Dennis’s weekly thoughts and timeless wisdom by a crackling fire.
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Dennis Prager is one of the most respected and influential thinkers, writers, and speakers in America. Each day, he tackles topics of politics, faith, and culture with ease and expertise. His motto is, "I prefer clarity to agreement.” He is deeply passionate about preserving America, the West, and the Judeo-Christian value system. You can also watch Dennis Prager on Salem News Channel
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Unabhängige Experten besprechen die großen Fragen unserer Zeit. Unverfälscht. Im Originalton.
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Politische Entscheidungen verändern unser Leben. Mal ist uns das sofort klar. Mal verstehen wir es erst hinterher. Im Podcast "Die Entscheidung" nehmen sich die Hosts Christine Auerbach und Jasmin Brock jeden Monat eine solche Entscheidung vor und fragen: Was ist damals passiert? Wie prägt diese Entscheidung unser Leben bis heute? Sie suchen die Geschichten hinter den Entscheidungen, befragen Menschen, die man noch nicht so oft dazu gehört hat. "Die Entscheidung" ist ein Podcast für alle, di ...
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5-Minute Videos are the flagship viral product that put PragerU on the map. They take the best ideas from the best minds and distill them into five focused minutes. Listen to hundreds of 5-Minute Videos to get reliable, truthful information about politics, economics, history, and America. These educational, entertaining videos, which are Judeo-Christian at their core and promote the values of liberty, economic freedom, and limited government, have been changing the hearts and minds of millio ...
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We, at Pragathi Dental the Best Dental Clinic have well-trained dentists who have immense experience in managing a wide range of dental problems and also preventing them.
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Radio Prague International - latest broadcast in English
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Elke week fileert de crew het belangrijkste nieuws uit de gamewereld, LIVE via Twitch en YouTube.
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Мы исследуем повседневность — в прошлом и настоящем, российскую и не только. Нас интересует то, как люди живут, и то, что они для себя выбирают как поприще, как цель или как миф. К разговору на эту тему мы приглашаем ученых и практиков, готовых обсуждать ее на своем материале.
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последние статьи на русском языке
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Radio Prague International - последний выпуск нашей программы на русском языке
Radio Prague International
Radio Prague International - последний выпуск нашей программы на русском языке
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Radio Prague International - Topic «Politics»
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Pragmatism in Practice addresses the challenges facing today’s digital leaders and gives practical approaches to overcoming them. We have candid conversations with a range of inspiring change-makers who share stories of becoming a modern digital business. 334660
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Radio Prague International - aktuelle Sendung auf Deutsch
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Radio Prague International - Thema «Geschichte»
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Radio Prague International - Thema «Gesellschaft»
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Radio Prague International - Thema «Tschechischkurs»
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Radio Prague International - actuales emisiones en espaňol
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Radio Prague International - Topic «History»
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neueste Artikel in deutscher Sprache
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all the Latest Articles in English
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Pragmatic is a discussion show contemplating the practical application of technology. Exploring the real world trade offs we look at how great ideas are transformed into products and services that can change our lives. Nothing is as simple as it seems.
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Radio Prague International - diffusion actuelle en français
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The Pragmatic Paranormal Podcast takes a practical view and approach to Paranormal and Supernatural Phenomenon, because sometimes ” THE TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.”
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A value investing podcast. Antipodes is an active global equities investment manager, with offices in Sydney and London. Hear from the Antipodes team and other external thought leaders as they deliver investment updates and share perspectives on companies, macroeconomic trends and investment opportunities across the globe.
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Welcome to PragMed. A podcast hosted by medics for medics. We talk about everything from best practice prehospital medicine to coffee. We are not the average clinical health podcast that pretends to know it all, we find the experts and ask them what they feel is best for prehospital medicine. We hope that you not only enjoy but contribute to the discussion and grow with us together. No topic is off the table, and we only ask that you be respectful of another. Otherwise, grab a cup of coffee ...
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Pragmastick, c'est le podcast qui réunit des joueurs autour d'un jeu vidéo choisi à l'avance. Chaque mois, nos compères s'attablent et discutent de leur ressenti autour du jeu, et échangent pendant plus ou moins une heure, parfois avec mauvaise foi, souvent avec passion. Retrouvez Pragmastick sur podCloud, Itunes, Deezer et Spotify sur
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Welcome to the official page for the PragueCast - a podcast produced by students at New York University in Prague. Follow us for regular editions covering everything from Czech politics to lifestyle, culture, history, and more!
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Podcast by dawi
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London’s Leading Relationship Consultancy for sophisticated Singles & Couples sharing in-depth, success proven strategies.
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Hello listeners! Let me share my experiences and observations of living and working in Prague for almost 20 years. If you're a Czech listener who would like to practise your listening skills in English, then these podcasts are especially for you. I'll be speaking slowly and clearly in a gentle English accent, and all the topics in the podcasts are covered in my blog articles - see link to my website below. Each article has a glossary where the key words are explained in simple English or tra ...
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Breath of Pragma is a faith-based organization dedicated to promoting a better life, The breath of Pragma life!
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Przez ponad 10 lat w branży software developmentu widzieliśmy więcej niż niejeden podczas całej swojej kariery. Mówimy o programowaniu, transformacjach, zwinności... W każdym odcinku, w nie więcej niż 20 minut dzielimy się doświadczeniami pracy w okopie. Szukasz praktycznego punktu widzenia? Czas na pragmatyzm w IT!
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A city is more than just a location - it's a kaleidoscope of history, places, people and trends. This podcast looks at Prague, in the center of Europe, from a number of perspectives, including what it is now, what is has been and where it's going. It's Prague THEN, Prague NOW, Prague LATER.
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The husband and wife team behind Pragmatic Digital share insights on how to navigate the modern digital marketing landscape.
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Podcast by The Prague Vitruvius
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Radio Prague International - aktuální vysílání v češtině
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Czego pragną dziewczyny? Walczyć o równe płace, decydować o swojej seksualności, mówić głośno o tym, co nie podoba im się (i podoba!) w social mediach, polityce i kulturze. "Czego pragną dziewczyny?" to podcast o tym, co jest ważne dla współczesnych młodych kobiet, widziane z ich perspektywy. Co tydzień Martyna Wyrzykowska, redaktorka naczelna, spotyka się z dziewczynami - ekspertkami w swoich dziedzinach, by odpowiedzieć na tytułowe pytanie.
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We are CreativeMornings Prague. Our goal is to inspire, to take people out of their daily routine and wake them up, differently, creatively and with love. No matter what field you are in, come to find interesting topics from different perspectives. We serve monthly food for thought, breakfast included. So set your alarm, make space in the calendar and come on down!
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Get intimate and vulnerable with Dr. Singh and her guests talking about topics ranging from sexual health, mental health, relationships, and more.
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Radio Prague International - Topic «Czech language course»
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Taste of Prague podcast is a podcast about two things we love: travel and food. And it’s about travel and food in two places we love: Prague… and everywhere else.
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Negócios, marketing e desenvolvimento pessoal. Max conta o que aprendeu criando 4 empresas diferentes de mais de R$10 milhões de reais, escrevendo mais de 1 milhão de palavras e sendo um atleta profissional.
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The Pragmatic CSO podcast is a wide ranging discussion of information security topics, anchored by the 12-step Pragmatic CSO methodology to help security practitioners become more relevant in business operations.
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Ipnosi, psicoterapia sistemica, mente, coscienza, apprendimento individuale, di gruppo e organizzativo, neurolinguistica, spiritualità, psicoterapia transpersonale, costellazioni… due psicologi, Ennio Martignago e Marco Chisotti oggi si confrontano su…
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Take a step back from noisy political debates and tune in to rich conversations on India and the world. The Pragati Podcast is a weekly talkshow on public policy, economics and international relations. Science-geek-turned-policy-wonk Pavan Srinath talks to scholars and experts on everything from India's unique genetics to why China isn't really trying to take over the world. New episodes out every Thursday. The Pragati Podcast is the titular podcast of the online magazine Pragati, and has a ...
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Der in Prag geborene israelische Historiker und renommierte Holocaust-Forscher Yehuda Bauer ist am 18. Oktober im Alter von 98 Jahren in Jerusalem gestorben.
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Jennifer Horn guest hosts for Dennis… As close as the margins are in the House and the Senate is it wise to pull elected representatives and senators from the House and the Senators to fill Cabinet posts?… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every sin…
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Una periodista en las cárceles rusas: “La violencia psicológica es enorme”. Marco Berger: “Si tengo que filmar una película con sexo explícito, no me quitará el sueño”.
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News; pensions increased for anti-communist dissidents; skeletons of three mammoths discovered in Brno; Alsu Kurmasheva on her nine-month detention in Russia.
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Libérée par la Russie, la journaliste Alsu Kurmasheva de retour à Prague – Valorisation des retraites des opposants à l’ancien régime communiste
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In Tschechien gibt es einen Mangel an studierten Arbeitskräften. Das Bildungsministerium hat nun einen Plan vorgelegt, um das zu ändern. Fachhochschulen sollen eine gezielte und effektive berufliche Weiterbildung in Kurzstudienprogrammen anbieten.
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In Tschechien gibt es einen Mangel an studierten Arbeitskräften. Das Bildungsministerium hat nun einen Plan vorgelegt, um das zu ändern. Fachhochschulen sollen eine gezielte und effektive berufliche Weiterbildung in Kurzstudienprogrammen anbieten.
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Rentenkürzungen für ehemalige kommunistische Funktionäre, Kurzprogramme an Fachhochschulen sollen Arbeitskräftemangel beheben, Gustav Mahlers Geburtsstadt Kaliště
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Bei Hunderten von Menschen, die während des kommunistischen Regimes verfolgt wurden, hat Tschechien nun die Altersbezüge aufgestockt. Gekürzt wurden dagegen die Renten einiger früherer kommunistischer Funktionäre.
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“Now I Feel Safe”: Prague-based journalist speaks to Czech Radio after nine months in Russian detention
Alsu Kurmasheva, a Russian-American Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist, was released in a landmark prisoner exchange in August, following nine months in Russian detention. The mother of two was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison on charges of spreading false information about the Russian military. On August 1, she was finally reunited with he…
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“Now I Feel Safe”: Prague-based journalist speaks to Czech Radio after nine months in Russian detention
Alsu Kurmasheva, a Russian-American Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalist, was released in a landmark prisoner exchange in August, following nine months in Russian detention. The mother of two was sentenced to 6.5 years in prison on charges of spreading false information about the Russian military. On August 1, she was finally reunited with he…
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Archaeologists from the Moravian city of Brno have reported an unprecedented discovery. During a rescue excavation in the broader city center, they unearthed the bones of at least three mammoths, alongside remains from other animals. They also discovered tools from prehistoric people who hunted these animals approximately 15,000 years ago.…
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Archaeologists from the Moravian city of Brno have reported an unprecedented discovery. During a rescue excavation in the broader city center, they unearthed the bones of at least three mammoths, alongside remains from other animals. They also discovered tools from prehistoric people who hunted these animals approximately 15,000 years ago.…
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As the country approaches the 35th anniversary of Velvet Revolution of 1989, hundreds of dissidents have seen their income rise by an average of 4,400 Czech Crowns.
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As the country approaches the 35th anniversary of Velvet Revolution of 1989, hundreds of dissidents have seen their income rise by an average of 4,400 Czech Crowns.
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Czechia approaches the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution and end of Communism in 1989. To commemotrate the historic milestone, Freedom Week kicks off in Prague.
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Czechia approaches the anniversary of the Velvet Revolution and end of Communism in 1989. To commemotrate the historic milestone, Freedom Week kicks off in Prague.
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Лекция 4. Ч. 2. Курс «Тело и речь» Светлана Адоньева По определению Алфреда Шютца, объективность мира конструируется «переживаниями множества эго, вступающих в коммуникацию посредством своих тел». Для того, чтобы понять, как выглядит наш жизненный мир, мы посмотрим, как тело и речь работают вместе над его созиданием. Привлекая феноменологическую «о…
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Autorin Sineb El Masrar über die Ursachen des Islamismus: Auch die muslimischen Familien tragen Verantwortung. Ein Podcast vom Pragmaticus. Das Thema: An der Ausbreitung des Islamismus seien Medien wie muslimische Gemeinden nicht ganz unschuldig, sagt Sineb El Masrar. Da die Medien dem Islamismus Reichweite geben, weil er interessant für sie ist un…
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Today is Veterans Day. Our veterans can feel good that they have defended the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. We almost lost it… Donald Trump did great in counties on the Texas Mexico borders. He flipped them from Democrat to Republican… Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show…
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In this episode, Aaron and Jason sit down with Cory from Ordinary Ops Medic and discuss whether EMS is a career, profession, or both. All three of us have different thoughts or opinions and those opinions hopefully get you to think differently. We can all agree that EMS needs a massive mindset shift and we hope that this episode gets you to think a…
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An diesem Montag beginnt in Vimperk / Winterberg das Festival „Šumava Litera“. Über die 10. Auflage hat Martina Schneibergová mit dem Programmdirektor und Schriftsteller Martin Sichinger gesprochen.
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News; Freedom Week to commemorate 35th anniversary of Velvet Revolution; St. Martin's Day in Czechia; Adam Stewart on Cimrman plays.
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Avec une nouvelle direction, les Pirates tchèques se veulent plus libéraux et centristes que jamais - Soirée française au Rudolfinum, avec Massenet, Bizet et Duparc pour un programme inédit - « Mes étudiants à Dijon sont curieux, car l’Europe centrale est négligée dans les cours d’histoire en France »…
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Die tschechische Piratenpartei hat einen neuen Vorsitzenden. Zdeněk Hřib will die Partei in der politischen Landschaft neu positionieren. Das hat bereits einige Austritte zur Folge.
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Personeller Wechsel an der Spitze der Piratenpartei, Literaturfestival Šumava Litera beginnt, Nikolaikirche in Hradec Králové
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Las mujeres de República Checa podrán donar óvulos sólo seis veces en la vida. Chequia estrena el mayor centro logístico de toda Europa. El Museo Nacional de Praga celebra la obra maestra de Bedřich Smetana en el bicentenario de su nacimiento. Escarabajos mexicanos inundan la Praga de Kafka.
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November 11th is the feast day of St. Martin in the Christian calendar, a day that brings with it a variety of traditions in Czechia. Most notable among these is a particularly hearty meal, consisting of roast goose, cabbage and dumplings. Danny Bate paid a visit to one Prague pub especially renowned for its St. Martin’s goose, and spoke to some of…
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Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, Abraham and the 12 Tribes of Israel, Joseph and his coat of many colors—these are some of the greatest stories of the Book of Genesis. Dennis Prager, author of The Rational Bible, explains why they still mean so much to us today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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Dennis and Julie react to Trump’s big victory… aside from being happy, Dennis’ overwhelming feeling was relief, and Julie felt optimistic about the future of the country. The 2024 election was an indictment of the Left and the legacy media. Praise God for Elon Musk purchasing Twitter. What is this disdain that people on the Left have for people on …
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« Franz Kafka est mon ancêtre », ou l’étonnante histoire de l’ancien rugbyman Martin Kafka - Le tchèque du bout de la langue : « Apprendre le tchèque, c’était une évidence et une marque de respect »
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Podcast „Sechsmal Tschechien“: Religion und Säkularisierung in Tschechien
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Czech-American community is as divided by the US presidential election as the rest of the country. We bring you 2 interviews from both sides of the diviide.
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Der dritte Teil der zweiten Staffel „Sechsmal Tschechien“ beschäftigt sich mit der Religion und Säkularisierung in der tschechischen Gesellschaft.
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Der dritte Teil der zweiten Staffel „Sechsmal Tschechien“ beschäftigt sich mit der Religion und Säkularisierung in der tschechischen Gesellschaft.
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Хотя сегодня Пршибенице – лишь руины на речном берегу, некогда это была одна из крупнейших крепостей, возведенных аристократами Южной Чехии. В эпоху гуситских войн Пршибенице противостояла воинственному Табору, и здесь Ян Жижка пленил адамитов, исповедовавших свободу и наготу.
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Tuesday turned out to be a glorious day for conservatives. How do external events effect your happiness? Callers have stories. Thanks for listening to the Daily Dennis Prager Podcast. To hear the entire three hours of my radio show as a podcast, commercial-free every single day, become a member of Pragertopia. You’ll also get access to 15 years’ wo…
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News; Czech FM Lipavský on future US foreign policy; Col. Jonathan Kitson on his diplomatic work and Poppy Appeal; CU Rector Milena Králíčková on US collaboration.
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"Histoires de l'injustice" dans les écoles - Revue de presse
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Песня XXXV, или «Разговор книгопродавцев с поэтом». У разбитого корыта Григорий решает попробовать себя на литературном поприще. Сочиненные ранее стихи и песни собраны в папку, и автор отправляется по издательствам. Ничего в мире не изменилось для начинающих поэтов за сто лет. Издатели читают рукопись, даже хвалят, но вкладывать собственные средств…
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Menü fürs Martinsfest, Festival „Janáček Brno“, Tschechisch-Kurs, Freier Radiobund
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Mit den Hippies auf dem Mond: „Die Ausflüge des Herrn Brouček“ eröffnen Festival „Janáček Brno“
Mit einer Neuproduktion der Oper „Die Ausflüge des Herrn Brouček“ wurde vor einer Woche das Festival „Janáček Brno“ eröffnet.
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Пражский Институт клинической и экспериментальной медицины, IKEM, являющийся крупнейшим в стране трансплантационным центром, создал особый информационный сайт, разъясняющий всю важность и жизненную необходимость программы по пересадке органов.
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