Vsak ponedeljek izbiramo Ime tedna, nekoga, ki je v minulem tednu naredil korak dlje, stopil iz povprečja, dosegel več.
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Torah inspiration and practical lessons for mothers in a few minutes a day by Rebecca Masinter. Find more Toras Imecha content on www.torasimecha.com. Listen to audio messages on WhatsApp with this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JmNYPkAoLqxDXA0sxJhJRf Check out more resources and my free parenting e-book at www.mothersguidance.com.
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In this new parsha series, women scholars will deliver a weekly ten- to fifteen-minute shiur on the weekly parsha. Shiurim are geared toward learners of all levels. Five female scholars will deliver the weekly shiurim, sharing insights on the unfolding narratives. Visit the OU Women's Initiative to register for additional content!
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Медиа Каст для iTunes
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In this new Nach series, women scholars will deliver a daily shiur on the books of Prophets (Nevi’im) and Writings (Ketuvim) at the pace of a chapter a day. Shiurim are geared toward learners of all levels who would like to participate in the two-year Nach Yomi study cycle. Different female scholars will deliver the daily shiurim, each focused on a specific book, while an introductory video for each sefer will be given by noted international scholar Rabbanit Shani Taragin. Visit the OU Women ...
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Sharing is Caring #podcastcall [ ♬ ♪ Especially For You ]
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Podcast by IMEAGOS
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Tatar podcast with love from Canada, eh.
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We give mental empowerment to people to becoming a better person for themselves and their community. Slogan Connecting youths to the light 💡
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Podcast by IMEFI TV
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AMC_RD.ID.55693 ♻🌍
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A program of information and inspiration designed to take you to your next level. Our aim is to Inspiration, Motivate, Educate the human mind, while entertaining and uplifting the human spirit.
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An inspirational and uplifting podcast designed to share what’s on in my mind for your everyday needs, challenges and drive.
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Posamezniki pripovedujejo zgodbo svojega imenitnega imena, kako jih je izoblikovalo in kaj vse so zaradi imena doživeli.
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Podkast o naravi in ljudeh, ki jo strastno raziskujejo in odgovorno varujejo.
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Life STRATEGY, INSPIRATION & COACHING to bring you from where you are to where you should be FASTER!
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Prof. Sanel Ramić Serijal predavanja o Allahovim lijepim imenima
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Welcome to 'iMedix', the podcast where the future of healthcare meets innovation. Each episode, we explore the latest in medical technology, from AI-driven diagnostics to breakthrough treatments. Join us as we discuss with experts and pioneers how these advancements are shaping a better, healthier tomorrow. 'iMedix' https://www.imedix.com/ - your gateway to the cutting-edge of medicine.
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Serie radiof�nica basada en la novela de Rafael F. Mu�oz y en el libro cinematogr�fico de Xavier Villaurrutia y Fernando de Fuentes que dieron origen a este cl�sico del cine mexicano.
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Allan, le plus jeune animateur de la radio, vous présente une émission, sur les animé, un samedi sur deux, de 15h a 16h
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Jornada :IMERSÃO COMPORTAMETAL - práxis Cristã E Imitação de CRISTO.
Dr. adilson neuropsicanalista
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Whst is the proof that Jesus is the payment for our indebtedness to God? Cover art photo provided by Jasmin Staab on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jasmin777
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Vse o tistih stvareh, ki oblikujejo vašo prihodnost
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Retire Confidently With Imelda Dagus
Soul Rich Woman, Instant Podcast Leader 2019, Leader of Excellence 2019, Woman of Influence 2020
Inspiring Filipinas Around The World To Retire Confidently!
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This is the original video I produced with Windows.
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Institute of Multimedia Education is a Sri Lankan institute dedicated to studying, researching and teaching the science, art and the craft of communicating via multimedia platforms
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IMENSA é um podcast que fala da vivência de pessoas gordas na sociedade, sempre com os devidos recortes sociais. Você encontrará debates, gordoativismo, discussões, humor, histórias de vida e informação! Se você não é uma pessoa gorda, não tem problema: venha aprender um pouco sobre a luta contra a gordofobia e a pressão estética para que possamos construir coletivamente uma sociedade mais inclusiva. Nós somos IMENSAS de GORDAS e viemos para ocupar todos os espaços! Um Programa da Rede Ativi ...
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Welcome to Dios Es Amor , Lo que nos debe regir a todos antes que nada en este mundo, es el Gran amor De Dios. Este amor, se debe ver reflejado en todas y cada una de nuestras acciones. Dentro de nuestros hogares, con nuestros amigos y familiares. Dentro de nuestras labores de trabajo. El Amor de Dios es lo que debe movernos dia con dia. Y ese amor debe verse reflejado. Where amazing things happen. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/imelda-hartley/support
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Ime tedna je Dušan Kaplan, predsednik društva Polžek, novomeške invalidske organizacije, kjer na različne načine pomagajo otrokom s cerebralno paralizo in njihovim družinam. S prostovoljnim delom se že 20 let trudijo izboljšati kakovost življenja otrok s posebnimi potrebami in se z individualnim pristopom posvetiti vsakemu posamezniku. Kandidata st…
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Shira Schiowitz
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Ime meseca januarja je Samo Curk, predsednik društva AETP, kjer si prizadevajo za transparentnost v slovenski živinoreji in opozarjajo na slabe prakse ravnanj z živalmi v slovenski živilski industriji. Z objavo grozljivih posnetkov kokoši nesnic na eni od slovenskih kmetij so opozorili na neprimerno rejo, za kar bodo pri Upravi za varno hrano proti…
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Ruhama Welcher
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Ruhama Welcher
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Ime tedna sta Sara Orehek in Iva Hafner Bratkovič, znanstvenici, ki sta z ekipo raziskovalcev Kemijskega inštituta razvili terapevtski pristop, pri katerem z vnosom proteinov povzročijo celično smrt rakavih celic in krepijo imunski sistem. S pristopom so raziskovalci ozdravili štirideset odstotkov miši z melanomom, rezultate raziskave pa so objavil…
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由Shira Schiowitz
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由Sara Malka Reichman
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由Sara Malka Reichman
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由Sara Malka Reichman
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由Adina Blaustein
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由Adina Blaustein
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由Adina Blaustein
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由Ruhama Welcher
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Ime tedna je Samo Curk, predsednik društva AETP, kjer si prizadevajo za transparentnost v slovenski živinoreji in opozarjajo na slabo ravnanje z živalmi v slovenski živilski industriji. Z objavo grozljivih posnetkov kokoši nesnic na eni od slovenskih kmetij so opozorili na neprimerno rejo, za kar bodo pri Upravi za varno hrano proti rejcu uvedli pr…
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由Dr. Emmy Leah Zitter
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由Dr. Emmy Leah Zitter
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由Dr. Emmy Leah Zitter
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The early stage of redemption or true growth often looks worse than the problem. We need to recognize the darkness as the first step forward and persevere rather than despair.
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由Tzivi Zuckerman
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由Tzivi Zuckerman
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