Authentic connection to Ireland with a native voice on mythology, indigenous spirituality, archaeology, history, culture, society, storytelling, and travel round the island.
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Reading of 'War Goddess', the Mórrígan and her Germano-Celtic Counterparts, dissertation by Angelique Gulermovich Epstein. Read by Lora O'Brien.This episode covers:Chapter One: The Mórrígan in Mythological Tradition (Introduction), The Mórrígan in the Glosses and Glossaries
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Reading of 'War Goddess', the Mórrígan and her Germano-Celtic Counterparts, dissertation by Angelique Gulermovich Epstein. Read by Lora O'Brien.A preview to the following dissertation, going through it chapter by chapter.
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Reading of 'War Goddess', the Mórrígan and her Germano-Celtic Counterparts, dissertation by Angelique Gulermovich Epstein. Read by Lora O'Brien.This episode covers:The Fenian Cycle, The Historical Cycles, Dá Derga's Hostel, Irish Translations of Continental Literature.
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Reading of 'War Goddess', the Mórrígan and her Germano-Celtic Counterparts, dissertation by Angelique Gulermovich Epstein. Read by Lora O'Brien.
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Reading of 'War Goddess', the Mórrígan and her Germano-Celtic Counterparts, dissertation by Angelique Gulermovich Epstein. Read by Lora O'Brien.This episode covers:The Glossaries, The Lebor Gabála and the Genealogical Tradition, The Mythological Cycle, The Ulster Cycle.
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Reading of 'War Goddess', the Mórrígan and her Germano-Celtic Counterparts, dissertation by Angelique Gulermovich Epstein. Read by Lora O'Brien.
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Reading of 'War Goddess', the Mórrígan and her Germano-Celtic Counterparts, dissertation by Angelique Gulermovich Epstein. Read by Lora O'Brien.
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