Kristiansand Misjonskirke Salem startet i 1936 og er en menighet med arbeid for alle generasjoner. Finn ut mer på våre hjemmesider
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Her finner du taler fra møtene på Touchpoint Kristiansand.
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Podcast by Kristian Finfrock
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Podkast fra Kristiansand folkebibliotek. Vi publiserer en blanding av opptak fra våre arrangementer og egenproduksjoner fra studio - og alt er på en eller annen måte relatert til litteraturen, og til det som skjer på vårt bibliotek. Redaktør: Tore Aune Fjellstad
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Die kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages mit Anke Engelke und SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees.
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A Pop-Culture show hosted by comedian Kristian Harloff with movie and streaming reviews, pop-culture talk, and a special blend of comedy.
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Marketingpod er et ugentligt podcast om digital marketing med Kristian Tinho og Halfdan Timm (partnere i Obsidian Digital . Det udkommer hver mandag og indeholder det vigtigste historier om digital marketing fra den foregående uge samt et emne, hvor vi går i dybden. Skriv dig op på for at få mail ved nye episoder.
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Norsk politikk analysert av Gambits politiske team, Stein Kåre Kristiansen og André Kolve
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Sez' words are energetic apothecaries for emotional creatives, sensitive souls and nature lovers. Her podcast is a piece of lyrical artistry that will help you find the remedy to every soul-sickness you experience in life. Laced in non-duality, psychospirituality, somatic experiencing, and poetry, you will come home to your true, unbound, and deeply wild self. Hosted by author, poet & meditation guide, Sez Kristiansen.
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Casual ,Economics ,Politics ,Relationships ,Business ideas and Education .
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Forkynnelse og undervisning fra Det evangelisk-lutherske kirkesamfunn, Kristiansand menighet. Følg oss på Facebook, Instagram, eller sjekk ut Vi samles søndager kl. 11 i lokalene til Blå Kors sentralt i Kvadraturen, Gyldenløves gate 54.
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Grit and Resilience
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Bienvenidos al walking Cover art photo provided by Erik Eastman on Unsplash:
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I talk about whatever. There's no structure.
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Some brief thoughts to kick around & brighten your day!
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Kristiansand Kunsthall er en av Sørlandets ledende kunstinstitusjoner med formidling av samtidskunst gjennom utstillinger, arrangementer, publikasjoner og podcasts. Vi er en utadrettet og publikumsvennlig arena for visuell kunst, som blander det uetablerte og gjennombruddsklare med det klassiske og etablerte.
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"Kveldsmøtet" er en del av arbeidet til Kristiansand Misjonskirke Salem. Vi vil ære Gud, gjøre livet bedre og gjøre disipler av Jesus Kristus! Finn ut mer på våre hjemmesider:
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We talk about different parts in history
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Fire programmer om Glenn Goulds to indspilninger af Goldbergvariationerne. De har forundret og forarget Bach-elskere. Værket var hans første store udgivelse som ung i 1955, og det var også hans sidste store udgivelse, inden han døde i 1981. Hvad skete der mellem de to indspilninger, og kan man høre det? Hør Kristian Leths portræt af musikeren og komponisten, der ikke ville kaldes pianist.
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Fans matter, and everybody is a fan of SOMETHING. Kristian Bush, one-half of the Grammy-winning duo Sugarland, talks to people from all walks of life about what they’re geeking out, and shares his own musical obsessions along the way.
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This podcast talks about anything and everything, technical and things non technical and other fun random stuff.
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En radiofonisk rejse, der tager afsæt i Den Danske Strygekvartets opførelse af alle Beethovens 16 strygekvartetter ved en koncertcyklus over seks aftener. I dialog med musikforskere og musikere går Kristian Leth tæt på skabelsen af Beethovens ikoniske strygekvartetter, tæt på myterne om kvartetterne og tæt på musikkens tidløse kvaliteter - på en kunst, der stiller skarpt på den menneskelige eksistens i sin reneste form.
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A weekly Star Wars discussion hosted by Kristian Harloff exploring a galaxy far far away.
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En podcast om intressanta händelser och tankar av två musikstuderande ungdomar i Vänersborg. Gillar du filosofi, samhällsfrågor eller bara vill ha ett gott skratt är detta podden för dig!
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The Monetization Matrix podcast with Kristian Hansen offers insights on payment and subscription strategies to monetize products and services through the lens of growth. It covers everything from payment optimization to internationalization, churn reduction, and aims to benefit businesses of all sizes. Hosted by an industry expert with over 15 years of Silicon Valley experience, this series aims to boost ROI and provide valuable growth insights.
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Aquí platicamos y analizamos de lo que sucede en México y el Mundo. Con datos e información digerida para que todos entendamos que pasa día a día en nuestra ciudad, país y planeta. Ánimo!
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Nyhetsfördjupning och eftermiddagsunderhållning. E-post: [email protected] Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Linnéa Mattisson
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I denna fantastiska NHL-podcast pratar tre idioter om vad vi tror vi vet någonting om. Alltså NHL hockey.
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Välkommen till Kristianstadpodden - en podcast från Moderaterna i Kristianstad! Denna podcast skapades för att väcka mer intresse och engagemang för det kommande EU-valet i juni. I tre korta avsnitt får du chansen att lyssna på våra politiker Ludvig Ceimertz, Camilla Palm och Boriana Åberg, som delar sina perspektiv på EU och varför detta val är så viktigt. Följ med och få en djupare förståelse för hur EU påverkar vår vardag och varför din röst räknas.
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Showbiz and Welfare with Kristian Nairn / Jake Stormoen – Tech Jives Network
Kristian Nairn / Jake Stormoen
An online network about educating, entertaining and encouraging your dance with Technology!
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Create Your Now (Archive 2) brings moms, mompreneurs, and entrepreneurs tools and strategies to become their best selfie in areas of lifestyle, business, spirituality, nutrition, fitness, parenting, relationships, motherhood, mindset and balanced daily living. We promise according to our hopes; And perform according to our fears! This 7 day a week podcast will empower and encourage you to rediscover, rejuvenate and renew who you are in mind, body, and spirit. Topics include healthy living, w ...
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Create Your Now (Archive 1) brings moms, mompreneurs, and entrepreneurs tools and strategies to become their best selfie in areas of lifestyle, business, spirituality, nutrition, fitness, parenting, relationships, motherhood, mindset and balanced daily living. We promise according to our hopes; And perform according to our fears! This 7 day a week podcast will empower and encourage you to rediscover, rejuvenate and renew who you are in mind, body, and spirit. Topics include healthy living, w ...
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Create Your Now (Archive 4) brings moms, mompreneurs, and entrepreneurs tools and strategies to become their best selfie in areas of lifestyle, business, spirituality, nutrition, fitness, parenting, relationships, motherhood, mindset and balanced daily living. We promise according to our hopes; And perform according to our fears! This 7 day a week podcast will empower and encourage you to rediscover, rejuvenate and renew who you are in mind, body, and spirit. Topics include healthy living, w ...
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Create Your Now (Archive 3) brings moms, mompreneurs, and entrepreneurs tools and strategies to become their best selfie in areas of lifestyle, business, spirituality, nutrition, fitness, parenting, relationships, motherhood, mindset and balanced daily living. We promise according to our hopes; And perform according to our fears! This 7 day a week podcast will empower and encourage you to rediscover, rejuvenate and renew who you are in mind, body, and spirit. Topics include healthy living, w ...
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The news is heating up with James Bond. Since the acquiring of the franchise full fledged, Amazon has been rumored to making some big moves. One of the moves on the table is bringing in Christopher Nolan who has talked about wanting to do a Bond movie for some time. Well the talks are getting more real as a new report says he has been offered FINAL…
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I denne episode taler vi Programmatic SEO og prompting med ChatGPT. ChatGPT hallucinerer nogle gange og siger ting, der ikke er rigtige. Det kan du få den til at stoppe med ved at lægge et trin ind med Halfdan viser hvordan i episoden her. Eksempel nævnt i episoden:…
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees und seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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Retirement Income Strategies - Retirement for Small Business Owners by Kristian Finfrock由Kristian Finfrock
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En gennemgang af de 7 vigtigste e-mail flows for webshops - har du lavet alle 7?由Kristian Tinho & Halfdan Timm
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DJ's Project: Marvel fans are EATING today with what looks like a major leak for Avengers: Doomsday! Kristian Harloff, Roxy Striar, and DJ Wooldridge break it all down on The Kristian Harloff Show. We’re talking MCU leaks, Doctor Doom, Marvel Studios, Marvel Phase 5, Avengers 5, and more! Could this be our f…
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John Cena just shocked the world at WWE Elimination Chamber with a massive heel turn on Cody Rhodes! What does this mean for World Wrestling Entertainment moving forward? On today’s episode of The Kristian Harloff Show, Kristian and John Rocha break down the shocking moment, what’s next for John Cena, and what him and The Rock are planning! But tha…
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I denne uges episode: People are the new brands. Vi stoler på mennesker, ikke på virksomheder. Hvordan bruger du det i din markedsføring på bl.a. LinkedIn og Facebook? Ugens nyheder: Google sagsøgt for at sende færre klik til publishers Stripes investor-letter saver EU over Instagram lancerer ny funktion Kapitler 00:00 Hvor meget har Tinho tabt på …
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees und seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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Jim Foss - Gudstjeneste - 02.03.25 - Den store kjærlighets historien by Formiddagsmøtene由Formiddagsmøtene
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A new rumor from Jeff Sneider suggests that Avengers Doomsday could be delayed. Good moves or bad moves for the MCU?Speaking of the MCU, how long will Kevin Feige remain on as the head of MArvel? New rumors say he is thinking about a plan that he will eventualkly move on but when will taht be? A new picture of the Lanterns series. We said there wer…
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On today's show we discuss the new report that Superman director and head of DC James Gunn has made adjustments to previous notes and that screenings are now testing very positive. Good sign for the futre of DC? We will discuss the most unpredictable Oscars to date. Who will wind up winning best picture? Anora? The Brutalist? Conclave? We discuss. …
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Unoliving gik konkurs i januar 2025. To år tidligere købte Jesper Hvejsel og Mikkel Salling fra Firtal Web sig ellers ind for første gang - men deres redningsmission lykkes ikke. Vi taler med Mikkel Salling om konkursen, læringerne og hvad, Mikkel vil gøre anderledes næste gang. Tusinde tak til Mikkel for at være med. Følg Mikkel på LinkedIn her: h…
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees und seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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Bibliotekets bokklubb. Margrete, Merete, Linda og Katrine møtes i studio for å snakke om en bok som alle fire har lest. Altså en lesesirkel. Vi snakker om hva vi synes om boka, tolkninger og noen avsporinger. I denne episoden skal vi snakke om Tua av Annika Norlin. Røpealarm! Hvis du ikke har lest boka og får lyst til å lese den sier vi ifra når du…
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In today’s episode, we dive into the swirling rumors about Kathleen Kennedy's possible retirement from Lucasfilm. While reports suggest she may step down by the end of 2025, some insiders say there's nothing confirmed yet. What does this mean for the future of Lucasfilm, and is Dave Filoni the right person to take over as president? We discuss all …
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Tinhos bud på de 12 vigtigste KPI'er i din ecom forretning.由Kristian Tinho & Halfdan Timm
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The big news has arrived that Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy will be stepping down at the end of 2025. What does this mean for the future of the company and Star Wars? Who will take over? Rachel Zegler feels the backlash from Snow White comes from a place of passion. Details on the Punisher special and TV picks. Join Kristian, Roxy and Kalino…
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Happy Monday all. Just dropped big news when it comes to the DC movie world! James Gunn hosted a secret meeting to press about the future of DC. James Gunn and Peter Safran, co-heads of DC Studios, provide an update on their vision for DC's interconnected universe, titled "Gods and Monsters." Their plan includes releasing two live-action films, one…
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Digital marketing-jobs, der snart forsvinder + Annoncer i din bil + Instagram Reels + AI Operator
I denne uges episode: Instagram forlænger Reels til 3 minutter Jeep har opfundet verdens værste pop-up annonce OpenAI lancerer Operator - hvad er det, og er det fremtiden? Dagens primære historie: Hvilke digital marketing-jobs forsvinder pga. AI - og hvilke er allerede stort set væk? Kapitler 00:00 Velkommen til Episode 100 02:28 Ugens Nyheder: Ins…
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees ruft seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke an und die beiden erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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Tor-Bjørn Nordgaard - Håp 23.02.2025 by Formiddagsmøtene由Formiddagsmøtene
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MAGIC MIND: Get 45% off the Magic Mind bundle with my link: DC Studios head James Gunn posted a picture of him and director Zak Snyder together. Is this to show that things are cool between them or is it more than that? Will the Man of Steel director be helming a project for DC? Should he? NOVA TV show is scrapped and wi…
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Word just broke that Amazon has taken full control of James Bond IP. good? Bad? The Odyssey has one o the most stacked cast of all time. Word comes that Robert Downey Jr might return with his Oppenheimer director Christopher Nolan. Is this good or too much talent at this point? I am Legend and Hancock 2 are in the works says Will Smith. Daniel Crag…
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I denne episode gæsteværter Ib Potter (som du måske kender fra dansk marketings OG-podcast PotterCut) og Christina Klitsgaard (en af DKs dygtigste copywriters) Marketingpod og taler om 5x ChatGPT prompts, du kan bruge til at hæve dit email-salg. Og dit humør. Download dine prompts her: Og lyt med …
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees ruft seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke an und die beiden erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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In this exclusive interview, Kristian Karloff sits down with the talented Joe Manganiello to discuss his latest projects, including Deal or No Deal Island and his exciting journey on reality TV. Joe opens up about his experience on Deal or No Deal and his time on Deal or No Deal Island Season 2. He also shares his thoughts on leaving DC Studios, hi…
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Welcome back to the Kristian Harloff show. Today we discuss the reports that Johny Depp might indeed return to Pirates of The Caribbean. Good move for Disney? SNL 50 was a big hit for NBC and Peacock. Marvel is not phased by Captain America reviews. Matt Damon first photos from Christopher Nolan's The Odyssey. Garreth Edwards Doom bound? This and m…
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Captain America: Brave New World is in theaters now and Kristian, Roxy and Rocha have all seen it. We will dive into Sam Wilson's adventure and see if the villain added up. How was the Red Hulk and more. How did the movie do at the box office?! Toxy has TV picks. #marvel #mcu #captainamerica #spoilers OUR SPONSORS: TRADE COFFEE: Trade is exclusivel…
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AI-opsummering: I denne episode diskuterer Halfdan Timm og Morten Bie, hvordan man skaber autentiske annoncer til sociale medier i 2025. De dykker ned i betydningen af autenticitet, brugen af short form video, og forskellen mellem user-generated content og employee-generated content. De fremhæver vigtigheden af personlighed i branding og giver prak…
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Jeden Montag und Donnerstag Kult: SWR3-Moderator Kristian Thees ruft seine beste Freundin Anke Engelke an und die beiden erzählen sich gegenseitig ihre kleinen Geschichtchen des Tages.
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