Join Mark Dever as he interviews church leaders from around the world on topics that will challenge you to be a better leader.
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I’m not sure I know of another church that better exemplifies what I would like to see in churches than Tenth Presbyterian in Philadelphia. With these words, Mark Dever concludes his largely biographical interview with Phil Ryken, Tenth’s Senior Minister. From an average week in this busy pastor’s life, to his passion for ministry in the city, ther…
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In this interview, Reformed evangelical statesman and British author Iain Murray assesses the state of evangelicalism in Britain and America. What’s the state of preaching today? Is hyper-Calvinism a threat? When do Calvinists become prejudiced in their thinking, and what does John Wesley have to teach them? Also, more Martyn Lloyd-Jones stories fr…
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Pastoring, Preaching, and the Church with Iain Murray由9Marks
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Iain Murray gives a brief biography of the lives of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Charles Spurgeon, comparing them to each other.由9Marks
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Is the history of Evangelicalism a little blurry for you? Or are you a history buff who loves to talk about names, dates and changes on the historical scene? EitHow did The Great Awakening’s George Whitefield work with other denominations? Listen as Iain Murray lectures on Capitol Hill.由9Marks
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Mark Dever interviews Jonathan Leeman about his life and books.由9Marks
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Mark Dever discusses the Puritans with his own associate pastor, Michael Lawrence, and with the Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, MS, Ligon Duncan. Each tells how he came to know of the Puritans and how he has been affected by them in life and ministry.由9Marks
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Mark Dever gives a topical sermon on a biblical view of Elders and Deacons in the local church.由9Marks
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Jonathan Leeman asks Hunter Powell and Mark Dever about authority in the church. What authority does the congregation have? What about the elders? And what did the congregationalists at the Westminster Assembly have to say about it?由9Marks
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Are “Christian” and “rap” mutually exclusive? Hardly. Shai Linne and Voice explain hip hop culture, rap music’s potential for the gospel, and why rap can’t replace preaching.由9Marks
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Mark Dever asks D. A. Carson for a tour of both how he writes and what he’s written.由9Marks
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Mark Dever interviews Tom Schreiner由9Marks
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Have you ever considered the use of the title ‘elder’ or ‘deacon’ and how these titles might differ in their role in the church? Dr. Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church, discusses the roles of each in this interview. (Original date: Jan 15, 2002)由9Marks
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C. J. Mahaney asks Mark Dever why he did what he did and does what he does to build healthy churches. (Original date: Jan 31, 2008)由9Marks
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Author and evangelist Will Metzger, who helped shape Mark Dever’s understanding of evangelism, discusses the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to evangelism today. (Original date: May 31, 2007)由9Marks
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Mark Dever asks this one-time Welsh Baptist how he became a Presbyterian minister and seminary professor in Jackson, Mississippi. (Original date: Oct 31, 2007)由9Marks
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Pastor Eric Redmond recounts his own pastoral experience as well as some of the challenges of inter-ethnic and economic ministry. (Original date: Dec 9, 2007)由9Marks
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The long time pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church in Bethesda, Maryland, describes his life and ministry in London, Hollywood, and now a busy Washington suburb. (Original date: Feb 24, 2008)由9Marks
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Mark Dever discusses the gospel and intellectual credibility. This message was delivered on October 4, 2011 at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. (Original date: 10/26/2011)由9Marks
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The gospel. The cross. The kingdom. The church. Greg Gilbert and C.J. Mahaney discuss all this and more. Original publication date: Jun 25, 2010由9Marks
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William Taylor, rector of St. Helen’s in London, discusses good preaching, bad theology, training pastors and more. Original publication date: Mar 1, 2010由9Marks
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The Surprising Offense of God’s Love: Church Membership (with Jonathan Leeman and John Folmar)
Mark Dever hosts a roundtable with Jonathan Leeman and John Folmar to discuss God’s love and church membership and Leeman’s new book which considers their connection. Original publication date: Feb 1, 2010由9Marks
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A note from Mark Dever: “This past August, Matt shared an hour with us to talk about his ministry. In light of what has happened to Matt in recent days (cancer diagnosis), we contacted him about publishing this interview. He said he was very happy for us to present it, and that he was continuing to trust in God for the future. As you listen to this…
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Phillip Jensen attacks evangelical assumptions about ministry training, spiritual gifts, and more. Original publication date: Dec 1, 2009由9Marks
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Iain Murray, one of evangelicalism’s premier biographers, points to several luminaries from church history you might have missed. Original publication date: Nov 1, 2009由9Marks
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Are “Christian” and “rap” mutually exclusive? Hardly. Shai Linne and Voice explain hip hop culture, rap music’s potential for the gospel, and why rap can’t replace preaching. Original publication date: Oct 1, 2009由9Marks
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Darryl Hart discusses J. Gresham Machen, evangelicalism, and why Christians shouldn’t be afraid of secularism.由9Marks
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Pastor and Bob Jones University professor Mark Minnick presents the case for the Fundamentalist doctrine of separation. Original publication date: May 24, 2008由9Marks
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John Piper offers his thoughts on the New Perspective and other prominent topics today. He also briefly interacts with Bruce Ware on the extent of the atonement.由9Marks
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How do you preach for change in a church with social gospel roots? Ken Jones, pastor of Greater Union Baptist Church in Compton, CA, takes the hot seat across from Mark Dever on the shape of reform in African-American churches. Original publication date: Feb 29, 2004由9Marks
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What can a study of Baptist history bring to the modern church growth conversation? Join Mark Dever as he reflects on the Southern Baptist heritage with Greg Wills, Associate Professor of Church History at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Original publication date: Feb 17, 2004由9Marks
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How important is preaching? Listen as Fred and Elizabeth Catherwood (the daughter of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones) reflect on the centrality of expositional preaching for the life and health of the local church. Original publication date: Nov 19, 2003由9Marks
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Original publication date: Jun 13, 2003由9Marks
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Original publication date: Apr 13, 2003由9Marks
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Pull up a chair as Mark Dever sits down for a warm conversation with C.J. Mahaney, pastor of Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, MD. C.J.’s infectious tenderness as he recalls his conversion will encourage you to keep your own conversion experience near to your heart and in the front of your mind. Original publication date: Feb 14, 2003…
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Drawing on decades of teaching Old Testament in seminary settings around the world, Dr. O. Palmer Robertson of Knox Theological Seminary in Ft. Lauderdale views Christ and the covenants, walking the listener methodically through God’s unfolding plan from a studied biblical-theological perspective. Original publication date: Jun 25, 2002…
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Dr. Michael S. Horton, fiery author, seminary professor, and editor of Modern Reformation, discusses the importance of the objective Cross-work of Christ over against the emphasis on subjective interpretation common in evangelical circles today. Original publication date: Jun 18, 2002由9Marks
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What is expositional preaching? How do I know whether I’m preaching expositionally? Dick Lucas, best known for advocating expositional preaching, answers questions about his own background and ministry. Original publication: 05.22.2002由9Marks
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With the variety of churches today, it would seem anything goes when it comes to the functioning of the church. But, is there actually a Biblical blueprint for church life? 9Marks discusses the book, Church Polity with the leaders of Capitol Hill Baptist Church. [Original date: 10.31.2001]由9Marks
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A conversation between Mark Dever and J. I. Packer about life & ministry. (October 1999)由9Marks
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20 years ago, Rosaria Butterfield was a tenured English professor, an activist, and a lesbian. Now, she's a pastor's wife, a mom, and a Christian. What happened?由9Marks
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"If you say you're a Christian, but you're not helping other Christians follow Jesus, I'm simply not sure what you mean."由9Marks
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Practicing church discipline is difficult. Perhaps this is why many churches seem to have neglected it.由9Marks
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Christians should be persuasive, and with his new book Fool's Talk, Os Guinness offers a comprehensive presentation of the art and power of creative and distinctly Christian persuasion. How should this desire to be persuasive affect our evangelism? Does God expect us to know the answers to every question? And how can we do this while remaining humb…
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