Welcome to Noble Assembly of God Church of Noble, Oklahoma. We invite you to listen as Senior Pastor Steve Lance and other guest speakers bring the word each and every Sunday. We hope you are blessed as you listen in to what the Lord has given our ministers to bring to you today.
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Jordan and Shea met at Crossroads Church OKC, in 2016. Jordan had previously served six years in the Army National Guard, with a deployment to Afghanistan. In 2016, he gave his life to Jesus. Shea was the Children’s pastor at Crossroads and had been serving in ministry for the past 10 years, including being part of mission assignments overseas and …
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Pastor Steve Lance with a message entitled "Closed" Eccl. 3:1
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Pastor Steve Lance With the Message "Open" Open eyes, minds, ears and hearts to what God wants us to see and hear!
Pastor Steve Lance gives an inspired message on March 1st entitled "Open!"
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Pastor Steve Lance with Part 2 in the "I Still Believe" Series Hebrews 11:1,6,13
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Pastor Steve Lance with an Update Moving Forward for Noble Assembly of God March 18th, 2020
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Pastor Steve Lance begins a new series entitled "I still Believe." Sermon 1: Responding to Unanswered Prayers.
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Missionary Guest Speaker Darin Clements February 9th, 2020 Missionary serving the Philippines.
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"A Super Way to Live" February 2nd, 2020 Pastor Steve Lance
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Pastor Steve Lance continues his series on Stewardship. "Entrusted With The Good News" Jan 26th, 2020. What did we do with the Good News of the Salvation that God gave us? 1st Thessalonians 2:4
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Pastor Steve continues his series on stewardship in the month of January. Sermon #3 is entitled "Prosperity And The Believer."
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Pastor Steve Lance's message from January 12th entitled "Managing With Wisdom" as he continues a series on stewardship.
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Pastor Steve Lance delivers the first sermon of 2020 on stewardship. John 1:16
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Pastor Steve Lance continues his series Under The Hood with "Holy Spirit Empowerment" Part 1
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Associate Pastor Phil Freeman's message in the Under The Hood Series, Part 5 "We Value Evangelism" The Big idea? Reaching people not only at home, but abroad.
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Pastor Steve Lance continues his series "Under The Hood" with Part 4 "Equipping The Body"
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Pastor Steve Lance continues his series "Under The Hood." Part 3 "Biblical Community."
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Senior Pastor Steve Lance continues his sermon series "Under The Hood" with part 2, "Healing."
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Pastor Steve Lance Under The Hood Series "Values That Drive Us" Part 1 Biblical Teaching
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Missionary guest speakers for the 2019 Fall Missions Convention.
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Missionaries David & Shirley Swafford serving Latin America Caribbean Region. September 22nd, 2019
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"The Power Of Influence" September 8th, 2019 Pastor Steve Lance
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Are you Salty? Pastor Steve Lance September 1st, 2019 Mark 9:50 Matthew 5:13 Luke 14:34-35
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Guest Speaker Neil Kennedy August 25th, 2019 PM Service.
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Guest Speaker Neil Kennedy August 25th, 2019 AM Service.
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Pastor Steve Lance speaks on August 18th, 2019 a message entitled "For Such A Time As This" Ephesians 2:10 Esther 4:14
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Guest missionary speakers Chris and Amy Hales.
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Pastor Phil Freeman preached the 2nd half of "The Reality Yet To Come series" on August 4th, 2019.
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Pastor Steve Lance begins a two part sermon series today entitled "The Reality Yet To Come." Believers should be looking inward, outward, upward, and downward, backward and forward as we anticipate the coming of the Lord. 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 Colossians 2:16-17
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Pastor Phil Freeman preaches a message entitled "Lets Get Cooking" on July 21st, 2019.
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Pastor Steve Lance delivered a message July 14th, 2019 entitled T.R.U.S.T. "Totally Relying Upon Spiritual Truth"
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Special guest speakers Jacob & Valerie Casto Chi Alpha Campus Missionaries to Colorado State University. July 7th, 2019
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Pastor Steve Lance continues with the four part sermon series "Who is the Holy Spirit?" With part 4 entitled "Aftershocks, The Holy Spirits Continued Work"
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Guest Missionary speakers Tim & Lynley Hatcher, serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators. June 23rd, 2019
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Pastor Steve on Fathers Day 2019 with a message entitled "The Baptism in The Holy Spirit" Part 3 of the series "Who is The Holy Spirit?"
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Pastor Steve Lance continues his series entitled "Who is the Holy Spirit?"
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Pastor Steve Lance begins a series this week entitled "Who is The Holy Spirit?" With today's message entitled "The Holy Spirit In Us?"
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Pastor Steve Lance preaching on the Provision and Priority of Prayer this Memorial Day Sunday.
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Associate Pastor Phil Freeman preaches a message entitled "A Life Worth Living" on senior Sunday 2019. Congratulations seniors 2019!
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Pastor Steve Lance preached a message entitled "The Heart of Rizpah" on Mothers Day 2019.
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Pastor Steve Lance, Sunday May 5th, 2019. "Build My Life"
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