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Just a rag tag group of elder millennials talking about the good, the bad, and the nostalgia of our childhood. Join us every week as we talk about everything from sci-fi films of the 60’s to our favorite cereals of the 90s and maybe a boy band of the early 00’s. Bangarang lost boys, welcome to nostalgialand!
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Each episode we add a new entry to the Nostalgium Arcanum, a repository for the movies, tv, music, games, and other pop culture that still enchants us today. Find us on twitter at: @nostalgiumpod
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NOS Voetbalpodcast

NPO Radio 1 / NOS

De NOS-voetbalcommentatoren nemen de week door. Met aandacht voor de laatste voetbalwedstrijden, het voetbalnieuws en vooruitblikkend naar de komende wedstrijden. Anekdotes van de voetbalexperts die ter plekke waren en er de hele week bovenop zitten. Presentatie is in handen van Arno Vermeulen.
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A mix of some of the finest music from legendary performers and personalities of the greatest generation, along with complete vintage broadcasts from the golden age of radio. Mix it together, and that's NOSTALGIA RADIO TIME, hosted by Greg Van Beek. Including the 'Bing Sings' feature each week! Heard each Sunday at 9 AM (ET) over New York's 920 WON: The Apple and each Thursday at 9 AM (ET) streaming over YUSA red on the Yesterday USA Super Station at Join our Fac ...
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NOS Schaatspodcast

NPO Radio 1 / NOS

Dit schaatsseizoen zit je nog dichter op het ijs met de NOS Schaatspodcast. Na elk schaatsweekend praten de hoofdpersonen je bij over wat je gezien hebt, of juist hebt gemist. Schaatsers schuiven aan en onze huis-analisten gaan dieper in op verschillende thema’s binnen de sport.
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Sebastian Schmidt Fred Handrick Udo Fischer

In den Nostromo- Gesprächen schnacken Fred, Sebastian und Udo mal im Duo, mal im Trio und ab und an mit erlesenen GästInnen über ihre große Leidenschaft - Filme. Der Schwerpunkt der cineastischen Auseinandersetzungen liegt zum einen auf formalen Qualitäten, wie der Inszenierung, der Produktion und Herstellung, darüber hinaus auf technischen Aspekten, wie Kamera, Lichtsetzung, Schnitt und Colorgrading, und zu guter Letzt auf der inhaltlichen Interpretation der Stoffe. Unsere Herzen schlagen f ...
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NOS Jeugdjournaal

NPO Zapp / NOS

Ben jij nieuwsgierig en wil je meer weten over wat er in de wereld speelt? In de podcast van het NOS Jeugdjournaal beantwoorden Bart, Annabelle en Pien elke week vragen van kinderen bij een nieuwsonderwerp. Reageren? Dat kan! Stuur een spraakberichtje naar de podcasttelefoon: 06-26586701
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That's Pretty Dark: An '80s & '90s Nostalgia Podcast

Kalyn Andrews & Christian Baxter Mott

Here for the '80s & '90s kids who still long for the safe, spooky glow of the TV screen in a dark room, Kalyn Andrews and Christian Baxter Mott take a nostalgic look at the grittier side of the children's entertainment that ruled our adolescence and moulded our generation. Our show features every-other-weekly discussions ranging from movie nights and season-long binges, to spooky specials of shows and other traumas... (ahem, memories). So, grab your flashlights and join us as we go searching ...
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Nostalgia Junkies

Nostalgia Junkies

Head on back to the good ole days! Whether it’s waking up Saturday morning to watch cartoons with a big bowl of cereal, opening an N64 on Christmas, or seeing the Chicago Bears do the Super Bowl Shuffle for the first time, the Nostalgia Junkies are here to walk you down memory lane! Join the squad as they discuss how 80s, 90s, and early 2000s tv shows, music, movies, toys, books, video games, and more shaped their youth and their lives. Come join them as they relive the past and experience t ...
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Dope Nostalgia

Naomi Carmack

Taking your earholes back to the era of Hammerpants, plaid, backwards overalls, grunge, and New Jack Swing! We revisit the music of the ’90’s on Dope Nostalgia. Join us for chats with the artists, laughs with friends, and a lot of reminiscing.
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O programa da Jovem Pan que revolucionou o jeito de noticiar política e economia, abordando os temas de modo crítico, em um formato de bate-papo e discussão aberta. Os Pingos nos Is alcançou a liderança da audiência no rádio e se tornou referência no segmento no YouTube.
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Giochi Sul Nostro Podcast

Giochi Sul Nostro Tavolo

Il podcast ufficiale di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo! Online dal 2009 Giochi Sul Nostro Tavolo si evolve e diventa punto di riferimento anche nel mondo podcast. Qui potete trovare curiosità e aggiornamenti su giochi da tavolo, gdr e libri games da parte dei redattori di questo storico storico sito! Sito: Canale Telegram: Mail: [email protected]
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¿Quieres tener conversaciones sobre temas que son tabú, no se hablan o te apena hacerlo con tu pareja o amigos? Este es un podcast para ti. Simple y atrevido, debatiremos sobre esas preguntas, dudas y situaciones a la que nos enfrentamos cada día, con nuestra pareja, amigos, compañeros, jefes y muchos más. Atrévete a tener una conversación entre nos.
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Exclusive interviews and reunions celebrating some of the biggest names in TV and film. A TV enthusiast’s paradise. There's also special shows and series and a regular Distinct Nostalgia Mind of the Month Quiz. Plus every now and then some original fresh comedy and drama. This is pure entertainment and fun. Enjoy! Definitely ‘more than a podcast’.
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Deze Podcast neemt je mee in de wereld van oude games, boeken, films en series 🎮📚🍿. NostalGeek gaat terug in de tijd en bespreekt wat de verschillende onderwerpen zo fantastisch maakte en waarom ze ons vandaag dat heerlijk nostalgische gevoel geven.
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show series
1-De Ninghures-Corazón alionado 2-Guadi Galego e Tanxugueiras-Inconformismo 3-Brendan Cassidy e o Portughés-Non voltará 4-Grande Amore e Nacho Vegas-Ti e mais eu 5-Ruxe Ruxe-Astronáutica 6-Boyanka Kostova-Poper na furgoneta 7-Los Eternos-San Antonio 8-9Louro-Eu en ti 9-Filloas-Mediocre 2 10-Tiam Gz-Fronteooo!! 11-Izaro & Baiuca-Xorieri 12-Seixo-Sei…
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The Sounders, once again, fell flat on their trip to Real Salt Lake. This time it was two early mistakes that hastened their downfall. Mark Kastner joins Jeremiah to discuss the Sounders’ first loss of the season and look ahead to Cruz Azul. *** Nos Audietis is the flagship podcast for Sounder at Heart, which became a reader-supported website on Au…
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Alle topschaatsers komen voorbij in de NOS Schaatspodcast en daar is deze aflevering bepaald geen uitzondering op. Na het wereldbeker-weekend in Thialf praten we namelijk met drievoudig olympisch shorttrack-kampioen Suzanne Schulting. Ze neemt geen blad voor de mond. Al helemaal niet als gaat over de vraag of ze niet beter weer kan gaan shorttracke…
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Send us a text ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado por qué hombres y mujeres parecen estar en mundos diferentes cuando conversan sobre sus relaciones? En "Conversaciones Entre Nos", Silka y yo, Rogelio, decidimos desentrañar este fenómeno intrigante. Observamos que, mientras las mujeres son como narradoras detallistas que no dejan escapar ni un nombre ni…
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In deze aflevering van de NOS Jeugdjournaalpodcast gaat het over verliefdheid. Het is namelijk bijna Valentijnsdag en daarom vliegen de hartjes om je oren. Wat gebeurt er als je verliefd bent? Waarom word je wel verliefd op de een en niet op de ander? En wat kun je het beste doen als je verliefd bent? Dat zoeken Annabelle en Pien deze aflevering vo…
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In this episode, things get real political: we talk police corruption, labour relations, workplace bullying, safety legislation, nationalisation of public services, police corruption, and elaborate psychological torture. That's right, it's Thomas The Tank Engine! Like the show? Tell your friends! Rate and review! Say hi to us at nowthatswhaticallno…
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1-De Ninghures-Aquí 2-Guadi Galego e Tanxugueiras-Inconformismo 3-Brendan Cassidy e o Portughés-A dor do amor 4-Grande Amore e Nacho Vegas-Ti e mais eu 5-Ruxe Ruxe-Shane Macgowan 6-Boyanka Kostova-Poper na furgoneta 7-Los Eternos-San Antonio 8-9Louro-Eu en ti 9-Filloas-22 minutos 10-Tiam Gz-Fronteooo!! 11-Izaro & Baiuca-Xorieri 12-Seixo-Tormenta 13…
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Met vandaag: Hoe kijkt Rusland naar het Europese plan voor een staakt het vuren? | Leoni Jansen over het overlijden van Dieuwertje Blok | Wopke Hoekstra is in Brussel nu ook bezig met oorlog en vrede | Ellen Parren speelde de hoofdrol in het Oscarwinnende ‘Ik ben geen robot’ | Carel Kraayenhof en Leoni Jansen maken een nieuw album | Presentatie: Ch…
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Get your ass to Mars! We're having total recall over Total Recall, one of Arnold Schwarzenegger's best films. Guest filmmaker Alex Sosin ("The Canyon") joins us to revisit Paul Verhoeven's take on Philip K. Dick that is relentlessly entertaining, funny, exciting, and over the top from the first frame to the last. Come do your best Arnold "nnyyaaarr…
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1-De Ninghures-Aquí 2-Guadi Galego e Tanxugueiras-Inconformismo 3-Brendan Cassidy e o Portughés-A dor do amor 4-Grande Amore e Nacho Vegas-Ti e mais eu 5-Ruxe Ruxe-Shane Macgowan 6-Boyanka Kostova-Poper na furgoneta 7-Los Eternos-San Antonio 8-9Louro-Eu en ti 9-Filloas-22 minutos 10-Tiam Gz-Fronteooo!! 11-Izaro & Baiuca-Xorieri 12-Seixo-Tormenta 13…
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Send us a text There can be only one. As it turns out, "one" is probably too many based on our most recent viewing of this 80s sci-fi/fantasy epic! Christopher Lambert stars as the immortal sword-wielding Scotsmen with a thick French accent hacking and slashing his way thru 80s New York. Tagging along is our favorite be-wigged actor Sean Connery in…
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Oggi torniamo in compagnia di una nuova realtà ludica, la Micco Ludens! A tre anni dalla loro fondazione è riuscita a rendersi protagonista di eventi molto importanti del panorama ludico nazionale, in oltre è una delle poche realtà ad organizzare i weekend-ludici. Non sapete cosa sono? Sedetevi comodi che Edoardo e Giovanni, due dei fondatori della…
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Welcome to Jake's Happy Nostalgia Show, the podcast where nostalgia comes alive! In today's episode, we're thrilled to welcome Richard Termine! Richard's career began in the world of puppetry, designing and building beloved Sesame Street characters like Placido Flamingo, Meryl Sheep, and Wolfgang the Seal. He also contributed to the Sesame Street s…
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Jurandir Filho, Felipe Mesquita, Evandro de Freitas e Bruno Carvalho batem um papo sobre as melhores franquias de PlayStation. Desde sua estreia em 1994, os consoles da Sony tem sido plataformas que moldaram a indústria dos videogames com algumas das maiores e melhores franquias da história. A Sony e seus estúdios parceiros entregaram experiências …
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Jeremiah is once again joined by Niko Moreno as the Sounders get ready to face Real Salt Lake in their second league match of the season. Niko provides some analysis of Real Salt Lake’s early-season struggles and thinks this is a good opportunity for the Sounders to finally break their winless streak in Utah. Perhaps more interestingly, Jeremiah an…
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