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Hosted by Susan Paget - a midlife coach, speaker and author. IMPORTANT - The podcast is no longer on Blogtalk. Find me over at iTunes or come to my website at thechangeguru for the new link. Thanks for your awesome support Blogtalk - onward!
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Elgin Bailey

Everything I thought I wanted, and most of needed to know, I found between the pages. Who I am as a prevention specialist, a veteran, a community activist, an older brother, a father, a husband, a family, a Black man, was a host of life happening and me emerging at different points in different ways. What gave me language for what was happening, what I was experiencing, and who I was and am becoming? The pages. The pages give me language. The pages make things make sense. Come and turn life’ ...
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show series
Season 4 of the Pageturners continues with a highly recommended and much-needed text "Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power". Power, in the phrase buying power, is not what economists consider when assessing the economic health of a group or country. Buying power is not wealth, it cannot be invested at will and used to create more for its inves…
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Season 4 of the Pageturners continues with a highly recommended and much-needed text "Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power". Power, in the phrase buying power, is not what economists consider when assessing the economic health of a group or country. Buying power is not wealth, it cannot be invested at will and used to create more for its inves…
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The myth of Black buying power is dismantled by taking primarily two lines of argumentation: (a) as an issue born of a media environment itself well suited to the transmission of propaganda and, (b) as an issue of economics, or economics reporting, where substantive research and data on the economic condition of Black people is supplanted by more s…
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For generations, Black people have been told they have what is now said to be more than one trillion dollars of "buying power," reading Dr. Ball's work, we come to see that is a flat-out lie. Dr. Jared Ball writes...."Black people are not poor for having missed out on previous opportunities, or by choosing today, out of some form of cultural deform…
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Season 4 of the Pageturners kicks off with a highly recommended and much need text "Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power". In this episode, we dive right in, with a bio on the author Dr. Jared A. Ball, and proceed right into the text. For generations, Black people have been told they have what is now said to be more than one trillion dollars o…
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This episode begins with the host Elgin Bailey, expressing his frustration about others profiting off of Black folk's creative and intellectual properties. His decision to make a move that will protect and incentives his creative and intellectual properties. A change is coming. Season 3 continues with episode 5 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in th…
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Season 3 continues with episode 4 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond On EPISODE 4, we close out chapter 8, and part 1 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and start Part 2 "OUT", chapter 9 "Order some carryout" #books #Literacy #Racialliteracy #evictedbook #matthewdesmond --- Support this podca…
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Season 3 continues with episode 3 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond On EPISODE 9, we continue chapter 8 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text "Christmas in Romm 400", we discuss further landlord Sherrena, and her tenant, Arleen. #books #Literacy #Racialliteracy #evi…
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Season 3 continues with episode 2 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond On EPISODE 9, we begin chapter 8 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text "Christmas in Romm 400", we meet landlord Sherrena, and her tenant, Arleen. #books #Literacy #Racialliteracy #evictedbook #matt…
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Season 3 premiere continues with episode 1 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond On EPISODE 9, we finish chapter 7 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text "The Sick", we meet Scott the homosexual drug addict former Nurse and Teddy the homeless sickly hillbilly. #books #Li…
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Everything I thought I wanted, and most of needed to know, I found between the pages. Who I am as a prevention specialist, a veteran, a community activist, an older brother, a father, a husband, a family, a Black man, was a host of life happening and me emerging at different points in different ways. What gave me language for what was happening, wh…
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Zu Gast: Lukas Hainer. Autor, Musiker und Textdichter - Wobei textdichten nichts mit klassischer Lyrik zu tun hat. Vielmehr schreibt Lukas Songs. Auch für Superstars wie Helene Fischer. Sogar bei einem ihrer bekanntesten Lieder hatte Lukas seine Finger mit im Spiel. Darüber und natürlich auch über seinen neuesten Jugendroman „Nightrunner“ spricht L…
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Zu Gast: Ulf-Andre Thur. Justizvollzugsbeamter. Was der mit Büchern zu tun hat? Jede Menge!!! Er kümmert sich nämlich mit so viel Einsatz um die Bibliothek in der Jugendarrestanstalt, dass er für sein Engagement sogar schon ausgezeichnet wurde. Gemeinsam mit Inaiê geht es in dieser Folge um Sarah Crossans neuesten Roman, "Wer ist Edward Moon?". Ein…
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Zu Gast: Elisa Daum. Sie ist Pressereferentin beim Piper Verlag und hat einen absoluten Erfolgsroman aus England mitgebracht: „The One – Finde dein perfektes Match“ von John Marrs. Und auch Inaiê ist durchaus begeistert von dem Roman über Liebe, der aber kein Liebesroman ist! Stell dir vor, es gibt eine Möglichkeit deinen Seelenverwandten ganz einf…
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Zu Gast: Mareike Fallwickl. Autorin, Texterin, Buchbloggerin und ganz wichtig: Zweifachmama! Denn in der neuesten Folge spricht sie mit Inaiê über den Roman „Fake“ von Frank Rudkoffsky in dem es auch um das Elternsein geht. Schonungslos und manchmal erschreckend ehrlich beschreibt Rudkoffsky wie es mit einem Schreibaby ist, was ein ungeplantes aber…
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Zu Gast: Menschen aus der Buchwelt und Menschen. In dieser Spezialfolge hat Inaiê sich viele gute Buchempfehlungen geben lassen. Für unter den Baum oder auch einfach so. Aktuelles, Klassisches, Krimiges, Fantastisches, Lustiges, Weihnachtliches und für die Kleinsten ist auch was mit dabei. Einmal Querbeet bitte! Die Empfehlungen: Siegrfried Lenz – …
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Zu Gast: Judith von Loeffelholz. Zur Zeit in Babypause war sie die Presseleitung beim Loewe Verlag und wird bald wieder in ihren alten Job zurückkehren. Dann allerdings beim Magellan Verlag. Zusammen mit Journalistin Inaiê spricht Judith über Seth Frieds Zukunfts-Roman "Der Metropolist". Darin geht es um „die ohne Frage großartigste (Stadt) Amerika…
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Zu Gast: Der wirklich junge Jungautor Colin Hadler. Mit grade mal 17 Jahren veröffentlicht der mittlerweile fast schon 18jährige seinen ersten Roman: "Hinterm Hasen lauert er". Mit ihm spricht Journalistin Inaiê Macedo über den Debütroman des Jungautoren, wie er noch vor dem Abi darauf kam Bücher zu schreiben - denn der zweite Roman ist auch schon …
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On episode 10, I discussed an article from The New Republic, titled "The New American Homeless" I was discussing a Black single mother of 6, who fled an abusive marriage, who while living in a dilapidated 3 bedroom house, with the rent of $950 per month NOT INCLUDING utilities, while making $9 per hour.............received a notice that at the end …
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Zu Gast: "Jung"-Autor Kai Wieland, der mit seinem Debütroman "Amerika" die Kritiker begeistert! Journalistin Inaiê Macedo spricht mit Kai Wieland in der aktuellen Folge "Pageturner" über den neuesten Roman von Ian McEwan, "Maschinen wie ich". Einer der bedeutendsten Autoren unserer Zeit. Unter anderem bekannt für sein Werk "Abbitte". In "Maschinen …
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Zu Gast: Krimistar und Bestsellerautorin Ursula Poznanski! Journalistin Inaiê Macedo spricht in der neuesten Folge "Pageturner" mit der Autorin über ihren aktuellen Thriller "Vanitas - Schwarz wie Erde". Der Auftakt einer Trilogie um Caroline Springer. Nachdem sie als Polizeispitzel aufgeflogen ist, muss sich die 35-jährige vor einem gefährlichen C…
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In der ersten Folge spricht Journalistin Inaiê Macedo über Tana Frenchs neuesten Roman "Der dunkle Garten". Zu Gast: Eine der erfolgreichsten Kinder- und Jugendbuchautorinnen Deutschlands, Isabel Abedi. Die findet den Roman klasse, während Inaiê sich mehr Krimi gewünscht hätte. Denn der mittlerweile siebte Roman der irischen Erfolgsautorin sticht a…
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Season 2 book study continues with episode 9 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond On EPISODE 9, we begin with chapter 7 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text "The Sick", we meet Scott the homosexual drug addict former Nurse and Teddy the homeless sickly hillbilly. #boo…
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We’re back!! Finally, after a long hiatus, we have picked up the microphone 🎤 again, and we are bringing the crew to you like you’ve never heard us before! Join us for our all new, reinvented podcast! This time, nothing is off the table for discussion...can you survive in the Tank or will you be food? Real Talk Radio presents: The Shark Tank 🦈 podc…
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We continue our book study of "Evicted" by Sociologist and award winning author Matthew Desmond. On EPISODE 7 we meet Doreen, her 4 children, and 3 grandchildren their dog Coco, living in a roach infested, powerless, and dilapidated home. We discussed the trickle down effect of choices made in poverty. #Evicted #matthewdesmond #poverty #books #Raci…
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Season 2 book study continues with episode 6 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew Desmond On EPISODE 6, we begin with chapter 5 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text and meet Arleen single Mother of 5, attempting to make it on $628 a month, while fighting chronic depression. #…
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Season 2 book study continues with episode 4 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew DesmondOn EPISODE 5, we finish chapter 3 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text with chapter 3 "Hot Water", we meet Lenny, Office Susie, Tobin Charney owner of the Trailer Park and some of the ten…
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Season 2 book study continues with episode 4 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew DesmondOn EPISODE 4, we begin with chapter 3 of "Evicted" by award-winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text with chapter 3 "Hot Water", we meet Lenny, Office Susie, Tobin Charney owner of the Trailer Park and some of the…
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Season 2 book study continues with episode 3 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew DesmondOn EPISODE 3, we begin with chapter 3 of "Evicted" by award winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text with chapter 3 of the book, where will see Lamar one of the tenant's attempting to create a peaceful and stable …
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Season 2 book study continues with episode 2 of "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew DesmondOn EPISODE 2, we begin with chapter 2 of "Evicted" by award winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text with chapter 2 of the book, where will see the struggles of landlords in low socio-economic poverty-stricken env…
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Season 2 IS HERE!!!!! Season 2 book study is "Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City" by Matthew DesmondOn EPISODE 1, we begin with an introduction of "Evicted" by award winning writer Matthew Desmond, and dive right into the text with the prologue of the book. #books#Literacy #Racialliteracy#evictedbook#matthewdesmond--- Support this pod…
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On episode 21 we finish up chapter 6 "Some Perspectives on Black Theology"'. of our current book study "Black Theology&Black Power", #BlackLiberationTheology #DrJamesCone #Bookstwitter: @elginbaileyemail: cashapp: elginbailey--- Support this podcast:…
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On episode 18 of The PageTurners podcast, we continue in chapter 4 of Black Theology and Black Power by the late great Dr. James H. Cone. Within this episode you will hear how the seeds of the prosperity gospel were planted, Black Christian slaves fight against white Christian theology, and so much more. #BlackLiberationTheology #DrJamesCone #Books…
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This episode we continue our book study of Black "Theology and Black Power" by the late great Dr. James H. Cone. We began this session reading with Chapter 4 "Black Church and Black Power". #BlackLiberation #Liberation #Books #JamesConetwitter: @elginbaileyemail: cashapp: elginbailey--- Support this podcast: https://podcast…
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On episode 16 we finish up chapter 3 "White Church and Black Power'. of our current book study "Black Theology&Black Power", #BlackLiberationTheology #DrJamesCone #Bookstwitter: @elginbaileyemail: cashapp: elginbailey--- Support this podcast:…
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On episode 15 of our current book study "Black Theology&Black Power", we continue chapter 3 "White Church and Black Power'. #BlackLiberationTheology #DrJamesCone #Bookstwitter: @elginbaileyemail: pageturnersbtm@gmail.comcashapp: elginbailey--- Support this podcast:…
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Episode 9 of our book study of Dr James H. Cone's brilliant and life changing work "Black Theology&Black Power". This episode we continue Chapter 2, highlighting "What is the gospel of Jesus?" and "Christ, Black Power, and Freedom".--- Support this podcast:…
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