A sermon podcast of Hope Alliance Church
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Solomon's tragic journey from wholehearted devotion to divided loyalty shows how subtly our hearts can turn from God. His story reveals that idolatry isn't just about physical statues, but about what truly captures our deepest affections and allegiance. Listen now as we explore the consequences of Solomon's choices and discover how confession and r…
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Have you wondered how even the wisest king in history could fall so dramatically from God's favor? We look at Solomon's spiritual decline in 1 Kings, revealing how his foreign marriages and divided loyalties led him away from true worship. Listen now as we explore the warning signs of misplaced priorities in our own lives and discover how maintaini…
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The Ark of the Covenant's placement in Solomon's temple marked a profound shift in how God dwelt among His people. This sacred moment transformed God's presence from temporary to permanent, fulfilling His promise to Israel. While the temple's ceremonies once set boundaries around God's presence, they pointed forward to Jesus, who would tear down ev…
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Did you know Solomon's temple wasn't just a building, but a powerful symbol of heaven touching earth? This magnificent structure represented God's promise to dwell among His people, even as Solomon's own story revealed the tension between divine purposes and human ambition. While the temple's glory eventually faded, it pointed forward to something …
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Solomon’s reign gives us a glimpse of life under a king who listens to God—justice, prosperity, peace, and God’s glory. But even in his wisdom, he isn’t the king we truly need. This famous story points us to Jesus, the perfect King who brings God’s kingdom in full. Join us as we explore what this means for our lives today.…
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After Solomon becomes king, his entire approach to worship transforms. He moves from treating God as just one option among many to recognizing Him as a personal, pursuing God. Join us as we explore how this timeless story points us toward Jesus, the true Son of David, and speaks to our own path from ritual to relationship.…
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We continue our journey in 1 Kings and consider David's final charge to his son, Solomon, the new king. He calls Solomon to a position and posture of strength. In this, we will see his good and right call to walk in the ways of God alongside his other human, kingly wisdom. How will Solomon respond?由Pastor Adam
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We begin our journey though the book of 1 Kings. This important Old Testament narrative traces the royal lineage of David, beginning with Solomon. There will be highs and plenty of lows. And in this sermon, we see that from the beginning there are major cracks in the armor–specifically the weakness of David and prideful ambition of Solomon's brothe…
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Did you know the Magi's gifts weren't just precious treasures, but prophetic symbols pointing to Jesus as the true King? Their bold journey from the East shows an authentic faith. While King Herod clutched his earthly crown, these distant travelers recognized and bowed before the ultimate King, showing us the difference between worldly power and di…
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The incarnation of Jesus ultimately offers humanity redemption and adoption. Not only does Jesus redeem us--set us free from our slavery--but he makes it possible for God to adopt us. He welcomes us into his family as sons and daughters. This new identity means we have full access to a royal inheritance.…
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We consider why Jesus was perfectly able to rescue and redeem humanity. Born of a woman, born under the Law, Jesus entered into the mess of our world so that we could be truly human again.由Pastor Adam
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Advent is a season that often gets overshadowed by the festive celebrations of Christmas. However, it holds a profound significance in the Christian calendar, inviting believers to reflect on the anticipation and hope that precede the arrival of Jesus Christ. Here we take a deeper look at the meaning of Advent through the lens of Paul’s letter to t…
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We look at Jesus' final warnings to his followers: be careful the path you are following, the voices you are listening to, and ultimately the state of your heart toward God. We consider the importance of these three realities as we conclude our study of this famous teaching from Jesus.由Pastor Adam
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Did you know Jesus' command "do not judge" is an often-misunderstood teaching from the Sermon on the Mount? This command still aligns with other New Testament teachings–if we understand the crucial difference between harmful judgment and righteous discernment. Listen now as we examine our own hearts, and build relationships that reflect Christ's lo…
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Jesus calls his followers to not be overly consumed with their own lives, but instead to value life in the kingdom of God. The prior can be clouded by worry, while the later affords a certain freedom. Is worry a sin? Where does it come from? And how do we shift out of it? In this teaching we aim to answer those questions and others as we look inter…
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We look at Jesus' teaching on the reality and location of our treasures. Rather than entrusting our treasures to this earth, Jesus calls us to place them in heaven. What does this mean and how do we do it? We will aim to answer those questions and others as we look internally at our hearts and consider their condition.…
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We continue our look at the Sermon on the Mount by considering Jesus' teaching on how to carry out our spiritual disciplines (Matt 6:1-18). While the Pharisees and religious leaders liked to flaunt their spirituality, Jesus is calling his followers to a heart-based spirituality that seeks God's glory above man.…
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How are we supposed to love those who are not so easy to love? We look at Jesus' teaching from Matthew 5 about loving your enemies–a command that challenges everything our culture tells us about relationships and justice. It offers a fresh perspective on handling conflict, rising above division, and experiencing true spiritual transformation in you…
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What if true strength meant responding to wrongs with grace? Here we look at Jesus' teachings on retribution and mercy from the Sermon on the Mount. Find out why how "turning the other cheek" isn't about weakness, but a powerful transformation of the heart. We also cover what it means to go the extra mile in a world fixated on fairness. This isn't …
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How do Jesus' comments on divorce go beyond marriage? We take a deeper look at Matthew 5:31-37, beginning with the historical context of divorce laws and the importance of truthfulness and fidelity in all relationships. Jesus urges us to let our "yes" be "yes" and our "no" be "no." So listen now and be inspired to build a life and community defined…
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What if Jesus' teachings on lust could change our view of desire? Let's look at the Sermon on the Mount's radical perspective on adultery and the heart. We cover how God supports us even in our struggles, and why desire itself isn't the enemy. This isn't about guilt—it's about finding true fulfillment in Christ. Listen now and be inspired to align …
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What if anger was just as serious as murder in God's eyes? We continue to explore Jesus' radical teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. Listen now and be inspired to embrace a new way of living, rooted in love and grace, that starts with genuine heart change and impacts every relationship in your life.…
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How does Jesus' fulfillment of Old Testament law change our understanding of righteousness? Here we explore a righteousness that goes deeper than simply following rules. It's about embracing a profound shift from self-reliance to Christ-dependence. Listen now and explore how Jesus' grace can reshape your approach to faith and daily living.…
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What does it truly mean to be salt and light in today's world? We take a deeper look at the Sermon on the Mount and unpack the profound wisdom of the Beatitudes. Learn how mercy, purity of heart, and peacemaking can shape your character. This sermon will challenge you to live boldly, embracing Kingdom values in a world that often pushes against the…
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Are you building your life on solid ground or shifting sand? Join us as we kick off an exciting new series on the Sermon on the Mount, exploring Jesus' powerful metaphor of life foundations. This sermon digs into what it means to intentionally construct our lives based on Christ's teachings, and the stark contrast with lives built on shaky ground. …
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What if God's generosity doesn't match our ideas of fairness? This sermon looks at the provocative parable of the workers in the vineyard, wrapping up our summer journey through Jesus' teachings. This story challenges our notions of reward and calling. And we can contrast it with the rich young ruler's struggle to follow Jesus. At its heart, this p…
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What does it truly mean to forgive? This episode explores the parable of the unmerciful servant from Matthew 18, using relatable experiences with financial debt as a metaphor for sin and forgiveness. True forgiveness involves releasing someone from the obligation to repay a debt, often requiring us to absorb the cost of the wrong done. The parable …
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What makes the Kingdom of God so valuable that one would give up everything for it? This episode explores the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price from Matthew 13:44-46. The Kingdom of God is both a future promise and a transformative present reality. Some discover it by chance, others through active seeking, but both requir…
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How does the parable of the mustard seed explain the nature of God's Kingdom? This sermon looks at Matthew 13, exploring the themes of growth, hope, and inclusivity. Like the mustard seed, the Kingdom of God starts small but grows significantly over time. The expansion is gradual yet unstoppable. Through biblical stories and historical references, …
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What does the parable of the talents teach us about stewardship and faith? This episode examines Matthew 25:14-30 and its far-reaching impact on our lives. God places immense trust in us by investing gifts, abilities, and relationships in our care. It is crucial to actively engage with these investments, overcoming fear and laziness. We can use our…
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Jesus told a story about a persistent widow who pleaded with a judge and finally received justice. And Jesus told his disciples this is how they should pray. Persistent prayer is important. More specifically, though, he is urging them to pray persistently for the return of Jesus and the fullness of the kingdom of God. Persistent kingdom prayers sho…
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Jesus tells a compelling story of an entitled and prideful son who demands his inheritance, runs away and spends himself into poverty. Upon his return home, he is met in compassion and abounding grace by his father. Far from humiliating, he is welcomed by a celebration. His brother, however, is irate. Unlike his brother he was being a "good" son, b…
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由Dean Gaul
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Wealth can certainly be dangerous, but it is not wrong, nor does Jesus condemn it. Rather this parable is about greed, thinking only of self and hoarding. And while greed certainly pertains to money, it also pertains to every facet of our lives. Jesus shows us that greed actually comes from our inner soul talk about what we need to be satisfied. Th…
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Pastor Jim explores the well-known parable of the Good Samaritan, cautioning against the oversimplification of its message and stressing the importance of understanding its deeper meanings and context. He discusses how the parable intertwines the law, eternal life, and the notion of being a good neighbor, urging listeners to reflect on their relati…
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Jesus tells the parable of the sower to show two important truths. First, God faithfully and generously sows the seed of the gospel for all of humanity, without precondition or prejudice. Second, the soil, or human heart, on which a seed lands is important for its growth. The faithfulness of the sower is a constant, but the human heart is not. What…
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Jesus concludes his prayer by praying for all who come to believe. He prays for unity - that the church would be one like he and the Father are one. In fact, he says that it is unity that will enable the world to know Jesus and the love of God. This reality of unity is only possible when believers collectively see the glory of Jesus above all else.…
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Jesus sends his disciples into the world in the very same way the Father sent him. They are agents of the gospel for the glory of God. His prayer for them is for their protection from wandering and from the evil one who seeks to destroy. Moreover, he prays that they would have joy and be set apart.由Pastor Adam
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Jesus begins his prayer by asking to be glorified. He is praying for the reality of resurrection in the face of the cross. This resurrection will not only glorify Jesus, but also the Father. And it will bring eternal life to all who are in Jesus. Eternal life is knowing God - both then and now, in both quality and quantity.…
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When Jesus tells his disciples he is going away, he also urges them to abide or remain in him. Not only is this counterintuitive, but it seems impossible. Yet Jesus is talking about being so immersed in his love that they live his way and follow his commands in this world and in so doing glorify God. We glorify God by remaining in Jesus. And we rem…
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Jesus tells his disciples that the Spirit will come to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. The Spirit exposes the truth about sin and the emptiness of human effort or religion so that there might be repentance. The main modes of this testimony are the Scriptures which the Spirit will lead the disciples to write and ongoing witnes…
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Jesus is careful to tell his disciples that the world will be resistant the gospel message. If the world hated Jesus, they will also hate those who follow him. This rub comes when his followers refuse to give full allegiance to anything other than Jesus. In the midst of this, Jesus reminds them that he has intentionally left them in the world to te…
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Intimacy with God and obedience to him are inextricably bound together. If we want the full life that comes from seeing and knowing God, then we have to follow his commands. And if we want to follow his commands, we must grow in our love for him. Thankfully, we have been given the Spirit as an advocate to help us grow in our love for God and thus p…
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True and full life only comes from intimacy with God. And the only way to access this kind of relationship is through Jesus. In him, we discover new creation truth and life that makes the original relationship of God and humanity possible again. Though we await this experience in it fullness, we have it now through Jesus. It is the only way to have…
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The gospel of John winds down with the beautiful story of Peter's restoration by Jesus. Peter is led to feel the weight of his sin so he can feel the even greater weight of God's grace. The forgiveness offered through Jesus overcomes our shame, sets us back on course, and transforms us to live in light of the gospel.…
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Thomas is famously and wrongly demeaned for doubt. In fact, what Jesus warns Thomas about is how to process doubt. We are all constantly moving either toward belief or unbelief. So it matters profoundly where we intentionally place ourselves to engage our questions. The church is meant to be a place where we can ask honest questions and pursue the …
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As Mary stands outside the tomb, twice she is asked, "Why are you crying?" Of course she is upset about Jesus, but also about what she has lost - a new life and a new identity. But with the sound of her name from the lips of Jesus, everything changes. Mary's identity is settled, her eyes are opened to see a bigger pictures and she is given a renewe…
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The resurrection of Jesus is not just a Christian doctrine or even simply a fact. It is the central truth to a whole new reality of life. The resurrection of Jesus means new creation. Ever the master storyteller, John makes poignant connections between the original creation and the implications of Jesus resurrection. Sin and death are defeated. Sha…
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As Jesus welcomed the disciples to the table, he also bowed low to humbly wash their feet. But it wasn't feet he was actually offering to wash. It was hearts. Jesus has invited everyone to his table, but in order to be with him we have to be washed clean. This would ultimately happen on the cross for anyone who would confess him as Savior. Do you u…
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Upon his entry into Jerusalem, Jesus embraces the hoped fo- posture of an incoming Messianic king of Israel. However, as John has reminded us form the beginning, Jesus follows God's plans not those of men. And so, Jesus comes on a donkey announcing peace not judgment and spreads his arms open wide to the whole world, not just the Jewish nation. He …
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