Meadows Church exists to lead people to Jesus Christ and their God-given purpose. We are located in south Omaha, NE.
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A ministry of Meadow Park Church
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The Big Dream of Meadow Heights Church is to be equip people to become an unstoppable source of God's love that changes our world. As we share practical truth from the Bible with you each week, we pray that you'll take new steps toward a life-changing relationship with Jesus. – Listen to Big Dream Podcast instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. Visit us at for locations and current gathering information.
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Meadow Creek Church A fun, friendly, welcoming church, with contemporary worship. Come join us! 65 Front Street Issaquah, Washington Sunday 10:15 AM
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Gathered by Christ, living in grace, serving in love. Our vision is to be an inclusive community of faith that responds to God’s grace in our lives through worship and service to our neighbors.
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Join our congregation in listening to the dynamic presentations of our pastors.
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As we close out this year and look forward to the next, join us for a powerful message. Let's end the year together with faith and expectation! 🙌由Meadows Church
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RECENT TEACHINGS由Making Room PT. 4 – Making Room for LOVE
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We may not always understand the PROCESS, but God always has a PURPOSE.The Christmas Story is loaded with great examples of how often our plans change, many times unexpectedly.As unexpected as the journey may have been, the journey led to the greatest gift ever given: Our eternal salvation through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.It’s a g…
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RECENT TEACHINGS由Making Room PT. 4 – Making Room for LOVE
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Christmas illuminates the whole world with God’s love. But even that isn’t enough unless that love includes me. The good news of Christmas is that along with everyone else, I am a much-loved child of God.
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The King of Kings has made himself available, accessible, and approachable to you.How do we respond to this available, accessible, approachable King?There is ONE WAY to God — Jesus. Thousands of ways to Jesus. Your path may not be the same as anyone else’s, but the good news is available to everyone! No matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done,…
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Jesus comes to be with us in our present sacrifices and suffering. He illuminates our way with great joy today while we trust that he’s coming again to make everything right someday.
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The mark of a faith that follows is found in our obedience to Christ.Many people believe in Jesus. Few people actually follow him. If we actively follow Jesus, it’s impossible to stay the same.We are called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. It’s not about perfection, but direction. Do we claim to know God but deny Him with our actions?…
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Hope is more and better than an escape plan. The hope we find in Jesus isn’t that we get to leave this earth and go to heaven, but that we get to participate in bringing heaven to earth.
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You’re invited not just to BELIEVE in the Kingdom of God, but to TAKE PART in the Kingdom of God. How do we participate in God’s Kingdom?It starts with obedience. Who sits on the throne in your life, truly? Who is in charge?Oftentimes, we put ourselves and our own way above God, pretending that he can share the throne with anyone or anything. But w…
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Jesus came into a world marked by conflict to restore what is broken. Christmas illuminates the peace and wholeness God offers us and invites us to gift others that same peace.
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As we close out this series, hear inspiring testimonies from others on how trusting God with their giving transformed their lives.Generosity isn't about finances—it's about faith!由Meadows Church
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We earn all we can and save all we can so we can give all we can. Generosity isn't based on how much you have, but who has you. Giving is tangible evidence of your love for God, but your heart matters! Your willingness to give is more important than the amount you give. And when you give cheerfully, God provides generously!!…
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There’s no such thing as a private relationship with God. We only become human again when we live up close and personal with friends who are committed to following Jesus in their flesh, too. The more of us who do, the more of us who will.
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Saving allows us to be ready for the Holy Spirit's prompting.Living an abundant life requires discipline on our part. How close are we paying attention to all that we're spending?How can we honor God through saving finances and being good stewards of all we've been given?What we feed thrives, and what we starve dies. How do we feed the desires of t…
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God doesn’t ask us to confront people with their sin or their need for him. Instead, we trust the Spirit of Jesus at work in us and let the Spirit convince others of God’s goodness as they encounter his love through us.
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We don’t chase money for money’s sake. We earn all we can for the sake of Kingdom impact.We should not shy away from wanting more. The question is — what will we do with it and how will we honor God with it?No one wants you living a FULL, ABUNDANT life more than the one who created youStep 1 to living that full, abundant life is earning more. How d…
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God doesn't need me to judge others, but he does want me to share the good news of Jesus with them. When grace oozes out of my life, people may want to hear the truth in my life.
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As followers of Jesus, we need to use the voice that we’ve been given to love God and love others.God’s priorities are not the priorities of the world. His priorities are saving the lost, unity, love, justice, freedom for those in bondage, and accomplishing his purposes in our lives.Are we fighting for an earthly agenda or for God’s will to be done…
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Jesus came in the flesh to make his home among us. If our hearts are now his home, then our homes can be reflections of his heart. When we open the doors of our homes and our hearts, we invite others to come home to God’s love for them.
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We can choose to chase the ways of this world, or we can choose to chase Jesus.The question is — will we be committed to God’s way or the world’s way? Maybe for some of us, it’s not just the world’s way but OUR way.Following Jesus definitely has a cost, but there’s a price to be paid for living the world’s way. How do we chase after Jesus above all…
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Jesus came in the flesh to help us get back what’s good, beautiful and true and to oppose everything that isn’t. When we live as Jesus we fight like Jesus—for what he’s for and against the injustice that opposes it.
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Before we can be one NATION under God, we have to be INDIVIDUALS under God.Far too often, there are people and things that take the place of God in our lives. That is called “idolatry” – placing someone or something before God. As we approach election season, it’s important to remember that we are citizens of heaven, first and foremost. Our respons…
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We’re tempted to view work as either a necessary evil or an idol to chase. But Jesus came in the flesh to show us that in God’s kingdom, all work is an opportunity to reclaim the joy of partnering with God to love and care for one another and our world.
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It’s time to BLESS someONE today!How do we love our neighbor? We BLESS them. Our primary purpose as followers of Jesus is to REACH people for Jesus.One of the best ways we can do that is by sharing our story.Jesus invites you to share your story. Your story isn’t about how BAD you are but how GOOD God is! What has he done for you? What was your lif…
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To love your neighbor, Jesus invites you to EAT with them!There’s something about sharing a meal with each other that passes things beyond acquaintance to friendship. Not only does Jesus invite us to relationship with him and to join him at the table, but he asks us us to do the same for others.People don’t care about what you know until they know …
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We often feel pressure to deny our humanity or be more godlike in order to follow Jesus. But Jesus came to show us how and set us free to be more human, allowing God to be God through us.
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To love our neighbors, we’ve got to KNOW our neighbors. And knowing begins with LISTENING!Truly listening may be the kindest, most loving gift you can give to someone. Far too often, Christians are known more for talking rather than listening, but Jesus set us a perfect example.Jesus listened intently. He listened to people no matter their backgrou…
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Jesus came in the flesh to show us how to live in our flesh. We miss the incarnation when we view Jesus only through his death on the cross instead of through his life in the neighborhood.
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Good news has to first of all be good, which is why it can’t be about religious legalism, empty ritual, or personal judgment. The good news Jesus brings is that more of the life and love from up there can show up down here in our every day lives right now.For links and more info, visit:…
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To love your neighbor means to serve your neighbor. If Jesus washes feet, He calls you to do the same. Who did Jesus serve? Anyone around him. HOW did he serve? Pray for people. Mentor and disciple. Heal the sick. Feed the hungry. Cast out demons. Jesus calls us to do what he did!由Meadows Church
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Bad religion, bleak lives and a broken world have always made it difficult for people to see God for who God really is. Jesus came in the flesh so people can see the real face and character of God and so our lives can reveal God now, too.
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Love begins here! We often hear that we're supposed to love our neighbors, but what does that really mean and how do we practically do that? One of the best ways to start loving the people around you is to actually pray for them! To love your neighbor means praying for your neighbor. Who will you pray for specifically today?…
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God longs to return to the good, beautiful, and true reality he created. So Jesus came in the flesh to get it all back and to show us the way. Because of his power over sin, death and hell, the dream God wanted from the beginning is once again coming true!
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God answers prayer. It may not always be OUR timing, but HIS timing is always perfect. He knows exactly what we need. He is God our provider. He is faithful no matter what.We’re sharing stories in this service of God’s faithfulness, His provision, His goodness, and how He works through every detail of our lives!…
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How do we hear from God? God speaks to us all differently as individuals, but there are three specific ways He speaks to everyone.Are you in the Word?Are you listening to the Holy Spirit?Do you have Godly people in your life?Today is the day to press in!由Meadows Church
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