Magda Cruz convida quem escreve, quem edita e quem lê livros. Escritores e editores, jornalistas e especialistas, estudantes e amantes de livros falam de livros e do impacto deles na vida. Os ouvidos podem ler? Neste podcast, é possível. Quinzenalmente às quartas-feiras.
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Sea Dios glorificado por la predicación de su bendita y santa Palabra. Contáctenos:
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“Passage, Paragraph, and Prayer” is a biweekly devotional podcast. Each episode consists of a passage from the Bible, a paragraph meditating on that passage, and a closing prayer. This podcast is produced by Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Winner, South Dakota.
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تاریخ مثل قصهست، قصهها کمک میکنند ما عمیقتر زندگی کنیم. من علیرضا بنیجانی هستم و اینجا از تاریخ حرف میزنم؛ از گذشتهای که اگه بدونیم میتونه حال و آیندهمون رو بهتر کنه. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Podcast-nya Para Geek dan Para Nerd
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Teens in Las vegas
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Parag Nesarikar
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Conversamos sobre las aspectos más curiosos que perciben los turistas desde el momento en que pisan la tierra Gauaraní.
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🎧 Experimenta con música y efectos de sonido todo lo relacionado con lo paranormal, y adéntrate en el mundo de lo desconocido. 📍Ciudad Juárez, Chih.
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A collection of podcasts covering all things paragliding including competitions, technique, meteorology, safety and XC flying
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Everyone has a story and wants to be the paragon of their lives. Join me in finding out what it means to be the paragon of your life with guest from different backgrounds and experiences!
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Nico Lithitx se mete en las entrañas del fútbol de Paraguay y nos trae toda la actualidad, el seguimiento de las figuras y el presente de la "Albirroja" en “futvox Paraguay”. Exclusivo de futvox, hablamos fútbol.
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Daryll Lynne Evans, Molly K. Martin, and James Stegall talk with authors on their writing craft, teaching, struggling through obstacles, and the joy of the writer's life.
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Storytelling | Poetry | Thoughts | Opinions | Interviews | Movie and TV Series Reviews | Discussions on Arts and Other Topics. Please Follow for some Awesome Short Podcasts. GENRE- Drama, Romance, Realism, Shorts, Reviews, Arts, Stories, Poetry. Narrated and Curated by Parag Dubey (Founder- Parag Dubey Productions)
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در هر قسمت از پاراگراف خیلی کوتاه در مورد موضوع روز بولتن صحبت میشود. پاراگراف دریچهای است برای ورود به موضوع روز بولتن.
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La comida es la parte grande de la cultura de Paraguay. Cover art photo provided by Damian Park Kim on Unsplash:
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Ein Podcast über die Geschichte und aktuelle Situation des Abtreibungsparagraphen in Deutschland und darüber hinaus. Eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Münzenberg Forum Berlin und dem historischen Zentrum der Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
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The Paragon Podcast provides an opportunity to gain insight and perspective from some of today's most talented leaders, consultants, and authors. We're brought to you by Paragon IT Professionals, an IT-focused Staffing and Technology Solutions firm serving the Midwest United States. If you're looking for your next great opportunity - or need to augment your staff to grow responsibly - give us a call and we'll crush the skills gap together. 515-288-2128.
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Este PodCast surgiu com a união de dois amigos que tinham imensa vontade de partilhar com o mundo as suas conversas informais que levavam a verdadeiras reflexões e também a verdadeiros momentos de humor. Com isso, juntaram-se e deram asas à sua imaginação intitulando o seu projeto de “Paragem de autocarro”. E porquê? Estarão vocês a questionar-se. Porque achamos que as nossas conversas poderão ser sobre qualquer coisa tal como acontece numa paragem de autocarro, ou até mesmo durante uma viag ...
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Social media puts many on a pedestal. 'Within the Paragon' strips off any preconceived ideas about social media icons. You'll see just how alike we are! It is always filmed in a relaxed setting with a beverage of choice . Best part--you never know who the guest will be but you will still get something out of it.
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Most of those who regularly attend New Life have been a long way from God at some point in our lives. We've been messed up, knocked down, passed out, ripped off, and broke. We've been addicted, disillusioned, hopeless, and desperate. Most of us have tried to fill the void in our lives with everything but the one Thing that was meant to fill it. God has led us together...and to hope. He has led us to community, spiritual growth, and peace. We have learned that He loves us just as we are, but ...
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Project Paragon is a New Orleans based podcast that was created to tackle the stigma of mental health in minority communities while also hitting on subjects pertaining to pop culture, relationships, sexual health, music, otaku culture and society as a whole. While we're here to have important conversations we are also here to uplift local content creators, small business owners, musicians and creatives alike as we establish a community of honest reflection and support but having a dope time ...
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Real podcasts for real pilots! Engaging interviews with the world's best paragliding pilots. Expect fun, to-the-point conversations with varying themes, for a motivating, uplifting & educational listening experience. Laugh, learn, be inspired and travel to all corners of the world in your head. Started in Cape Town as a Covid-19 lock-down project by Stef Juncker, owner of Parapax Paragliding ( and competition pilot for 23 years with +-17 000 accident-free flights. Enjoy, an ...
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The 5 Paragraph Essay - friend or enemy - or something else? Listen to two longtime educators discuss the history of, problems with, and ways to enhance the 5 paragraph essay with creative introductions. Cover art photo provided by Brad Neathery on Unsplash:
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A computer reads a paragraph of Herman Melville's seminal work, Moby Dick.
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Vliegen als een vogel. Voor veel mensen is het een droom. Paragliding (ook wel schermvliegen of parapenten genoemd) maakt die droom werkelijkheid! In de podcast vertellen piloten waarom deze sport zo belangrijk voor ze is. En geven ze tips en tricks om jou verder te helpen in de lucht. Heb je een leuk idee of ken je een piloot met een interessant verhaal? Stuur een e-mail naar: Fan van Vliegpraat? Doe een donatie! Zo kan ik de podcast in mijn vrije tijd blijven maken. https:// ...
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“If a lot of people love each other, the world would be a better place to live” – Tommy Wiseau. The world can be a menacing place sometimes. But amidst the chaos, there are a noble few who do try to spread the love. Join Anthony Mastromarini as he speaks with local charities and change-makers – the unspoken heroes – who are on a mission to make the world a better place to live. Tune into this feel-good podcast to see how small-scale compassion can lead to large-scale impact.
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Anne Marie Beggs is the author of ”A Bridge Between Two Me’s” which is now a global seller and tells her story of her journey over the last 17 years helping her clients with dyslexia.Anne Marie provides educational programs for both adults and children.I encourage creativity, discussion, critical thinking, understanding, and mastery. What is mastery? and what are students mastering They are mastering language: words, phrases, sentences paragraphs and ultimately books.Visit www.theparagraphch ...
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Predicador: Pr. Eduardo Benitez
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Predicador: Pr. Germán Vázquez
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Predicador: Pr. Germán Vázquez
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Psalm 119:100 concludes a string of three verses where the psalmist reflects on the outstanding effects of God’s word by listing three groups of people who cannot stand up to its wisdom. In this devotion, we consider how God’s word gives us more understanding than our elders, even those recognized for their wisdom. Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Ba…
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Even though it might not be very devotional content, at some point when talking about Noah’s ark, we have to talk about dinosaurs—both to satisfy human curiosity and to address the criticisms of skeptics. Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,” BWV 78 (Leipzig, 1724).…
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Predicador: Pr. Francisco Pintos
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Predicador: Pr. Germán Vázquez
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Predicador: Pr. Germán Vázquez
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Predicador: Pr. Germán Vázquez
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Psalm 119:99 continues a string of three verses where the psalmist reflects on the outstanding effects of God’s word by listing three groups of people who cannot stand up to its wisdom. In this devotion, we consider how God’s word gives us more wisdom and insight than our teachers, especially when they do not approach their subjects from a biblical…
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God commanded Noah to bring pairs of all the land creatures with him on the ark. But to enable him to fulfill that command, God also performed a miracle—which would be essentially the last sign and call to repentance for the rest of humanity. Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine …
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Predicador: Pr. Eduardo Benitez
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Predicador: Pr. Germán Vázquez
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8) Cap. 3 Párr 7 La Doctrina de la Predestinación, y su relación con la Prudencia y la Piedad
Predicador: Pr. Francisco Pintos
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Episódio 84 - Ricardo Araújo Pereira: “Gosto imenso de fazer a Mixórdia de Temáticas. Disse ao Pedro Ribeiro que talvez me vá esforçar para voltar durante um período”
Encontramos o humorista Ricardo Araújo Pereira em todo o lado: está na televisão, nos jornais e livros e nessa nova forma de fazer rádio, o podcast. Passou vários anos a criar sketches para a rádio — e agora revela que equaciona voltar a acordar cedo para fazer a rubrica “Mixórdia de Temáticas”, na Rádio Comercial, durante um tempo. Em entrevista a…
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Psalm 119:98 begins a string of three verses where the psalmist reflects on the outstanding effects of God’s word by listing three groups of people who cannot stand up to its wisdom. In this devotion, we compare the wisdom God’s word gives to the wisdom of the Church’s enemies. Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Brandenburg Concerto, No…
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The Bible doesn’t record the history of Noah and his family just because they were the sole survivors of the Flood. There is another, even more important reason that Noah and his family figure prominently in the Scriptures. Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,” BWV 78 (Lei…
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Predicador: Pr. Francisco Pintos
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Predicador: Pr. Germán Vázquez
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Predicador: Pr. Francisco Pintos
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Episódio 83 - Filipa Fonseca Silva: «Eu não quis que “Admirável Mundo Verde” fosse um livro ativista. Quis que trouxesse essa conversa sobre crise climática e que o leitor tire as suas conclusões»
As políticas de Trump e a reversão de medidas pró-ambiente no primeiro mandato do Presidente dos EUA, bem como os incêndios devastadores na Austrália, foram a faísca para Filipa Fonseca Silva criar um livro em que se ergue um regime totalitário. As Brigadas Verdes punem todos os que não reciclam corretamente, baniram os carros que funcionam a combu…
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A really good novel or well-written essay can give you food for thought for weeks or even months, but only God’s word gives you subject matter you can muse on throughout the day, every day, no matter what else you may be doing. Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Brandenburg Concerto, No. 1, Movement 4…
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The construction assignment God gave Noah put him in a situation where he would have to testify about God’s word to his unbelieving neighbors. The commandments we have from God are really no different. We need God’s mercy and strength to fulfill them. Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der …
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روشنگری، جنبشی بود که عقل رو چراغ راه انسان کرد و مسیر گذر از نابالغی به بلوغ فکری رو نشون داد. تو این اپیزود، داستان شکلگیری این عصر طلایی رو میشنوید؛ از فیلسوفهایی که جرأت کردن سؤالهای بزرگ بپرسن تا ایدههایی که دنیای مدرن رو ساختن. منابع اصلی: Porter, Roy. The Enlightenment: The Pursuit of Happiness, 1680–1790. London: Penguin Books, 2000.; …
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Predicador: Pr. Eduardo Benitez
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7. Es Necesario que el Obispo Sea Prudente, Decoroso y Dueño de Sí Mismo - 1 Timoteo 3:2; Tito 1:8
Predicador: Mtro. Francisco Pintos
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Predicador: Mtro. Francisco Pintos
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In this devotion, we wrap up the twelfth stanza of Psalm 119 by considering the unexhausted and inexhaustible treasures lying there for everyone, of every age and ability, in God’s word. Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Brandenburg Concerto, No. 1, Movement 4由Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
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How could God say to Noah, “An end to all flesh has occurred to me,” and not include Noah and his family? How could Noah and his family be exempted from ”all flesh”? Perhaps more importantly, how do we exempt ourselves from the destruction that is coming on all flesh on the Last Day? Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen …
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Predicador: Pr. Eduardo Benitez
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Predicador: Mtro. Francisco Pintos
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Predicador: Mtro. Francisco Pintos
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Episódio 82: João Céu e Silva: «O Lobo Antunes, enquanto escritor, deixou de existir há três anos, deixou de escrever. A demência era notícia e tinha de estar na biografia»
Começou a carreira no Jornalismo na Política, mas quando esta deixou de o interessar, virou a agulha para a Cultura e há 25 anos que se dedica a ela. Entrevistou grandes escritores durante dezenas de horas, suportou o ego de muitos deles. Depois de oito longas viagens, João Céu e Silva publica uma versão aumentada de «Uma Longa Viagem com António L…
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The wicked love to lie in wait for the faithful and to trap them—to trap them doing wrong, or to trap them with questions they can’t answer. What is the solution for the faithful? Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Brandenburg Concerto, No. 1, Movement 4由Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
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As we read the description of the earth in Genesis 6:9–11, we can’t help but ask, “Is this describing life on earth more than 4,000 years ago, or life on earth today?” Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,” BWV 78 (Leipzig, 1724).…
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Predicador: Mtro. Francisco Pintos
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Even though we don’t like the idea of belonging to someone else, it’s simply a fact that everybody is the property of someone else, to one extent or another. (Think of how often you use “my” or “mine” in relation to those around you.) So when the psalmist says that we belong to God, the question is not whether that is morally right. The question is…
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Noah is described as “blameless in his generations,” and that really meant something in his time. Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten,” aria from “Jesu, der du meine Seele,” BWV 78 (Leipzig, 1724).由Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
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Predicador: Mtro. Francisco Pintos
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Predicador: Mtro. Francisco Pintos
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Episódio 81: Mafalda Anjos: «Comecei a olhar para o mundo e pensei que precisava destas reflexões de “Carta a um jovem decente” — e acho que não servem apenas para os jovens»
Começou no Direito, mas rapidamente percebeu que a sua carreira passava pelo Jornalismo. Mafalda tem a observação como superpoder. Quando era miúda, gostava de olhar o céu estrelado. Hoje, olha o mundo todos os dias com espanto e curiosidade. Mãe de quatro filhos, a ideia para o seu novo livro, “Carta a um jovem decente” (editado pela Contraponto, …
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Memorials often urge us never to forget the tragedy or atrocity being memorialized, so that we don’t repeat it. The psalmist urges us to follow his lead in resolving never to forget God’s precepts for a very different reason. Music Credit: Johann Sebastian Bach, Trio from Brandenburg Concerto, No. 1, Movement 4…
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Genesis 6:9 begins the third of the ten “accounts” that make up the book of Genesis (2:4ff; 5:1ff; 6:9ff; 10:1ff; 11:10ff; 11:27ff; 25:12ff; 25:19ff; 36:1ff; 37:2ff). The “account of Noah” begins by talking about Noah’s righteousness and blamelessness. In this devotion we consider what those two traits entail. Music Credit: J. S. Bach, “Wir eilen m…
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由New Life Christian Church
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由New Life Christian Church
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