This music video series was created specifically for cable-casting on Public Access television in New York City. These 30-minute episodes showcase Isadar’s Windham Hill inspired solo piano compositions and performances. Eventually, all 6 episodes aired in Los Angeles and other large markets throughout the United States. Episode One includes his cover of Windham Hill pianist Liz Story’s “Things With Wings,” and in Episode Two his cover of her composition, “Wedding Rain.” – Mainya Music Entert ...
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CONTAINS: 1. "Active Imagination" 2. "Jealous Heart" 3. "Where The Wild Things Are" 4. "The Journey" 5. "Overview" 6. "Waiting" 7. "Smoke Signals" 8. "Things With Wings (c. Liz Story)" 9. Credits由Isadar
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CONTAINS: 1. "Feu Follet (the "spook" light)" 2. "In A Corner" 3. "The Bermuda Triangle (solo piano version)[music video]" 4. "Throwing The Dice" 5. "Highway Driving" 6. "Wedding Rain (c. Liz Story)" 7. "Uncertainty" 8. Credits由Isadar
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CONTAINS: 1. "Fountain Of Life" 2. "Broken Valentine" 3. "Snow (music video)" 4. "Voice Of God (Thanksgiving)" 5. "Letting Go" 6. "Love Chaconne" 7. Credits由Isadar
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CONTAINS: 1. "Near The Edge Of Light" 2. "Song Of The Wise Men" 3. "Summer Nights" 4. "Ice (music video)" 5. "April Showers" 6. "The Man Who Broke My Heart" 7. "Maneuvers" 8. Credits由Isadar
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CONTAINS: 1. "Joyful Running" 2. "Winter (music video)" 3. "Holding Back" 4. (Interview segue) 5. "Horseman's Thrill Ride" 6. "New York City Skyline (music video)" 7 (Interview segue) 8. "End Of The Line" 9. (Interview segue) 10. Waiting (reprise) 11. Credits由Isadar
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CONTAINS: 1. "Carol Of The Bells" 2. "Bring A Torch" 3. "Midnight" 4. "Greensleeves" 5. "Silent" 6. "Star Of Wonder (We Three Kings)" 7. Credits由Isadar
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