of being coerced into all sorts of behaviors, but feminization and sissification are the most common things to be 'pushed' into. Ms Miranda of TeasingTales.com joins us to discuss Feminization, Sissies, and more! Learn what both Ms Miranda and Ms Harper have been watching in their downtime, and enjo…
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Afsnittet er sponsoreret af Coolshop https://www.coolshop.dk/ .................... Vi fortsætter quizzen fra 1. afsnit med Mads Mensah. Den står 1-1. Snakken går også på lidt sjove historier om Andy Schmid og Lasse Svan og hvilke beslutninger, der har gjort at Mads er, hvor han er i dag. Se Andy Schmid’s redning på Lasse Svan i kampen mellem Rhein-…
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Find out more about CH Ministries here Click here to get a 25% discount on the Dwell Bible App. Today's conversation on Back Porch Theology is the fourth in our series on worship and is part two of last week's episode with Darlene Zschech, who many consider to be the mother of modern day worship music. Brooke Ligertwood ~ who's one of the most anoi…
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Should you have a facelift before other cosmetic procedures? Once you have a facelift, are you completely done with cosmetic upkeep? In this episode of The Doc Dudes, the surgeons of Graper Harper Cosmetic Surgery in Charlotte, NC, discuss factors to consider when thinking about facelifts and other cosmetic procedures. The doctors are also joined b…
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Afsnittet er sponsoreret af måltidskasser fra Hellofresh. - Gå ind på https://www.hellofresh.dk/duftenafharpiks og brug koden duftenafharpiks. - Spar op til 1079 kr. og få en gratis dessert med hver bestilling i 3 måneder. - Du kan også bruge koden, hvis det er mere end 12 måneder siden, du sidst har været kunde og du savner de lækre, nemme måltids…
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I dette afsnit fortæller Camilla om en vigtig beslutning, skøre håndboldkampe og gode mål. Vi finder også en vinder af quizzen og hører historier fra østblokken og Camillas Video fra come back-kampen mellem Randers og Slagelse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w89bf1qeMGo Video fra 1962 hvor Camillas mor er med til at vinde VM-sølv for Danmark. More…
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Preview also available on our YouTube channel Our guest : NEIL “KEEGO” KEEGAN https://twitter.com/keegolaughs_irl www.keegolaughs.com Apologies Up Front on Apple Podcasts LEINSTER : 15. Henry McErlean 14. Andrew Osborne 13. Liam Turner 12. Jordie Barrett 11. James Lowe 10. Ross Byrne 9. Luke McGrath 1. Jack Boyle 2. Dan Sheehan (c) 3. Rabah Slimani…
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Ukas gjest er Stine Strømnes Johansen som er eier og daglig leder for «Frisørmester Vidar Jacobsen».Salongen er en av Fredrikstads eldste og mest tradisjonsrike frisørsalonger med snart 50 års historie. . Stine er en sprudlende og lidenskapelig frisør med et hjerte som virkelig banker for faget. Hennes engasjement og dedikasjon har gjort henne til …
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Afsnittet er sponsoreret af Coolshop https://www.coolshop.dk/ ................. Hvordan har det været at komme retur til Danmark efter mange år i udlandet? Hvordan mener Rasmus at niveauet i den danske liga er og hvad mener han om 7 mod 6 spillet? Hvad betyder familien for balancen mellem den professionelle tilværelse og trivslen uden for banen? Og…
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I dagens afsnit er der kæmpe humør, når energibomben og verdens bedste håndboldspiller i sin tid, er med som gæst. Hvornår debuterede Camilla Andersen på landsholdet og hvad var hendes vej dertil? Hvad har hun vundet med landsholdet, hvordan husker hun sin tid med landsholdet og hvorfor stoppede hun som kun 27-årig med landsholdshåndbold? Hvilke sl…
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In this episode, Bill & Bryan breakdown the Superbowl Commercial Preview: The Duracell Scientist Experiment Fails; State Farm Flames Out; Coors Light's Deliberate Typo and more. About host Bill Harper: Favorite Quote: “If you asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” – Henry Ford Bill is the Chief Creative Officer & CEO of…
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Find out more about CH Ministries here Click here to get a 25% discount on the Dwell Bible App. Okay I really need your help during today's conversation on BPT ~ which is part of a new series we started this year called "The Theology of Worship." And I'm playing my phone-a-friend card with all of you amazing backporchers because I have the wildly u…
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Do you remember when you were a harp newbie? Maybe you still are, or maybe you’ve been playing for a long time and the time you were a beginner is a distant memory. That’s me, of course, I was a harp newbie a very long time ago. However, I can remember clearly the excitement I felt in my early days of harp playing. You may have heard my harp story,…
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Tusind tak for alle de gode spørgsmål til Niklas - I er for fede! Der er faktisk kommet så mange spørgsmål, at vi har besluttet os for, at vi laver flere afsnit med jeres spørgsmål undervejs i VM. ............................... Følg med på Instagram https://www.instagram.com/duftenafharpiks_niklas_landin/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/duftenaf…
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For this episode of Whore School Ms Riley joined us to discuss Emotional Intimacy, and why you should work on building the emotional intelligence skills needed to have healthy, strong, emotionally vibrant and supportive relationships with the people in your life! Learn a few tips and tricks to building strong relationships, and discover what it mig…
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Lyt til de to helt fantastiske afsnit med Simon Pytlick fra november her Simon Pytlick 1:2 - Hvem er Simon Pytlick?, Ansvar og quiz https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/simon-pytlick-1-2-hvem-er-simon-pytlick-ansvar-og-quiz/id1482597703?i=1000675480937 Simon Pytlick 2:2 - Søn af en landstræner, nervøsitet og bedste mål https://podcasts.apple.com/d…
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Mathias Gidsel behøver ingen introduktion. Lyt med når han i dette afsnit fortæller om de styrker svære tider kan føre med sig og hvordan han håndterer nervøsitet. Lyt til flere afsnit med Mathias Gidsel her: https://podcasts.apple.com/dk/podcast/mathias-gidsel-01-u-hold-klejn-og-faldteknik/id1482597703?i=1000514966715 https://podcasts.apple.com/dk…
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Preview also available on our YouTube channel Our guest MARK JACKSON https://twitter.com/hoomanbear LEINSTER : 15. Hugo Keenan 14. Garry Ringrose 13. Robbie Henshaw 12. Jordie Barrett 11. Jamie Osborne 10. Sam Prendergast 9. Jamison Gibson-Park 1. Andrew Porter 2. Rónan Kelleher 3. Rabah Slimani 4. Joe McCarthy 5. James Ryan 6. Max Deegan 7. Josh v…
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Afsnittet er sponsoreret af måltidskasser fra Hellofresh. - Gå ind på hellofresh.dk/duftenafharpiks og brug koden duftenafharpiks. - Spar op til 1079 kr. og få en gratis dessert med hver bestilling i 3 måneder. - Du kan også bruge koden, hvis det er mere end 12 måneder siden, du sidst har været kunde og du savner de lækre, nemme måltidskasser. ....…
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I dette afsnit laver vi et kort portræt af Emil Nielsen. Hvem er han og hvad er hans bedste og værste sider? Hvornår har det været svært i karrieren og hvordan fungerer Emil, når tingene ikke er nemme? Emil er 27 år og har fået en sen landsholdsdebut. Hvordan har det været at skulle vente på at kunne komme på landsholdet? Hvad betyder håndbold for …
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About host Bill Harper: Favorite Quote: “If you asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” – Henry Ford Bill is the Chief Creative Officer & CEO of BrandBossHQ. Consumers buy/buy-in emotionally, then justify their decisions logically. They can’t tell you what they want, but they can tell you what they don’t want and, more i…
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You may be working for someone else today and be the powerful boss that you are tomorrow. The possibilities are endless, and today’s guest for The Ripple Effect Podcast is a walking example. I know you’re a busy person filled with dreams and ambitions. While you do today’s tasks, plug in your earphones and listen to The Ripple Effect Podcast! It’s …
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Find out more about CH Ministries here Click here to get a 25% discount on the Dwell Bible App. Today’s conversation on Back Porch Theology in our on-going series on the theology of worship is a continuation of last week because we had such an awesome time leaning into all that Scripture reveals Jesus to be, learning from each other’s stories – esp…
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Afsnittet er sponsoreret af Coolshop https://www.coolshop.dk/ Januarudsalg hos Coolshop frem til d. 22. januar her https://www.coolshop.dk/s/kampagne=january-sales/ ............................. Hvem er Thomas Sommer Arnoldsen? Hvad kendetegner ham som håndboldspiller og hvor synes han selv, at han er særlig god på håndboldbanen? Hvilken stjernespi…
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Join special guest Ms Skylar of YourKinkAdvisor.com for a discussion of Anal Sex! Why do some men love to take it up the ass? Tune in and find out. From your prostate to how to get ready for your first time with anal, the Ladies discuss your butt. Improper sex toys can be dangerous, listen and learn exactly why you shouldn't experiment with improvi…
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What do fingers, flow and faith have to do with each other? Absolutely everything. The three things are totally interdependent. You can think of them as three corners of a triangle, each corner being connected to each of the other corners. And, just like the legs of a three-legged stool, all three support your playing. I’m guessing you haven’t thou…
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About host Bill Harper: Favorite Quote: “If you asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” – Henry Ford Bill is the Chief Creative Officer & CEO of BrandBossHQ. Consumers buy/buy-in emotionally, then justify their decisions logically. They can’t tell you what they want, but they can tell you what they don’t want and, more i…
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