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Oportuno中文网只收录了从英文翻译成中文的Oportuno播客剧集。 请访问Oportuno.org获取所有Oportuno播客节目的完整列表。Oportuno的宗旨是提供奉献、学习、探索和思考的机会。 Oportuno Chinese has only the Oportuno Podcast Episodes that have been translated from English to Chinese. Please visit Oportuno.org for a complete list of all Oportuno Podcast Episodes. The purpose of Oportuno is to provide opportunities to give, learn, explore and think.
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天才四弦琴演奏家科科送给一只名叫刚果的小黑猩猩一把四弦琴,并教它如何演奏四弦琴。多年后,他们再次相遇,科科邀请刚果在竹平房与他同台演出,从此开始了一段非同寻常的音乐合作关系,并将振奋人心的丛林小夜曲传播到更远的地方。 Koko, a talented ukulele player, gives a young chimpanzee named Congo, a ukulele, and teaches him how to play the ukulele. Years later, their paths cross again, and Koko invites Congo to perform alongside him at the Bamboo Bungalow marking t…
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这个故事说明了善良的行为,无论多么微小,都可以与他人建立真实的连接,从而带来发现、友谊和理解。叙事围绕着位于南美洲阿根廷南部的比格尔海峡乌斯怀亚以东约5海里处的勒克莱尔灯塔展开。 This story illustrates how acts of kindness, no matter how small, can create authentic connections with others, leading to discovery, friendship, and understanding. The narrative unfolds around the Les Eclaireurs Lighthouse, situated approximately 5 nautical m…
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这个故事讲述了从物质的杂乱无章到人际关系的丰富多彩的转变,说明了善举如何能够改善世界。"姜戈的奉献之旅》是一个能激励你在团结和冒险中寻找财富的故事。A story of the transformation from material clutter to the riches of human connection illustrating how acts of kindness can improve the world. “Django’s Journey of Giving” is a tale that will inspire you to find treasure in togetherness and adventure. Link to video version of…
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一个孤独的小提琴家在森林中过着简单的生活,他的音乐却在不知不觉中感动了无数人的故事。他的旋律激发了其他人的演奏热情,说明追逐梦想,即使与世隔绝,也能产生深远的影响。俗话说:"衡量一个人一生工作的真正意义,不在于名利,而在于它所掀起的积极激励的无形涟漪"。 A story of a solitary violinist living simply in the forest, whose music unknowingly touched countless lives. His melodies inspired others to play, showing that following your dreams, even in isolation, can make a profound…
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送花的礼物源远流长,可以追溯到数千年前的古代文明,如埃及、希腊和罗马。赠送鲜花的习俗随着时间的推移而演变,但作为表达情感、感激和庆祝的姿态的潜在意义,仍然深深植根于人类文化之中。这是一个现代故事,讲述的是一个人送给另一个人一朵花。 The Gift of a Flower goes back thousands of years back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The practice of giving flowers has evolved over time, but its underlying significance as a gesture of affection, apprecia…
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故事《和谐之旅》,一个关于音乐探索和师徒关系的故事。一个年轻人,名叫热衷者,遇到了一位经验丰富的老旅行者,一位非凡的口琴演奏家,名叫行吟者,然后他们开始一起旅行。在旅途中,行吟者指导他的门徒热衷者如何演奏口琴。口琴成为了音乐、歌曲和故事的工具。 The story "Harmonious Journey," is a tale of musical discovery and mentorship. A young man, named Enthusiast, meets a seasoned old traveler, an extraordinary harmonica player, named Balladeer, and they begin to travel together.…
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智慧流浪者之旅》讲述的是三个旅行者的故事,他们通过冒险找到了自由和智慧,尽管他们拥有的东西很少。他们通过诗歌、故事和歌曲分享自己的经历,提醒我们即使在困难时期也要普遍渴望自由、温暖和生命之美。The Journey of the Wise Wanderers is a story about three travelers who find freedom and wisdom through their adventures, despite having few possessions. They share their experiences through poems, stories, and songs, reminding us of our universal longing…
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简约主义者的财富》一书的读后感,探讨了真正的财富不在于过多的东西,而在于丰富的家庭、朋友和内心的平静。 The Reading, of the Book, "The Minimalist's Wealth" explores the idea that true wealth is not in the excess of things but in the richness of family, friends, and inner peace. Video, of this Podcast Episode on the Oportuno Podcast YouTube Channel: https://youtu.be/_kEjMjALyPQ?si=CkXSwsa0oIzbDGDQ Be…
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这个故事提醒我们,除了金钱和物质财富,还有许多其他类型的财富。 A story reminding us that there are many types of wealth, other than money and material possessions. Video Podcast Episode on the “Oportuno Podcast” YouTube Channel:https://youtu.be/DZ297C_BlLQ?si=ea3VEIIuCtwnpqnI PDF of the Story in English:https://oportuno.org/files/049_Treasure_Island.pdf PDF of the Story in Itali…
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这是一个有趣的等式,说明了无论你是什么年龄,你的年龄和出生年份之和总是等于当年;这也是一个数学天才的故事,他用自己的数学技能解决了复杂的问题,并为世界带来了改变。An interesting equation of how the sum of your age and birth year will always equal the current year, regardless of what age you are, and a story of a mathematical genius who used their mathematical skills to solve complex problems and make a difference, for the better…
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讲述了一个旅行流浪者如何帮助一个穷困潦倒的人找到幸福和满足的故事。 Story of how a traveling wanderer helped a destitute man find happiness and contentment. 节目注释和/或视频链接:Links To Show Notes and/or Video/s: Audio on the “Oportuno” Podcast Channel:https://pnc.st/s/oportuno/b4b6b331/047-storytime-traveling-wanderer- Video of This Story on the “Oportuno Podcast” YouTube Channel:https://…
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在这次对话中, 鹪鹩 和 赞恩 讨论了如何启动善意的涟漪效应,对许多人的生活产生积极影响。黄金法则和好撒玛利亚人的寓言激励着他们。他们相信,自己的善举,无论多么微小,都能改善他人的生活。 In this conversation, Wren and Zane discuss starting a Ripple Effect of Kindness to positively impact many lives. The Golden Rule and the Parable of the Good Samaritan inspire them. They believe their acts of kindness, no matter how small, can make a diffe…
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一个故事,讲的是一个名叫Koji的长笛手离开家乡时,除了背包和长笛外一无所有.```A Story, about a Flutist named Koji that left his home village, with nothing more than his backpack and flute. PDF of this Episode 045 in English:https://oportuno.org/files/Melodies_of_Compassion_-_The_Journey_of_Flutist_Koji.pdf This Podcast Episode on YouTube:https://youtu.be/Tg1oN9NICP4 Flute Music, by E…
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一个关于生活在地球上的每个人都可以得到的无价的礼物的寓言,如果重视和利用得当,可以改变你的生活。 A Fable about a priceless gift available to everyone living on Planet Earth that can change your life, if valued and utilized properly. 链接到演出说明和/或视频: Links To Show Notes and/or Video/s: “The Priceless Gift” as a PDF file:https://oportuno.org/files/The_Priceless_Gift.pdf “Time’ Video on the Oportuno Y…
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埃里克-桑普森(Erik Sampson)对长笛制作和长笛演奏的精彩介绍,他也被称为长笛制作者埃里克。在50多年的时间里,埃里克在制作和演奏长笛的过程中,已经制作了超过150,000支长笛。 A fascinating introduction to flute making and flute playing by Erik Sampson, also known as Erik the Flutemaker. Eric has made over 150,000 flutes, in over 50 years, of making and playing flutes. 链接到演出说明和/或视频: Links To Show Notes and/or Video/s: Erik Sam…
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与两位致力于探索雨林植物药用潜力和保护雨林的著名科学家和研究人员的对话。这是名为 "对话 "系列的第四部。尽管人物和故事是虚构的,但 "对话 "是以事实为基础的,其目的不仅是提供娱乐,而且是提供知识、动力和鼓励。 A conversation with two renowned scientists and researchers who have dedicated their lives to exploring the medicinal potential of rainforest plants and protecting the rainforest. This is the fourth, in a series, called “Conversations”. Even t…
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与两位摄影记者的对话。这是 "对话 "系列中的第三篇。尽管人物和故事是虚构的,但 "对话 "是基于事实的,目的不仅是为了提供娱乐,而且是为了提供知识、动力和鼓励。 A conversation, with Two Photojournalist. This is the third, in a series, called “Conversations”. Even though, the Characters, and Story, are fictitious, the “Conversations” are based on fact, and meant to provide not only entertainment, but knowledge, motivation and …
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两个朋友之间的电话交谈。这是名为 "对话 "系列的第二篇。 尽管人物和故事是虚构的,但 "对话 "是基于事实的,目的不仅是提供娱乐,而且是提供知识、动力和鼓励。 A phone conversation, between two friends. This is the second, in a series, called “Conversations”. Even though, the Characters, and Story, are fictitious, the “Conversations” are based on fact, and meant to provide not only entertainment, but knowledge, motivation and…
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人物和故事都是虚构的,“对话”是基于事实的,不仅要提供娱乐,还要提供知识、动力和鼓励。 A conversation, with a “Minimalist Digital Nomad”. This is the first, in a series, called “Conversations”. Even though, the Characters, and Story, are fictitious, the “Conversations” are based on fact, and meant to provide not only entertainment, but knowledge, motivation and encouragement. 信息链接:Links to …
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