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下游的守護者 Our Neighbour's Keeper

生命恩泉 Fountain of Love and Life

「下游」是河流接近出口的部分,亦比喻相對落後的位置。Winnie 自小立志為世界上缺乏資源,處於下游的人服務,改善他們的生活,幫助他們力爭上游。在「下游的守護者」這個節目中,Winnie 會跟我們分享她在過去十幾年,怎樣透過她的工作,服務最小的兄弟,活出福音和天主教社會訓導的精神。
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Beam除了笑容满面的意思之外,还有光束,发射等意思。 但今天我们要讲的是欢乐有爱的故事, 所以beam在这个故事里就是笑容满面,开心的意思。 Thereis a nine-year-old girl called Melody Driscoll. Sheis such a big fan of Ed Sheeran, her family refers to him as her PrinceCharming. 这个叫做Melody的小女孩一出生就被诊断出患有Rett综合征。这是一种非常罕见的神经障碍性疾病。 Melodycan’t walk or talk, though she understands everything. She’sspent about 80 percent of…
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今天我们就要讲讲胡萝卜. 3 years ago, a man lost his wedding ring. And he never thought he’d find it again. 这个爷爷3年前把结婚戒指给丢了,带了几十年的婚戒没了,想想老爷子肯定很桑心。 He lost his wedding ring while gardening in Germany three years ago. And recently mother nature decided to return it to him, and in the most unexpected way. 怎么也想不到,他的婚戒会这样找到。 大自然亲妈简直太有创意。 One day, while the man was …
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今天我们要讲的是一位飞机机长的故事。 A Chinese airline rewarded one of its pilots with three million yuan for preventing a collision(碰撞) between two planes that could have killed 439 people. 在东方航空公司召开的上海虹桥机场10.11事件何超机组表彰大会上。A320机组机长何超被评为先进党员,并奖励人民币300万元。 同时,该客机机组也获得表彰以及人民币60万元奖励。 怎么回事儿呢? He Chao’s Airbus A320 was about to take off from an airport in Shanghai last mo…
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Today's key word is neighbour n-e-i-g-h-b-o-u-r 英 ['neɪbə(r)] Your neighbour is someone who lives near you. 邻居 邻国 邻近的 Here is an example: A good neighbour is better than a brother far off. 远亲不如近邻。 今天我们要说的这个邻居呢,有点吵 (此处有费玉清版嘿嘿嘿) Jenna is a student at Syracuse University in New York. Student life can throw up many challenges; a lack of money, terrible…
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今天我们讲的这位泰国插画师,用自己的画笔描绘了很多暖人的瞬间 She illustrates sweet comics about love that make hearts melt. Being both humorous and sweet at the same time, Pratchaya's comics depict(描绘) different romantic gestures between lovers. 我们一起来听听他插画里的小故事,小瞬间,小确幸。A boy and a girl sit on the roof of their house, and the boy tells the girl:”the sky is full of stars, but…… I…
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拖延 延迟 这个词真的是有点长,但其实并不是很难背,只要你记住发音就很好背了。 Pro(p-r-o) crasti(c-r-a-s-t-i) nation(n-a-t-i-o-n) Procrastination 拖延 Here is an example: Most often we procrastinate when faced with something we do not want to do. 面对不想做的事情,我们经常拖延。 Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you sat down to do an important task,and then you realize that you need a cup…
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Here is an example: The teacher kept the boys in detention after school. 老师将这些男生课后留堂。 你上学的时候有没有调皮捣蛋被老师留堂过啊? 被罚在教室写额外的作业,背额外的课文? 最近一个美国的小学出了一个新的惩罚措施。 There’s no such thing as detention at the Baltimore Elementary. Yep, you heard that correctly. Instead they have a Mindful Moment Room, also known as the “oasis of calm”. Actually it is just like a nor…
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今天我们要聊的这个razor不是用来刮脸的,而是用来腿部美容!- 刮!腿!毛! So, a surprising new study has concluded that almost half of modern-day men are now shaving their legs - be it with a razor or trimmers (修剪器). 一个在Facebook做的调查显示,48%受访男士会刮腿毛 或者 修剪腿毛。 According to the editor of Men’s Health magazine, about33 percent men admitted to using a trimmer to cut it down while about 15 …
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An amputee is someone who has had all or part of an arm or a leg amputated. 被截肢者 Here is an example: Three American amputee war veterans have climbed to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. 三名截肢的美国战场老兵登上了坦桑尼亚境内的乞力马扎罗山。 今天我们要讲的是一个被截肢的女孩儿的故事。 The girl’s name is Gabi Shull. She is living in the United States. When Gabi Shull was only nine years o…
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今天我们讲的这个blur的,被模糊掉的,是一头牛的头。 有点绕啊,再说一遍 哈哈 一头牛的头就是牛头。 So 怎么回事儿呢? From all around the world, people are using GoogleStreet View (谷歌街景) to see panoramic (全景全貌的)views of many streets. You can see the houses, roads, shops and even the color of a car by using Google Street View. 有一天,一个人用谷歌街景浏览一条路上的风景时,发现了一件奇怪的事情。 There are two cows in the street. But the …
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Today we are going to talk about a British girl who earns £50,000 advising Chinese parents on appropriate English baby names. Beau Jessup是一个16岁的英国女孩,生活在一个不太知名的城市。 She came to China one day and she kept being asked to name babies for her parents’ friends. 回国后的Beau就想,给别人取名字也不能白取啊。 这是一条发家致富奔小康的新门路啊! All Chinese babies are given a traditional Chinese n…
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今天我们要说的这个小哥,跟Moriarty比起来还是要善良很多。 但他到底是英雄还是恶棍呢? People Can’t Decide If He’s A Hero Or Villain. Buddy Bolton is a young guy who is living in New York City in the United States. He recently runs around NYC destroying peoples’ selfiesticks with a branch(树枝) cutter. 这个小哥满纽约转悠,看到有人拿自拍杆拍照就冲上去给人家自拍杆给剪了。 他的朋友还帮忙把这些都拍下来了。 He said:”We were sick of Selfie Stic…
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Alicia Keys did something pretty gutsy on the MTV Video Music Awards red carpet. She showed up to the red carpet wearing absolutely no makeup. I am not sure if you saw the photo or not. We are not talking about the so called “no-makeup makeup”, which people use makeup to produce a natural look! 绝对不是所谓的裸妆,她是真的就木有化妆。 围观群众和记者就凌乱了,这是个什么情况,难道最新流行又变了?! 这…
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失眠insomnia是一件十分痛苦的事情,经历过的人一定了解,想睡睡不着,又很没有精神的感觉。 为了克服insomnia,我们今天就来讲讲如何才能拥有一个完美的睡眠。 Shawn Stevenson is a clinical nutritionist in the U.S. In his new book Sleep Smarter he mentions some ways to help people get a good night sleep. PUT YOUR DESK NEXT TO A WINDOW This is because the amount of sunlight you receive during the day has a big impact on you…
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今天我们要说的这个dumb其实两种意思都有一点。People do dumb things.I did dumb things before, and will do dumb things in the future.Recently, the TV host Jimmy Fallon started a trend on twitter.They tweet the dumb things they did with hastag“ImDumb”于是,好多人开始在网上发自己做过的蠢事。这些dumb things 既蠢又让人哑口无言。我们一起看看外国人都做过哪些蠢事吧:Hikmat ‏said:” I was looking for my phone using same phone as…
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Bully 已经成为各国校园中的一个让人十分头疼的现象。 很多在学生时代被bully的人,成年后都会或多或少的留下心理阴影。 今天我们要讲的这个男孩 就是bully的受害者。 The thirteen-year-old boy named Danny Fitzpatrick. 他在纽约布鲁克林的一所中学上学。 And his battle with bullies was so severe that it resulted in the decision to take his own life. 这个男孩用极端的方式结束了自己被Bully的生活。 He hanged himself at home and left behind a heartbreaking note. 在他留下的书信…
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今天要说的这个女孩就酱被分手了 Her name is Swink. After nearly four years together, Swink and her ex-fiancé decided to get married. She planned every little detail of the big day for months. 但就在婚礼的5天前。 Her fiancé sat her down and told her he did not want to marry her. 听到这个消息Swink的心情可想而知. 她是这样说的:“I was in complete shock and had no idea what to think or do. I was n…
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Here is an example: After work, Jack still spent some time for romance by cooking candlelit dinners for his girlfriend. 下班后,杰克仍花了一些时间为女友做烛光晚餐来制造浪漫。 今天我们要讲的,是一个为爱疯狂的荷兰大叔。 First of all, I have a question, To what length(距离)have you gone for love? A Dutch man has answered that question by his action of coming all the way to China, for the name of roma…
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Karate- 可以哭,但面对逆境不要逃避 Today’s key word is Karate k-a-r-a-t-e 英[kəˈrɑ:ti] Karate is a Japanese sport or way of fighting in which people fight using their hands, elbows(手肘), feet, and legs. 空手道 Here is an example: He is a black belt in karate. 他是空手道黑带。 今天讲的这个小男孩还没有拿到黑带。 One day, in a Karate class, a student trys to break a board(木板) during a test. 但是…
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今天我们要说的这个Dispatcher是在警察局接警中心工作的接线员。 In the United States, a 5-year-old boy made a heartbreaking call to the police telling the dispatcher that “my daddy and my mama got shot.” 今年早些时候,美国田纳西警方接到一个报警电话。 打电话过来的就是这个5岁的小男孩。 Later, the police released the audio to the public. 电话录音的内容是这样的: “My daddy and my mama got shot, ~~~ You say your papa and mom doing…
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天我们要讲的这个devastate的人,是一个想要跟女友求婚的男孩。 His name is Picca. When Picca planned on proposing(求婚) to his girlfriend Kayla. I bet he didn't imagine it going like this. Picca准备向自己心爱的人求婚,于是要求她去他们最喜欢的一家餐厅。 He planned to pop the question at their favorite restaurant, which is right by the water. When he got down on one knee on the dock(码头) and opened the ring b…
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Get More out of Listening When most students listen to a native English-speaker, they focus on understanding what all the words mean. 这个当然也很重要。 但除此之外,Try listening not just to what the words mean, but to how the person says them. 看看他们把哪些词连起来说了,哪些词着重读出来了,语气语调是什么样的。 Easier said than done, right? 但不要担心,多多听我们的节目,经过一段时间的积累,你的听力一定会有很大的进步,听力好了之后,模仿起来就更加容易…
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Here are some tips that will help you speak English better than ever. 1. Accept That English Is a Weird Language 你要先知道英语真的是一种奇怪的语言 Sometimes you can find patterns in English grammar, but other times English doesn’t make sense at all. 语法这种东西若有若无,无法捉摸。 Sometimes English is just weird and unexplainable(无法解释). So a good memory is very useful when talki…
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So what do you think or feel about beggars on the street? Will you give them money? Or you think they are just too lazy? It is debatable, so let’s talk! For those who will give beggar money when they see them on the street. Those beggars live a miserable life on the street. They just need some help. 街上的乞丐太可怜了。 对于我们来说钱包里的几块钱对我们的生活不会有特别大的影响。 But that…
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诶,今天我们就聊聊可以用来夸人的单词们。 听到这期的童鞋们!你们绝对赚到了!一期顶6期。 So if you want to tell a girl she looks great, what can you say! The easiest way of course is to tell her that she looks beautiful. But the word beautiful is so simple and too common, like a child from kinder garden also knows this. 那么怎样夸才能表现出你低调奢华有气质的一面呢? 我们一起来学一下吧! 1. Gorgeous 美丽动人的 光彩夺目的。 可以这样用: She i…
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今天我们就来讲讲前任, 如果你的前任要结婚了,要不要去参加Ta的婚礼呢? Should you go to your ex’s wedding? It is debatable, so let’s talk! For those who will go to their ex’s wedding: Why not? If your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend invites you to his or her wedding, you definitely should say yes! But there are different tips. If you still see him as a friend, just go to the wedding as …
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So who is Dorothy Williams? She is a 90-year-old lady from Hawaii in the United States. She just performed in a show called “America's Got Talent” 美国达人秀。 这个90岁的美国老太太,穿了一身红色蕾丝透视裙参加了美国达人秀。 She performed a dance, similar to strip dance, which is sexy and normally performed by young girls. 当然老奶奶的表演不能算是所谓的脱衣舞,只是对脱衣舞的滑稽模仿。 但老奶奶一开始表演,底下的观众和毒舌评委全都惊了! Here …
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Today’s key word is euthanasia. e-u-t-h-a-n-a-s-i-a 英 [ ˌju:θəˈneɪziə ] Euthanasia is the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain. 安乐si Here is an example: Euthanasia is illegal in most countries. 安乐si在很多国家都是不合法的。 确实,安乐si目前只在少数国家是合法的,比如瑞士。 今天我们讲的是一部有关安乐si euthanasia的电影。 The name of the film is “Me Before You”. 另,女主是龙母哦~ 故事是…
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Today’s key word is sibling s-i-b-l-i-n-g 英 [ ˈsɪblɪŋ ] Sibling is a person's brother or sister. 兄弟;姐妹;同胞兄妹。 Here is an example: He has been looking for a long-lost sibling for almost 20 years. 他找寻他遗失的兄弟已经快20年了。 Sibling其实就是指我们的兄弟姐妹们,比如如果你有一个哥哥,那么他就是你的sibling. Sibling 可以指姐妹 也可以指兄弟 So, do you have any siblings? If you can choose, what kind of sibling…
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上期节目中我们谈了前五个标志 今天来看看后面五个都是什么吧 6. You think long-term about the future. Are you dating them as a back up when you are still waiting for the right one, or are you already excited about being forever together with them?如果遇到那个想要厮守的人,你会不自觉的设想你们的未来吧。 7. You become a better version of yourself 两个人在一起,应该会让彼此成为更好,更阳光的存在。 When the right person comes along, t…
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Today’s key word is decide. d-e-c-i-d-e 英 [ dɪˈsaɪd] If you decide to do something, you choose to do it, usually after you think about the other possibilities. 决定 决心 Here is an example: We decided to have a show called Ayoenglish last year! 我们去年决定做一档节目叫做A-yo English We all have to make lots of decisions every day. For example, when to get up; what …
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Today’s key word is hairstyle h-a-i-r-s-t-y-l-e Your hairstyle is the style in which your hair has been cut or arranged. 发型 Here is an example: I think her new short hairstyle looks simply great. 我觉得她新剪的短发特别好看。 欸,我们今天要讨论的就是女孩的发型。 This topic has a very long history in our daily life. So, which hairstyle do you prefer long hair or short hair? For tho…
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Today’s key word is destiny d-e-s-t-i-n-y A person's destiny is everything that happens to them during their life time. 命运 Here is an example: Is it destiny that brings people together, or is it accident? 人们的相遇是天意还是偶然? 今天我们要说的这个故事,有关爱情,有关命运 There is a girl called Aminah. She, like many other girls, grew up believing that one day her Prince Charming…
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Today’s key word is Germ g-e-r-m 英 [ dʒɜ:m ] Germ is something that can produce disease. 微生物 细菌 Here is an example: This germ is found on things used by the patients. 这种细菌会附着在病人使用过的东西上。 没错!今天我们要讲的就是细菌Germ! I just watched a video produced by BuzzFeed. And the name of this video is "We Tested Our Phones For Germs And Found Some Disgusting Shit” 怎么回事呢…
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Today’s key word is Tiara T-i-a-r-a [ tiˈɑ:rə ] It is a crown-like jewelled(珠宝装饰的) headdress worn by women on formal occasions. 皇冠 头冠 Here is an example The bride wore a diamond tiara in the wedding like a princess. 新娘在她婚礼的时候带了一顶钻石皇冠,像个公主一样。 说到皇冠tiara, 几乎每个女孩多梦想过自己带着美丽的皇冠 成为某个人的公主。 But 全球看一遍,皇冠带的最多的人应该就是英国女王了。 Her Majesty’s tiaras are at the heart …
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day's key word is blossom b-l-o-s-s-o-m Blossom is the flowers that appear on a tree before the fruit. 花 开花 Here is an example: The cherry blossom came out early in Beijing this year. 北京今年的樱花开的早。 今天为什么要说blossom这个词呢? 因为 One of our best friends just came back from East Timor last week. She lived near the sea shore in East Timor. Every day she could e…
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Manbun m-a-n-b-u-n bun是指圆形的小面包或圆发髻; And A manbun is a type of long hairstyle that involves the tying of one’s hair into a single bun to be placed upon the crown area of the head. 男士发髻 男生丸子头 Here is an example: If a man looks good in man bun, he must be a handsome guy! 如果一个男生梳发髻好看,那他一定是一个帅哥! What do you think? Bun is traditionally a hairstyle for la…
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