A podcast journal of a long-married "Ethically Non-Monogamous" couple as we share our struggles, challenges and the ups and downs of our entry into the Swinging Lifestyle. We hope to provide insight, support and encouragement to those interested in an "Adventurous Marriage".
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JKS 57 Liar Liar Pants on Fire Welcome back faithful listeners! Breaking up is hard to do....SOMETIMES! Why do people lie in the lifestyle? We dish on our latest experience of relationship development on our non-monogamous journey. Have you ever been lied to in the lifestyle? Have you ever lied to get something you wanted? Please reach out if you h…
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JKS 56 San Antonio Rose Welcome back faithful listeners! This episode we talk about our trip to San Antonio Texas for Libertine Event's "Senses" October 2024 Hotel Takeover. We also spent a few minutes talking about Mrs.Sting and her boyfriend's PDA! Mentioned in this episode https://libertineevents.com/ https://beyondourbedroom.com/ https://www.ex…
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JKS 55 The Misdiagnosis Drama of 2022 Buried in the backyard. recorded over 2 years ago, 2 weeks before our trip to PCAP Palm Springs.If you hate cringy, raw, emotional podcasts, definitely skip this one.I don't cry in this one but there is a lot of processing. We didn't feel good about releasing earlier because we felt it too cringy for most liste…
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JKS 54 Hotwife Overnight Welcome back faithful listeners! It's our 7th PODIVERSARY!!! Who knew we'd still be doing this? Here it is,June 2024 and we are just now releasing stuff we recorded in 2023.lol We spend a few minutes reflecting on where we have been, where we are, and where we might be heading in the future. We chat about Mrs. Sting, my Hot…
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JKS 53 Nudiversary Bedcast Welcome back faithful listeners! Let's get a jump on summer as we issue this unreleased episode from our anniversary trip to a local nude resort last year. This is a bedcast, meaning you will be right there in bed with us, a cozy listener sandwich, as we chat about our weekend of nakedness. Try not to fall asleep! We hope…
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JKS 52 NOT Whiskey Of The Month Welcome back faithful listeners! This episode has a story about Mrs. Sting dealing with a contractor and since our friends at Casual Swinger podcast havent been able to put out their whiskey of the month segment in a while, we thought we'd give you our take to tide you over until they can. Lots of ASMR on this one. H…
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JKS 51 Four Friends & a Funeral Welcome back faithful listeners! Today we chat about the death of a dear non-monogamous friend. Maybe I should really say deaths. They weren't swingers but they were still our introduction to non-monogamy 30+ years ago. BFFs really. It caused many questions & possible scenarios. The uncertainty of life & the complex …
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JKS 50 Dry January? Welcome back faithful listener! Join us for a New Years Eve picnic in our car during a severe rain storm. We do some catching up with the Stingers & plans for the new year. Ironically, we do a DRY JANUARY segment on the WETTEST DAY of the year by doing a taste test of some NON-ALCOHOLIC TEQUILA! Lyre's https://lyres.com/range/ag…
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JKS 49 Palm Springs PCAP Recap We Celebrated our 5 Year Podcastiversary by going to Podcast-A-Palooza in Palm Springs California. A Fun Swinging/Lifestyle event hosted by a handful of content creators & their fans with pool parties, seminars, theme dances and awesome participants ! If you would like to know more, follow @PaloozaPodcast on social me…
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JKS 48 For Better or Worse TRIGGER WARNING! Since the last episode, we had our darkest moment so far in our 34+ year marriage. I'm not going to get into it here, but there is absolutely nothing sexy about this one. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255) changing to 988 6/22 https://swingershelp.com/survey/ https://swingershelp.com…
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JKS 47 Spanksgiving Yet another catch-up episode. But you probably knew that already. We touch on our Holiday activities & our future plans and we finally had intercourse after a Marital Meltdown. We give you a few tips about attending PCAP2022.https://podcast-a-palooza.com/ We suggest you follow The Monogamish Marriage & Naughty Gym on Twitter. I …
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JKS 46 Boos, Boobs, Boost & Boostered - We follow up on our adventures in October including a sexy Halloween Party with our tiny tribe & Mr.Sting's first experience using Viagra. -We also talk about a couple more games to play with your sexy friends including how THE GAME OF LIFESTYLE card game got everybody laid! https://www.gameoflifestyle.com/ Y…
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JKS 45 Summer Lovin One Word...Orgy! Mostly just another catch-up episode I'm afraid. We did a lot this summer while continuing to navigate the "Covid-Times" Thank you to all who we connected with over the past few months. Your friendship & support mean the world to us. You can reach Mr.Sting at @JKSwingingPod on Twitter, email at JustKeepSwingingP…
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JKS 44 Pandemic Blues Our March episode....3 months in the making! HA HA! Sorry, it is a bit dated now that the pandemic is waning. But if you are still interested in a raw, somewhat sad catch up with our lives & pandemic struggles, listen on. On the bright side,there is a musical treat (or is it torture?) at the end. Thanks for listening & cringe …
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JKS 43 Poly-Morph with Dylan Thomas This episode marks our most extravagant show and took almost 4 years, about $400 in production fees and an entire year of editing to create.... Please try not to fall asleep listening to it! I sat down on a lazy, rainy Sunday back in the beginning of 2020 & had a man-to-man chat with Dylan Thomas of Life on the S…
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JKS 41 To Tell & Kiss A couple of discussions on STI education, disclosure & oral herpes. I have to be honest, this was a tough one to release in that, true to the off the cuff, diary nature of our show, there are details and wording I wish we had included or done better. I did my best to address some of these in the intro and addendum. On the fun …
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JKS 40 Kids Talk WOW! June 2020. WTF? This episode marks THREE YEARS of our little podcast! It has been a long, emotional journey for us and we honestly appreciate those of you who listen. This episode also feels like our "JUMP THE SHARK" episode. LOL Should you tell your children about the lifestyle? How do you decide & how do you do it? Listen to…
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JKS 39 HotHusbanding? Are you looking for a feelgood listening experience? Everyone knows what HotWifing is, but is HotHusbanding a thing? You be the judge as we spend a few minutes this episode with Mr.Sting recounting his feelings the day after his first "sleep-away" with a wonderful LS ladyfriend who is also a solo-poly unicorn. We talk about ou…
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JKS 38 Something Positive This is a rare one! We shared interviews with Courtney Brame from the Podcast & Non-Profit "Something Positive for Positive People". A resource for fighting stigma and shame, while finding community & emotional healing for people living with Herpes & other STIs.We heard about him from a Normalizing Non Monogamy Podcast res…
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JKS 37 The Cost of Compersion This episode is a pot-luck episode which features short segments we recorded at various times last year. It even features the return of the dreaded "SEX DRIVE" segment. Curious about the Swinger Dating site DOUBLE DATE NATION? Get a free trial ! Use promo code STINGERS.https://app.doubledatenation.com/register?coupon=S…
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JKS 36 The EUPHORIA EFFECT WHAT CAN WE SAY? Sometimes, if you are lucky, you encounter special people that touch your life in such a way that you will never be the same.You might even find them in the Swinger/Lifestyle world, in fact, we bet you will! Over the past few years, we have had the privilege to encounter many.Some are obviously podcasters…
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JKS 35 It Stings, In A Good Way We share a couple of our recent party experiences. That is all. Very boring stuff except for Mrs. Sting stripping down to nothing in a room full of people to be the victim in a BDSM demonstration. Also how cross-dressing men goes over with the ladies. Like I said, pretty boring stuff. You can reach Mr. Sting at @JKSw…
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JKS 34 NIN2019 pt2 We continue our recap of Naughty in New Orleans 2019. This time we talk about some of our firsts and positive experiences. We are sure we forgot to mention a few and even a few people we will kick ourselves for forgetting to include but everyone we met was great and deserves a mention. You can reach Mr. Sting at @JKSwingingPod on…
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We kick off our series of recollections from Naughty in New Orleans 2019 with an unintentional short list of some of our failures & letdowns. This was not our first NIN but this time we went as podcasters so it was very different for us, yet the same. As expected, way too many things happened to put into any podcast, but we will try our best to inc…
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We start with an answer a listener question about our last episode. Then we delve into coming out to our oldest child and a bit about how we have raised sexually aware children. We also talk out some of our pre-Naughty in New Orleans jitters. Kinda rushed this one do to NIN, so forgive any noticeable lack of editing.…
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JKS 31 Bareback Mountain Whatever you call it, Barebacking, rawdog,Leap of faith, Makin’ a Twinkie, Au Naturale,Pulling the goalie, breeding,Gator Jimmies? Or Stupid. (or even a "Farmer Mickey.” Why? Cause I’m plantin’ seed baby!! thanks Mickey from Casual Swinger podcast) Penetrative sex without a condom is kinda considered taboo in the #Swinger #…
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JKS 30 Nude With Friends We go on another adventure at the Nudist Resort and Mr.Sting has a string of "Firsts". We also continue/revisit our discussion about whether familiarity breeds consent, implied consent and share examples that we experienced at our Swinger Game Nights. Do we need consent if we are already friends? Do women have a pass when i…
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JKS 29 Dancing With Tongues This episode marks the end of Mr.Sting's year long dry spell & sparks questions leading a tangent filled episode & the invention of another new word...Saferly. We also talk coming out to a fellow podcaster & breaking stigma by sharing our story IRL. Most importantly,we want to make consent fun by making May "ASK FOR WHAT…
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JKS 28 Award Winning Penis This time we go on another long road trip & share our experience going to our first big hotel swinger party. (besides Naughty in New Orleans that is) It was a Glow theme party & Mr.Sting was the Belle of the Ball with his outrageous outfit. Our motto was proven again this trip and despite a broken penis, we still won the …
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A continuation of our last episode where we detail our hot tub experience. What happens when you mix a #hotwife with a #swinger in a hot tub? Hot tub sex? MFM? Tittie-Hickeys? Playing fetch with a dog? You will have to listen to find out. It's pretty hot & Mrs. Sting contributes a lot to this episode. It's pretty Hot! Heck, we got hot just telling …
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JKS 26 TEOTWAWKI ? It's another New Year's reflection show. We start with a quick story of one of the more "SWINGERY" things we did before the last year ended. We get personal & talk about the demise of Mr. Sting's job, swinging ebbs & flows, new challenges, new goals, new adventures and hopes for the new year. I know, it's a bit of a sleeper. Do n…
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JKS 25 A Nude Year We reflect on our experience at yet another non-lifestyle "Nudist/Clothing Optional Resort". We ask the question..."whats the deal with swingers and nudists resorts?" And, we answer the question...did either of us actually get naked this time? We also get to talk with fellow podcasters, Torri & Soul (Torrid Souls Podcast) about t…
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JKS 24 SwingerDoc Pt 2 + Turkey Trouble In Part 2 of our interview with the SWINGER DOC, we ask a few personal questions including recreational use of E.D. drugs like Viagra & Cialis, the INTERNAL CONDOM, formerly the Female Condom ( FC2 ) and ANAL PLAY for SENSITIVE BUTTS. Follow him on Twitter @theswingerdoc and #BESAFEbutBESEXY PLUS+ We share ho…
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JKS 23 The Swinging Doctor Pt 1 It's another interview! YAY!!! This episode, we introduce you to our friend The SWINGER DOC. The Doc has been a guest host on LIFE ON THE SWINGSET PODCAST and we had a chance to meet him and his friends a year ago or so and have been talking about doing this episode ever since. In PART 1,We talk about what it's like …
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JKS 22 - Desire & The Redhead Just a quick follow up episode born on the tails of last episode #21 Unequally Yoked. We share how a song & an off-the-cuff remark by Mr.Sting turned into a whole thing that caused a tiny upset in our relationship and bled a bit into our LS relationships. Sometimes, even open, honest communication can still lead to LIF…
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JKS 21 Unequally Yoked In this episode, we talk about more new experiences at a recent house party including an invitation to Mr.Sting for MFM threesome play and the introduction of two new words to our lexicon, demisexual & Playdar. We also go pretty deep again and share our experience with low libido and sexual inequality, and keeping intimacy al…
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JKS 20 – pt2 OUR LIFE & The Swingset Part 2 of our discussion with Cooper goes into some deeper & pricklier topics that we just scratch the surface on. Topics include choosing monogamy, Church & religion, rights, marginalization, building community, being a beacon & standing up for others and parenting a generation of “woke” children. We still don’…
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JKS 19 -OUR LIVES & The Swingset - Part 1 Our 1 yr. Podcastaversary celebration continues with our very first interview! Ok, we didn’t do such a great job with the interview part, but we had a great conversation regardless. Our conversation was organic & unscripted so some of our comments & ideas may sound controversial and not have come out quite …
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JKS-18 Camping & Burners & Bare…OH MY! What do you get when you combine tent camping with Burning Man and Nudists? Two brand new experiences for the Stings! This month we go on an outdoor adventure with a great couple and some of their friends from Burning Man! Usually when you think camping with another couple you imagine fireside fun with a bit o…
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JKS-17 Swirling Hotwife? This month, we celebrate 1 YEAR OF PODCASTING and a couple of Birthdays, with a few drinks! (For a change :) We follow up on Mrs. Sting’s date and debate if what we are is just Hotwifing? (Or is it Hot-wifing?) We attend a Swanilla event for the first time. (Or is it called Swirl?) We also talk a bit more about “spilling th…
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GOOD NEWS BEDCAST plus we talk about whether its a good idea to tell others that we do a podcast. We also share some tips about dancing at the club and how Mr. Sting's incredible dance moves are a hit with the ladies.由Just Keep Swinging
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This episode introduces a new segment we are calling "Sex-Drive" so if you don't like road noise, you have been warned. This time we talk about the Big "D" and we don't mean Dallas. Divorce has come up in other podcasts and media lately and we were driving along chatting about it and decided to record our convo. (OK, maybe Mr.Sting talking ;) Maybe…
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We talk a little bit about Podcasts and podcasting...surprised? We share OUR podcasting secret/tip! We welcome all the new shows to the arena. ( Circus, not Wrestling ) We reference Swinger Diaries Podcast's talk about Hotness Scale, as well as 2-Or More to Tango, and steal, OK maybe not steal but get inspired by a "bit" from Life on the Swingset. …
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Episode 13 Talk-Blocked Our Slogan..." Sharing our drama, so you don't have to." After another learning experience, we talk about drama and share a bit of our own as we navigate poor signals and communication after interacting with a somewhat pushy couple.由Just Keep Swinging
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"Hard to get" is a perfect title for both show segments this time. I feel rather clever ;) In this episode, Mr. Sting shares his experience at the New Years Eve party. He also talks about his experience with "Hardiosity" as described by D on Swinging Down Under Podcast.由Just Keep Swinging
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We share our experience attempting to get some "post infection" action at a New Years Eve house party, a jaw dropping revelation by Mrs. Sting and a challenge to our listeners.由Just Keep Swinging
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Yay our 10th episode! This month we go to a pub crawl, which brings up a new kind of encounter and a question about consent. We visit the doctor and look forward to a brighter tomorrow.由Just Keep Swinging
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Bonus episode! We laugh again and talk about the good things that the lifestyle and podcasting have done for us and are thankful for. We include a few candid recordings at the end this episode along with a listener request.由Just Keep Swinging
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Following up on our feelings and philosophies about blame, disclosure and sexless swinging, both before and now living with an STI. As usual, we reference other podcasts including...On the WetCoast, Swinger Diaries, Swingtime with Holli & Michael, and the "Elevator Speech" at ReidAboutSex.com由Just Keep Swinging
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We get serious this time and talk about the obstacle that was the genesis of this podcast. We talk about working past our obstacles and we also talk about STI testing and stigma.由Just Keep Swinging
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