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Bridle Trail Baptist Church Sunday Services @ Markham, ON Canada
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讲员: 叶伟华牧师 題目: 耶稣:最尊贵的主人 Jesus: The Most Honourable Master 经文: 希伯来书 3:1-6
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讲员: 叶伟华牧师 題目: 耶稣:最好的兄弟 Jesus: The Best Brother 经文: 希伯来书 2:10-18
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讲员: 叶伟华牧师 題目: 耶稣:最奇妙的计划 Jesus: the Most Amazing Plan 经文: 希伯来书 2:1-9由Evangel Bible-Presbyterian Church
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讲员: 叶伟华牧师 題目: 耶稣:最独特的儿子 Jesus: The Most Unique Son 经文: 希伯来书 1:4-14由Evangel Bible-Presbyterian Church
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讲员: 叶伟华牧师 題目: 耶稣:最大的 “大人物” Jesus: The VVIP 经文: 希伯来书 1:1-4由Evangel Bible-Presbyterian Church
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2020.12.06 Sermon Christmas Longing : Come Thou Long Expected Jesus Rev Peter Toy Philippians 3:10-11
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2020年11月29日 宣教使命 - 宣教的历史:来与去 黄学成传道 徒2:1-14,13:1-5
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愛證浸信會 主日崇拜 11月29日2020 昂然無懼走出困境 于淑芳傳道 出14:5-15,21-25
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2020.11.29 Sermon How do we respond to the Truth? Pastor Wayne Huen Acts 21:17-36
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(EN) 2020.11.15 Sermon When God Calls Us to Go Where We Don’t Want to Go Rev.Peter Toy (Acts 21:1-16)
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(EN) 2020.11.08 Sermon Running the Race for the Prize that Lasts Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 20:13-38)
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(EN) 2020.10.25 Sermon A Passion to See Others Grow Pastor Peter Toy (Acts 20:1-12)
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爱证国语信息 2020.11.01 宣教的神学:跟耶稣学宣教 黄学成传道 约 20:19-23,13:12-15
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(EN) 2020.10.25 Sermon Real Faith Changes our World Pastor Peter Toy (Acts 19:21-41)
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(EN) 2020.10.18 Sermon Our Supernatural Faith Pastor Peter Toy (Acts 19:1-20)
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(粵) 2020.10.18 主日信息 在疫情的生命季節中更新 黃李頻頻傳道 傳道書 3:1-14
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爱证国语信息 2020.10.18 教会使命:事奉的栽培 黄学成传道 提摩太后书 2:1-13
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(EN) 2020.10.11 Sermon Re-visiting Discipleship Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 18:18-28)
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爱证国语信息 2020.10.11 以感恩为祭献给神 黄学成传道 诗篇100:1 - 5
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(EN) 2020.10.04 Sermon How to Make an Impact Rev. Peter Toy Acts 18:1-17
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(EN) 2020.09.27 Sermon How to Live a Life of Witnessing Rev. Peter Toy Acts Acts 17:16-34
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爱证国语信息 2020.09.27 教会使命:事奉的栽培 黄学成传道 提摩太后书 2:1-13
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(EN) 2020.09.20 Sermon The Importance of the Bible in Life and Ministry Rev. Peter Toy Acts 17:1-15
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(EN) 2020.09.13 Sermon Happily Every After Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 16:13-40)
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(EN) 2020.08.30 Sermon God turns Setbacks into Blessings Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 15:36-41)
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(粵) 2020.08.30 主日信息 同心同行 于淑芳傳道 創11:1-9
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(EN) 2020.08.23 Sermon Settling Theological Differences Rev. Peter Toy Acts 15:1-35
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爱证国语信息 2020.08.16 教会使命:公开浸礼 向罪死,向神活 黄学成传道
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(粵) 2020.08.16 主日信息 活在聖靈團契中的生命 黃李頻頻傳道 林前2:14-16
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(EN) 2020.08.16 Sermon Evangelism in Changing Times Rev. Peter Toy Acts 14:1-28
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(EN) 2020.08.09 Sermon God Prospering People over the Generations Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 13:13-51)
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(EN) 2020.08.02 Sermon The Spirit Will Build Christ's Church Rev. Peter Toy Acts 13:1-12
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爱证国语信息 2020.08.02 教会使命:教会见证 回归使徒传承的集体敬拜 黄学成传道 使徒行传 2:42-47
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(EN) 2020.07.26 Sermon Living Our Lives for an Audience of One Rev. Peter Toy Acts 12:19b-24
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(EN) 2020.07.19 Sermon Persecution, Prayer and the Power of God Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 12:1-19)
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(EN) 2020.07.12 Sermon The Tribe of Christians Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 11:19-30)
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爱证国语信息 2020.07.05 教会增长:合一的能力 黄学成传道 约翰福音17:20-26
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(EN) 2020.07.05 Navigating a Paradigm Shift Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 11:1-18)
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(粵) 2020.06.28 主日信息 逆轉困境 于淑芳傳道 列王紀下4:1-7
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爱证国语信息 2020.06.28 新生活:殷勤操练,活出新生活 黄学成传道 彼得后书1:3-11
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(EN) 2020.06.28 Let the Children Come Melissa Aukema (Mark 10:13-16)
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(EN) 2020.06.21 Sermon God Never Shows Favourtism Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 10:1-48)
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(EN) 2020.06.14 Sermon Expressing Faith in a New World Pastor Wayne Huen (Acts 9:32-43)
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(EN) 2020.06.07 Sermon The Mission and the Man Rev. Peter Toy (Acts 9:19-31)
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爱证国语信息 2020.06.07 教会大使命:重温大使命 黃學成傳道 马太福音28:16-20
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(EN) 2020.05.31 Sermon To Tabernacle with the Lord Pastor Wayne Huen (Exodus 40:34-38)
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爱证国语信息 2020.5.24 有效的团队事奉 黃學成傳道 哥林多前書12:12-27
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(EN) 2020.05.24 Sermon Keeping the Sabbath Rev. Peter Toy (Exodus 35:1-3)
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(粵) 2020.5.10 主日信息 作個蒙福的母親 黃李頻頻傳道 出2:1-10
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(EN) 2020.05.10 Sermon What’s Your Safety Blanket? Pastor Wayne Huen (Exodus 33:17-21)
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