The digital library of Koinonia Ministries Indy
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The Preaching Ministry of Koinos Church in Troy, Ohio
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Located in the Central Valley of California, Koinonia Church is an interdenominational church that seeks to: Ignite Contagious Faith in the One God Who Restores All! Listen as Lead Pastor Andrew Cromwell and the other staff pastors challenge us to grow our spiritual lives.
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KOINONIA International Christian Fellowship Aalborg – Denmark exists to be an international community of Christians in Aalborg who faithfully proclaim God’s Word in worship, discipleship, and evangelism, and visibly display God’s love in fellowship and service. Our 'official' language is English. Acts 2:42, “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching, and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”
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Onder naam KOINONIA BIJBELSTUDIE verzorg ik regelmatig bijbelstudies en beschouwingen over het kerkelijke leven. Soli Deo Gloria! Become a supporter of this podcast:
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Saade on eetris esmaspäevast reedeni kell 18:00 ja laupäeval kell 10:00. Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 100 päeva. Esmaspäevast reedeni 360 kraadi uut muusikat meilt ja mujalt - nii maa alt, kui maa pealt. Nädala singlid ja debüüdid, R2 Nädala plaat ja muidugi kõige kuumemad lood maailmas täna! Laupäeviti ajatu igihaljas - aastapäeva albumid, kordusväljaanded ja muu vana kuld Saatejuht Koit Raudsepp Saade on eetris esmaspäevast reedeni kell 18:00 ja laupäeval kell 10:00. Kuula ka ...
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Loving you through intellectual, artistic musing on everything.
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お笑い芸人、YUJI KOITOのポッドキャスト
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Pyjama-Business ist der Podcast rund um deine selbstbestimmte Selbstständigkeit. Hier lernst du, wie du Kund*innen gewinnst, schlaues Marketing betreibst, online gefunden wirst - und weniger arbeitest und mehr verdienst. Auf deine Art und Weise! Deine Gastgeberin ist Business-Coach Lilli Koisser: Ich beschäftige mich seit 10+ Jahren mit magnetischem und menschlichem Marketing und begleite dich auf deinem Weg zum blühenden Business. Besuche gerne den Blog, um zu jeder Folge Infos, Links, Bild ...
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Rambling with kiddo
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A Reflection of Christ | Sharing the gospel through accurate, precise and expository knowledge of Christ.
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All you need to know about koi.
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Un podcast sobre blockchains, economía descentralizada, dApps, web 3.0, pensamiento liberal e inteligencia artificial
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Helping game studios adopt blockchain without alienating players
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This is Koin Keys, the cryptocurrency podcast made for normal people. Our goal is to be information central on the topics, events, and personalities shaping the cryptocurrency landscape.
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Podcast by
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The official podcast of KoiFishu Also available on iTunes:
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News and reporting dedicated to the people, places and history that make Portland, Oregon one of America's most unique cities.
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Dienstags im Koi - der Podcast von
Julia Jakob, Kristin Oswald, Dirk Schütz, Olivier Marchal
Im Podcast "Dienstags im Koi" bespricht die Redaktion von Kultur Management Network einmal im Monat aktuelle Kulturmanagement-Themen. Julia Jakob, die Chefredakteurin des Magazins, und Kristin Oswald, die Leiterin der Online-Redaktion, teilen darin ihre Gedanken zu Entwicklungen im Kulturbetrieb. Seit der Pandemie arbeitet das Team von Kultur Management Network vor allem im Homeoffice. Nur der Dienstag ist der feste Bürotag und das bedeutet auch: Wir gehen zum Mittagessen ins Koi7, unser Wei ...
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Koivu & Egon ger sina kommentarer på det senaste inom pokervärlden blandat med lite annat smått och gott
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Pastoring people through everyday life with open, honest conversations about the things we are all thinking about.
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Koivulainen och Valterego summerar senaste händelserna inom poker, i världen i allmänhet och i Sverige i synnerhet.
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Je tweewekelijkse podcast over Nishikigoi, oftwel koi. We vertellen je alles over wat er speelt in de hobby en bespreken interessante onderwerpen.
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The podcast from Knights On Ice, the SB Nation brand covering the Vegas Golden Knights.
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Kennelliiton podcastissa Hyvää elämää koiran kanssa keskustellaan koirista, niiden omistajista ja elämästä hauvojen kanssa. Olitpa uusi tai vanha koiranomistaja – tai ehkä haluat oman pennun – tämä podcast on sinua varten. Julkaisijana Genero.
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Hablamos de las últimas noticias de manga-anime y los videojuegos japoneses. También aprovechamos para comentar temas de actualidad (o no tan actuales) sobre ambas industrias en un tono distendido.
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Welcome to our Sunday Message Library. We hope today's message encourages you, challenges you, and draws you closer to Jesus. For more information about our church you can head to
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bible talk podcast Support this podcast:
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Maailma kõige targem rahvas
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KoivuTV Podcast tarjoaa suoraa puhetta ja viihdyttävää asiaa terveydestä, hyvinvoinnista ja lifestylesta. KoivuTV raportoi ja kertoo tässä Podcastissa asioista, jotka ihastuttavat, hätkähdyttävät, kyseenalaistavat ja ennen kaikkea antavat katsojille eväitä parempaan vointiin ja elämään. Julkaisemme myös raikkaita asiantuntijahaastatteluita sekä mielenkiintoisten julkisuuden henkilöiden hyvinvointivinkkejä. Äänessä ovat KoivuTV:n juontaja-toimittaja, mentaali- ja esiintymisvalmentaja, esiinty ...
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Slot gacor yang merupakan rekomendasi situs slot gacor terbaik dan terpercaya dan memiliki predikat sebagai bandar agen judi online terbesar dan terlengkap yang sangat populer saat ini. Banyak varian game judi online terbaik, terpercaya dan terlengkap yang situs slot gacor sedikan selaku agen slot terpercaya 2023. Semua tersedia hanya lewat 1 link slot gacor yakni di bo slot online gacor terpercaya 2023 sekaligus sebagai agen sbobet resmi di Indonesia yaitu situs slot acor terpercaya.
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Helping to shine light on the diversity of the body of Christ and our harmony together through fellowship and love relationships in the knowledge of our king and Lord, Jesus Christ
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We are all used to watching and reading about our favourite stars, and their movies. However, what could be more fun if we could even get to hear them on a podcast. For all those who like to hear the latest interviews, news, and gossip, introduces this special podcast channel for all our dear followers. You can rely on us for your daily dose of entertainment. One of India’s top digital entertainment portals, Koimoi is part of the 2win Group ( that is a pioneer of Int ...
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Enseñanza de temas de relevancia a través de dialogo. Con Adolfo Membreño, Michael Havlin, & Efrain Valladares.
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A podcast that focuses on linking Business with Grassroots Sport. Showcasing our "Elite Champion Members" and their chosen "Grassroots Sports Club"; promoting a "Sports for All Culture" by funding Grassroots Sport to deliver "Positive Social Change".
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Latest sermons by Apostle Joshua Selman and up-to-date library of Koinonia Messages. Subscribe to this podcast to receive an update of the latest sermons. For more sermons, visit This podcast is curated by the team at To support us, donate here - KOINONIA is a weekly programme organised by the Eternity Network International (ENI) where people come to experience WORSHIP, WORD, MIRACLES AND LOVE, exp ...
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Koine Greek is the official podcast of It discusses issues relating to speaking and experiencing Koine Greek as a living language.
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A podcast on koi ponds, water gardens, water features, and the topics of all things aquatic. Hosted by Mike Gannon, The Pond Hunter; and owner of That Pond Place & Full Service Aquatics pond companies. The KPWG podcast is a look at the lifestyles of the "Aquatically Obsessed". In The Pursuit Of All Things Aquatic!
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Chow for the Koi is a dark and sweet audio drama about addiction and urban isolation in 8 episodes made by Pleasant Planet. We used cinematic sound design and an original beats-based soundtrack. Cast of 12 The story ... Jay Stringer is wired - he's listening through the wall. Is his neighbour Don really saying those things about him or is he going paranoid on the drugs? His best mate Owen says its weird. If he carries on he's going to lose his daughter, Fi. Then he'll have nothing left to li ...
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Has Religion turned you off? Religion has turned us off too. The fact of the matter is, the real Jesus of Nazareth never intended to start a religion at all, but to introduce people into an intimate relationship with their Creator. Koinos Church: We are a bunch of friends who are seeking to learn from and follow the life and teaching of Jesus in relevant ways for real life. Maybe you could say we are "A Church For People Who Aren't Into Church." If you are looking for something more - lookin ...
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30. Me. Everything I do on this page is therapy for me. Slapping the blue pill out your hand. Just trying to leave everything better than it was. Each "Self Progression" will be uploaded once a month If you're an artist and feel I've misused your track or you need me to update something in a track list, and also for all other inquiries, please DM or contact: ------------------> [email protected] (: Taken down Self Progressions: Self Progress ...
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In dieser Folge spricht Kristin Oswald mit Felicia Sternfeld (Präsidentin ICOM Deutschland & Direktorin Europäisches Hansemuseum) über die ICOM-Studie zur Zufriedenheit von Museumspersonal. Demnach ist die Unzufriedenheit hoch, die Work-Life-Balance wird wichtiger und strenge Hierarchien haben ausgedient. Jetzt sind die Führungskräfte gefordert, Ve…
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由(Raadio 2)
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes:由Koinonia Church
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"for unless you believe that I am he you will die in your sins"由Bethelkirken
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Jesus, by the hands of Paul and Barnabas, conquers and sets free an island territory bound under the Satanic spell of syncretistic false religion.
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes:由Koinonia Church
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由Johnathan Newman
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What do you do with your thirst?由Bethelkirken
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Zum “Global Switch Day” am 1. Februar 2025 erfährst du in dieser Folge, warum ich Facebook, Instagram, Twitter und Co. jetzt endgültig verlasse, welche Alternativen ich stattdessen für mein Marketing nutze, was mir an Bluesky bis jetzt sehr gut gefällt, welche 6 Säulen der Sichtbarkeit du nutzen kannst (Social Media ist nur eine davon!), und wie ic…
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes:由Koinonia Church
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由Bryan Barnes
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Why Do You Seek To Kill Me?由Bethelkirken
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Een "Deep Dive" discussie over Karl Barth's uitleg van het Onze Vader. Dit keer heb ik een aantal vragen en opmerkingen gemaalkt en daarom ging de conversatie een andere kant op. Het eindsresultaat is een sterk Barthiaanse benadering van het Onze Vader maar toch ook met een nadruk - door mij in de discussie gebracht - over de praktische toepassing …
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Using the exodus motif from Israel and Jesus, Luke prepares the reader for a new phase in the life of the Church. Persecution, sluggish faith, and the powers of the world are easily overcome by God. Jesus continues to use the unlikely and unimportant as models for watchful faithfulness as He works to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.…
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由Doug Plummer
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Do You Take Offense At This?由Bethelkirken
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Following in the positive wake of Peter’s defense, the church becomes surprisingly multiethnic in Antioch. Jerusalem sends an encouraging man by the name of Barnabas to help the ministry; as the ministry grows, Barnabas recruits his old friend Paul for further assistance. In a surprising twist, famine strikes the Jerusalem church, and it is Antioch…
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Igniting Contagious Faith! Sermon Notes:由Koinonia Church
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由Johnathan Newman
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Verkondiging Medemblik 12/1/25 Vandaag mocht ik in Medemblik voorgaan in de eredienst. Ik had dezelfde preek als vorige week, zodat de gemeente voor de tweede keer het verhaal hoorde over de drie koningen. Het waren natuurlijk geen koningen, maar magiërs. Daarom vertelde ik ook over de middeleeuwse belangstelling voor deze magiërs, die al snel werd…
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Jesus, Lord of the elements由Bethelkirken
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