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Ini kanal podcast Nyimpang.com yang berisi pembacaan konten teks dari website kami, pembicaraan tidak bijaksana, jelas tidak ilmiah, dan tentu saja ngawur. Jadi tidak perlu dianggap serius.
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Welcome to the Nyiaj Yang podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Nyiaran adalah Sebuah Podacast yang ngaur ngidul ngaler wetan juga bisa Bersama @dhior_ & @arrizal_dn dengan bahasan ringan yang terjadi di sekitar kita. lewat pembawaan bahasa yang santai dan buat orang nyaman unchhh.
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Welcome to the Podcast Kabinet Nyinyir podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Discussions with the New York Institute for the Humanities' distinguished scholars and writers about their work.
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Aktuális filmpremierek, klasszikus filmek, a filmvilág hírei, minden, amit a mikrofon elbír.
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My podcast will be about everything you can imagine to talk about. I will be dropping a Podcast Every Monday & Friday of each week. I will be Smoking good & Drinking my good wine. Listen and enjoy for a great time.
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In 2010, Isabel Wilkerson spoke to the Institute about the fifteen years she spent reporting and writing her book, The Warmth of Other Suns: The Epic Story of America's Great Migration (Knopf, 2010). The book won the 2010 National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction, In 1994, Wilkerson was the New York Times Chicago Bureau Chief when she won t…
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Robert Coover spoke at the Institute in the spring of 2006. Coover is the author of over a dozen postmodern novels, including The Public Burning and Pinochio in Venice. He was one of the early supporters of electronic fiction, which he defended in “The End of Books,” a 1992 New York Times essay. Coover established Brown University’s MFA program in …
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In this week’s episode from the Institute’s Vault, we hear a lecture on the revival of narrative in history by Laurence Stone. Professor Stone taught at Princeton from 1963 to 1990. He died in 1991. He is best known for his books The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558-1641, The Causes of the English Revolution, 1529-1642, and Family, Sex and Marriage …
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Eyal Press, "Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America" (Picador, 2022)
In the episode of Conversations from the Institute, we hear from Eyal Press, who is the author of Absolute Convictions: My Father, a City, and the Conflict that Divided America (2006), Beautiful Souls: Saying No, Breaking Ranks, and Heeding the Voice of Conscience in Dark Times (2012), and Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequalit…
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Institute fellow Ben Ratliff talks with Kelefa Sanneh about his new book, Major Labels: A History of Popular Music in Seven Genres, which tells the story of popular music during the past fifty years. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由New York Institute for the Humanities
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The Free World: Art and Thought in the Cold War, is Luke Menand’s fourth book. His last, The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America, won the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for history. Menand is a professor of English at Harvard, and a staff writer forThe New Yorker magazine Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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This episode is about people knowing their worth and adding tax to anything they do in life. Find yourself! Love yourself! ❤️
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Caitlin Zaloom is a Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Her first book, Out of the Pits: Traders and Technology From Chicago to London, an ethnographic study of the international financial system, appeared in 2006. Her second book, Indebted: How Families Make College Work at Any Cost, was published in 2019. Learn more …
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This episode is about bothered bitches and why they are so bothered by the next bitch bt they always broke!
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Di edisi ini Yayu Nh dan Farid ngobrol soal kenapa kita semua musti jadi feminis. Serius amat yak.. Yarab.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nyimpang/message
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Episode ini kamu akan mendengarkan ngobrol bareng ka Neng Mayang (@mayangnm) ketua Semesta Literasi seumur hidup dan ka Dwi Setiawan (@sii.dwi) tentang Bagaimana Semesta (@semesta.literasi) terbentuk tanpa visi, dan bagaimana proses kerja (tanpa agenda kerja) berjalan 5 tahun menjaga kewarasan. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotif…
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Teman kami, Raga Wang masuk rumah sakit karena Covid-19 dan kini dia berbagi ceritanya bareng kita.--- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nyimpang/message
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Feminisme Membuat Saya Berani Menangis Ditulis oleh M. Syamsul (@muhsyammm) | Dibacakan oleh M. Ridwan Hakim (@muhammadridwanhakim) Feminisme mestinya tidak hanya menolong perempuan dan laki-laki dalam konteks yang berat seperti halnya dalam kotak sosial-politik dan ekonomi. Yang melulu berbicara bahwa perempuan berhak menjadi pemimpin dan lain seb…
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Lee Gutkind is the founder and editor of Creative Nonfiction, and teaches in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University. His memoir, My Last Eight Thousand Days: An American Man in His Seventies, was published by Georgia University Press. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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Ditulis oleh Fredelida Gamboa (@fredelidagm) | Dibacakan oleh Tamara Setiyani (@que.en_aya). Ketika perempuan mencoba membicarakan pengalaman ketubuhan dan pikirannya, jangankan diberi respons, didengar pun tidak. Pengalaman perempuan sering kali dihilangkan, tidak diakui dan dianggap tidak revelan. Faktanya pengalaman bagi perempuan adalah sumber …
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Ditulis oleh Ahmad Farid (@kangparid) | Dibacakan oleh Tamara Setiyani (@que.en_aya) . Tadinyalah saya mau menulis kencan-kencan saya yang menyenangkan dengan seseorang, untuk menghibur diri di tengah masa PSBB kemarin. Apa boleh buat, new normal sudah datang dan kami keburu putus. Sudah tidak nyaman meneruskan tulisan itu sebagaimana rencana awaln…
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Surat terbuka untuk seorang Rakanda yang Bawa-bawa "Janda" di posternya. Ditulis oleh Yayu Nurhasanah (@owyay) | Dibacakan oleh Ria Rahmita Sari (@riarahmitasari . Kami harap, dengan adanya surat ini bisa menjadi titik terang bahwa, derajat seseorang tidak akan naik hanya karena melihat orang lain atas dasar statusnya. Mungkin kedepannya, semua pel…
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Yang Luput Diingat Dari Hari Santri Nasional Ditulis oleh Yayu NH (@owyay) | Dibacakan oleh M. Ridwan Hakim (@muhammadridwanhakim) Hari Santri Nasional yang diperingati setiap tanggal 22 Oktober selalu menyisakan euforia yang luar biasa, orang-orang memasang twibbon dan mengunggah foto-foto saat nostalgia di Pesantren, tapi apa yang sebenarnya tida…
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Mahasiswa Perlu Kritis, Bukan Cuma Nilai Akademis dan Eksis saja oleh Dwi Setiawan(@sii.dwi) | Dibacakan oleh Jojon (@oh_jojonn) Jadi Mahasiswa bukan seonggok daging yang selalu mengiyakan apa yang dosen katakan. Protes itu wajar dan diskusi itu wajib. Begitulah cara kesadaran kritis hidup. Bisa dibaca: https://nyimpang.com/mahasiswa-perlu-kritis-b…
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Yang Layak Memimpin Konoha Setelah Naruto Ditulis oleh Faizol Yuhri (@f.yuhri) | Dibacakan oleh M. Ridwan Hakim (@muhammadridwanhakim) Di awal kepemimpinan Naruto, banyak rakyat teriak, kok penjahat kemanusiaan seperti Orochimaru dan Kabuto dirangkul kembali. Ditangkap atau diadili pun tidak. Berapa ribu orang korban kejahatan kemanusiaan mereka be…
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How are you grown men ok with people just disrespecting you or your people your around. Open your mouth & act like a grown ass man!
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People to comfortable being broke & stuck to old grow up.! 🤑
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Novelist and Institute Fellow Ben Taylor talks about Here We Are, a memoir of his friendship with Philip Roth. Taylor is the author of two previous memoirs--Naples Declared: A Walk Around the Bay, and The Hue and Cry in Our House, which received the 2018 Los Angeles Times/Christopher Isherwood Prize. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphon…
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In addition to three collections of poetry, NYIH fellow Honor Moore is the author of several celebrated works of nonfiction, including The White Blackbird: A Life of the Painter Margaret Singer by Her Granddaughter and The Bishop's Daughter, a memoir of her father. Her newest book is Our Revolution: A Mother and Daughter Mid-Century. Here, she talk…
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Biographer Benjamin Moser talks with Robert Boynton about the making of his 2019 biography of Susan Sontag, which was awarded to Pulitizer Prize. Moser’s previous book, a biography of the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector, was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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7 - Az ígéret szép szó! Ezt az adást a járványhelyzetre való tekintettel most kívételesen nem a stúdióban vettük fel, hanem mindenki otthonról... Mint egyébként eddig mindig. :) Az eredeti hármas karanténban és a C19 szorításában. Jó szórakozást! Trailerek Capone Sea Fever Bad Education Greenland Extraction (Making of The Oner) Témák C19: Shadowed …
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This episode pays tribute to longtime fellow Deirdre Bair, who passed away on April 18, 2020. The author of six biographies and two memoirs, Bair received the National Book Award for her 1978 biography of Samuel Beckett. At a January 2020 NYIH luncheon, she discussed her final book, Parisian Lives: Samuel Beckett, Simone de Beauvoir, and Me: A Memo…
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Poet and NYIH Fellow Peter Filkins talks with Eric Banks about his exceptional involvement with the work of H.G. Adler, the Holocaust survivor who authored definitive fictional and ethnographic portraits of life in the camps. In 2019 Filkins published his biography of this extraordinary figure, a book that was preceded by his translation of the nov…
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This episode is about me giving you a little preview on a couple of my past experiences with unprofessional black businesses and I’m sick of it.
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NYIH Fellow Josh-Jelly-Schapiro is a geographer and writer whose last book, Island People, explored the Caribbean in all its complexities. On the occasion of Mardi Gras, he sat down with us to talk about New Orleans’s deep Caribbean roots. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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NYIH Fellow Clifford Thompson joins us to discuss his latest book, written in the aftermath of the 2016 election, What It Is: Race, Family, and One Thinking Black Man’s Blues (Other Press). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由New York Institute for the Humanities
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Celebrated memoirist and critic (and NYIH fellow) Vivian Gornick discusses her newest book, Unfinished Business: Notes of a Chronic Re-reader, and tells us what she learned when she revisited the works that nourished her at different points in her life. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices…
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André Aciman's 2007 novel Call Me By Your Name was the rare work of literary fiction that managed to develop an especially enthusiastic following, particularly in the wake of the recent film adaptation. With his recent novel Find Me, Aciman revisited the protagonists of his earlier work. A longtime fellow of the Institute, Aciman spoke to us about …
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This episode is about some creep shit that needs to stop. Stop being a creepy thirsty nigga.
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8 - Tovább számolunk össze-visszafelé egy új évben, az eredeti hármasként beszélgetünk Star Warsról és egyebekről... Premierek Bad Boys for Life Dolittle Judy Trailerek Tenet A Quiet Place - Part 2 The New Mutants Morbius Témák A Star Wars jövője Filmmaker Mode a TV-kben Az Irishman trükkje Oscar és egyebek Láttuk Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker The M…
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Happy Fucking New Year! Don’t talk about it be about it.
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Robert Boynton talks with Eliza Griswold, poet and author of Amity and Prosperity: One Family and the Fracturing of America, which won the Pulitzer Prize for General Nonfiction in 2019. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices由New York Institute for the Humanities
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This episode is speaking on how people need to stop being miserable, jealous and also hating other people for their success and their growth & it does not cost to be mean and nobody wants to be around a miserable person.!
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9 - Fantasztikus trailerdömping, Jumanji és reboot-folytatás megfejtés Wayne-el. Premierek Jumanji: The Next Level Trailerek Mulan 6 Underground No Time To Die The Call of the WIld Togo Black Widow Wonder Woman 1984 Ghostbusters: Afterlife Témák Tim Miller a Dark Fate-ről Robocop Returns Jumanji világa Láttuk For All Mankind The Movies That Made Us…
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Patrick Radden Keefe on "Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland"
New Yorker staff writer Patrick Radden Keefe is the author of Say Nothing: A True Story of Murder and Memory in Northern Ireland, a New York Times Bestseller, winner of the 2019 Orwell Prize for Political Writing, and one of the 10 Best Books of 2019” according to both The New York Times and The Washington Post. In this episode, he talks with Melan…
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10 - Drámaian hosszú szünet után térünk vissza Humannel kettesben, hogy kibeszéljük végre az elmaradt dolgokat. Premierek The Irishman Valan Trailerek Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Jungle Cruise Bad Boys for Life The Invisible Man Soul The Banker Témák Deepfake kerekasztal Filmek felpörgetve Láttuk The Mandalorian Ford v Ferrari Gemini Man Joker…
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Lawrence "Ren" Weschler is the former director of the New York Institute for the Humanities and a two-time winner of the George Polk Award and won the 2007 National Book Critics Circle award for criticism. In this episode, Weschler describes the extraordinary and taxing story behind the writing of his most recent book, a biographical memoir of his …
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11 - Ismét jelentkezünk, mert volt mit nézni a moziban. :) Wayne és Queue segítségével elemezzük a CGI színészekkel tarkított jövőt, azt hogy kit érdekel a Joker vagy a Rambo és egyéb érdekes dolgokat... Premierek Joker Trailerek Uncut Gems El camino Motherless Brooklyn The Irishman Ford v Ferrari Midway Doctor Sleep Kisfilmek a nagyvilágból Battle…
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12 - Indul az epikus visszaszámlálás, rögtön az eredeti trió részvételével akiktől kicsit megkésve érkezik a tartalom és a Hollywood kritika, de van egy friss trailer is! :) Premierek Az - Második fejezet Trailerek Bad Boys for Life Underwater Joker Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker The Mandalorian Témák Obi-Wan Kenobi sorozat! Matrix folytatás Póke…
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Éjszakai, kissé lassú merülés Queue-val és két filmmel. A végén meg még kérdésünk is van. Premierek Angry Birds 2. Trailerek Star Trek: Picard Cats Jojo Rabbit Drakulics elvtárs 47 meters down: Uncaged Tenet teaser Témák Stallone nem tud leállni és a többiek sem és miért? Láttuk Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw Red Sea Diving Resort…
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Nyaralás után, a ComicCon traileresőből szemezgetve, Lisztessel három filmet is megnéztünk. Premierek Fast & Furious presents: Hobbs & Shaw Red Sea Diving Resort Trailerek The Witcher The Irishman Watchmen The Hunt Top Gun: Maverick 1917 Gemini Man Témák Edward Furlong mint John Connor? A Kill Bill 3. is lehet az utolsó? Az Orosz Chernobyl-sorozat …
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di episode 3 ini dhio & Jalu membahas soal musik bersama goco lowdick, dari awal karir goco bermusik hingga membahas bermusik di indonesia
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di episode kedua ini dhio & jalu membahas tentang Sosial media dari awal mengenal sosial media hingga dampak posif dan negatif dari sebuah Sosial media bersama dadan
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Sziasztok! Miután a héten nyaralok, úgy gondoltam, hogy rádiócsend helyett meghallgathatjátok végre a GeekSzer második, -még június elején felvett- adását, amiben Janival és Wayne-el Tesla és Apple tematika mentén értekeztünk kicsit. Nekünk jó volt. Reméljük nektek is tetszeni fog.由Human Insect, Ujváry Béla, Varga Zsolt
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