life size story told by human.
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聽人講,香港地,有千佰萬人,你真正了解嘅,有幾多個? Overheard 每個星期一會請嚟香港唔同嘅人物,傾下講下,近至身邊,遠至世界,每時每刻嘅大少事,穿越過去,回到未來。
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大家好,歡迎來到微客廳。 這裡有幾張舒服的沙發、一隻貓和一群很愛講話的人。 我們閒聊也談正經事,用故事告訴大家服務的趣事, 歡迎您坐下來與我們一起聽故事! 節目包括三個系列【今天不賴床】、【夢語交換所】、【微寶寶故事屋】,歡迎追蹤微客臉書粉絲團、Instagram,許願你想聽的主題、參與提問,告訴我們你想聽什麼。 「我們相信每個孩子都應該享有食物、遊戲、受教育和被愛的權利。」和我們一起幫助遠方的孩子們吧! 關於《微客》: 留言板: 官網: Facebook: Instagram: 信箱 歡迎留言給我們,不管是回饋或合作都是給我們最好的動力! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集嘉賓: Sherman - 香港本土廣東話記帳 Ai Chatbot App "水哥 " 創辦人 Guest: Sherman(Shui Gor) is a computer scientist and founder of Hong Kong Budget chatbot App "水哥SuiGor". Try "水哥SuiGor" for free: 立即免費試用「水哥SuiGor」由Peas Media
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故事名稱:豌豆公主 The Princess and the Pea 講者:Ms. Irene (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 nowhere (adv.) in, at, or to no place; not anywhere 任何地方都不;無處 torrents (n.) a large amount of water that is moving quickly 洪流;激流 gracious (adj.) having the qualities of great comfort, beauty, an…
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故事名稱:大象和朋友 Elephant and Friends 講者:Mr. Wayne (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 proceeded (v.) to continue as planned 繼續進行,繼續做 Defeated (adj.) the fact of losing against someone in a fight or competition, or when someone or something is made to fail 失敗;戰敗;落敗 stumbled (v.) to s…
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故事名稱:狼與羊+羅茲之躍 The Wolf and the Sheep+The Leap At Rhodes 講者:Mr. Alvin (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 thirst (n.) a need for something to drink 渴,口渴 fetch (v.) to go to another place to get something or someone and bring it, him, or her back (去)拿來,取回;(去)請來 solid (adj.) not l…
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故事名稱:放羊的孩子 The Boy Who Cried Wolf 講者:Ms. Kristin + Ms. Lily (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 amused (adj.) showing that you think something is funny 被逗樂的;感到好笑的 strictly (adv.) in a way that would bring severe punishment if not obeyed 嚴格地,嚴厲地 grinned (v.) to smile a wide smil…
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故事名稱:農夫與井+當逆境來臨時 The Farmer And The Well+When Adversity Knocks 講者:Mr. Aaron + Mr. Leo (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 cunning (adj.) Cunning people are clever at planning something so that they get what they want, especially by tricking other people, or things that are clev…
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故事名稱:擠牛奶的姑娘 The milkmaid and her pail 講者:Ms. Sandy + Ms. Deborah (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 milkmaid (n.) A woman who milks cows or is employed in the dairy. 擠奶女工;牛奶場女工 empty (adj.) not containing any things or people 空的;無人的 Drenched (adj.) to make someone or something…
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故事名稱:螞蟻與蚱蜢+點金術 The Ant And The Grasshopper+The Golden Touch 講者:Ms. Cindy + Mr. Johnson (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 begged (v.) to make a very strong and urgent request 乞求 whined (v.) to make a long, high, sad sound 發出哀鳴;發出哀叫聲 shrugged (v.) to raise your shoulders and th…
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故事名稱:一梱樹枝 The Bundle and the sticks 講者:Amanda Tsai + Astrid Lu (Lam Research Taiwan 志工群) 本集節目由 Lam Research Taiwan 錄製及贊助支持 了解更多: 【微單字】 bundle (n.) a number of things that have been fastened or are held together 束;捆 stick (n.) a thin piece of wood or other material 枝條;木條,木棍 quarreled (n.) an angry disagreement bet…
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故事名稱:鷹與鳶 + 鹿、羊與狼 The Eagle & the Kite + The Stag, the Sheep, & the Wolf 講者:Mr. Yen 本集節目由 譚爺爺 贊助支持 【微單字】 Oak (n.) a large tree that is common in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree 橡樹,櫟樹;橡木,櫟木 woebegone (adj.) looking very sad 憂傷的;悲傷的 talon (n.) a sharp nail on the foot of a bird that it uses when hunting animals (尤指猛禽的)爪 Stag (n.) an …
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故事名稱:動物與瘟疫 The Animals & the Plague 講者:Mr. Yen 本集節目由 吳烱舜先生 贊助支持 【微單字】 Plague (n.) bubonic plague , or any serious disease that kills many people 瘟疫 severe (adj.) causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious 非常嚴重的;劇烈的;慘重的 listlessly (adv.) in a way that shows you have no energy and enthusiasm and are unwilling to do anythin…
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故事名稱:牧羊人和獅子 + 驢子和牠的影子 The Shepherd & the lion + The ass & his shadow 講者:Ms. CI CI 本集節目由 沈漾漾奶奶 贊助支持 【微單字】 Shepherd (n.) a person whose job is to take care of sheep and move them from one place to another 牧羊人 irritated (adj.) annoyed 被激怒的,惱火的 boastfully (adv.) in a way that praises yourself and what you have done 自吹自擂地,自誇地 suspected (v.) to think or …
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故事名稱:雲雀和牠的孩子們 The Lark & Her Young Ones 講者:Ms. Lee 本集節目由 小施汽車商行 贊助支持 【微單字】 Lark (n.) a small, brown bird that is known for its beautiful singing 雲雀,百靈鳥 wheat (n.) a plant whose yellowish-brown grain is used for making flour, or the grain itself 小麥 grain (n.) a seed or seeds from a plant, especially a plant like a grass such as rice or wheat (尤指像稻穀、…
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故事名稱:北風和太陽 + 鼴鼠和牠的母親 The North Wind & the Sun +The Mole & his Mother 講者:Ms. Lee 本集節目由 譚爺爺 贊助支持 【微單字】 cloak (n.) a loose outer piece of clothing without sleeves, that fastens at the neck, and is worn instead of a coat 斗篷,披風 strip (v.) to remove your clothing, or to remove all the clothing of someone else 脫衣服;脫光…的衣服 beam (n.) a line of light that shi…
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故事名稱:老鷹和寒鴉 + 小蟹與母蟹 The Eagle & the Jackdaw + The Young Crab & His Mother 講者:Mr. Timothy 本集節目由 小施汽車商行 贊助支持 【微單字】 jackdaw (n.) a black and grey bird of the crow family, known for taking bright objects back to its nest 寒鴉 talons (n.) a sharp nail on the foot of a bird that it uses when hunting animals (尤指猛禽的)爪 rustling (n.) the sound that paper or lea…
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故事名稱:蜜蜂、黃蜂和大黃蜂 The Bees & Wasps, & the Hornet 講者:Ms. Emma 本集節目由 范姜依玲女士 贊助支持 【微單字】 Wasps (n.) a flying insect, often black and yellow, that can sting (= produce a small, painful skin injury) 黃蜂,螞蜂 Hornet (n.) a large wasp (= type of flying insect) that can give you a bad sting 大黃蜂 hollow (adj.) having a hole or empty space inside 空的,空心的 argument (n.…
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S4 E16 【微寶寶故事屋#89】披著獅子皮的驢+打架的公雞和鹰 The Ass in the Lion's Skin + The Fighting Cocks & the Eagle
故事名稱:披著獅子皮的驢+打架的公雞和鹰 The Ass in the Lion's Skin + The Fighting Cocks & the Eagle 講者:Ms. Emma 本集節目由勝巨光電股份有限公司贊助支持 【微單字】 Ass (n.) a donkey 驢 thicket (n.) an area of trees and bushes growing closely together 灌木叢;小樹叢 boasting (adj.) something you are proud of and like to tell people about 誇耀的 chanticleer (n.) A rooster or cock. 雄雞;公雞 rival (n.) a perso…
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故事名稱:三個兄弟 The three brothers 講者:Mr. Daniel 本集節目由陳威翰先生贊助支持 【微單字】 forefather (n.) someone's relative who lived a long time ago 祖輩,祖親 shaved (v.) to remove hair from the body, especially a man's face, by cutting it close to the skin with a razor, so that the skin feels smooth 剃去毛髮;刮鬍子 vex (v.) to cause difficulty to someone, or to cause someone to fee…
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故事名稱:兩個旅行者和熊+豪猪和蛇Two Travelers & a Bear + The Porcupine & the Snakes 講者:Mr. Cat 本集節目由吳烱舜先生贊助支持 【微單字】 Porcupine (n.) an animal with a covering of long, sharp quills (= stiff hairs like needles) on its back 豪豬,箭豬 consented(v.) to agree to do something, or to allow someone to do something 同意;答應;許可,允許 escorted(v.) to go with someone and show them a pla…
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故事名稱:鵝媽媽和她兒子傑克 Old Mother Goose and Her Son Jack 講者:Ms. Evi 本集節目由楊育儒女士贊助支持 【微單字】 industrious (adj.) An industrious person works hard. 勤勞的,勤奮的 kerchief (n.) a square piece of cloth worn around the neck or on the head 方頭巾,方圍巾 swiftly (adv.) happening or moving quickly or within a short time, especially in a smooth and easy way 迅速地,敏捷地 amused (v.) sho…
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故事名稱:狼與羊+公雞與狐狸 The Wolves & the Sheep + The Cock & the Fox 講者:Ms. Lesly 本集節目由沈漾漾奶奶贊助支持 【微單字】 grazed (v.) to break the surface of the skin by rubbing against something rough. 擦傷 hostility (n.) an occasion when someone is unfriendly or shows that they do not like something 敵意,不友好 foes (n.)an enemy 敵人 stumbled (v.) to step awkwardly while walking or r…
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故事名稱:狐狸和猴子+蒼蠅和蜜 The Fox & the Monkey + The Flies & the Honey 講者:Ms. Chloe 本集節目由陳宜珊女士贊助支持 【微單字】 grimace (v.) to make an expression of pain, strong dislike, etc. in which the face twists in an ugly way 做鬼臉 enthusiasm (n.) a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it 巨大興趣;熱情;熱忱;熱心 majesty (n…
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故事名稱:綿羊孩子與野狼+燕子和烏鴉 The Wolf, the Kid, & the Goat + The Swallow & the Crow 講者:Mr. Eirik 本集節目由吳烱舜先生贊助支持 【微單字】 provisions (n.) the act of providing something 提供;供給;準備 lurk (v.) to exist although it is not always noticeable 潛伏,潛藏 peep (v.) to secretly look at something for a short time, usually through a hole (通常指透過小孔)窺視,偷看 crack (v.) to break somethin…
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故事名稱:姆指姑娘 Thumbelina 講者:Ms. Mildred 本集節目由黃渝珊女士贊助支持 【微單字】 walnut (n.) a nut with a slightly bitter taste and a series of folds in it and a hard shell, or (the expensive, light brown wood from) the tree that produces these nuts 胡桃,核桃;胡桃樹,核桃樹;胡桃木,核桃木 pad (n.) one of the large, flat leaves of a water lily (睡蓮的)浮葉 guppy (n.) millionfish and rainbow fish…
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故事名稱:小鳥孤兒 Bird-found 講者:Ms. Evelyn 本集節目由譚爺爺贊助支持 【微單字】 snatch (v.) to take hold of something suddenly and roughly 奪走,搶走 kettle (n.) a container for boiling water, that has a lid, handle, and spout and is made from plastic or metal 水壺,開水壺 instantly (adv.) immediately 立即,馬上 simpleton (n.) a person without the usual ability to use reason and understand…
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故事名稱:狐狸和貓+惡作劇狗 The Cat & the Fox +The Mischievous Dog 講者:Ms. Ann 本集節目由黃志魁先生贊助支持 【微單字】 provision (n.) the act of providing something 提供;供給;準備 cunning (n.) the quality or skill of being clever at planning something so you get what you want, especially by tricking other people 狡詐;狡猾;機靈 mischievous (adj.) behaving in a way, or describing behaviour, tha…
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故事名稱:甜粥 Sweet porridge 講者:Mr. Daniel 本集節目由小施汽車商行贊助支持 【微單字】 porridge (n.) a thick, soft food made from oats boiled in milk or water, eaten hot for breakfast 燕麥粥,麥片粥 cease (v.) to stop something 停止,中止 poverty (n.) the condition of being extremely poor 貧困,貧窮 rise (v.) to increase 增加,上漲,升高 edge (n.) the outer or furthest point of something 邊,邊緣 「微寶寶故事屋…
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故事名稱:科比斯先生 Mr. Korbes 講者:Mr. Moon 本集節目由朱怡君女士贊助支持 【微單字】 harness (v.) to control something, usually in order to use its power 控制;利用…的動力 perch (v.) to sit on or near the edge of something 坐在…(的邊緣)上;棲息於;停留於 cushion (n.) a bag made of cloth, plastic, or leather that is filled with soft material, and is used especially on chairs for sitting or leaning on…
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故事名稱:國王的到來 The Coming of the King 講者:Ms. Evi 本集節目由吳烱舜先生贊助支持 【微單字】 scrap (n.) old cars and machines or pieces of metal, etc. that are not now needed but have parts that can be used to make other things 廢料,廢品 garland (n.) a circle made of flowers and leaves worn around the neck or head as a decoration 花環;花冠 cloak (n.) a loose outer piece of clothing …
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故事名稱:狗、公雞和狐狸 The Dog, the Cock, & the Fox 講者:Ms. Chloe 本集節目由勝巨光電股份有限公司贊助支持 【微單字】 comrade (n.) a friend, especially one who you have been involved in difficult or dangerous, usually military, activities with (尤指共患難過的)朋友,同志;(通常指)戰友 custom (n.) something you usually do 習慣;慣例 glimmer (n.) a light that glimmers weakly 閃爍的微光;微弱的亮光 seize (v.) to take usin…
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故事名稱:野狼與男孩 The Wolf & the Kid 講者:Ms. Lesly 本集節目由小施汽車商行贊助支持 【微單字】 flock (n.) a group of sheep, goats, or birds 羊群;鳥群;人群 pasture (n.) grass or similar plants suitable for animals such as cows and sheep to eat, or an area of land covered in this 牧場 nibble (v.) to eat something by taking a lot of small bites 啃,小口咬 clump (n.) a group, especially of tree…
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故事名稱:玫瑰花與蝴蝶+顫抖的蟾蜍 The Rose & the Butterfly + The Quack Toad 講者:Mr. Eirik 本集節目由譚爺爺贊助支持 【微單字】 constancy (n.) loyalty 忠誠 zephyr (n.) a light wind 和風,微風 toad (n.) a small, brown animal, similar to a frog, that has big eyes and long back legs for swimming and jumping 蟾蜍,癩蛤蟆 blotchy (adj.) If someone's skin is blotchy, it is covered in marks, usually tem…
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故事名稱:沒有尾巴的狐狸 The Fox Without a Tail 講者:Ms. Ann 本集節目由小施汽車商行贊助支持 【微單字】 bushy (adj.) Bushy hair or fur is very thick (毛髮)濃密的;多毛的 hound (n.) a type of dog used for hunting 獵狗;(尤指)獵狐犬 entangle (v.) to cause something to become caught in something such as a net or ropes (用網、繩等)纏住,套住 arise (v.) to happen 發生;產生;出現 jeer (n.) a remark or cry of derision; gib…
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故事名稱:母親與狼 The Mother & the Wolf 講者:Ms. Joy 本集節目由葉依嘉女士贊助支持 【微單字】 prowl (v.) to move around quietly in a place trying not to be seen or heard, such as an animal does when hunting (打獵等時)悄悄來回游走(於),潛行,逡巡 prospect (n.) the possibility that something good might happen in the future (發生好事情的)可能,可能性,機會 fret (v.) to be nervous or worried 煩躁不安;苦惱,發愁 barely (ad…
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故事名稱:黃金窗戶 The Golden Windows 講者:Mr. Bell 本集節目由勝巨光電股份有限公司贊助支持 【微單字】 bid (v.) to give a greeting to someone, or to ask someone to do something 打招呼,致意;請求 barefoot (adj.) not wearing any shoes or socks 赤腳的(地) knoll (n.) a small low hill with a rounded top 圓丘;土墩 pebble (n.) a small smooth round stone, especially one found on a beach or in a river (尤指沙灘或…
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故事名稱:盛宴 The Great Feast 講者:Ms. Ann 本集節目由小施汽車商行贊助支持 【微單字】 feast (n.) a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people 盛宴;宴會 nursery (n.) a place where young children and babies are taken care of while their parents are at work 幼兒園,托兒所 bantam (n.) a small breed of chicken 矮腳雞 pastry (n.) a food made from a mixture of flour, fat, and…
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故事名稱:狗與麻雀 The Dog and the Sparrow 講者:Ms. Sonia 本集節目由林英方贊助支持 【微單字】 stall (n.) a large table or a small shop with an open front from which goods are sold in a public place 貨攤,攤位;販賣處 devour (v.) to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left 狼吞虎嚥,吞食 cork (n.) a short, cylinder-shaped piece of cork, plastic, or rubber that is put…
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故事名稱:忌獸 The Bogey-Beast 講者:Mr. Timothy 本集節目由顏培如女士贊助支持 【微單字】 scant (adj.) very little and not enough 少量的;不足的;貧乏的 hovel (n.) a small home that is dirty and in bad condition 破敗的小屋;骯髒簡陋的住所 ditch (n.) a long, narrow open hole that is dug into the ground, usually at the side of a road or field, used especially for supplying or removing water or for divid…
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故事名稱:兩個鍋子 The Two Pots 講者:Ms. Pie 本集節目由譚爺爺贊助支持 【微單字】 brass (n.) a bright yellow metal made from copper and zinc 黃銅 clay (n.) thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or baked, used for making bricks and containers 黏土,陶土 fragile (adj.) easily damaged, broken, or harmed 易損壞的;易碎的;脆弱的 stubby (adj.) short and thick 短粗的;矮壯的 equal (n.) s…
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故事名稱:野兔與牠的耳朵 The Hare & His Ears 講者:Ms. Lin 本集節目由簡貞綾女士贊助支持 【微單字】 brazen (adj.) obvious, without any attempt to be hidden 毫不隱瞞的,明目張膽的 domain (n.) an area of interest or an area over which a person has control 領域,領地 seize (v.) If a strong emotion or pain seizes you, you feel it suddenly (強烈情感或劇痛)突然侵襲 warren (n.) a series of connecting underground pas…
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故事名稱:月何以美 How the Moon Became Beautiful 講者:Ms. Alicia 本集節目由葉依嘉女士贊助支持 【微單字】 gloomy (adj.) unhappy and without hope 憂鬱;愁悶;沮喪 alas (adv.) used to express sadness or feeling sorry about something(表示悲傷或遺憾)哎呀,唉 praise (v.) to express admiration or approval of the achievements or characteristics of a person or thing 讚揚,表揚 sorrowful (adj.) very sad 悲痛的 bri…
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故事名稱:三根綠枝 The Three Green Twigs 講者:Ms. Grace 本集節目由譚士企業有限公司贊助支持 【微單字】 twig (n.) a small, thin branch of a tree or bush, especially one removed from the tree or bush and without any leaves 細枝,嫩枝 prophet (n.) a person who is believed to have a special power that allows them to say what a god wishes to tell people, especially about things that will hap…
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故事名稱:傑克尋寶記 How Jack Went Out to Seek His Fortune 講者:Ms. Alicia 本集節目由譚爺爺贊助支持 【微單字】 merrier (adj.) merry的比較級,happy or showing enjoyment 愉快的,快樂的,興高采烈的 hubbub (n.) a loud noise, especially caused by a lot of people all talking at the same time (很多人同時說話時產生的)喧嚷,喧鬧 bade (v.) bid的過去式,to give a greeting to someone, or to ask someone to do something 打招呼,致意;請…
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故事名稱:男孩與青蛙 The Boys and The Frogs 講者:Ms. Tina 本集節目由王御伊女士贊助支持 【微單字】 pond (n.) an area of water smaller than a lake, often artificially made 池塘 amuse (v.) to entertain someone, especially by humorous speech or action or by making them laugh or smile (尤指透過幽默的言行)逗樂,逗笑;給…提供消遣(或娛樂) skip (v.) to move lightly and quickly, making a small jump after each ste…
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故事名稱:給予的故事 Cousin Tribulation's Story 講者:Ms. Leung 本集節目由尚洋髮藝股份有限公司 忠孝店贊助支持 【微單字】 porridge (n.) a thick, soft food made from oats boiled in milk or water, eaten hot for breakfast 燕麥粥,麥片粥 tender (adj.) gentle, loving, or kind 溫柔的;溫情的;關懷的;慈愛的 bundle (n.) a number of things that have been fastened or are held together 束;捆 splendid (adj.) excellent, or …
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故事名稱:精靈與鞋匠 The Elves and The Shoemaker 講者:Ms. Pan 本集節目由吳稚豪先生贊助支持 【微單字】 astound (v.) to surprise or shock someone very much 使震驚;使驚駭 masterpiece (n.) a work of art such as a painting, film, or book that is made with great skill 傑作;(個人)最傑出的作品 trousers (n.) a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body from the waist to the feet, consistin…
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故事名稱:安德羅克羅斯和獅子 Androclus and the Lion 講者:Ms. Annie 本集節目由郭人愷先生贊助支持 【微單字】 limp (v.) to walk slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg or foot 瘸著腳走,跛行 fierce (adj.) physically violent and frightening 猛烈的;激烈的;駭人的 roar (v.) to make a long, loud, deep sound 吼叫;咆哮 bound (adj.) certain or extremely likely to happen 肯定的;極有可能的;必然…
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故事名稱:住在鞋子里的老奶奶 The Little Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe 講者:Ms. Amber 本集節目由温瑞仙女士贊助支持 【微單字】 dwelt (v.) to live in a place or in a particular way 居住,棲身 ruin (n.) the process or state of being spoiled or destroyed 毀掉,毀壞,破壞 immense (adj.) extremely large in size or degree 巨大的,無限的 daunt (v.) to make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about their…
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故事名稱:五隻小豬 Five Little Pigs 講者:Ms. Dianne 本集節目由林錫明先生贊助支持 【微單字】 mischievous (adj.) behaving in a way, or describing behaviour, that is slightly bad but is not intended to cause serious harm or damage(人、行為等)愛惡作劇的,好搗亂的,頑皮的,淘氣的 idle (adj.) not working or being used 閒置的 carpet (n.) (a shaped piece of) thick material used for covering floors 地毯;地毯織物 obsti…
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故事名稱:儲藏室裡的小偷 The little thief in the pantry 講者:Ms. Annie 本集節目由譚爺爺贊助支持 【微單字】 pantry (n.) a small room or large cupboard in a house where food is kept 食品貯藏室,食品儲藏櫃 scorn (n.) a very strong feeling of no respect for someone or something that you think is stupid or has no value 輕視,鄙視 scamper (v.) When small children and animals scamper, they run with sm…
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