"Kukkuv õun" on Kuku raadio loodus-teadussaade, mis uurib mõnda teadussaavutust, -nähtust, -valdkonda või -probleemi.
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"Kukul külas" on üks pikema ajalooga saatesari Kuku raadios, mille algus ulatub 1993. aastasse.
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Iltalehden uudessa Kuka minä olen -podcastissa politiikasta tutut nimet kertovat avoimesti elämästään ja avaavat itsestään täysin uusia puolia. Millainen ihminen on julkisuudessa nähtävän poliitikkoroolin takana? Miksi he tekevät sellaista politiikkaa kuin tekevät? Millaisia haaveita heillä on? Toimittaja: Marko-Oskari Lehtonen Tuotanto ja leikkaus: Riikka Nyman
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Discover the South Pacific paradise of the Cook Islands through fascinating chats with those who have a unique insight
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The Supernatural Kingdom is Within. Awaken Warrior! ⛥𓄂𓆙𓆃 https://www.CubKuker.com/circle ❇︎ Content is for entertainment purposes only. It is not medical, financial, or legal advice. Always conduct your own research. Please respect all races, religions, orientations, identities, and cultures. Opinions expressed are those of the presenter(s) only. There is no guarantee of results or outcome. Links may generate commissions for the presenter. Cited works are used under fair-use laws. © Jacob Ku ...
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MY MUSICAL HISTORY BOOK. LOOKING BACK CHRONOLOGICALLY EARLY REGGAE 45's FROM 45 YEARS AGO. These shows are listened to in 110 different countries in the world. kuky3@hotmail.co.uk for ad space, promo time, mentions 'n shout outs. Most of the material here is doctored with compression and limiting, and audible additions and edits to counter piracy. =============== CLICK ON "FOLLOW" ..for updates in the series ...it costs u nothing but you MAY click on my PayPal button anytime you like ======= ...
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In KUKURU gaat Giel iedere week in gesprek met inspirerende sprekers over zelfontwikkeling en spiritualiteit. KUKURU staat voor kort, groots en innerguru (innerlijke drijfveer). De gesprekken zijn dan ook gebaseerd op de thema’s slaap, voeding, beweging, ademhaling, inspiratie, muziek en andere lifestyle. Giel is bezig met zijn persoonlijke ontdekkingstocht om het optimale uit het leven te halen. KUKURU gaat je helpen met doelen stellen, je mindset en handige tools voor een gezonde optimale ...
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Vestlussaates "Käbi ei kuku..." vaatavad üksteisele sügavalt silma laps ja lapsevanem. Ühe perekonna kaks põlvkonda. Saatejuht Sten Teppan. Saade on Vikerraadio eetris pühapäeviti kell 10.10. Kuhu on käbi kukkunud? Miks just sinna? Ning milline on ema või isa roll lapse jäljeraja kujunemises?Need on mõned küsimused, mida saate "Käbi ei kuku..." juht Sten Teppan külalistele esitab. Saade on eetris pühapäeviti kell 10.10.
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Podcast o wszystkim tym, co tworzy codziennością piękną. O tym jak otoczenie wpływa na nas i jak sprawić aby żyło nam się coraz lepiej, zdrowiej i uważniej. Będzie i o odgracaniu i o kupowaniu wartościowych rzeczy. O wychodzeniu do lasu i spędzaniu czasu w domu. Podcast od mamy dla mam.
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Konverents Kukus
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This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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It was agreat talk and had not done it before so plz get a ear on it
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Podcast by Kuka enää nukkuu?
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Rento ajankohtaismakasiini, jossa puidaan suorasanaisesti viikon polttavimpia puheenaiheita humoristisella otteella. Tiukkojen analyysien touhutunnille sinut johdattaa vakiopersoonamme Lari ja Jerry, sekä vaihtuvat vieraat jotka pääsevät puhumaan suunsa puhtaaksi viikon kuumimmista uutisista, ilmiöistä ja ihmisistä. Kiinnitä turvavyösi, virittäydy kukkopoikien taajudelle, ja valmistaudu kyytiin. Kukkopojat - Polemiikkia ja provosointia.
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Kukuru Australia is Australia's award winning natural and organic bath and body products. Offering a wide range of organic soaps, bath salts and bath bombs as well as eye creams, floral water and massage oils.
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Kuula netis või lae alla. Arvutisse või taskumängijasse.
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Ettei kukaan jäisi yksin -podcast sukeltaa lasten ja nuorten kouluhyvinvoinnin haasteisiin ja tarjoaa tukea koulun ammattilaisille. Podcastissa keskustelemme asiantuntijoiden kanssa ajankohtaisista teemoista kuten yksinäisyydestä ja kiusaamisesta. Jaksoissa pohditaan, minkälaisin keinoin kouluissa voidaan tukea lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointia. Miten kouluissa huolehditaan, ettei kukaan jäisi yksin?
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Welcome to The Piyush Kukreja Show. The Piyush Kukreja Show is a Digital Marketing Podcast in Hindi hosted by Piyush Kukreja. In this Podcast I share my knowledge and Experience of Digital Marketing. I also Interview Digital Marketing Experts and Internet Influencers on this Podcast Show. This is the Only Digital Marketing Podcast in Hindi. Subscribe to my Podcast to stay updated on Digital Marketing and to Daily learn New things in Digital Marketing.
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Sweet and salty like a cookie, mostly smooth like cream, brace yourself for an extra large portion of “Kukki and Cream.” On board with us as Hriya (aka Kukki) and Chinu (aka Cream) spill the beans of their hilariously opposite worlds on a podcast that’s a roller coaster of laughs, love, and life lessons. From scuba stories to wedding wonders, this dynamic duo dives into it all, sprinkled with their contagious laughter and WTF moments. As they explore themes like embarrassing escapades to lov ...
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***En ljudbok – och en podcast***Varje vecka släpps ett kapitel ur Caroline Hainers Män visar kuken av mig, följt av ett samtal om kapitlet med en gäst.Varför älskar unga killar att rita snoppar i snön? Hur kommer det sig att sju av tio män har ett smeknamn på sin penis? Vad får en man att skicka en dickpic? I Män visar kuken för mig söker journalisten Caroline Hainer svaren. I fokus står det manliga könet, och inte minst mäns komplexa relation till detsamma. Sökandet leder henne mot såväl e ...
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7X Supernatural Powers You Can Tap Into TODAY! | Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast (EP502)There are seven ancient supernatural powers already embedded within you as a human being. Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within us, which means we have access to its infinite riches— including the creative power to transform our reality. Don’t miss out o…
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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Mitä Li Andersson pelkää? Minkälaiset välit hänellä on entiseen hallituskumppani Sanna Mariniin? Millainen äiti Li Andersson on ja miksi kaveriporukan Whatsapp-ryhmän nimi on Psycho Killers? 5. "USA ja Nato, rauhan perikato" - vai eikö sittenkään, Li Andersson? - Kartanlukijana Soini | Podcast on Spotify - Li Anderssonin jaksossa mainitsema haastat…
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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Susan Smit en Eveline Helmink gaan in gesprek over de bijzondere levensfase waarin vrouwen hun innerlijke kracht en wijsheid kunnen omarmen. Naar aanleiding van de laatste bestseller van Susan ‘De tweede helft van je leven’. Bestel hem hier bij BOL: https://bit.ly/Tweedehelft Eveline is journalist en coach en voormalig hoofdredacteur van Happinez. …
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"Mu parimad sõbrad, kellega ma keskkooli ajal suhtlesin, pidudel käisin, need on surnud kõik. Neid ei ole enam. Siis ma mõtlen, et mul on ikka väga hästi läinud," tänab Guido Kangur vanemaid, kes aitasid tal pääseda keset "Jõhvi jampsi" murdumast.由(Vikerraadio)
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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BEYOND Ancient “god’ Is Trapping You on Earth! | Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast (EP501) Yaldabaoth stationed seven kings, one for each sphere of heaven, to reign over the seven heavens, and five to reign over the depth of the abyss. He shared his fire with them, but he did not give away any of the power of the light that he had taken from his mothe…
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Bible Reveals TERRIFYING Truth About UFO/UAPs | Cub Kuker Supernatural Podcast (EP500)In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into what the Bible says about UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). From ancient scriptures to modern interpretations, we explore the terrifying truth behind these mysterious phenomena, revealing surprising connect…
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The idea of living alone for years on a deserted island might be a nightmare for some, but for Tom Neale it was his dream come true. He spent 16 years of his life on remote Suwarrow in the Cook Islands and became world famous when he told his story in the book, “An Island to Oneself”. Now, nearly 60 years after its publication his daughter, Stella …
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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Iltalehden uusi Kuka minä olen -podcastissa politiikasta tutut nimet kertovat avoimesti elämästään ja avaavat itsestään täysin uusia puolia. Ensimmäisissä jaksoissa kuulemme Li Anderssonilta, Pinja Perholehdolta, Jani Mäkelältä ja Katri Kulmunilta, keitä he oikeasti ovat. Podcast alkaa 26. marraskuuta, ja uusi jakso julkaistaan tiistaisin.…
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**"Me ei peaks majanduskriisist väljumisel liiga lödilt käituma"**, just nii ütlebki ettevõtja Veljo Konnimois, Radius Maching asutaja ja juht ning insenerihariduse eest heaseisja. See «lödi» ei tähenda siinkohal muud kui seda, et me rahavajaduses liiga odavate allhangetega nõusse ei jääks vaid võtaksime ette keerukamaid ja ambitsioonikamaid asju, …
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Nu tijdelijk van 277 voor 77 euro check: https://kukuru.nl/opstellen. Zoals je hoort en ziet ben ik supertrots op deze lancering! Het heeft mij ontzettend geholpen Dit krijg je als je je inschrijft: * Vijf waardevolle modules waarin Hylke en Giel je, met behulp van Familieopstellingen en Intuïtief Systemisch Werk, begeleiden op een innerlijke reis.…
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Raul ja Romet Esko (EskoBros) tulevad PÖFF-il välja täispika debüütfilmiga "Mind on kaks", mis tegeleb kaksikuks olemise iseärasustega. Sarnast eesmärki kannab kohtumine nendega saatesarjas "Käbi ei kuku...". Kaksikutest poegade enesevaatlusele annab lisamõõtme moekunstnikust ema Siret Esko.由(Vikerraadio)
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Marian is voor velen een bekende naam in Nederland, zowel vanwege haar indrukwekkende acteerwerk – zoals haar iconische rollen in de series Vrouwenvleugel en Baantjer – als door haar werk als schrijfster, coach, en therapeut. In deze aflevering gaan we met Marian in gesprek over haar nieuwste boek Geluk zit in een klein boekje. Bestel hem hier bij …
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Kukul külas: kukul-kulas_2024-11-16
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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Seapuhku on "Kukkuvas õunas" koos lood sellest, kuidas looduses ei osata arukalt käituda. Tartu Ülikooli zooloog Egle Tammeleht räägib sellest, kuidas loodus suudab paljut ka ise reguleerida ning loodusgiidid Liina Steinberg ja Bert Rähni kõnelevad sellest, kui palju on Eesti looduses vaadata ja ka raha eest vaadata. Meil tuleks müüa ikka elusat lo…
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11:11 Portal Party! Prophecy Unfolding 2024? Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream Podcast (EP498)
11:11 Portal Party! Prophecy Unfolding 2024? Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream Podcast (EP498) The 11:11 portal on November 11, 2024, represents a potent alignment in the spiritual and energetic realms. This date, marked by repeated numbers (11:11), is often seen as a gateway or portal to higher consciousness and spiritual awakening. In numerology,…
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Secret Name of Jesus: Isa (I-see) 3rd Eye Path! Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream Podcast (EP497)
Secret Name of Jesus: Isa (I-see) 3rd Eye Path! Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream Podcast (EP497)In many Eastern traditions, Jesus is referred to as "Isa." For some, this name carries a unique esoteric resonance, connecting it with the phrase “I see” to signify spiritual vision. This perspective aligns Jesus with the concept of divine sight—encoura…
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Occult Meaning of ‘I AM’ in the Bible! Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream Podcast (EP496)Today, I felt compelled to share my thoughts and feelings about a part of God often overlooked: God, the Mother. I grew up in the church, where “God the Mother” was not something we were ever exposed to—the closest we came was Mary, the mother of Jesus, yet neve…
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Võru keele nädala lõpetuseks on saates "Käbi ei kuku..." külas Kaisa ja Kaja Kuslapuu. Nii et kõik muhedad, aga ka mõtlemapanevad meenutused kõlavad sedapuhku võru keeles.由(Vikerraadio)
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Jan Bommerez over toxische schaamte, jeugdtrauma, triggers en ons zenuwstelsel | KUKURU #253
De cursus jeugdtrauma https://bit.ly/Jeugdtrauma-kukuru De gehele online training bevat 51 video’s verdeeld over 42 hoofdstukken. Met bijna 12 uur aan onderbouwde theorie en wetenschappelijk ondersteunde oefeningen, die je opnieuw en opnieuw kunt doen om je systeem te ‘herbouwen’ voor meer welzijn. Gebruik de kortingscode: kukuru25 voor 25% korting…
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TUNE IN TUESDAYS 8PM - 10PM 20:00-22:00 (UK) https://www.felixstoweradio.org.uk To play FELIXSTOWE RADIO please click the LISTEN LIVE link in the header https://a4.asurahosting.com/public/felixstowe_radio or internet explorer simply copy & paste the link below directly into the search and select "Go To". https://a4.asurahosting.com:8060/radio.mp3 O…
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Prophetic Return of God the MOTHER!? Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream (EP495)Today, I felt compelled to share my thoughts and feelings about a part of God often overlooked: God, the Mother. I grew up in the church, where “God the Mother” was not something we were ever exposed to—the closest we came was Mary, the mother of Jesus, yet never a Mother…
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Heretical Occult Practice Turns Dreams Into Reality! Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream (EP494)
Heretical Occult Practice Turns Dreams Into Reality! Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream (EP494)In our exploration of Quantum God Theory, we have observed light as both wave and particle, an embodiment of boundless divine potential made tangible through our consciousness. Yet, there remains a realm beyond what even our most profound insights can gras…
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Quantum God Theory to Master the Matrix! Cub Kuker Supernatural Livestream (EP493)Today, I invite you on a journey bridging the profound intersections of science and spirituality—a journey to explore "Quantum God Theory." This concept builds upon insights from quantum mechanics and mystical teachings, revealing the Son of God, or the Light Particle…
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Witam Cię w zerowym odcinku podcastu KUKUMAG! W tym odcinku przedstawiam się Tobię i mówię kim jestem, skąd pochodzę i gdzie obecnie mieszkam. Zapraszam Cię do mojej przygody kukumagowej, w której bedę opowiadać Ci o przestrzeni w domu, rodzinie, wychowaniu, pedagogice Montessori, byciu mamą i wiele innych. To podcast od mamy dla innych mam. Będę C…
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Find out what KUKICAST is all about in this five minute introduction with clips from some of the first episodes. And presenter, John Roberts tells of his passion for this Polynesian paradise in the South Pacific and how this podcast is his way of helping to share it. EXPLORE ALL 15 OF THE COOK ISLANDS My website is the most detailed guide on the ne…
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The Cook Islands are a world away from Edinburgh in Scotland where best selling author, Ian Rankin lives and his novels about Detective Inspector John Rebus are set. But in this episode, Ian recalls his holiday in the Polynesian paradise. The unspoiled beauty, the friendly locals…and the fish sandwiches and local beer all made a big impression. He …
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Tartus gümnaasiumites ja Tartu Ülikoolis õpetav Joana Jõgela on õpetaja, kelle õpilased näevad paberõpikuid ja töövihikuid harva. Kõik puha digitaalne. Kuidas see võimalik on ja mida tuleb teha , et õpilaste teadushuvi tekkiks ja püsiks – sell kohta on Joana Jõegela nii mõndagi öelda. Saame saatest teada ka sellest, mida kujutab endast õpetajate ka…
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Jesus’ Secret Doctrine of the Awakened Eye! Cub Kuker Supernatural LIVE Podcast (EP492)Light and Darkness: The Lamp of Inner PerceptionJesus' teaching in Matthew 6:22-23 speaks to the importance of inner vision:"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is not single, your whole b…
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Jesus Was A Pagan Witch Who Founded A Secret Society! Cub Kuker Supernatural LIVE Podcast (EP491)
Jesus Was A Pagan Witch Who Founded A Secret Society! Cub Kuker Supernatural LIVE Podcast (EP491)In a world where religious traditions often overshadow the individual journey, the figure of Jesus is frequently depicted as distant and untouchable, confined to dogma and ritual. Yet, hidden within the scriptures are profound esoteric teachings pointin…
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