The 1st Indonesian Christian Podcasters Community.
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(New episodes on tentative hold while we secure funding!) A Romp Across Iðna is an erotic fantasy adventure told in a second point of view narration, combined with erotic audio scripts. In this adventure, YOU are the main character. You take off on an adventure to discover the truth about your father‘s unexpected death, where he leaves behind a cryptic note and a mysterious amulet. On your journey across the world of Iðna, you will earn experience and equipment as you slay foul beasts, compl ...
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Rangkaian episode podcast seru dan menarik yang dibuat khusus untuk kamu yang ingin belajar menulis. Bersama editor-editor kawakan IDN Times Community yang tentunya sudah makan asam garam di dunia kepenulisan, mari kita bicarakan bersama bagaimana caranya jadi penulis nomor satu di dunia. Beneran, ini serius. Info lebih lanjut cek ya!
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Where sex, tech, art, and money meet. Sex, Sex Work(er(s)), They/m, Money, Blockchain, Crypto, Tech, Love, Life, Freedom #iDNKHtW Support this podcast:
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I Did Not Know That! How often do you learn something new? At the I Did Not Know That (IDNKT) podcast we explore sports, hobbies, jobs and more and answer all your "What is ___?" questions! Learn the basics of a new topics as host, Samantha, has a 101 type Q&A with each guest. She asks all the questions you were too afraid to ask, or never even thought about! If the topic amazes you enough, we encourage you to dive deeper and learn more about it - you just may discover your passion! Inside e ...
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In this episode, we invite Dr. Alina Kornienko, COO and co-founder of Quppy, to explain the basics of cryptocurrency. Alina discusses the relationship between digital currency, including cryptocurrency, and traditional banking, and the fact that they need each other to be successful and efficient for clients. We look at the history of crypto, what …
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In this episode, we interview Jessica Buerger about Cybersecurity. We discuss the definition of cybersecurity, its history, and the various types of cyber threats. We also cover the importance of cybersecurity awareness for both individuals and businesses alike, and provide tips for protecting oneself from cybercrime. Also discussed were sub-topics…
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In this episode we talk about the Music Industry, something we interact with almost daily! Music is everywhere, but what really goes into creating a piece of music. My guest, Leah Kraft, will share some of this info with us and we feature music by two of the artists she manages @TimAtlas and @LaurenSanderson. Opening Credits music: Courtside by Tim…
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Whether we say Korean Beauty, Korean Beauty products or 'The Korean Beauty Industry"...we mean the same thing - clean, innovative, miracle working products that are taking the internet, social media and the western beauty space by storm! In this episode I sit down with Juho Lee, Brand Manager at a prominent beauty company in Korea! I learnt so much…
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🎶 Taaaake me toooo the ball game 🎶 Episode 8 is here and we are talking about Baseball! This week's guest, Peter Schilling, has been around baseball from the time he was born. A Chicago Cubs fan since childhood, Peter shares with us the basics like how the game is played, how players are drafted, or found, how baseball is connected to American cult…
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View this episode on YouTube! In this episode we are learning all about Photography with our guest Rondel Charles. Ron is a professional photographer, among other things, and really has a love for the craft. He shares with us some basics about photography, we learn about how things like lines and light can help us take better pictures, and we even …
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So you want to be a product manager (PM)? Or maybe you haven't even heard of it? Five years ago I did not even know that the job title existed, and up to three years ago I still could not describe it to someone! In this episode, I speak with Iris Yuning Ye about what the program manager role entails, some tips to enter or pivot into the world, from…
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Downs, quarterbacks, end zone and lines of scrimmage. In this episode we speak with Philip Brabbs, former college kicker for the University of Michigan Football team and lifelong Football fan - American Football that is. Join us for an in-depth conversation to get you started understanding the game. You can also view this episode on YouTube. Thanks…
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In this episode, my guest Brad Wyant shares his love for cars with us. We both get to reminisce about how we got introduced to cars and Brad teaches us a bit about what he knows. Brad has been a lover of cars all his life. He even worked as a mechanic for a bit and regularly restores vintage cars as a hobby. Today, we cover things like the history …
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In this episode I have Fide Master, Justin Blackman, to teach me all about Chess. Justin is a chess player from the island of Barbados (yes, like Rhianna) and a classmate of mine at business school. We talk about how chess is played, what the rules are and some new types of games and even some of the mental and emotional benefits of the game. Also,…
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In this episode I speak with guest Funs Jacobs about Web 3, and I learn how much it's connected to Blockchain. Funs answers questions like "What exactly is Web 3? and "How does AI play in to all of this". We talk about blockchain safety, and why he thinks it's the answer to a better internet for everyone. You can also watch this episode on YouTube.…
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In this episode I chat with guest Dimitri Varotsis about his love for Formula 1. We learn quite a bit from him on things like What exactly is Formula 1, what are the rules that govern the races and some of the things that drivers can do to get ahead on race day! We also hear how Dimitri found Formula 1 and he gives us a few resources to check out i…
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Dalam episode kali ini, kita akan membahas topik yang sangat menarik yaitu etika penggunaan ChatGPT di dunia editorial. Bersama kak Tita, kak Yudha dan kak Ernia, kita akan memulai dengan membahas manfaat dan potensi penggunaan ChatGPT dalam bidang editorial. Bagaimana ChatGPT dapat membantu meningkatkan efisiensi penulisan, penyuntingan, dan riset…
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Tidak peduli apakah kamu seorang penulis pemula atau berpengalaman, podcast episiode ini akan memberikan wawasan yang berharga dan inspirasi yang dapat kamu terapkan langsung dalam proses penulisan. Kamu akan mampu menemukan kekuatan dalam kata-kata dan mampu menghasilkan artikel kreatif yang memiliki dampak positif dalam kehidupan pembaca. Jadi, s…
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Apapun bentuknya, game rasanya gak bisa dilepas dari kehidupan kita. Bahkan buat orang yang ngakunya gak bisa dan gak doyan main game sekalipun, pasti pernah nyobain main game meskipun hanya sekali seumur hidupnya. Sedekat dan seerat itu peran game dalam kehidupan kita. Meski game identik dengan anak kecil, tapi tiga editor dewasa ini gak bisa mele…
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Salah satu pesta bola terbesar di dunia, Piala Dunia atau World Cup tinggal beberapa hari lagi dan rasanya demam bola ini semakin menjadi. Siapa pun kayaknya ikut terkena dampak antusiasme dari perayaan besar ini. Euforia tersebut tentu sampai ke meja editorial IDN Times Community, dong! Setelah 2018 diadakan di Rusia, kini World Cup 2022 diadakan …
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Dunia tekno identik dengan perkembangan smartphone dan laptop atau PC. Gak sedikit juga yang berlomba-lomba untuk jadi reviewer smartphone atau laptop terbaru. Tapi, di dunia tulis menulis tekno, apa iya topik atau bahasan yang ada hanya soal dua hal itu? Salah satu editor tech di IDN Times Community, kak Kidung, membagi rahasia seputar menulis di …
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Makanan adalah hal yang dekat dengan kita. Tulisan tentang makanan seringkali berhasil membuat pembacanya ngiler tergoda ingin ikut mencicipi apa yang ada di dalam deskripsi. Kini, profesi sebagai penulis artikel ulasan makanan mulai dilirik dan diseriusi oleh banyak orang, tak terkecuali para penulis di IDN Times Community. Bersama editor kanal Fo…
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Siapa yang gak tahu KPop? Genre musik yang satu ini makin hari makin akrab terdengar di telinga kita. Tanpa sadar, kehidupan sehari-hari kita sudah tak bisa dipisahkan oleh kehadiran KPop. Bersama dua editor kanal Korea, Izza dan Indra, episode kali ini akan ngomongin soal kenapa KPop bisa begitu mendunia padahal dulu (mungkin sampai sekarang) bany…
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Sebagai penulis, mungkin kamu pernah mengalami kebuntuan berpikir dan inspirasi tak kunjung mampir. Gara-gara putus asa, tak jarang ada penulis yang tega melakukan praktik plagiarisme sebagai jalan pintas untuk mendapatkan tulisan yang baik dan memuaskan. Padahal, meski terlihat mudah, sebenarnya praktik ini justru merugikan penulis dalam banyak ha…
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Pernah dapat revisi dari editor sewaktu menulis artikel soal film? Pernah frustrasi karena kamu merasa sudah menulis sesuai panduan menulis tapi tetap saja direvisi bahkan ditolak? Bersama kak Tita dan kak Naufal, kamu akan diberi beberapa 'cara cepat' untuk menulis artikel-artikel seputar dunia perfilman yang tentunya kalau kamu terapkan di artike…
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Salah satu kesalahan paling umum yang sering dilakukan commuters adalah penulisan sumber gambar yang gak sesuai! Meskipun sudah ada panduan menulis yang banyak, tapi kenapa sih commuters masih tetap salah menulisnya? Dua editor pun ikut ambil suara, sebenarnya bagaimana cara menulis dan memilih gambar dengan benar agar gak banyak revisi?…
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Your travels take you further south to Wettle Bay where you use Lady Raxa's referrals to find a ship that will sail you to the Academy. After searching, you find passage on Captain Othea's ship, the Sea Nymph's Song. However, you must prove that you are worthy of the captain's favor. Narration by: Rebecca Woods Adalina by: Kumbomb Branel, Hoff, and…
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A teaser for episode 6, Captain Othea and the Sea Nymph's Song.由Ajax Lygan
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After saving Stoneridge Meadows from a flathorn attack, your party gathers up and heads south, stopping at Twin's Crossing. You meet the proprietor, Alfonso de Manzanedo, and the inhabitants of the small fishing village before continuing on your journey across the world of Iðna. Adalina also has a surprise for you. Narration & Alfonso by: Rebecca W…
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A teaser for episode 5, Twin's Crossing Transactions.由Ajax Lygan
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After discovering the cause of Stoneridge Meadows troubles and earning yourself a new companion, you return to the town to find it in disarray. Flathorns assault the city and you are left with two options: flee or throw yourself in harm's way to save the others. Luckily, your new companion has tricks of her own. Narration by: Rebecca Woods Lady Rax…
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A teaser trailer for episode 4 with full release happening this October to all major audio streaming services. If you do not want to wait and want to support the series, you can listen to episode 4 and 5 now at由Ajax Lygan
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After spending a long night with Talia, you awake to a new job offer from Lady Raxa and the town's mayor. You must discover what's been plaguing the town of Stoneridge Meadows, but what you find will change your life forever. Narration by: Rebecca Woods Talia by: JustTheQueenie Lady Raxa by: EndymionVA Adalina by: Kumbomb Audio Production by: Boshi…
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A teaser trailer for episode 3 with full release happening this September to all major audio streaming services. If you do not want to wait and want to support the series, you can listen to episode 3 and 4 now at由Ajax Lygan
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After saying your goodbyes with friends in Bloomfield, you join Lady Raxa's caravan at the start of your journey to the Academy. A sudden stop sparks trouble before you make your way to Stoneridge Meadows. Narration & Erami by: Rebecca Woods Freyna by: Lady Elise Lady Raxa by: EndymionVA Talia by: JustTheQueenie Audio Production by: BoshidoBlasta W…
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A teaser trailer for episode 2 with full release happening this August to all major audio streaming services. If you do not want to wait and want to support the series, you can listen to episode 2 and 3 now at由Ajax Lygan
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In our debut episode, you wake up after your father's unexpected passing. Determined to seek the answers around a mysterious amulet and cryptic letter he left behind, you sell everything you own and plan to join a caravan to travel across the world. Before you leave, you must complete the sale of your estate and say goodbye to your childhood friend…
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A Romp Across Iðna is an erotic fantasy litrpg audio adventure told in a second point of view where YOU are the main character. The story starts when you take off on an adventure to discover the truth about your father's unexpected death where he leaves behind a cryptic note and a mysterious amulet. On your journey across the world of Iðna, you wil…
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Di podcast Editor Talks episode 9 kali ini akan membahas beberapa tips dan trik yang sebaiknya dilakukan community writer agar tulisan-tulisannya tetap berbobot dan bisa diterbitkan oleh editor. Bersama Novaya dan Yudha, yuk dengarkan kunci jawaban atas semua kendala yang biasa dialami oleh para community writer!…
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Di podcast Editor Talks episode 8 kali ini akan membahas beberapa kesalahan penulis yang sebagian besar dilakukan community writers yang baru. Agar tidak melakukan kesalahan berulang, sebaiknya dengarkan podcast episode ini dengan baik dan saksama!
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Listen to this inspiring story how young people with their gifts in music, bring them and people closer to The Most Great Music Creator: GOD. Will tell the story about all young musicians here to You all, in the next episode on the right time. Cheers..:)
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Listen to this inspiring story how young people with their gifts in music, bring them and people closer to The Most Great Music Creator: GOD. Will tell the story about all young musicians here to You all, in the next episode on the right time. Cheers..:)
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Di podcast Editor Talks episode 7 kali ini akan membahas soal perbedaan listicle dan narasi yang masih sering disalah artikan oleh sebagian besar community writers yang baru. Agar tidak melakukan kesalahan berulang, sebaiknya dengarkan podcast episode ini dengan baik dan saksama!
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Dengarkan tutorial, tips menulis, dan berbagai informasi mengenai IDN Times Community kapan pun, di mana pun. Episode kenam podcast IDN Times Community kali ini membahas tentang langkah-langkah editor saat sedang mengedit artikel. Ikuti terus podcast IDN Times Community, powered by IDN Times.
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IDN Times Community Podcast Dengarkan tutorial, tips menulis, dan berbagai informasi mengenai IDN Times Community kapan pun, di mana pun. Episode kelima podcast IDN Times Community kali ini membahas tentang apa saja penyebab artikel bisa pending lama dan gak kunjung terbit. Ikuti terus podcast IDN Times Community, powered by IDN Times.…
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IDN Times Community Podcast Dengarkan tutorial, tips menulis, dan berbagai informasi mengenai IDN Times Community kapan pun, di mana pun. Episode keempat podcast IDN Times Community kali ini membahas tentang seluk beluk IDN Times Community. Ikuti terus podcast IDN Times Community, powered by IDN Times.…
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IDN Times Community Podcast Dengarkan tutorial, tips menulis, dan berbagai informasi mengenai IDN Times Community kapan pun, di mana pun. Episode ketiga podcast IDN Times Community kali ini membahas tentang cara mengunggah yang ada di IDN Times Community. Ikuti terus podcast IDN Times Community, powered by IDN Times.…
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IDN Times Community Podcast Dengarkan tutorial, tips menulis, dan berbagai informasi mengenai IDN Times Community kapan pun, di mana pun. Episode kedua podcast IDN Times Community kali ini membahas tentang cara menulis di IDN Times Community. Ikuti terus podcast IDN Times Community, powered by IDN Times.…
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IDN Times Community Podcast Dengarkan tutorial, tips menulis, dan berbagai informasi mengenai IDN Times Community kapan pun, di mana pun. Episode pertama podcast IDN Times Community kali ini membahas tentang pengenalan fitur-fitur yang ada di IDN Times Community. Ikuti terus podcast IDN Times Community, powered by IDN Times.…
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Listen to @gabigeeLLC talk about consent, capitalism, and coercion. This is a segment of the hour long conversation I had with @gabigeeLLC about sex work, politics, religion, race and more. Episode Title is MIAMI, Money Is A Major Issue. Hip-Hop Jewel (TM): 2001 Full episodes coming soon for $2. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.…
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This is a segment of the hour long conversation I had with @gabigeeLLC about sex work, politics, religion, race and more. Episode Title is MIAMI, Money Is A Major Issue. Hip-Hop Jewel (TM): 2001 --- Support this podcast:
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This is the first promo clip to introduce the new podcast with girthbrooks, no relation entitled `Sex With The Lights On`. These are candid conversations with sex workers, artists, and tech professionals. We discuss art, sex, technology and more. --- Support this podcast:…
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