It’s not just a school subject. It’s not just a tool of trade. No. It’s the language of Shakespeare, of Charles Darwin, of Andrew Lloyd Webber, of Steve Jobs, of Winston Churchill. It is the tongue shared by some of the most brilliant minds in the world. Learn it well, and your world will be a lot bigger. And you don’t even have to be born or raised in an English speaking country. With the right training, and a superhuman determination to excel, you too can speak English as expressively and ...
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Welcome to the COBS Podcast (Community of Broken Spirit Podcast). We are a group of people who unwittingly became a community when we found ourselves together in a business. Through years of meeting and working together, we, from different church backgrounds, discovered just what it takes to love one another, warts and all. As God empowered us to comprehend His incredible love, we found ourselves more and more distant from the institutional Church, finding it somewhat consumed, preoccupied a ...
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我们是三个“非典型HR",被职场各种蹂躏后,依然坚信“非典型”。和我们一起聊聊吧! Apple Podcast:我们一起聊聊hr/id1522401065 小宇宙:
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This is the community of creators/builders/makers who are passionate about a cause. These are the stories of those who are just like you. These are the people who are not afraid to act with conviction. "Just do it" 感谢大家的支持。在这大家都是激情满满的小伙伴。
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兩個人,一隻貓,一部劇 抽個空,聊起天來,無限期許 Reya & Evie 共同好劇推薦✨ 六人行 FRIENDS|一部絕對能配飯吃的經典情境喜劇 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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Bukit Timah is a site of urban complexity and historical significance. The quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were built to meet the needs of a growing urban population from the early to mid-20th century, especially during the construction boom of the post-independence period. By the 1970s, the quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were exhausted. Over the years, they have gradually been reclaimed and given a new lease of life as urban parks. Embark on an acoustic journey with artist Oh Chai Hoo th ...
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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在本集播客中,我们聚焦 Sara 的第四篇博文——《2025:指数般的真理》。她从一个数学发现出发,揭示了数字 9 与“真理”之间的内在联系,同时分享了 2025 年作为“45²”背后的象征意义。 本集中,你将听到: 为什么说 2025 是 45²?“4+5=9”,以及 2+0+2+5=9 带来的启示。 数字 9 如何代表“真理”? 当谎言与欺骗快速蔓延之时,“指数般的真理”将如何兴起? 作为神的子民,我们如何被呼召起来,为真理而战,并带来觉醒与自由? 让我们一同思考:在充满不确定性的年代,神如何使用我们,在真理之光中勇敢前行。 请点击这里阅读我们网站上的博文和有关图片解释。由Community of Broken Spirit
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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在本集播客中,Sara 的第三篇博文《2025:指数般的邪恶》为我们揭示了一个令人警醒的主题——“谎言与诡诈”如何像指数函数般在世界中迅速蔓延。她透过《诗篇》第34篇,提醒我们要敬畏神,谨慎言语,并警醒祷告,不要被谎言与恐惧所驱使。 你将听到: 从《诗篇》第34篇看“敬畏耶和华”的实际行动。 “言语之战”:谎言与诡诈如何在世界与媒体中不断放大? 面对虚假讯息、恐惧与贪婪的诱惑,我们如何守住内心、寻求和睦? “指数般的邪恶”与“指数数的天赐”之间的对比与提醒。 让我们在这期节目中,一起探讨如何在混乱与谎言之中,持守信心与真理,让敬畏神成为我们最坚固的防线。 请点击这里阅读我们网站上的博文和有关图片解释。…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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感觉我们还是跑题了,请多多拍砖。 元霸基于本期内容 快速完成了 小贴士 出海招聘为什么这么难?- 贝叶斯定理一说就懂了, 欢迎查看…
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在本集播客中,我们来到 Sara 的第二篇博文——《2025:指数般的天赐》。Sara 透过阅读乔治·穆勒(George Müller)的传记《喜悦于神》,带我们走进一位以祷告与信心,完全倚靠神供应的基督徒生命中。 你将听到: 乔治·穆勒如何在青年时期选择不再依靠父亲资助,而是转向完全信靠神? 他创办五所孤儿院、照顾数以万计贫困孤儿,经历数不清的即时祷告应允。 “敬畏祂的人,一无所缺”(诗篇34:9)在 2025 年对我们意味着什么? “指数般的天赐”背后,神对世人的关怀与带领。 让我们透过这篇分享,重新思考:在即将到来的 2025 年,我们如何与神同行,并凭信心去经历那无所不及的供应与恩典。 请点击这里阅读我们网站上的博文和有关图片解释。…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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在本集播客中,我们将跟随 Sara 的第一篇博文,探索一个令人振奋的主题——“2025:平方数的一年”。在德国赫尔恩胡特的退修中,Sara 和她的伙伴们经历了双倍数字的“巧合”、立方与幂次方的灵感,以及对下一代的传承与交棒的深切思考。 节目中,你将听到: 为什么 2025 被形容为“平方数之年”? “指数”的概念如何启示我们的属灵道路和未来投资? 面对未知的双倍或指数增长,我们如何预备自己? 传承与交棒的意义:如何把生命故事留给后人? 本集内容将带你思考在灵性与现实交织的 2025 年,我们的信心、眼界与行动又将被如何“倍增”。快来收听,和我们一起展开对未来的全新想象! 请点击这里阅读我们网站上的博文和有关图片解释。…
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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由Radio Television Hong Kong
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