Listen to the word of God as per His servant Pastor Daniel Kaira, that you may be built up in Faith, lacking in nothing and prepared for every good work in Christ Jesus.
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Welcome to the Kairah Graham podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Ly Kairany
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Kevyesti Kairassa on ulkoilmapodcast, jonka pääaiheena on vaellus ja kevytretkeily. Podcastin tarkoituksena on tuoda kevytretkeilyä tunnetummaksi Suomessa. Jokaisessa jaksossa käsittelemme tiettyä aihetta yhdessä vieraamme kanssa. Podcast toimii samannimisen, Ossi Määtän, blogin jatkeena. Blogin löydät osoitteesta
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Ridgeway Impact Conference
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Welcome to August! Our Season Of Favour
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We are in the season of prophecy. Here is a lesson that guides us on the sources of prophecy. ENJOY
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Senior Pastor Daniel Kaira visits the University Of Zambia Ridgeway Campus. He answers a series of questions at The Household Of Faith Church fellowship station there. ENJOY
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Welcome To June! The Month Of Prophecy!!!!..
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Here is the second installation of the vital teaching on The Important Ingredients Of An Effective Prayer Life. ENJOY
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We are in yet another season of prayer, And Pastor Daniel Blesses us with a series of teaching that are vital for our impact in this season
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Here yet another amazing teaching. We get to learn about the dynamics of relationships. And mainly we get to learn about having a healthy and personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. ENJOY
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Here is a teaching that guides you towards giving. IT explains the elements that will the perfect script on how to develop a culture of giving. ENJOY
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An amazing teaching on how we ought to live as the body of Christ. Pastor Daniel debunks various notion that people have about the church
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Here another amazing teaching by Pastor Daniel. He guides us through the Sin and Righteousness and teaches us more on Growing Unto Maturity as Christians
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Welcome to June!! The Month Of Movements!!!
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Here is How You can profit from the truth. A continuation from our previous bible study. ENJOY
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An Amazing teaching on diligence and living in truth
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We received an amazing teaching from a special guest Apostol Michael Adu. He visits us from Ghana and delivers a message that is so life changing. ENJOY
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Here we are again, entering another amazing season. Pastor Daniel teaches us on the truth that lies in the word of God and How important it is that we believe it in order for it work in our lives. ENJOY
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Here is the second Part of the the amazing teaching done by Pastor Daniel during the HOF workforce training. ENJOY
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An amazing training by Pastor Daniel for done with our church workforce.
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Here are a few notes we learned from the amazing Hezekiah. ENJOY
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An amazing lesson that tackles every aspect of a believer's life from Faith to being diligent. Enjoy
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Here is the third instalment of this amazing series. In this episode we learn on how to be a sacrifice that Holy and Acceptable before God. We dive deep into lessons that pattern to our daily lives. ENJOY
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