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Metropolitan je mesto odličnih zgodb in njegov podkast ni nič drugačen! Za vas smo pripravili sproščene in zanimive pogovore #obskodelicikave, preko katerih boste spoznali raznolike življenjske sloge. Vse to v čisto novi seriji Metropolitan podkastov.
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How do we keep metropolitan areas accessible and vibrant places to live? This podcast offers concrete solutions for the future of our cities. Mobility expert Geert Kloppenburg in conversation with innovative entrepreneurs, scientists and policy-makers.
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Si dice che dietro ogni leggenda ci sia un fondo di verità, e io credo sia vero. E’ quella verità che cerco. Mi affascina scoprire come persone, luoghi, oggetti, riescano a diventare parte del nostro immaginario. Sono Alessandro Piccioni, mi occupo di folklore contemporaneo da circa 20 anni, e questo è “Leggende Metropolitane”, un podcast in cui indago su leggende e misteri del nostro tempo, cercando di scoprire le ragioni, le radici e le verità dietro queste storie incredibili.
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In Metropolitan Clubtalk, een podcastserie van de sectie Urban Design van de TU Delft, spreekt stedenbouwkundige Robbert Jan van der Veen (TU Delft/ECHO urban design) met diverse gasten over de mogelijkheden om een meer inclusieve en verbonden stad te ontwerpen en te realiseren. Aan tafel schuiven experts aan vanuit de overheid, het onderwijs én de ontwerppraktijk. In het vierluik aan gesprekken spreken we over het belang van het hechten van stedelijk weefsel, het ontwerpen van tussenruimte ...
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The Metropolitan Opera’s groundbreaking new production of Wagner’s four-part "Ring" cycle is the most ambitious theatrical endeavor in Metropolitan Opera history. Featuring cutting- edge video projections to help tell the epic story of gods, men, and the fate of the world, this new "Ring" stars some of today’s greatest Wagner singers. Meet Peter Gelb, general manager of the Met, and cast members of this extraordinary operatic event.
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Resurrection MCC (Iglesia Comunitaria Metropolitana la Resurrección) de Houston, Texas es una iglesia cristiana con un alcance primario a la comunidad de lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales. Nuestra misión es demostrar el amor incondicional de Dios a todas las personas a través de la acción cristiana. Fundada en 1972, Resurrection MCC prevé una comunidad cristiana que valora la diversidad y que sea tan diversa y abarcante como la creación. Las Iglesias Comunitarias Metropolitanas (MCC ...
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show series
Osmo skodelico kave v četrti sezoni podkasta Ob skodelici kave je z nami spila Ines Erbus. Se poslušamo? ☕️ Vsebina podkasta: 00:00 Uvod v podkast in kavni trenutki 01:54 Veliki koncert ob 10. obletnici pevske kariere 06:16 Uporaba kisikove komore 08:33 Potovanja so njena druga ljubezen in snemanje videospotov v tujini 16:36 Ljubezen do hrvaščine 2…
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Welcome back to the Abundance Podcast! In this episode, M. Nolan Gray chats with Jason Sorens. Jason is a Senior Research Fellow at the American Institute for Economic Research. He received his Ph.D. in political science from Yale University. Jason has been active in efforts to liberalize land-use regulation in New Hampshire and was the principal i…
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Welcome to this special festive edition of MetCast. First, we step back in time to uncover a long-held Christmas tradition: the telling of ghost stories. From gothic Victorian tales and the enduring magic of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, we discover how the festive season once embraced the spooky and the supernatural – and how this convention…
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Čeprav Ajda Rotar Urankar in David Urankar živita zelo aktivno in pestro življenje, si po težki preizkušnji obvezno redno vzameta čas za to, da sta sama. Boštjan Gorenc Pižama je v aktualnem Spar podkastu Po mojem okusu tokrat gostil kar dva gosta, zakonca Ajdo Rotar Urankar in Davida Urankarja, ki ju je napovedal takole: "Grafična oblikovalka, pos…
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Welcome back to the Abundance Podcast! In this episode, M. Nolan Gray chats with Gary Winslett. Gary is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Middlebury College. He is a Senior Advisor for the Chamber of Progress and author of their Chamber's Democratic Cost-of-Living Agenda. For the last few years, he has been an advocate for more housing…
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Sedmo skodelico kave v četrti sezoni podkasta Ob skodelici kave je z nami spil Žan Serčič. Se poslušamo? ☕️Vsebina podkasta:00:00 Uvod v podkast in kaj se je spremenilo v dveh letih?03:14 Veliki koncert v Cankarjevem domu: 30 let in 15 let glasbenega ustvarjanja11:18 Kako je nastajala pesem Brez tebe ne znam in kakšni so odzivi?20:30 Ohranjanje odn…
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