我們是CC與JJ 分別從20、30世代的角度看這個世界 舉凡生活、職場、價值觀,天南地北的聊 對各種事情可能會有相同跟完全不同的想法 希望在平凡生活中找到一點讓人上癮的小事 重新熱愛自己與熱愛生活 如果有興趣就持續追蹤我們吧! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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👋, this is Klyn Wuu, where I gossip on an ad hoc basis. Let's Yield to Story! Video Podcast Available on Spotify. Feedbacks are highly welcomed, contact on Twitter/X/Instagram/Thread: @klynwuu
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Quick thoughts on "Watching the Movies that made us on Netflix" Read more on https://adhoctalk.montaigne.io/episodes/
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History connects, in a way many times we are not aware of or simply you just don’t expect. and today, I’m going to tell a short story about my recent visit to a Museum which shows how history contains hidden connections between me and my hometown and my identity.
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History connects, in a way many times we are not aware of or simply you just don’t expect. and today, I’m going to tell a short story about my recent visit to a Museum which shows how history contains hidden connections between me and my hometown and my identity.
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Talking about the purposeful design of the iconic USPS mail truck. A long-life vehicle has been serving 30+ years. A reel was created for this episode, feel free to check at: https://www.instagram.com/hongwuxyz/ Read more at: https://adhoctalk.montaigne.io/episodes
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my year 2022 in experince, review my life along with new york times: the year in pictures 2022: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/world/year-in-pictures.html
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这不算是我正式的小红书笔记 不是品尝一道美食 不是分享一次旅行 而是烹饪一份感动 火热的 新鲜的 那份不走过场的青春 重启并结束在那个抛物线的末端 想象着1999年的夏天 郊外的广场一起和朋友家人们重温 灌篮高手 I'm not sharing the experience of having a gourmet meal I'm not sharing the experience of enjoying a wonder trip but sharing a piece of revived memory of old days Picturing a scene where the time machine brought me back to the old days witness…
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常說處女座龜毛、巨蟹座顧家、水瓶座異次元、金牛座精打細算 雖然人的個性不只12種,但仍能在相同星座的人身上找到一點蛛絲馬跡 不論是否為巴納姆效應,星座專家衍伸的各種歸類與預測都還是讓人像一探究竟 究竟是反轉還是加深刻板印象,且聽我們的討論分享吧 警告:本集言論僅代表個人經驗,非泛指所有族群,如有冒犯敬請見諒 小警告:本集含有少量的貓叫聲干擾 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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按下播放鍵之前,總要先知道是誰在說話 兩個有年紀差距的平凡女子,分享自己最真切的生活經驗,並針對不同議題理性討論 透過最容易製作的Podcast平台,讓眼睛休息一下 我們可能隨時都在街上與你擦身而過,如果有想聽什麼內容或建議,歡迎至評論區留言 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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我們是CC與JJ 分別從20、30世代的角度看這個世界 舉凡生活、職場、價值觀,天南地北的聊 對各種事情可能會有相同跟完全不同的想法 希望在平凡生活中找到一點讓人上癮的小事 重新熱愛自己與熱愛生活 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一期小节目 献给 潇洒哥 赵英俊 和 你我这样的小人物 Show Notes 微信, 抖音, 微博, 小红书, 推特, IG: helloklyn | 微信视频号, bilibili: 克林helloklyn 视频版 Bilibili: 克林helloklyn 邮件: hi@helloklyn.com 主页: www.helloklyn.com BGM credit to CIP Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsV2FKLenm8&ab_channel=CIPMusic This episode is not intend for any commerical or monetization purpose @赵英俊是潇洒哥 的个人主页 - 微…
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