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Der Podcast behandelt Krankheitsbilder aus der Neurologie und Psychiatrie in einfacher, patientengerechter Sprache. Der Name „Meditalk“ ist an das Synonym „Sprechstunde beim Arzt“ angelehnt und soll auch in dieser Form die Erkrankungen dem Patienten und Interessierten näher bringen. Der Podcast vermittelt Informationen zu patientenrelevantem Basiswissen zu den Erkrankung, Symptome, Diagnostik, medikamentöse und sonstige Therapien, weitere Empfehlungen zur Krankheitsverarbeitung und häufig ge ...
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MediTalk is an Australian Podcast Finalist in 2019. MeditalkPodcast is a medical podcast ''talking all things medical, in a way you can understand''. A medical podcast that empowers people by providing credible medical information so we feel more confident and comfortable to make medical decisions that best suit ourselves and our own personal situation. Being a podcast it is a free and accessible. It is an independent podcast that is presented by an everyday person presenting on real health- ...
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show series
Der stille Kampf: Authentische Einblicke, persönliche Erfahrungen und Wege zur Heilung Höhepunkte der Episode: Aufzählungs-TextEinblick in Martins individuelle Reise durch die Welt der Depressionen Aufzählungs-TextOffene und ehrliche Reflektion über Hürden, Momente der Hoffnung und den Weg zur Heilung Neurologische Aspekte der Depression, beleuchte…
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Wie Schütze ich mich vor einer Depression und was ist Resilienz? Weitere Informationen zu Stressmanagement (freier online Kurs) der Universität Bamberg; Kontakt zu unserer Gastsprecherin M.Sc. Psych. Julia Schröder; Literaturempfehlungen zu Resilienz & Stressmanagement: Kompass für die Seele von Bas Kast Das Leben annehmen von Matthias Wengenroth…
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Are you thinking about having cataract or eyelid surgery? Well, this is the episode for you. Today on MediTalk we speak with Consultant Ophthalmologist Dr Olivia Macvie who very kindly answers common questions that may be on your mind when considering or preparing for cataract or eyelid surgery.Dr Macvie consults and operates from St John of God Ho…
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Peri-menopause and menopause can cause women to feel emotions & changes in their body that can significantly impact their quality of life. Sadly in medicine & in society we don’t talk as honestly and openly about perimenopause & menopause as much as what we should.I was very blessed to have the opportunity to discuss this health topic with Women’s …
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On this episode of Meditalk we speak with Dr Michael Gannon who very kindly answered frequently asked questions on ‘induction’. Dr Gannon is a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at St John of God Hospital in Subiaco. I would like to thank the wonderful women who provided questions to ask Dr Gannon about 'induction' via SJOGH Subiaco facebook…
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According to Diabetes Australia, Gestational diabetes is the fastest growing type of diabetes affecting thousands of pregnant women every year. So today on Meditalk, I speak with Dr Richard Murphy a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist from St John of God Hospital in Subiaco who answers all our questions about ‘gestational diabetes’. A big tha…
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With summer fast approaching, the thought of having to take off our winter coats to wear bathers can make us feel a little self-conscious about our varicose veins. There are not only cosmetic reasons why some people may reach out for a specialist opinion from a Vascular / Endovascular Surgeon to discuss options to remove them but, also varicose vei…
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This year during the flu season while we are still battling with COVID have you found yourself asking questions such as; - How would you know if you are suffering from the flu or from COVID-19? - How are these two viruses the same and different? - Is it safe to have both the flu and COVID vaccination? - Should women who are pregnant have both vacci…
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Having a baby can be a time of profound joy & great upheaval for parents involving significant physical and mental challenges that require mums and dads to adjust to dramatic changes in routines, sleep patterns and roles.So today we speak with St John of God Hospital Subiaco consultant Psychiatrist Dr Beate Harrison who specialises in Perinatal and…
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Did you know - that men are at greatest risk of suicide but, are less likely to ask for help. According to the Black Dog Institute, an estimated 72% of men will not seek help for a mental health disorder.So why are our brothers, dads, sons, uncles, nephews, mates suffering in silence from mental health conditions and not feeling able to seek help f…
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According to the Cancer Council, Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in Australian men. And it is the third most common cause of cancer death. In fact, 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer by the age of 85.Today on Meditalk we speak with a Reconstructive Urological Surgeon Dr David Sofield to provide us with an u…
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Attending a traumatic event are often life or death situations & many of us we do our best to avoid. However, when you are a first responder you have made life and death events your livelihood or past time. Post-traumatic stress disorder is commonly referred to as PTSD and is a type of anxiety disorder. Approximately, 10% of emergency workers suffe…
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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a very common hormonal condition that approximately 12–21% of women of reproductive age are diagnosed with however; what is most concerning is that up to 70% of women remain undiagnosed. For this reason it is important as women to increase our awareness and knowledge on PCOS.So, today on Meditalk I speak with Gyn…
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According to ABS statistics, it is estimated that approximately 4 million Australians suffer back problems and between 70-90% of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their life. Unfortuately back and neck pain can cause significant physical disability as well as, cost individuals and families their livelihood. Today on Meditalk w…
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The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that come together as tendons which help us to lift and rotate our arms. So, let’s take a minute to think about all the things we couldn’t do in our day if we were to injure or tear our rotator cuff such as; drive a car, put on a seatbelt, get dressed, lift and pick up our children & hang out washing. Rot…
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It is great to see many children are back at school! 2021 is a year we all are very hopeful will be better than 2020. For any parent or caregiver it is only normal to worry & want as much as possible for their child to enjoy their years at school and for them to do well both academically, socially and emotionally. This is particularly the case for …
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It is estimated 2 out of 3 Australian adults are classified as being overweight or obese and sadly this statistic is predicted to increase in the future.More and more people with BMI’s of over 40 are turning to weight loss surgery to help them fight their battle with their weight.Making an informed decision about undertaking any surgical procedure …
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Are you over 40? And perhaps like many Australians don’t mind a drink, enjoy a good meal & have put a little weight on over the years. Have you ever wondered how your liver is being affected by how much alcohol you drink, how much fat you eat and how much the extra weight we carry around is taking its toll on our liver?In fact, throughout the world…
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Ich glaube mein Kopf platzt gleich 00:17 Min: Begrüßung00:28 Min: Epidemiologie01:33 Min: Symptome02:25 Min: Aura05:06 Min: Entstehung und Ursachen09:56 Min: Arztgespräch12:37 Min: Therapie15:55 Min: Prophylaxe21:52 Min: Soziale Fragen Weitere Informationen findet Ihr unter: oder unserer Praxis-Homepage www.neuro-schoel…
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Die Erkrankung der 1000 Gesichter "Inhaltsverzeichnis:0:00 Min: Eröffnung1:15 Min: Interview mit Katja (MS-Patientin in unserer Praxis)13:40 Min: Symptome Sehstörungen19:45 Min: Symptome Motorische Störungen24:06 Min: Symptome Sensorische Störungen30:20 Min: Symptome Psychische Störungen40:29 Min: Verabschiedung In den nächsten Folgen 3 und 4 werde…
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There are some very upsetting men’s mental health statistics that should encourage us all to advocate for much needed change & much greater dialogue to improve men's mental health.Globally, on average 1 man is dying, every minute, of every day from suicide ( we need to remember when we often read or hear a health statistic - is th…
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I cannot imagine how frightening and shocking it must feel to be diagnosed with cancer. Not only are you needing to process your diagnosis but, then you are told by your specialist that the cancer treatment options available have the potential to often harm healthy tissue while treating a cancerous tumour. What I learnt recently from spending time …
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Das Chamäleon der Neurologie Inhaltsverzeichnis: Eröffnung Grundlagen & Epidemiologie Krankheitsursachen Krankheitsverlauf Diagnostik Verabschiedung In den nächsten Folgen werden wir uns mit den Symptomen und den Therapiemöglichkeiten beschäftigen. Unserer Praxishomepage Multiple Sklerose - Zentrum (DMSG)Fragen und Anregungen s…
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Her friends and family know her as Crystal but, to the charity she founded - Blue Dot Army she is known as Madam Butterfly. After surviving her own cancer journey Crystal was determined to advocate for positive service improvements for people undergoing cancer treatment. Blue Dot Army aims to support people through their cancer journey.Andy’s story…
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Meine Beine lassen mich nicht schlafen. NACHTRAG! Im Therapieteil sind leider die Ropinirol Tabletten und das Rotigotin Pflaster abhanden gekommen. Vollständigkeitshalber stehen dies ebenfalls als Therapieoption zur Verfügung. wEröffnung Patienteninterview mit Fr. Dr. Steidl & Daniel Ursachen Symptome Diagnostik Therapie Verabschiedung Weitere Info…
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As we age we are more likely to be at risk of losing our sight. In fact, was predicted by 2020 that over 800,000 Australians will suffer blindness or some degree of vision impairment. However, on a more positive note 90 per cent of vision loss is highly preventable or treatable.So today on MediTalk we speak with Dr Charlotte McKnight who is an Opth…
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In preparing for this interview I was shocked to learn Preterm birth complications are the leading cause of death in children under 5 years of age.Today on MediTalk we are speaking with Dr Michael Gannon about preterm births & current research being conducted in Perth that has the potential to save babies lives around the world. Dr Gannon is a gene…
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Did you know - Approximately 1 in 5 babies born in Australia will require specialised neonatal intensive care. Particularly, if a baby is born before 37 weeks or unwell they will most likely spend time in an intensive neonatal care unit to be provided every opportunity of surviving and becoming well enough to leave hospital and go home. Today on Me…
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