Former President of Harvard University Charles W. Eliot wrote in his introduction to the Harvard Classics, "In my opinion, a five-foot shelf would hold books enough to give a liberal education to any one who would read them with devotion, even if he could spare but fifteen minutes a day for reading." Here you are, you can easily listen to his entire 15-minutes-a-day study guide while commuting to and from work (most of us spend far more than 15 minutes a day commuting each day), doing mundan ...
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Spain sent the Duke of Alva to subdue the Netherlands. In quelling disorder he killed the people's hero, Count Egmont. From this story Goethe made a famous play. (Volume 19, Harvard Classics) Egmont sentenced to death June 4, 1658.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Egmont by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (Volume 19, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Galileo, by holding his pulse while watching a swinging cathedral lamp, evolved a theory that made clocks possible. Harvey, by feeling his pulse, educed that arteries carry blood. (Volume 38, Harvard Classics) Dr. William Harvey died June 3, 1657.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on William Harvey (Volume 38, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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A "Back to Nature" movement in the seventeenth century was headed by Rousseau, who believed that civilization was degrading. To save money for his work, he entrusted each of his children to the tender mercies of a foundling house. (Volume 34, Harvard Classics) Jean Jacques Rousseau born June 2, 1712.…
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Introductory note on Jean Jacques Rousseau (Volume 34, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Christopher Marlowe (Volume 19, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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For the best blank verse in English, read "Dr. Faustus," the masterpiece of Marlowe, who gave Shakespeare lessons in playwriting. This genius knew the secret of gripping drama. (Volume 19, Harvard Classics) Marlowe died June 1, 1593.由Rich E Book
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Walt Whitman is the most original and startling of modern poets. An irony of his life is that while he wrote for the contemporary masses, only a limited number of followers appreciated his genius, now universally recognized. (Volume 39, Harvard Classics) Walt Whitman born May 31, 1819.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Walt Whitman (the Ridpath Library of Universal Literature)由Rich E Book
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At the close of the war, a torn and bleeding nation set about to rebuild its shattered frame. The result was a stronger nation rising from an almost disrupted union. (Volume 42, Harvard Classics) Memorial Day.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (Wikipedia)由Rich E Book
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A Bagdad merchant dreamed of the money he would make from the sale of a tray of glassware, and of marrying the king's daughter. But, daydreaming, he kicked over the tray. (Volume 16, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on The Thousand and One Nights (Volume 16, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Any one of these poems, "The Harp That Once Through Tara's Halls," "The Last Rose of Summer," "The Light of Other Days," would alone have made Moore immortal. (Volume 41, Harvard Classics) Thomas Moore born May 28, 1779.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Thomas Moore (Wikipedia)由Rich E Book
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To advance freedom of thought, Lessing published an essay of one hundred paragraphs outlining the history of religion. The wrath of orthodox churchmen was hurled at his head, and Lessing was left alone to defend his daring theories. (Volume 32, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (Volume 32, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Goneril and Regan falsely swore they loved their father, King Lear, more than life itself. Cordelia could find no words to express her sincere devotion. Then King Lear made the decision that started a series of exciting events. (Volume 46, Harvard Classics) Shakespeare's first daughter, Susanna, baptized May 26, 1583.…
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Introductory note on King Lear by William Shakespeare (Volume 46, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Emerson startled the world by fearlessly declaring his beliefs. Such apparent paradoxes as we find in his inspirational essay, "Heroism," makes him the most stimulating yet profound thinker America has produced. (Volume 5, Harvard Classics) Emerson born May 25, 1803.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Ralph Waldo Emerson (Volume 5, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Debts were not always paid in money. Not so long ago the butcher paid for his keg of beer with a slab of beef, and oxen were exchanged for land and wives. Adam Smith tells the interesting story of the origin and use of money. (Volume 10, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Adam Smith (Volume 10, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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From the river her body was tenderly lifted --- the girl who could find no place in the vast city. Thomas Hood pleads for her --- eloquently and justly. Read this gem of pathos. (Volume 41, Harvard Classics) Thomas Hood born May 23, 1799.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Thomas Hood (Wikipedia)由Rich E Book
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Because of a fancy for a peasant girl, the tyrannical lord of an Italian village sent desperadoes to threaten the priest if he married the girl to her village lover. (Volume 21, Harvard Classics) Manzoni died May 22, 1873.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Alessandro Manzoni (Volume 21, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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The sharp tongue of Alexander Pope made him celebrated, yet widely feared. In a representative product of his versatile pen, he gracefully combines his flashing wit with sage advice. (Volume 40, Harvard Classics) Alexander Pope born May 21, 1688.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Alexander Pope (Wikipedia)由Rich E Book
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The most concentrated beauty of Shakespeare's unbounded creative genius is found in his sonnets. Written as personal messages to friends and not intended for publication, they reveal the inner Shakespeare more truly than do any of his great plays. (Volume 40, Harvard Classics) Sonnets entered in the London Stationers' Register, May 20, 1609.…
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Introductory note on Shakespeare's Sonnets (Wikipedia)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Epictetus (Volume 2, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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When a man is invited to a banquet he must be satisfied with the dishes put before him. Epictetus reasoned that man should be content with what life offers, and in serenity find happiness. (Volume 2, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Flowers often tire of their stationary life and sometimes at night frolic away to a ball in a beautiful castle. Thus a fanciful story-teller accounts for their drooping condition in the morning. (Volume 17, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Hans Christian Andersen (Volume 17, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Condemned for impiety, Socrates felt so justified in the virtue of his past action that instead of receiving a death sentence, he told the judges he should be maintained at public expense as a public benefactor. (Volume 2, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Socrates and Plato (Volume 2, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Chessboards on which, of their own accord, black pieces played against white; chariots that swiftly turned hither and yon without a driver; pots in which a coward's meat would not cook --- all these are woven into bewitching stories. (Volume 32, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Ernest Renan (Volume 32, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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The best part of the Divine Comedy for a few minutes' reading is the "Inferno." There the reader finds the most vivid descriptions, the most startling and unforgettable pictures. (Volume 20, Harvard Classics) Dante born May 15, 1265.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Dante Alighieri (Volume 20, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Edward Jenner found that disease in the heel of a horse, transmitted through a cow to the dairy attendants, was an agent in making human beings immune from smallpox. His amazing experiments inaugurated a new epoch. (Volume 38, Harvard Classics) Edward Jenner makes his first vaccination May 14, 1796.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Robert Burns (Volume 38, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Two dogs fell a-gossiping about their masters and about a dog's life among the humble Scotch folk. Each "rejoic'd they werena men but dogs; an' each took aff his several way." (Volume 6, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Robert Burns (Volume 6, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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The manuscripts of many of the best poems of Rossetti were buried with his wife. Friends prevailed upon him to allow them to be exhumed --- and these poems, once buried with the dead, are now a treasure of the living. (Volume 42, Harvard Classics) Rossetti born May 12, 1828.由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on Dante Gabriel Rossetti (Wikipedia)由Rich E Book
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Latest news abroad in Malfi: The Duchess has run off with her butler. But this happened before the days of newspapers or radio, so Webster made from it an exciting play. (Volume 47, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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Introductory note on John Webster (Volume 47, Harvard Classics)由Rich E Book
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