Hosted by Holly Constant and Madi Hockaday, (two real-life Ann and Leslie's) Park Pals is a fun Parks and Recreation rewatch podcast! We research every episode DEEPLY from deleted scenes to interviewing guest stars that were actually on the show, all while relating it back to our real lives and delightful tangents. <3 We do all the work so you can just sit back and have fun learning! Join us you tropical fish! Insights or questions?
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Neulich im Grünflächenamt ist ein Fan Podcast zur Serie" Parks and Recreation" und feiert den einzigartigen Humor, die bunten Charaktere und das ganz spezielle "je ne sais quoi" dieser bemerkenswerten Comedy Serie. Wir besprechen dabei alle Folgen der Serie. Das besondere dabei ist, dass einer die Serie bereits kennt und liebt der andere die Serie noch nicht kennt. Gemeinsam begeben wir uns also auf eine Entdeckungsreise durch die wundersame Welt von Pawnee, Indiana, besprechen alle Episoden ...
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Live from Pawnee: A Parks and Recreation Fan Rewatch Podcast
Allen Pearcy, Mark Raymond, Ten10 Productions
Join long-time friends Mark and Allen as they travel back to Pawnee Indiana to visit Leslie Knope and the gang, breaking down each episode of the hit show Parks and Recreation. Each week they feature a different episode and special guest Ron Swanson frequently helps out.
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Let's Talk Parks Podcast: Stories of Purpose-Driven Parks and Recreation Professionals
Let's Talk Parks
Check out new episodes here:
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WARNING EXPLICIT PARKS AND RECREATION REVIEW SHOW. Why are we a different rewatch Podcast? We review by categories What's aged the best? What's aged the worst? Who wins the award for the character that did the most with little screen time? Who wins the over acting award? From 1-10 how bad did you feel for Jerry/Kyle? Half ass internet research Unanswerable Questions AND MORE. Follow our @parksandquestions instagram page. Please support the show.
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The Worldwide Leader in TV Discussion
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Join New York Public Radio's Brian Lehrer for the farewell season of NBC's Parks and Recreation. Each week Brian is joined by NPR's Linda Holmes and special guests who will lend insider context to the bits of governmental bureaucracy and political gamesmanship seen on the show.
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Heute sprechen wir mit unserem Gast, Steffen vom Podcast "Inselradio Lost 815" und "Die Dünnbrettbohrer" über die Folge 18 der 2.Staffel. Das Grünflächenamt wird beauftragt, das Opossum „Fairway Frank“ auf dem Golfplatz zu fangen, das den Hund des Bürgermeisters gebissen hat. Andy fängt ein Opossum. Nachdem sie ein weiteres sieht, ist sich Leslie u…
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Did you know some of the woodworkers in this episode are real woodworkers!? So much wood to be worked - we love Tammy omg Plus, Leslie is meeting Diane, Diane is meeting Tammy, Chris is meeting Millie's fiance, WE ARE MEETING GAYLE! Ben and Leslie play emotional support roles to their friends, some of the Parks gang learns a Christmas lesson for Je…
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Ron Swanson, durch und durch Mann mag ja vieles sein, aber Frau des Jahres? So richtig mag das keiner glauben, doch die IOW, Frauenorganisation des Staates Indiana hat Ron als ebenjene ausgezeichnet, was Leslie schwer zu schaffen macht, da sie ihrer Meinung nach diesen Preis verdient hätte. Doch es ist nicht alles so, wie es zunächst scheint. Währe…
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Wir begehen heute gemeinsam den jährlichen Galentines Day, manchen auch als Valentinstag bekannt. Leslie und ihr Freund Justin machen es sich zur Aufgabe die Jugendliebe von Leslies Mum ausfindig zu machen, wobei Justin ganz eigene Motive zu verfolgen scheint. Auch für Andy und April scheinen in dieser Folge ein paar Weichen gestellt zu werden, doc…
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Some of you haven't listened to the amazing conversation I had with Yvans Jourdain and you need to!!!! We absolutely loved talking about all things spiritual, acting, overcoming insecurities and the journey life takes you on! PS - He's in a Paxlovid commercial and I just LOVE seeing Parks people out in the wild. 😜 Yvans played Councilman Howser and…
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You know, true professionals wouldn't hold out until the very end of their podcast series to deliver the "big guns" like this ... but Mark and Allen have never been accused of being true professionals, have they? Oh my gosh ... Talking with Jim O'Heir was truly a pleasure, and an outright blast! He was so easy to talk to, so friendly, that we proba…
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Yay, we're talking about the Park that started it all! First we start with jazz plus jazz equals jazz, then we get into Eagleton vs. Pawnee while Tom shows such a great growth arc and Burt Macklin hangs up his shades. Did you know Brad Hall aka Wreston St. James is married to Julia Louis Dreyfuss?!! Also, we talk about Julia's show Wiser Than Me, i…
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Heute geraten Ron und Leslie aneinander, denn das hiesige Süßwarenimperium Sweetums hat einen "gesunden" Müsliriegel auf den Markt gebracht, der alles andere als das ist. Während Ron der amerikanischen Freiheit frönen möchte zu essen, wonach einem beliebt, hat Leslie den Schutz der Bevölkerung im Sinne und bemüht sich um Aufklärung. Im B-Plot ist T…
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This week, we're discussing whose side you're on! Leslie or April or was there a way to compromise? Seems like we all had different gut reactions, but we all know we could (and did) compromise somehow :) ALSO PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN HELLO!!!!!! Also, random side fact, did you know the Sweetums molasses explosion was based on a true story? Meanwhile, Be…
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Yay, welcome Mary Faber to the pod, the iconic Kathryn Pinewood of the Pawnee Restaurant Association!! First, we talk about all things Parks, like auditioning, working with her old college pal Gregory Levine (script supervisor), improvising some lines and being the nememis to Leslie! Then I dive into asking questions about her professional Broadway…
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Habt ihr euch eigentlich auch schon mal gefragt, was man in einem beschaulichen kleinen Örtchen (oder auch Kaff) eigentlich so atemberaubendes an Dates planen kann? Ja? Warum? habt ihr nichts besseres zu tun? Naja egal. Leslie will es heute Lichtgestalt Justin Anderson mal so richtig zeigen, indem sie eine Dinnerparty plant, ohne auch nur den Hauch…
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This week Mark and Allen continue (and finish) the Episode where we see what ultimately happens ... to everyone. TO RECAP: As Leslie and the gang face their last day together in Pawnee before everyone goes their own ways, one final little job crosses their path ... fixing a broken swing. Mundane though it may seem, Leslie throws herself into it wit…
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This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where we see what ultimately happens ... to everyone. As Leslie and the gang face their last day together in Pawnee before everyone goes their own ways, one final little job crosses their path ... fixing a broken swing. Mundane though it may seem, Leslie throws herself into it with her typical level o…
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Are you a Twizzlers or Red Vines family? Should we invest in gold? Who did Adam Scott originally audition for? All that and more on this new episode where we break down meeting Ben's parents, Chris's emotional rollercoaster, and the growth of Tom! Plus, a wonderful guest cast to talk about and insider cab driver details! Please rate and review and …
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Nachdem sich Leslie inmitten des politischen Gewitters der letzten Episode von Dave getrennt hat, drängt Ann Leslie heute wieder in den Sattel zu steigen und sich aufs Datingpferd zu schwingen, während Ron mit dem Gewicht seines Jobs nicht mehr länger ohne schlecht bezahlte Assistentin auszukommen scheint. Was beide Storylines heute gemeinsam haben…
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Hi! Throwing you a bonus today, because I hit record and we didn't know this cool chat about therapy would happen <3 We discuss our therapists, (which leads wonderfully into Chris being open about his therapy journey), what works best for you and how to relate to people and all the things. We also talk about introversion and extroversion (you shoul…
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Yay, Halloween is here, a sad Fart Attack, and the LERPISS FAMILY!! We learn what the real Halloween movie name that's shown at the Parks Dept (it's called Blood Hook from the 80's), Tom invents Rent-A-Swag, and Ron, Leslie and Ben all take steps in their relationships! IT'S SO WONDERFUL AND EMOTIONAL!!!! Plus, Jerry has some super insightful, wise…
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Er ist zurück, sexy dexy strikes again. Während Leslie und ihr Team bei dem weihnachtlichen Gala Dinner der Stadtverwaltung eine Parodie auf Bill Dexhart und seine fortwährenden Sex-Skandale zum besten geben, stellt sich heraus, dass dieser tatsächlich den nächsten handfesten Skandal ausgelöst hat und Leslie ist dieses mal mittendrin. An anderer St…
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Once again, Mark and Allen were extremely lucky to spend time with another fantastic guest during a Pawnee Spotlight interview, this time around the middle of May 2024. It was fascinating to talk to Jim about not only his take on the always entertaining M.C. Martin Housely, but also voice overs and impressions, his childhood growing up as the son o…
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Okay, look. Let's face facts. The series is ending. This wonderful, beloved sitcom, full of equal parts laughs and heart, is coming to a close. No doubt, it's a hard thing to contemplate for anyone, but it's just POSSIBLE that one of the guys is having a harder time than the other. Look, you have to understand, this isn't just a silly little hobby …
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"Great news! Lots of old people have chlamydia." This week, we discuss abstinence-only vs Leslie's sex education! (Where for some reason we have bananas, a cucumber, a pineapple AND a watermelon?) Also, this story line was based on a real discussion at this time - STD's were spreading everywhere through old folks homes. Thank you Alan Yang and Crai…
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Der unvermeidliche Tag ist gekommen. Tom und Wendy beenden ihre Scheinehe. Blöd nur, dass Leslie just in diesem Moment von Null Bock Ron auf Mission geschickt wurde eine offene Rechnung in der Zulassungsstelle zu begleichen und sie zufällig Tom und Wendy auf dem Weg dorthin sieht. Was darauf folgt ist eine große Scharade von Tom um den Schein zu wa…
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Hi I saw a video on Tik Tok (Surprise, surprise) about a focus wheel and I wanted to share my exercise with you! I've always found manifesting difficult to wrap my head around, because I'd like to experience peace and contentment now, not when "X" thing happens. This seemed like a good balance, but maybe I'm just delusional and isn't that really th…
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THE PERM. MUST. WAIT. We start this episode discussing the Olympics (GO USA AND BEYONCE AND CELINE AND SIMONE AND EVERYONE!) then we dive into how a bill becomes a law!!! What a great episode to set up some wonderful characters for the Parks gang to add to their crew! And we don't know about you, but seeing Ron start a healthy relationship is so em…
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Heute wird Ron in den Kopf geschossen, was ihm aber mal so gar nicht gefällt, während Andy und April gemeinsam Pläne schmieden, wie sie Ann und Mark (ja, wir reden noch immer über diese unsägliche Storyline) auseinanderbringen können. Warum dieses blutige Attentat auf Rons Haarpracht am Ende doch nicht so schlimm ist wie es scheint, was ein durchlö…
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This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where FINALLY, after all this time ... we get a visual of the often talked about but never seen Mayor Gunderson! Right after the gang tells each other about their immediate plans for the future (Donna & Joe moving to Seattle, April & Andy leaving for DC, Leslie & Ben splitting their time between DC & …
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Hi everyone! I'm back! And it's free! And I don't think I cursed once... wtf? I talk about what's been happening this year of 2024 - job searches, how acting/singing/podcasting might not be the money-making career for me ever and that could be okay, grief, cultivating relationships and just life transitions all around. My goal for the years to come…
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Während ein skandalöses Wandgemälde endlich überarbeitet werden soll, lebt Andy sich so langsam in seine neue Rolle ein, doch sein neugefundenes Metier hält so einige pikante Situationen für ihn bereit. Warum die Grünes Greg Kinnear für den Messias halten, warum die Abwassercrew die Rockstars in der Stadtverwaltung sind und was effektiv gegen eine …
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SO MANY GUEST STAR VOICE MEMOS! So many incredible visuals and government tax opinions!!!! And Madi is here! For the first hour, we hear from 3 guest stars that were in our Season 5 premiere of Ms. Knope Goes to Washington. First, *Jenny Anne Hochberg* @jenny.anne.hochberg incredible BTS of shooting in DC, giving Leslie a fist "pound", telling Prat…
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"Sie ist hier"...damit ist definitiv nicht der dunkle Lord persönlich gemeint, sondern Rons Ex-Frau, die sagenumwobene Tammy Swanson II. Erfahrt hier endlich den Grund für Rons unbändigen Hass auf seine Ex-Frau, was ein brennendes Bett damit zu tun hat und warum Bibliotheken hier mit Biker Gangs verglichen werden. Nebenbei zieht sich Andy an seinen…
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This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where Andy and Ben are knighted! This is an episode that nearly defies description, and is unlike ANY other episode in the entire series ... it truly stands alone. Things get very meta as we actually watch an entire show within a show ... specifically, the final episode of Andy's "Johnny Karate" show!…
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Season 5 premiere baby! We're going to DC! Join me (Holly) as I take us through new camera operators for this season, where scenes in DC were shot and more commentary about how Ron can't just kill a pig in front of kids. Love that we get to see some history from Washington (why is it called a National Mall, why does the color of the Washington Monu…
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Wir treffen auf Leslies Erznemesis und erfahren, was es bedeutet, Leslie zum Feind zu haben. Im B Plot hat Ann wieder mal eine andere Beschäftigung als ihrer Arbeit nachzugehen, nämlich eine Halloween Party auszurichten. Wieso ihr das nicht gelingt und warum ausgerechnet Tom ihr Ritter in widerlicher Rüstung ist? Das und noch vielmehr besprechen wi…
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CITY COUNCIL B*TCHES! ...Jerry didn't vote. It's all coming to a close, and yet it's all beginning! Aubyn Philabaum, who plays Dana the bartender, joins us by sending in an amazing voice memo! Thank you for sending this to us after a 12 hour day on set in line for your burrito, you deserve it! (Check out Aubyn's work including a new movie below!!) …
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Mark and Allen were once again very lucky to spend time with another great person during a Pawnee Spotlight interview, this time near the end of March 2024. It was fascinating to talk to the person behind Brandi Maxxxx, and a joy to discover what a total gem she is! Nice, funny, talented, easy to talk to ... who could ask for more? Yet another in a…
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Habt ihr schon einmal vor einem Problem gestanden, dass ihr auch aufgrund absoluter Lustlosigkeit nicht angehen konntet? Stehen euch stets Hindernisse im Weg? Ja? Dann ist es Zeit für KABOOM!...also wenn eure Probleme i.d.R. Spielplatzbaumaßnahmen sind. Leslie und das Grüni-Team setzen sich für einen guten Zweck einer definitiv echten Non-Profit Or…
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Seid dabei, wenn Geschichte geschrieben wird. In unserer heutigen Folge dürfen wir unseren ersten Gast begrüßen. Niemand geringerer als Podcast Guru Steffen vom Inselradion Lost 815 und den Dünnbrettbohrern gibt sich die Ehre. Findet heraus, wie Gaddafi auf Reisen zu nächtigen pflegte, wie der modische Standard für venezolanische Uniformen aussieht…
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Welcome back Madi!!!! And welcome back Park Pals to the SEASON FINALE!!!! I'm calling this the Deleted Scenes extravaganza because there were so many juicy cut moments! (Ron bringing his own whiskey and taking a shrimp plate, a lot of amazing guest stars, why Chris thinks it's okay to ask Ann if he can sleep with Jen again - gross) First, we catch …
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This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where Ron first learns April and Andy will be moving away to Washington DC! With the Harvest Festival once again in full swing, Ben's busy congressional campaign continues, and he and Leslie make the call to skip a few Festival-related things, one of which is the "Pie-Mary", a Southern Indiana traditi…
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We're jumping in right where left off, with a cut scene from the classroom reading at Groffle the Awful Waffle AND the tea on how exactly Groffle crossed the syrup river!!!! There's also tea on who owns the Newport Mansion in real life (OMG), more cut scenes, in fact a whole tag, with Donna (JUSTICE FOR DONNA!) and a Jury Duty rant! Thanks SO MUCH …
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Ein politischer Skandal biblischen Ausmaßes erschüttert heute unsere heile Kleinstadt-Idylle in Pawnee. Saubermann und Vorzeigestadtrat Bill Dexhart soll eine Affäre gehabt haben? In einer Frau...und ihrem Freund...und einer dritten namenlosen Person! Doch das ist nur der Anfang. Unsere Grünis schwingen sich auf bei ihren (un)geschä…
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This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where we actually meet one of Ron's brothers in person! Leslie and April are headed to Washington D.C. to convince a bunch of senators to support the National Parks. They've prepped, and Leslie is excited, convinced that April will show how thorough and hardworking she truly is. However, April is quie…
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We had so many juicy details for this one, we had to split it into 2 parts!!!! And our favorite and only Kris Carr is here! The best!!! - THE Brad Leland aka Fester Trimm from the Debate episode and from Friday Night Lights fame stops by to share his amazing stories and BTS of someone the crew who was actually named Fester! - Norm Hiscock emails us…
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First and foremost, Holly doesn't know the difference between Rocky and Rambo. Secondly: FIERCE, POWER, DO IT, PUMP IT UP! I love you and I like you. SO many incredible iconic moments! First, we hear from Billy Merritt (Mr. Hamster Penis himself from Live Ammo!) and Sarah Gaboury (a political pundit on the Campaign Shake Up episode!) Thank you both…
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Es ist wieder soweit. Die neue Miss Pawnee wird gekürt. Wird sie den jungen Mädchen ein Vorbild sein? Warum verschenkt Tom seine Wohnungsschlüssel und warum besprechen wir diese Folge die Handlung eines Pornofilms? Das und mehr erfahrt ihr in unserer neuen Folge, wenn wir Episode 2x03 "Beauty Pageant/Der Schönheitswettbewerb" besprechen.Folgt uns a…
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Subscriber-only episode WELOME MOLLY!!!! Thank you for being here as part of the Bonus Pod Club! We are so grateful to have you! and by we, I mean me! (Probably K too) Join me as I talk about my old dating text messages that I'm going back to delete, a wild set story, and a new job adventure! I also talk about the pop culture topics of late - Beyon…
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AH! Yvans Jordain, aka Councilman Howser, is here as our newest Park Pal! What a spiritual, kind, easy conversation! We jump right in with talking about how sometimes you need to take a break from acting (or just in general), and how everything works out the way it's supposed to (even though it's HARD to remember that). He's currently in a Paxlovid…
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Omg what an exciting day! The Queen, BAFTA nominated Danielle Bisutti who plays Professor Linda stopped by and we talked all about the direction she got from Nick Offerman, the amazing fan interactions (one bought her flowers and wine), and how the pheromones from Nick Offerman are basically impossible to ignore. 😏 Plus, we dive into all her other …
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Wenn im Gemeindegarten plötzlich Möhren auftauchen, die einer seeehr speziellen Gattung zu entstammen scheinen, ist Detektivgespür gefragt. Warum ist Ron heute steifer als sonst? Welcher Abendbeschäftigung geht Andy als geneigter Gruben-Bewohner nach und was läuft das zwischen Mark und Ann? Findet es heraus, denn wir besprechen heute Episode 2x02.F…
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This week Mark and Allen break down the Episode where Craig first meets Typhoon! Donna and Joe's wedding is tomorrow! We find Leslie and Ben preparing to leave for the rehearsal dinner that night, only to find Jennifer Barkley at their door. Assuming Jen is once again going to ask her to run for office, Leslie is surprised when instead, Jen turns t…
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