A podcast showcasing student analysis of topics in Advanced Placement Literature and Composition.
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For this class project, my students wrote three original haiku after being inspired by Jack Kerouac's series of American haiku. They then recorded them and set them to music. Enjoy!由Jason Lineberger
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For this class project, my students wrote three original haiku after being inspired by Jack Kerouac's series of American haiku. They then recorded them and set them to music. Enjoy!由Jason Lineberger
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For this class project, my students wrote three original haiku after being inspired by Jack Kerouac's series of American haiku. They then recorded them and set them to music. Enjoy!由Jason Lineberger
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An analysis of the role of clothing in Brave New World. Sound interesting? Listen in!由Jason Lineberger
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Another look at happiness in Brave New World. John vs. society.由Jason Lineberger
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A really awesome look at the unconditioned world directors in Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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Looking at the concept of world controllers in Huxley's Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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Take an intellectual journey through time with a historical analysis of Huxley's dystopian classic, Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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Why does Huxley include the Savage Reservation in Brave New World? Listen here to find out.由Jason Lineberger
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Trying to define happiness after reading Brave New World? Listen to this!由Jason Lineberger
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Looking for happiness in a dystopian society? Take a listen!由Jason Lineberger
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A debate - savage vs. civilized!由Jason Lineberger
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A great and insightful look into name symbolism in Huxley's dystopian novel Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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An interesting look at the creation process in Huxley's Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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Tony vs. Mike in a dystopian debate.由Jason Lineberger
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More discussion of Huxley's Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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Here's another look at Brave New World. This one looks at human nature, civilization, and the effects of conditioning.由Jason Lineberger
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A look at literary dystopias, focusing on Huxley's Brave New World with some references for comparison to Orwell's classic, 1984.由Jason Lineberger
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An analysis of the definition of happiness in Huxley's Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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A look at character development in Brave New World and the larger ideas brought out by some key characters.由Jason Lineberger
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An analysis of family in Huxley's Brave New World.由Jason Lineberger
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100% chance of rain with a 20% chance of natural disaster. This radio talk program discusses doublethink in 1984.由Jason Lineberger
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Using Brave New World as a launching point, this podcast examines our current society and asks the question, "Are we headed towards a dystopian society ourselves?"由Jason Lineberger
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This podcast seeks to answer that question, or at least explore the issues around the topic.由Jason Lineberger
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Listen to this call in show about 1984!由Jason Lineberger
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Take a listen to this analysis of symbolism and some discussion of Orwell's concept of "doublethink."由Jason Lineberger
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Take a listen as high school seniors explore moral issues around technology in the dystopian classic, 1984.由Jason Lineberger
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Here's more, with some excellent audio effects.由Jason Lineberger
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Blade Runner critical analysis by high school AP English students.由Jason Lineberger
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Get the inside scoop on the religious symbols and allegories in Blade Runner.由Jason Lineberger
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Can't get enough talk about Blade Runner? Listen to this podcast.由Jason Lineberger
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Another fresh batch of thoughts on Ridley Scott's film.由Jason Lineberger
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A take on James Joyce's "Araby."由Jason Lineberger
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Check out AP students who make the mic smoke in their critical rappin' analysis of Ridley Scott's Sci Fi classic, Blade Runner. Boyee!由Jason Lineberger
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Sade and Courtney air their take on the African novel.由Jason Lineberger
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Sam and Ben get silly (and educational) with another take on Achebe's world literature classic.由Jason Lineberger
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Two students, Justin and Nancy, used Garageband to create this audio drama - a recreation of a portion of Achebe's novel with a switch in point-of-view. Enjoy!由Jason Lineberger
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