作家徐豫御姊愛主持的知性時事節目,Mon-Fri每天更新|合作:case@riverwalk.cc 如欲收到推播,可鎖定御姊愛的IG限動 @anita.writer
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Laughing Together is a podcast where a quirky couple takes you on a hilarious journey through the ups, downs, and unexpected twists of married life. From laugh-out-loud stories to lighthearted (most of the time intense maybe!) debates, we share the joy, chaos, and love that make our relationship unique. Whether you're single, dating, or married, tune in for a dose of humor, heart, and the occasional quirky life lesson. Join us each week as we prove that laughter truly is the best medicine—es ...
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A Mandarin-based Podcast (Considering to be bilingual). A short series between a couple discussing their views on life, society, technology, possibly makeups and their relationship experiences. 一对情侣(反消费主义科技宅和现实主义社会观察家)的日常琐碎。
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The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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We the best podder. @the3030pod Powered by Firstory Hosting
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三十好禍 年過三十,究竟是福是禍 古人常說三十而立 兩個三十了卻什麼都還沒立的胖 二十幾的我們總是幻想著三十的自己是什麼模樣 而如今,年過三十,卻是另一番考驗的開始? Society really loves to tell you there is a certain way you are supposed to be. A certain life you are supposed to live. A path you are supposed to take. And if you aren’t ready for that stuff at the age society decides, then it’s a huge amount of pressure. Facing the swerve in your 30s is a tough window of time for sure. Instagram | wang_and_yu 合作私訊 | chienming103@hotmail.com Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Angie Creates Podcast interviews curious humans on how they seek to become the most alive versions of themselves through creative expression like movement, writing, and art.
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本期播客的主题是 “人与人之间的关系(后学生时代)”,我们将分享大学毕业后的生活经历,聊聊从校园走向职场的转变,以及在不同公司环境下的人际关系动态。这些经历不仅塑造了我们的职业观,也在无形中影响了我们对未来生活的规划和追求。 在工作与生活的交织中,我们逐渐摸索出自己喜欢的人生方向和理想的生活状态。随着时间推移,人生步入新的阶段,我们的社交圈也随之变化,尤其是在有了孩子之后,人与人之间的关系更是多了另一层意义。孩子不仅是家庭的一部分,也影响着我们的生活方式,我们希望在他们的成长过程中树立一个积极的榜样,帮助他们培养良好的世界观、人生观和价值观。 此外,在下一期节目中,我们将探讨加拿大本地产品对我们生活的影响。我们会推荐一些平时购买和使用频率较高的优质好物,让大家在海外生活得更加便利和舒适。敬请…
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《美學之眼|哲青的藝術宮殿》線上課程 🖼 視覺訓練 x 故事引導,建立你的「美學之眼」 📚 掌握藝術原則,看懂藝術家想告訴我們什麼 ✒️ 以人性與情緒切入,從作品看見自己的影子 🏛 帶你從全新視角,解讀世界經典博物館館藏 📖 不需專業背景也能看懂藝術、獲得欣賞樂趣 ✨ 限時優於48折,結帳輸入:ATT350 再折$350! 課程介紹 👉 https://hi.sat.cool/tiUFh 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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本期播客主题是“人与人之间的关系(学生时代)”,我们将分享来到加拿大留学后的大学生活,以及在这个过程中遇到的人和故事。从最初的寄宿家庭(Homestay)经历,到课堂上的小组成员,再到参与学生组织的经历,我们会探讨这些人与事件如何影响了我们的学习、成长以及对世界的看法。 此外,我们也会聊到在日常生活中遇到的一些有趣或具有挑战性的事情,例如如何与本地人建立联系、如何在文化差异中找到平衡,以及如何适应并更好地融入加拿大的社会环境。对于刚来加拿大的留学生来说,我们还会提供一些实用的建议,帮助大家更顺利地适应新环境,建立有意义的人际关系。 如果你是正在经历留学生活的学生,或者对海外求学的人际关系感兴趣,希望这期节目能给你带来启发与共鸣! The theme of this episode is "R…
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本期节目,我们探讨了“婚姻中的爱与被爱”这一主题。从我们出国前在父母和身边人身上感受到的婚姻观念,到来到加拿大后的亲身经历,我们分享了从恋爱时的炽热激情,到婚姻中的柴米油盐和平淡真实。我们结合自身和身边朋友的故事,讨论了在不同文化背景下,对“爱”与“被爱”的理解是如何变化的。欢迎收听我们的分享,也敬请期待下一期,我们将聊聊加拿大的人际关系,并与国内进行对比。 In this episode, we explore the theme of "Love and Being Loved in Marriage." We discuss how our understanding of marriage was shaped by our parents and people around us …
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本期 podcast《笑着聊吃》,Nadia和逗逗一起回忆了来到加拿大后的美食经历,分享了我们见过、吃过的各种美食,以及那些与食物相关的温馨小故事。 我们聊到了曾经一起去过的餐馆、尝过的特色菜肴,以及不同类型的美食文化带来的惊喜与感受。每道菜、每家餐厅都承载着一段回忆,让我们在异国尝试到了更多种类的饮食文化。我们还探讨了各自记忆中最深刻的味道,那些令人怀念的美食如何勾起过往的情感。 此外,我们也聊到有了孩子之后,饮食上的一些变化,比如对食物选择的考量、口味的调整,以及对健康饮食的关注。 最后,我们预告了下期精彩内容——来到加拿大后,身边发生的八卦与小故事,敬请期待! In this episode of the podcast Laughing and Talking About Food,…
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在本期《笑着看秀》中,我们一起回顾了没有 Netflix 时代的电视真人秀节目。从中国的经典到英语世界的热门,我们讨论了那些影响我们观剧习惯的喜剧、爱情、真人秀和美食节目,并分享了我们个人的看法和感受。下期节目精彩预告:我们将聊聊中加两国的饮食文化差异,分享亲身经历与趣味故事,敬请期待! In this episode of Laughing Together, we take a nostalgic look at TV reality shows before the era of Netflix. From Chinese classics to English favorites, we discuss the comedy, romance, reality, and cookin…
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在本期《笑着追剧》中,我们聊了聊各自喜欢的不同国家的电视剧类型,分享了作为夫妻的追剧心得。从个人推荐到我们对不同剧集风格的总结,带你一起回顾这些电视剧的独特魅力。快来听听我们的对比和讨论,看看到底哪些剧集能打动你!另外,别忘了锁定下一期,我们将聊一聊精彩的真人秀节目! In this episode of Laughing Through Shows, we explore our favorite TV shows from different countries and dive into the types of shows we each enjoy as a couple. From personal recommendations to the unique traits we’…
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In this festive episode of Laughing Together, we dive into the joys and chaos of celebrating both Canadian Christmas and Chinese New Year as a multicultural family. From heartwarming moments with the kids during the holidays to hilarious mishaps that only parents can truly understand, we share our personal experiences and unique traditions. We'll e…
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欢迎来到《逗比夫妻》的世界!这是我们的第一集,带你认识我们这对爱玩爱闹的小夫妻。在这一集中,我们会聊聊我们的背景、为什么想做这个博客,以及接下来你可以期待听到什么有趣的内容。无论是生活趣事还是夫妻间的搞笑对话,我们都希望带给你欢笑和共鸣。 从这一集开始,和我们一起笑着前行吧! Welcome to the world of Laughing Together! In our very first episode, we’ll introduce ourselves, share a bit about our story, and talk about why we decided to start this podcast. You’ll also get a sneak peek at …
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在我们上一次面对面录制的节目中(在Amy离开蒙大拿之前),我们回顾了在山中共度的时光,以及我们各自的2024年。此外,我们还讨论了创作障碍,Meg分享了她克服这些障碍的方法。Amy讲述了她在面对遴选困难时的叛逆精神,以及她挑选书籍影音的过程,这引发了我们对大大小小的决策进行了更广泛的讨论。点击听取更多内容! In our last episode recorded in-person before Amy left Montana, we reflect on our time together in the mountains and 2024. Plus, we also talk about creative blocks and Meg shares something that’s…
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We’re back behind the mic after quite a hiatus (we’ve both had A LOT going on since May)! This first episode back marks a particularly special one though, because it’s the first episode we’ve EVER recorded in person. So, we ceremoniously recorded this one on Winter Solstice, around a campfire in Meg’s backyard in Montana, and took part in a Winter …
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想多了解關於長效手臂避孕植入劑(皮下避孕棒)的相關內容,可以詢問自己的婦產科醫師,或是至郭安妮醫師的診所作詢問喔 https://drmermaid.com.tw/index.php 根據2023美國婦產科醫學會避孕指引: (Effectiveness of Birth Control Methods | ACOG) 皮下避孕棒:99% 避孕成功率 子宮內避孕器:99% 避孕成功率 避孕環:91% 避孕成功率 口服避孕藥:91% 避孕成功率 男性保險套:82% 避孕成功率 [請諮詢您的婦產科醫師,以獲得專業醫療建議] ---- 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/…
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課程資訊: https://funi.best/courses/presentation/?coupon=anita350 結帳輸入優惠碼「anita350」再折 $350 元 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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太平洋兩岸的孕婦們都喜歡大谷翔平?心理諮商真的不建議情侶一起來?為什麼我現在覺得名校真的不重要?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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跟我同齡的同學已經跑去找學校輔導員說「自己年紀太大適應不良!」年紀大再回到校園真的有那麼難嗎?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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你可能很難想像美國學生就學貸款利率有多高,六成美國學生都欠下大額貸款,畢業平均要還20年...!!!「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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在重要的人生事項上,做錯決定怎麼辦?你是會習慣性後悔的人嗎?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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我們都想給重要的人,我所有最好的東西,但如果、萬一,我們的口袋裡就是沒有那樣的裝備呢?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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覺得生活一片混亂而陷入憂慮和焦慮?但又擔心太會規劃變成控制狂?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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被抱錯的雙胞胎,和那些被偷走的人生,真相大白之後該怎麼辦?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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以前我沒想過外國人要在台灣怎樣生存,直到我成為美國的「外國人」,突然,一切都不同了!「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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近況分享+給想要中年轉換跑道的你的一些建議 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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什麼是過失離婚?什麼是零過失離婚?美國有些極端保守議員意圖取消「零過失離婚權」,你怎麼看?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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高齡產婦面對的難題是什麼?美國總統大選辯論造成民主黨集體恐慌? 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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今天和知名鋼琴家蔡佩娟老師一起聊業餘成人彈鋼琴以及學音樂的種種心法,有興趣跟蔡佩娟老師學習,或是參加業餘成人正式音樂會徵選的朋友們,可以點進蔡佩娟老師的臉書網頁了解詳情喔!https://bit.ly/3yTzrGK 另外蔡佩娟老師也有兩堂線上課程《初階彈奏與全方位訓練》&《巴哈創意曲》,有興趣可以點選:https://bit.ly/4earRaX 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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40歲的妳是不是跟我一樣覺得臉部輪廓稜線越來越不清楚?臉上窟窿多了好幾個,抬頭紋揮之不去?今天邀請到好友悠美診所朱芃年院長談這個大家心裡其實偷偷很在意的事! (幫大家爭取到,前往悠美診所事先聲明是御姊愛的粉絲,可以有雷射優惠堂數喔!)「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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應該是近年我最喜歡的一部台劇,那個我和我做不到的自己,最終和解了嗎?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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徐志摩愛情故事裡最開始也最關鍵的人:林徽因,到底是什麼樣的女子呢?她真的愛過徐志摩嗎?她為什麼最終選擇嫁給了梁思成?徐豫切入點全系列播放清單 https://spoti.fi/3Onwmnz 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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We first had Alex Kim on The Spark in July of 2022 - go back and listen to episode 31 if you haven’t already. Last time we talked, we delved into the incredible work he’s doing to get the BIPOC community outside with Here Montana. To this day, it is one of our most listened-to and engaged-with episodes. Not just because of the work he’s doing with …
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鑽石戒指居然沒人要收?人生第一次走入當鋪的經驗是?書與鑽石的真實價值是什麼?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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Disclaimer: On April 16th, Amy had the opportunity to finally have lunch with her mentor, the former president of NYU. On the night of the Year of the Dragon New Year’s Eve, Amy found herself in tears while FaceTiming her parents. In this episode, she continues the conversation from our previous installment, sharing her mix of anxieties and excitem…
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#89 Capoeira As a Way of Life - Mestre Pinga Fogo/ Gui Torres on Moving from Brazil to America, Differences Between Teaching Capoeria to Adults and Kids
I'm so honored to have Mestre Pinga Fogo ( Gui Torres) from Benção Capoeira on the show today! He is my Capoeira instructor here in Austin. In this heart-warming conversation, Gui shared with us: Why is Capoeia a healing movement practice? Why did he choose to come to the States, and the challenges he overcame along the way Differences between teac…
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Meg is back from her first trip to China in five years. We said we’d be back in three weeks, but that quickly turned into eight. For Meg, jet-leg, getting back into routine, and processing this trip so that she can share her experience took a little longer. This is one of the most precise and poignant episodes we’ve ever recorded. The points of con…
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📚 點擊追蹤安吉的寫書資訊 👉 https://shorturl.at/amAS5 成為媽媽的心事蝦郎災?今天安吉有幸請到讓我飆淚千百次的來賓:台中心之悅翎孕產婦小天地的吳秀娟老師(拍掌尖叫)!吳老師在這集和我們分享孕婦在懷孕常有的迷思、身體和情緒關係、他所看到女人成為媽媽後各種心路歷程,以及懷孕、生產和當媽後身體要注意的事. Follow 心之悅翎: D Card: https://www.dcard.tw/@ptformom Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@user7554795487195 IG: https://www.instagram.com/ptformom FB: https://www.facebook.com/ptformom 網站: ht…
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(Note: this episode was recorded back in June 2023) My guest today is Valerie! Valerie is @vals_pals_ on Twitter. She is a computer science graduate,work in finance, and a writer. Valerie is relentless in mining her emotions. She writes personal essays about sticky, taboo topics that people don’t normally talk about, such as jealousy of fellow crea…
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張幼儀帶著三個月的身孕被徐志摩拋棄在英國鄉下,只好橫跨英吉利海峽去投靠自己的二哥,又輾轉到了德國。生完孩子的那天,才發現徐志摩居然躲在同一個城市,她憤怒的叫中間人傳話,「讓徐志摩過來見我!」...「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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她的先生是徐志摩,但先生從來沒有愛過她;她是中國第一個被現代離婚的女人,先生自豪地做了進步的創舉,她卻成為犧牲者;眾人說她慘,她卻說離婚是她一生中最幸運的事...從鄉下土包子變成銀行副總裁,她是最有情有義的元配,她說她不懂什麼是愛情,但是她願意負起所有照顧的責任...「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/ 徐豫切入點全系列播放清單 https://spoti.fi/3Onwmnz由徐豫(御姊愛)
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新的那家芭蕾教室極為嚴格,老師跟哈利波特的麥教授一樣嚴肅,我還是硬著頭皮去跟她搭話了...「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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網紅作家遊義大利事件引爆事件,為什麼做著世界上最自由的數位遊牧工作,卻反而成為最不自由、樣樣都要交代的狀態呢?「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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說完故事,我們來談談劇中人(徐志摩/陸小曼)這段沒有現實感的婚姻,從五個問題重新思考這件事 徐豫切入點全系列播放清單 https://spoti.fi/3Onwmnz 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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陸小曼的故事大結局!徐豫切入點全系列播放清單 https://spoti.fi/3Onwmnz 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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By the time you read this, Meg will be on a plane to China for the first time in five years and you won’t hear from us for about a month. In this episode, Meg shares her thoughts as she finally gets to go back to China. Amy shares what she’ll be up to while Meg’s gone. 当你读到这条消息时,Meg 已经在飞往中国的飞机上了。接下来的一个月你可能不会收到我们的更新,这是因为Meg要在中国好好体验。毕竟这是五年来她第一次回国。在这一…
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過往談到陸小曼,總是被當成徐志摩故事裡的配角,我們這次從陸小曼的生命歷程出發,談談她和他生命裡的三個男人,以及她的人生選擇。 徐豫切入點全系列播放清單 https://spoti.fi/3Onwmnz 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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過往談到陸小曼,總是被當成徐志摩故事裡的配角,我們這次從陸小曼的生命歷程出發,談談她和他生命裡的三個男人,以及她的人生選擇。 徐豫切入點全系列播放清單 https://spoti.fi/3Onwmnz 公共圖書館【計次服務使用方法】 進入官網 https://ebook.moc.gov.tw/ -> 選擇縣市->登入該縣市圖書館借閱證帳號-> 點選書籍(本次推薦書單其中一本書)-> 點選借閱-> 即可閱讀 每個人同一時間最多可以借10本,14天到期會自動歸還。 一個月內若累計5本(含)以上,在歸還前都未開啟會被停權一個月。(所以不看的書請不要借,避免浪費預算資源喔!) 我的書: 1.《文化地圖:八個面向的文化量表,讓你精確掌握文化交鋒的真相,避免淪為「國際文盲」》 #好優文化 2…
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We all take risks, big and small, every day - especially those of us who are leading unconventional lives that span across multiple countries and cultures. In this episode we ponder the question, “When is a risk worth taking?” 无论大小,我们每天都在冒险——尤其当我们是过着跨越多个国家和文化的非传统生活的人。在这一集中,我们思考一个问题,“何时冒险是值得的呢?” Listen along to hear our answers. Join in on the conve…
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雖然加州的台灣和亞裔移民很多,但很多的台灣體驗是無法取代的...今天就來分享旅居美國的台灣人(我),在三年半沒回國之後,鎖定必做的六件事 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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今天不是主持人,是受訪者,談談KOL創業十年心路歷程 「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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「徐豫切入點」節目合作來信:case@riverwalk.cc 私訊分享請IG https://www.instagram.com/anita.writer/由徐豫(御姊愛)
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My guest on this episode is Karena de Souza. Karena is a strategist, speaker, and coach focusing on GenZ and the Future of Work. She is a mother of three, the youngest one just graduated from university. She is also the author of Contours of Courageous Parenting. In this heart-warming episode, we chatted about: Her story of growing up in Uganda and…
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