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ARクリエイティブスタジオMESONがお送りするPodcastチャンネル。「ARやSpatial Computingにより、生活や社会、カルチャーがどう変化していくか」今あるホットな話題や技術とARの関係、活用事例についてお話します。
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Weekly recaps of mesothelioma news and research from Understandmeso.com, the Everyman's #1 Resource for Understanding Mesothelioma Research.
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Step into the cradle of civilization and discover the secrets of ancient Mesopotamia. This podcast delves deep into the rich history, groundbreaking innovations, and profound cultural legacies of the land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. From the rise of Sumer and the grandeur of Babylon to the enigmatic stories of Assyria and Akkad, *Mysteries of Mesopotamia* explores how this ancient region shaped the world as we know it. Discover how the Mesopotamians revolutionized human progress ...
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Podcast by Marko T. Manninen
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Welcome to The Meson Network Podcast. This podcast is a discussion between industry leaders in both blockchain and technology, our team, and community developers.
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Podcast-muotoon saatettuja esseekirjoituksia, haastatteluja ja reflektiivisiä puheenvuoroja ikiaikaisista ja ajankohtaisista aiheista.
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¿Quién mató a Julio Cesar? ¿Llegó realmente el hombre a la Luna? ¿Fue Hernán Cortés un héroe o un villano? ¿Cuáles son los orígenes de la Humanidad? Encuentra las respuestas escuchando todas las semanas Mesokosmos Historia, tu podcast de Historia. Todas los jueves a partir de las 20:00h escúchanos en Ivoox.
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R' Ari Bergmann talks about various portions of the Torah and Talmud.
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Paula dhe Filipi mbledhin materiale për raste misterioze. Ndiqi redaktorët e Radio D në gjithë Gjermaninë dhe mësoni në këtë mënyrë gjermanishten! Ky kurs stërvit në mënyrë të veçantë të kuptuarit në dëgjim.
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Ahen, Hotel Evropa. Këtu punon Andrea, për të financuar studimin e gazetarisë. Puna e tij bëhet vërtet interesante, kur zhduket papritur nga dhoma 10 muzikanti i famshëm. Elemente të rëndësishëm gramatikore: zgjedhimi i foljeve, përemrat, pyetje të thjeshta, rasa kallëzore.
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Andrea vazhdon të punojë në Ahen, por dr. Tyrmani ka një punë për gazetarin e ardhshëm. Një qytet më i madh dhe më ngacmues e pret Andrean: Berlini. Elemente të rëndësishme gramatikore: imperfekti (e pakryera), pjesët e varura të fjalive, lakimi i mbiemrave.
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Andrea i ka përfunduar studimet dhe tani është i gatshëm që të nisë mbledhjen e materialeve për artikullin e tij të parë. Puna e çon atë (dhe natyrisht edhe Eksën misterioze) në Gjermaninë Lindore. Elemente të rëndësishme gramatikore: Forma pësore e foljeve (Passiv), pjesët e varura të fjalive, foljet vetvetore, mënyra lidhore (Konjunktiv).
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Mission Europe është një kurs gjuhe për fillestarët dhe përbëhet nga tregimet fantastike policore Mission Berlin, Misja Kraków dhe Mission Paris. Hyni në botën e gjuhëve dhe mësoni gjermanisht!
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Andrea ka shumë punë. Ai duhet të kujdeset për klientët në hotel, të gjejë një dhomë për prindërit e tij dhe të bëjë një intervistë me Karlin e Madh. Veç kësaj, prindërit do të mësojnë se kush është Eksa dhe si e ka njohur Andrea atë. Elemente të rëndësishme gramatikore: foljet gjysmëndihmëse (modale), koha e kryer, rasa dhanore.
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The aftermath of the ambush left an eerie silence in its wake. The fire had burned down to embers由jojo
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The glow of the newly merged shard faded, leaving behind an uneasy silence in the chamber carved deep由jojo
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The rising sun cast long shadows over the Ashen Wastes, its golden rays doing little to chase away the lingering chill由jojo
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The cold night air bit into Elara’s skin as she moved further from camp, the shard pulsing like a living thing in her hand由jojo
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The cold night air bit into Elara’s skin as she moved further from camp, the shard pulsing like a living thing in her hand由jojo
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Dawn crept over the Ashen Wastes with reluctant fingers of pale light, casting long, jagged shadows across the torn remnants of their camp由jojo
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The horizon burned with the crimson hues of a setting sun, casting long shadows over the Ashen Wastes由jojo
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The Ashen Wastes stretched endlessly before them, the air thick with the scent of charred earth由jojo
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The Ashen Wastes stretched out before Elara and her companions由jojo
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The dome of light surrounding Elara and her reflection shimmered with a strange,由jojo
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The group pressed onward, their steps crunching against the faint green moss that was slowly reclaiming the Ashen Wastes由jojo
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The Ashen Wastes, once a barren expanse of lifeless terrain, had begun to change. As the group traveled farther from the citadel,由jojo
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Episode 207: The Shadow's Grasp The throne room erupted into chaos as the shadowy figure unleashed its power. Tendrils of darkness lashed out, cracking the ground and sending shards of stone flying in every direction. The oppressive energy thickened the air, making it difficult to breathe.由jojo
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Elara found herself alone in a narrow corridor, the shard’s light her only guide. The visions returned, more vivid than before—flashes of the Emberheart whole, glowing with unimaginable power, and the world engulfed in darkness if it fell into the wrong hands.由jojo
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