Reflexões para tocar nosso coração e promover algum despertar em nosso espírito.
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Podcast by Lourdes Denver
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Tarea sobre mis barreras para poder ser diferente.
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Die "LourdesKat und mehr"- sie sind Begegnung. Corona hat uns gezeigt, wie essentiell das ist. Alleinsein ist Mist! Die Podcasts öffnen die Ohren und gehen direkt ins Herz. Jeder Mensch kann durch diese Podcasts eine eigene Antwort für das Leben finden. Bist Du bereit? Die Stimme ist in Dir: Hör hin, kehr um, fang neu an, sei Du! Jede Folge der LourdesKat und mehr Podcasts weckt etwas in Dir... Lass kurz die Sorgen dieser Welt und tauche ein in die Frohe Botschaft Gottes. Höre hin, werde Lic ...
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Information and Education for your Mind, Body, and Spirit.
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The podcast for business women. Grow your business, increase your connections, and succeed on your own terms. We want to network with you. The Networker for Business Women is a Welhaven and Associates Project.
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Às vezes, é necessário que passemos uma dor insuportável, para reconhecer o auxílio e amor Divinos.
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33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time | 11.17.2024 | Fr. Brian Larkin by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Goreti Kirsten nos traz um novo ângulo de análise da história. Vale conferir.
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32nd Sunday In Ordinary Time | 11.10.2024 | Fr. Zach Michalczyk by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Todos somos açoitados por rajadas de vento e cd um reage de uma forma.quanto mais nossas raízes buscarem as "águas profundas" do nosso ser, mais fortes conseguiremos ser.
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31st Sunday In Ordinary Time | 11.03.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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by Goreti Kirsten
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30th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 10.27.2024 | Dcn. Michael Baird by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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O perfeccionismo nos impede de viver a vida.leva-nos a cobranças excessivas, que nos afastam das pessoas
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29th Sunday In Ordinary Time | 10.20.2024 | Fr. Zach Michalczyk by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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by Goreti Kirsten
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28th Sunday In Ordinary Time | 10.13.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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"Que não te apanhe desprevenida a melancolia, ainda que tenhas o coração despedaçado ou os ossos frios com alguma ausência"...(Paola Klug)
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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 10.06.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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26th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 9.29.2024 | Fr. Brian Larkin by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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by Goreti Kirsten
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25th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 9.22.2024 | Dcn. Tom Uschold by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Às vezes recebo msgs que dizem não ser fácil o que estou colocando e eu só posso responder que sei, que não é mesmo!!!
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24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 9.15.2024 | Visiting Priest - Fr. Christi - Mission Appeal Weekend
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 9.15.2024 | Visiting Priest - Fr. Christi - Mission Appeal Weekend by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Se nós nos fixarmos no passado, o tigre irá nos comer
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23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time | 9.08.2024 | Fr. Brian Larkin by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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by Goreti Kirsten
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22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time | 9.01.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Jesus nos conhece na intimidade mas, mesmo assim, não nos julga, nem despreza, apenas nos Ama e auxilia.
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21st Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8.25.24 | Fr. Brian Larkin by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8.18.24 | Fr. Zach Michalczyk by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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by Goreti Kirsten
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19th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8.11.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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A loba tem o hábito de se envolver no pescoço do lobo, para protegê-lo...
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No próximo domingo será Dia dos Pais, que vc demonstre seu amor ao seu pai, independentemente dos problemas de relacionamento que vcs possam ter, pois ele e sua mãe foram os primeiros a lhe cativar, nesta encarnação.Seja grato pelo que ele já fez por vc.
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God is Faithful | 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 8.04.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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by Goreti Kirsten
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He will satisfy our hunger | 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 7.28.2024 | Dcn. Michael Baird by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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"Quando estiver fazendo o que ama, vc levantará de manhã cheio de animação, para enfrentar o começo de cd dia ..."
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God works through you | 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 7.21.2024 | Fr. Zach Michalczyk by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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claro que a dor, a saudade existem, mas a vida segue e precisamos agregar, a essas memórias afetivas, que apertam nosso coração, outras que o aliviam.
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Trust in God's Providence | 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 07.14.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Sufficiency of Grace | 14th Sunday in OT | 07.07.2024 | Fr. Brian's 1st Homily Since Sabbatical
Sufficiency of Grace | 14th Sunday in OT | 07.07.2024 | Fr. Brian's 1st Homily Since Sabbatical by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Fr. Witold's Last Homily | Moved by Faith | 13th Sunday in OT | 06.30.2024 | Fr. Witold Kaczmarzyk
Fr. Witold's Last Homily | Moved by Faith | 13th Sunday in OT | 06.30.2024 | Fr. Witold Kaczmarzyk by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Conquering Fear | 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 06.23.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Antes de reclamar da nossa vida e desafios, vamos procurar olhar mais alto e além
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A morte é apenas uma passagem, um trocar de roupas.
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Sempre achamos que deveríamos ter feito mais, quando alguém querido desencarna
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Como é inquieta a alma humana. O que tanto buscamos para preencher essa insatisfação, meio inata, dos corações?
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Chico Xavier nos aconselhava a tomar a água da paz.É o que devemos tentar fazer no calor de uma discussão.Silenciar
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The Greatest Nonprofit | 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time | 06.16.2024 | Fr. Witold Kaczmarzyk by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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God Is Hidden Here | 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time | 06.09.2024 | Fr. John Nepil by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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"Ver naquele que erra um irmão que, como nós, luta para vencer a si mesmo e, no lugar de criticar e ofender, acolhe e auxilia..."
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His Broken Heart | Corpus Christi Sunday | 06.02.2024 | Fr. Witold Kaczmarzyk by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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Utterly Transcendent, Utterly Imminent | Trinity Sunday | 05.26.2024 | Fr. Sean Conroy by Lourdes Denver由Lourdes Denver
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