由荼公子aka奶茶傳教士主持的節目系列,身為飲品研發師撰寫《奶茶風味學》後,認為萬物皆可入茶。從各國茶葉的歷史與文化的主題,錄製包括線上課程、跨界語談的職業者的生活記錄,帶你跟著茶師了解飲料研發、茶葉界工作者的日常。 邀約、合作 : hanyi2016tea@gmail.com 部落格看這:www.hanyitea.tw Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Welcome to the Watch Party
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全球创造力青年的聊天大Party! 在这里遇见与众不同的人、想法和故事! 欢迎你在各种常用的音频或泛用型播客客户端搜「迷路话局」订阅收听。 如果你有兴趣参与我们的节目,欢迎和我们联系。 邮箱:thetalkparty@gmail.com
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老爸取暖互助會,老爸取暖互助會 愛的力量如火焰燃燒 老爸取暖互助會,老爸取暖互助會 每一天都像是一場冒險 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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我們是一間「行銷」尬「設計」,迸出新滋味的古怪公司,一次給你行銷跟設計乾貨大全! 點擊連結,看看我們會在哪裡出現👉 bbm.soci.vip Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Punch Party HK Podcast 頻道
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歡迎一起參加貝媽豆妹"童"樂會!🎊 🎉 在童樂會中,我們會一起學唐詩、帶動唱、聊天、聊時事/cool facts、探討科學、說笑話等等,適合海內外的小朋友一起來參加,在歡樂中學習,每個月的第一個童樂會我們也會幫當月的壽星朋友們一起來慶生! 歡迎大家一起來和很silly的貝媽和無厘頭的豆妹,一起來開童樂會喔!我們童樂會上見囉!🥳🥳 Welcome to Little Mandarin Party with Bei Ma and Do Mei. During the party, we will learn Tang Dynasty poems, sing songs (with English translation), chat about silly things/cool facts/science and share jokes. Kids can sharpen their Mandarin skills during the party. Once a month we also celebrate our listeners' birthdays. Please c ...
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"一家852" 兩位主持同你談天說地, 每集都會討論香港同美國近況, 另外仲有專題. 輕輕鬆鬆同你過一個鐘。 #PODCAST #廣東話PODCAST #播客 #在美港人 #香港生活 #Kcast852
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Hong Kong is one of South East Asia's top party destinations and we'd like to highlight some of our talented DJ's in the country. In this podcast, we will feature Club Mixes from local Hong Kong DJ's as well as International DJ's who have performed in Hong Kong.
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【Fairy Taipei 五週年】為了在疫情下思念 Fairy 跟酒精的仙女們,Fairy 推出《大安仙女宮》系列節目,讓你更了解 Fairy 背後的故事,一解相思之苦! 常駐人員:Barry、Jay、湯湯 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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嗨!歡迎來到廢言宿舍,這裡有Pass、Paul、A-jing,我們在這裡聊聊,先進來找個位子坐吧。各大Podcast平台熱烈放送中! 你可以在這裡找到我們的更新資訊,歡迎來留言喔~ Facebook : https://m.facebook.com/nonsensedorm/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/nonsensedorm/ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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野獸之音是最愛歡笑流淚的組合! 野獸之音是最愛狂放自由的聲音! 野獸之音,吼出你的文化之音! 歡迎收聽野獸之音製播的廣播節目:野獸藝起肖 (Wildgather)! 來這裡,野獸用最生活的方式,邀請八大藝術領域名人, 到這邊,野獸用超口語的作風,訪談所有跨域跨文化專家, 聽這裡,野獸用最專業的模式,提供即時文化綜合新聞聯播與評論, 你要不懂藝術也難,因為你正在成為,藝術的野獸! 我們在台灣時間的每個週日下午2點到3點,在FM104.1正聲廣播聯名首播,另外,每週一的早上8點,我們在Apple Podcast/ Google Podcast/ KKBOX/ Spotify/ SoundOn平台全面重播上架,YouTube也不定期會有LIVE Podcast影音集數上架,歡迎聽友們訂閱追蹤我們的頻道:野獸藝起肖,要你做個文化的野獸! 節目內容分為多種類型小單元,有與聽眾互動與活動行銷串接的〈野獸揪派對〉(WILD Party),也有將藝術專家哲思進行整理探究並科普的〈野獸有藝思〉(WILD ARThoughts),還有與藝術家綜合對談的〈藝術狠野獸〉(Super WILD),更有將 ...
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S4E27《茶流生活學》進入茶世界,茶葉感官品評是門票還是選擇? ft. 晏君 天啊要瘋了,當評審真不容易,你也願意參加訓練成為小小茶評審員嗎?進入比賽場海選能夠第一時間,喝到當季最新的茶款,馬上知道那個茶區大家都做什麼風格,哪種香氣、口感最受歡迎,是成為台灣茶評審的一大優勢,快來看看準備茶葉感官品評能力鑑定 要注意什麼嗎? ▋精華段落 00:49 對於茶葉感官品評的看法 01:34 當評審就像神農氏嚐百草 03:01 為什麼會想考茶葉相關證照? 03:58 茶葉感官品評中高級考試條件 06:06 茶葉感官品評初級、中級差別在哪? 06:39 術科考試 09:14 外國人可以考茶葉感官品評嗎? 10:59 考證照有什麼幫助? 12:51 招喚下位來賓(女兒不懂茶)~ 13:51 術科操作分享…
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"一家852" EP218: 烏仔第一次姨媽到/拉黑/電影:CARRY-ON, 誤判 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #狗仔姨媽到 #拉黑 #CARRY-ON #誤判…
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"一家852" EP217: 新玩具/META AI GLASSES/PLAUD NOTE/HUAWAI WATCH D2/技安南山,紅山行/魷魚2 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #新玩具 #METAGLASSES #PLAUDNOTE #HUAWAIW…
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"一家852" EP216: 冬至口岸人頭湧湧/解開提燈之謎/800人仔食好野/香港外賣餐具/技安被監控/華強北名錶保養 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #冬至口岸人頭湧湧 #提燈 #外賣餐具 #名錶保養…
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"一家852" EP215: 返來囉/年尾名人離開了/破地獄/anthony6年返港感覺/巴士電車都可以用VISA/國內大手買眼鏡 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #國內大手買眼鏡 #破地獄 #年尾名人離開了 #中山美穗 #日本偶像 #九龍城寨…
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費時近兩年,里昂與依依新家終於裝潢完成啦! 來聽聽兩位小菜雞的裝修血淚史吧! 之前聊到買房的集數: S2EP16 (裏)買房 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s2ep16-%E8%A3%8F-%E8%B2%B7%E6%88%BF/id1517422456?i=1000518631079 S2EP17 (裏)哥買的不是房,是憧憬 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s2ep17-%E8%A3%8F-%E5%93%A5%E8%B2%B7%E7%9A%84%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%AF%E6%88%BF-%E6%98%AF%E6%86%A7%E6%86%AC/id1517422456?i=1000519833…
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本集中提到: 我和刘老师现阶段的感情状态 (2:30) 「再见爱人」全季忠实观众怎么看待这一季的爆火 (3:50) 截至目前各自对于节目中三对夫妻的看法 (9:10) 第6期(上)李行亮麦琳夜聊 (32:00) 观片后的评论分析和感受 (47:30) 找到主播: 豆瓣/ @thesnackclub 微博/ @thesnackclub Spotify/ @BLUEBERRY BAGEL Discord/ blooberry.bagel 找到节目: 赞助支持/ Become a SomeSensor+ Telegram电报群/ SomeSense XOXO Support on Patreon由Nikki
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勸退還是歡迎? 荼公子韓奕和吳豫分享加入茶產業前的真實挑戰與機會 原本要聊的主題👀 1、若家裡沒有茶的根基,但讓我們願意投入茶產業的「十個」理由。 2、為什麼主題是茶,而不是咖啡,或是其他的主題,還有是什麼茶? 3、最初衷引起你有興趣,是茶與茶文化的哪一個點?而你認為這個也是想要讓別人知道的有趣玩意。 4、不做茶的話你會想做什麼? 5、說出你的十個理由想進茶產業?台灣茶產業,應該包括什麼?還可做什麼 ▋重點段落 00:32 吳豫加入茶產業的原因,你絕對想不到 02:07 韓奕創業歷程 04:05 認識的第一支茶 05:05 如何看待茶產業 05:39 茶產業一條龍是好還是壞? 10:12 要不要讓小孩學茶? 11:04 貓貓茶會 12:59 非得近來茶產業的理由 13:58 為什麼不加入茶聯…
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"一家852" EP214: 美國大選2024/BBQ演變/Party Crasher 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #美國大選2024 #BBQ演變 #PartyCrasher…
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"一家852" EP213: 訂酒店要加倍注意/小狗玩伴/技安中山之旅/破地獄/WildRobot 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #訂酒店要加倍注意 #小狗玩伴 #技安中山之旅…
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S4E25《茶流生活學》侍茶師,餐茶搭配的極致 ft. Jane 我們邀請到了專業侍茶師Jane,帶你深入了解侍茶師的日常工作,以及如何巧妙地將茶與餐點進行搭配。從選茶到搭配法式餐點,再到如何選擇適合不同食材的茶品,Jane分享了她的經驗與搭配技巧。無論是配冷泡茶的前菜,還是與烘焙茶搭配的主菜,茶的選擇不僅僅是飲品,更是餐飲體驗的核心之一。 https://www.hanyitea.tw/single-post/tea-dessert/ ▋重點段落 01:14 侍茶師是什麼? 01:47 為什麼會想當侍茶師? 02:50 侍茶師在法餐的日常 03:34 餐茶搭配有什麼訣竅? 05:09 以侍茶師角度來看,有什麼茶比較難做搭配? 07:15 通常tea pairing會有幾款茶? 07:58 …
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choosing plant-based milk, best plant milk for tea, oat milk tea, soy milk tea, almond milk, coconut milk, pistachio milk, dairy-free milk, vegan tea options, milk tea with plant-based milk, plant-based milk nutrition, plant milk benefits, plant milk for coffee, plant milk comparisons, eco-friendly milk options In this episode of Tea Tales: The Ste…
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plant-based milk, MYLK, oat milk, almond milk, plant milk brands, barista plant milk, plant-based tea, oat milk tea, almond milk tea, plant milk health benefits, vegan milk options, low-calorie milk alternatives, eco-friendly milk, sustainable plant milk, coffee and tea with MYLK In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the …
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"一家852" EP212: 美國又一災難風暴/美食介紹:蘑界, 美國小籠包/好野推介: 充電寶,耳機, AI鍵盤 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #災難風暴 #MILTON #美食介紹 #蘑界 #小籠包 #好野推介 #AI鍵盤 #ANKER #充電寶 #…
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Lupicia teas, Japanese tea blends, fruity tea blends, white peach oolong, Tokyo wild berry tea, Lupicia top flavors, herbal tea blends, Japanese tea culture, Lupicia review, best Japanese teas, premium tea blends, Lupicia fruit teas, tea blending art, Lupicia iced tea, floral tea blends In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we delve…
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Dong Ding Oolong, Taiwan oolong, semi-fermented tea, oolong tea brewing, Taiwanese tea, tea roasting, floral oolong, Dong Ding tea history, hand-picked oolong, tea from Nantou, tea flavor profiles, roasted oolong tea, traditional oolong tea, Dong Ding tea culture, oolong health benefits In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explo…
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The Essential Guide to Tea Terminology: Mastering the Language of Tea tea vocabulary, tea terminology, tea industry terms, tea brewing techniques, tea tasting notes, tea types, tea production methods, GABA tea, oolong tea, Yixing teapot, tea aroma, organic tea farming, tea tools, tea sensory evaluation, tea processing methods In this episode of Tea…
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沒有醫師認證的焦慮里昂來分享心得了(心虛) — 👾Discord: https://discord.gg/E6XqG6Cd4k 🔸Instagram: instagram.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🔸Facebook: facebook.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🎧各大收聽平台: https://pitypartyfordaddies.pse.is/s4shownote 🎸老爸音樂創作 https://reurl.cc/ey9o2K 📣有話想說 https://www.surveycake.com/s/aNN1M 💭《微煩惱》投稿 https://pitypartyfordaddies.pse.is/fretful 👻《婚姻育兒鬼故事》投稿 htt…
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Songbo Evergreen Tea, Nantou oolong, floral oolong, Taiwan tea, oolong tea flavor, oolong tea brewing, semi-fermented tea, Taiwanese tea culture, Chiang Ching-kuo tea, handpicked oolong, gardenia tea aroma, osmanthus tea, Taiwanese oolong production, famous Taiwan teas, oolong health benefits In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we…
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Answering 108 Essential Tea Questions tea FAQ, 108 tea questions, tea origins, Taiwanese tea, tea brewing tips, tea storage tips, fermentation in tea, Taiwan tea regions, hand-picked tea, machine-picked tea, GABA tea benefits, best tea for beginners, tea pairing, high-quality tea, tea health benefits In this special episode of Tea Tales: The Steepi…
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"一家852" EP211: 狗仔美容去day camp/三只羊事件/網紅好大責任/超市佛跳牆/假冒港式茶記 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #狗仔美容 #三只羊 #網紅好大責任 #超市佛跳牆 #假冒港式茶記…
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The Truth About No-Wash Tea no-wash tea, washing tea myths, tea pesticide safety, tea brewing tips, washing tea unnecessary, no-wash brewing, modern tea production, tea safety standards, tea health benefits, tea cleaning myths, washing tea science, high-quality tea safety, pesticide in tea, safe tea brewing, no-rinse tea In this episode of Tea Tale…
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Honey Black Tea: The Sweet Flavor of Taiwan’s Signature Tea Honey Black Tea, leafhopper tea, Taiwanese black tea, natural honey flavor, Oriental Beauty tea, tea grading, Taiwan tea, Hualien tea, Taitung tea, how to brew Honey Black Tea, honey aroma tea, fruit-flavored tea, sustainable tea farming, honey-scented tea, black tea varieties In this epis…
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Wenshan Paochong, Paochong tea, Taiwan light oolong, floral tea, Paochong brewing tips, light fermented tea, Taiwanese oolong, Wenshan tea, hand-picked oolong, Taiwanese tea culture, fragrant oolong, Paochong tea history, how to brew Paochong, floral oolong tea, light oolong benefits In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore …
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"Earl Grey Tea: History, Flavors, and the Art of Brewing" Earl Grey tea, top Earl Grey brands, bergamot tea, Lady Grey, French Earl Grey, how to brew Earl Grey, Earl Grey variations, Earl Grey history, Twinings Earl Grey, Fortnum & Mason Earl Grey, Mariage Frères Earl Grey, Earl Grey brewing tips, Smoky Earl Grey, best Earl Grey teas, Earl Grey ice…
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"一家852" EP210: 中美寵物醫療/新科技:華為MATE XT, IPHONE16/掃地,拖地機械人DREAME L20 ULTRA/新電視劇 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #拖地機械人 #寵物醫療 #新科技…
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Taiwanese tea, top ten teas, Bilochung tea, Dong Ding Oolong, Wenshan Pouchong, Oriental Beauty tea, Sun Moon Lake Black Tea, Taiwanese tea culture, famous teas of Taiwan, Ruby Red tea, Tieguanyin, high mountain oolong, Taiwan tea history, Red Oolong, tea pairing In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore Taiwan’s top ten icon…
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Bilochung: The Story and Craft of Taiwan's Famous Green Tea. In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we dive into the rich history and unique craft of Bilochung (Biluochun), one of Taiwan’s most celebrated green teas. Known for its vibrant green hue and delicate floral aroma, Bilochung originates from the Sanxia region. We explore its…
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In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we journey to the Nilgiri region, home to India’s renowned Nilgiri tea, also known as Blue Mountain tea. With its distinct blend of freshness, floral notes, and rich texture, Nilgiri tea offers a remarkable balance between the boldness of Assam and the elegance of Darjeeling. Discover the unique…
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black tea pairing, bubble tea pairing, chai tea pairing, English scones, French macarons, global tea desserts, green tea dessert, Japanese wagashi, milk tea desserts, oolong tea pairing, tea and dessert, tea and sweets, tea culture, tea pairing, tea snacks In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the delightful world of tea …
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antioxidant tea, Bai Hao Yin Zhen, Bai Mu Dan, Chinese tea types, how to brew white tea, minimal processing tea, silver needle, white peony, white tea, white tea benefits, white tea brewing, white tea flavors, white tea health benefits, white tea history, white tea production In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the deli…
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black tea, green tea, hybrid tea varieties, Jin Xuan tea, oolong tea, Ruby Red tea, Taiwan tea, Taiwan tea culture, Taiwan Tea No. 12, Taiwan Tea No. 18, Taiwanese tea strain, tea breeding, tea production, tea research, tea tree varieties In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we dive into the fascinating world of Taiwan's unique tea…
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floral infusion, floral tea, flower-infused tea, green tea jasmine, high-quality scented tea, jasmine flower tea, jasmine tea, jasmine tea benefits, osmanthus tea, rose tea, scented tea, tea aroma, tea scenting, traditional tea scenting, xun hua tea In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we explore the world of scented teas, focusing…
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1. echoes of pain 2. NiGhTShIfT 3. Tr@pp3d in Sh@DoWs 4. HeArtBeAts In N3oN 5. souls RE:flect!on 6. ReALitY Gl!TcH 🔊StreetVoice聆聽:https://streetvoice.com/pitypartyfordaddies/songs/album/97322215/ (因技術問題,Spotify未上架本集) — 老爸取暖互助會 (Pity Party for Daddies) 孤獨的聲音在夜裡回蕩 燃燒殆盡的寂寞滲透心底 我們一起承受 這份孤寂 — 👾Discord: https://discord.gg/E6XqG6Cd4k 🔸Instagram: instagram…
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"一家852" EP209: 技安Solo, 國內醫療醫院設施體驗,技安的家庭新成員 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #
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black tea, Chinese tea, dark tea, green tea, health benefits of tea, oolong tea, Pu-erh tea, six types of tea, tea classification, tea fermentation, tea production process, tea varieties, traditional Chinese tea, white tea, yellow tea In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we dive into the six major types of Chinese tea: Green, Yello…
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antioxidant tea, Chinese tea, digestion aid, Junshan Yinzhen, light fermentation, Mengding Huangya, sealing yellow process, tea benefits, tea culture, tea health benefits, tea production, tea varieties, traditional tea, yellow tea, yellow tea history In this episode of Tea Tales: The Steeping of Leaves, we delve into the intriguing world of yellow …
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特級醫師認證的尤奇分享他的憂鬱症病史和偏見 歌詞: 疼愛I,就放過I 因為 最後的疼I是手放開 I人死掉會變什麼? 奶油,因為I死cream 疼愛I,就放過I 因為 最後的疼I是手放開 交往不可以找I妹 因為 I妹讓人受盡委屈 I男幫洗殘廢澡 I濕雞磨人 I女有I縫 但I男沒有高潮-I無射 好了,別在I了 不行,因為我對你III不完 👾Discord: https://discord.gg/E6XqG6Cd4k 🔸Instagram: instagram.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🔸Facebook: facebook.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🎧各大收聽平台: https://pitypartyfordaddies.pse.is/s4showno…
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"一家852" EP208: 太空人8日任務變8個月/白頭列車/新GAME,WuKong/CarlJung - Psychological types 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #太空人…
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我們台灣人最喜歡排隊了 不用排隊的房子,尤奇可是不買的喔! — 👾Discord: https://discord.gg/E6XqG6Cd4k 🔸Instagram: instagram.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🔸Facebook: facebook.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🎧各大收聽平台: https://pitypartyfordaddies.pse.is/s4shownote 🎸老爸音樂創作 https://reurl.cc/ey9o2K 📣有話想說 https://www.surveycake.com/s/aNN1M 💭《微煩惱》投稿 https://pitypartyfordaddies.pse.is/fretful 👻《婚姻育兒鬼故…
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"一家852" EP207: 盈盈樂樂龍鳳胎/McGriddle/紅茶冰室/電影,電視分亨 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #盈盈樂樂 #龍鳳胎 #國寶 #McGriddle #楓糖班戟漢堡 #紅茶冰室 #海關戰線 #紅毯先生…
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從國外背回來的三層架,上頭每一層究竟要放什麼?怎麼放跟怎麼吃,才能完成最少女心的下午茶。 ▋重點段落 00:17 來賓燕婷、沛潔 01:22 挑選喜歡的三層架 03:40 各種三層架優缺點 07:45 三層架價格 09:30 下午茶三層架的點心怎麼拿 13:43 第一個盲盒 16:55 第二個盲盒 21:24 第三個盲盒 27:27 實測結果 29:54 下午茶三層架擺放 35:07 今日茶款:紅烏龍、蜜香紅 40:05 下午茶點心價格 43:05 英式下午茶推薦配什麼茶 45:17 歡迎訂閱、按讚、分享~ 您將了解下午茶在三層架上的擺放方式。 這些知識將使您更加賞識這項美食藝術。 *錄音時 盲盒內容物 覆盆莓瑪德連蛋糕 紅茶費南雪 法式水果軟糖* 3 蔓越莓麵包佐鲜蝦芥末 香橙磅蛋糕佐熱帶…
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大家好ㄚ~ 老爸回來取暖啦 祝大家父親節快樂🎉 — 👾Discord: https://discord.gg/E6XqG6Cd4k 🔸Instagram: instagram.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🔸Facebook: facebook.com/pitypartyfordaddies 🎧各大收聽平台: https://pitypartyfordaddies.pse.is/s4shownote 🎸老爸音樂創作 https://reurl.cc/ey9o2K 📣有話想說 https://www.surveycake.com/s/aNN1M 💭《微煩惱》投稿 https://pitypartyfordaddies.pse.is/fretful 👻《婚姻育兒鬼故事》投稿 h…
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本集中提到: 五个问题判断对方是否是合适的伴侣 (7:55) 爱的五种语言 (18:55) 婚前十五问 (24:30) 「Scenes from a Marriage 婚姻生活」(1974) (37:05) 「Kramer vs. Kramer 克莱默夫妇」 (1979) (38:35) 「The Bridges of Madison County 廊桥遗梦」 (1995) (40:05) 「Revolutionary Road 革命之路」 (2008) (44:00) 「Marriage Story 婚姻故事」 (2019) (45:45) 外部链接: Is He The One? 5 Questions to Know for Sure (Matthew Hussey, Get The …
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🎉 四年一次的奧林匹克運動會在7月27日於法國的巴黎隆重登場,到底什麼是奧林匹克運動會ㄋㄜ? 🎉 今天童樂會內容Today’s party contents: ✔︎兒童新聞報一報World News For Little People ✔︎奧林匹克運動會科普 ✔︎兒童新聞考一考 ✔︎腦筋急轉彎冷笑話 (貝媽在飛往台灣的路上後製編輯今天的童樂會,完成了一半,想趕快上架,盡快給小朋友獻上生日祝福,完整版的episode 會在八月底上架喔~😘) Leave a comment and share your thoughts: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckwifduyha4k10b909dt9ws48/comments ☎️貝媽豆妹語音信箱voice messag…
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"一家852" EP206: 奧運花邊/技安介紹RESORT/能夠留港消費 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #奧運花邊 #能夠留港消費
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"一家852" EP205: 世界一姐/巴黎奧運/時尚聖殿/奧運獎金/大陸車牌 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #世界一姐 #江旻憓 #巴黎奧運 #時尚聖殿 #奧運獎金 #大陸車牌…
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S4E23《茶流生活學》波蘭女孩愛上台灣茶文化 ft. Agnieszka Czyż 林岫妍 有天波蘭的朋友來到我的工夫茶班,說是我她來台灣的第一站,一下飛機就來了,準備開啟她一個月的台灣的尋茶之旅。想要經營自己的Youtube波蘭專屬茶頻道,沒想到台灣做茶葉主題的人並不多,而愛茶的波蘭人竟然也很競爭有許多談論茶的頻道!本來我們都用英文溝通,因為錄音他很努力的用中文跟大家互動喔,她最喜歡的是... ▋重點段落 00:08 特別來賓 A. Czyz 林岫妍 01:16 在波蘭都喝什麼茶?怎麼喝? 03:40 現在波蘭流行怎麼喝茶? 04:05 波蘭茶文化 06:21 波蘭年輕人喜歡喝什麼 07:02 對台灣珍奶的印象 08:33 一沐日經典料神便當盒 09:14 五十嵐珍波椰 09:53 綠蓋…
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"一家852" EP204: 美國打風大停電/驗車國產凌凌漆分享/港人大陸開餐廳 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #美國打風大停電 #大停電 #驗車 #大陸開餐廳…
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"一家852" EP203: 深圳港式餐廳/美國暴風來臨/技安印度之旅 收聽/支持/留言:支持: https://anchor.fm/kcastshow/supportRSS Link:一家852: https://anchor.fm/s/24653960/podcast/rss簡約科技: https://anchor.fm/s/13b5f9ec/podcast/rss香講852: https://anchor.fm/s/13b75468/podcast/rss#香港一家852 #香港PODCAST #廣東話 #港式餐廳 #美國暴風 #印度之旅 #口語誤會 #板球…
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