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The Pentagon Labyrinth is a podcast by the Center for Defense Information at the Project On Government Oversight to discuss key issues and current challenges for military and Pentagon reform.
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A podcast about cubing, cubers, and whatever else comes up.
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El pentágono, es un podcast dirigido a la juventud cristiana de hispanohablante en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y España. Su propósito es transtimitir el mensaje de Jesucristo, a través del Internet, por medio de la música, breves reflexiones, opiniones, entrevistas a pastores y líderes juveniles. Nuestro deseo es dar conocer nuevos adoradores y su producciones. Si tienes musica y quieres darla a conocer, este podcast es para ti. Secciones: Traducción Jurada ArchivoSecreto La bocina BuenaNu ...
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In questo episodio il nostro Davide aka Nero Su Bianco ha intervistato una persona per lui molto speciale, e ci spiegherà per quanto possibile a parole che cos'è per lei l'amore❤️
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Oggi nuovissima puntata qui con Pentagon!!! Con la nostra nuova doppietta di podcaster!!!!
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Ogni tanto ; si parla fuori tempo conta ciò che senti Provando a immergerti ️ Buon Ascolto
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Oggi torniamo dopo questa lunga pausa con un nuovo episodio, con il nostro Davide, avvolgente come suo solito nelle parole!!!
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In questo nuovo episodio abbiamo la continuazione della scorsa settimana con il nostro solito Davide e il nostro Special Guest Riccardo Verdelli
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Oggi a far compagnia al nostro Davide abbiamo un nostro grandissimo amico!
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Oggi il nostro Davide ci mette in una nuova dimensione, ci mostra con le sue parole un nuovo mondo, una nuova visione...
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Oggi in questa nuova puntata ci metteremo alla ricerca della psiche femminile!!!
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Nuovissima puntata del nostro podcast del mercoledì!!!
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Oggi come ospite di Talking With Pentagon abbiamo un'artista emergente! Dany Ace!!!
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Anche oggi i nostri Davide e Luca ci intrattengono con i loro super pensieri!!!
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Oggi finalmente i nostri Davide e Luca si riuniscono!!!
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Oggi partendo a parlare di generi musicali siamo arrivati ad un interessante conclusione... La Ciclicità della Musica e sopratutto... La Ciclicità della Vita!!!
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Oggi come ospite abbiamo il nostro amichevole Decritterei di quartiere con la quale abbiamo discusso su un argomento molto interessante, le dipendenze... e voi cosa ne pensate?
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Ma i lupi di mare sanno nuotare?
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Oggi entriamo un po' più nel profondo, oggi andiamo a toccare un argomento che specialmente in questi tempi è complicato da trattare, ma ci proviamo lo stesso, vogliamo farvi ascoltare un piccolo momento in cui alcuni di noi si sono messi a parlare di argomenti di ogni genere, fino a che Matteo ha deciso di registrare tutto quanto...…
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“...” nessun nome ma solo punti di sospensione per questo podcast dedicato ai soli pensieri che ognuno di noi ogni tanto dovrebbe fare, e fermarsi a riflettere su tutte quelle cose a cui molto spesso non diamo peso.
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"Non tutte le parole finiscono nel vento e alcune rose nascono davvero dal cemento" così Mondo Marcio nel 2016 inizia il suo pezzo intitolato "Un Altro Giorno" e sempre nello stesso modo, oggi, Davide inizia una riflessione nuova, un nuovo punto di vista, un diverso punto di vista, perché qui da Pentagon, si continua solo se ci si migliora giorno p…
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E voi come scegliete una canzone da ascoltare? Come fate a navigare in un mondo di musica in cui la vostra vela può essere la vostra curiosità e il vostro vento può essere la vostra conoscenza pregressa?
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Eccoci qui con una nuova intervista, oggi come ospite non avremo un cantante, avremo comunque un'artista!!! L'ospite di oggi è il nostro Producer McMet, BUON ASCOLTO!!!
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Oggi Davide ci delizia con un pensiero molto interessante, un pensiero che prende spunto da un'usanza giapponese, ma che ci permette di aprire un mondo difronte a noi, o meglio, un infinità di mondi.
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On this episode of The Pentagon Labyrinth, we analyze the most recent F-35 testing report in depth and place the issues raised in the proper context.由Center for Defense Information
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Vi presentiamo la nostra prima intervista con il nostro nuovo artista Rou9e, cliccando play potrai scoprire il mondo visto dagli occhi del nostro rapper dall'inizio del processo creativo ai sogni e le ambizioni. Non vi spoileriamo più nulla, buona visione! Beat di sottofondo by: Young God
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Fatevi avvolgere ora dalle parole del nostro Davide, entrate nella nostra dimensione in questa seconda tappa di questo nostro fantastico viaggio. Only with Pentagon
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Siamo arrivati alla prima tappa di questo viaggio! Fatevi accogliere dalle parole del nostro Luca! Ma non vi diciamo altro, premete play e immergetevi!
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Retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Danny Davis talks about the official lies told about the Afghanistan War, revealing the truth, and how America can forge a new foreign policy path moving forward.由Center for Defense Information
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Retired Navy JAG and Syracuse Law professor Mark Nevitt talks about the laws governing the president’s authority to deploy the military within the United States.由Center for Defense Information
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Retired Army doctor Robert Adams talks about the consequences of the efforts to outsource the military’s health system over the past decade, despite repeated warnings from medical professionals.由Center for Defense Information
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The relationship between the military and the society it serves has a significant impact on policy decisions and even budgets. The veneration of service members in the United States today manifests benignly in the refrain, “Thank you for your service,” and the much appreciated discounts at the local home improvement center, but this reverence can a…
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Corruption is often viewed as a byproduct of unrest and ineffective government. Former adviser to the chairman of the Joints Chiefs of Staff Sarah Chayes, in her book Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security, makes the case that corruption is the single largest source of unrest in the world. With this lens, it is possible to bette…
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Combat troops tend to get the majority of the attention in the coverage of our overseas wars. But there is an often-overlooked cadre of troops that perform a key role in our overseas campaigns and can affect both the duration and outcome of a conflict. The United States has a long history with military advisors. Soldiers in the Continental Army wer…
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Military leaders are faced with a dilemma unique among the professions. While doctors get to practice medicine, architects get to design buildings, and educators get to teach students on a daily basis, military professionals spend the vast majority of their careers preparing to do a job they rarely, and in some fortunate cases, never have to actual…
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Military scholars and practitioners continue to debate the significance and merit of John Boyd’s ideas more than 20 years after his death. Colonel Boyd is the legendary Air Force fighter pilot who, in addition to revolutionizing aerial combat tactics and aircraft design, also changed the way Americans think about conflict and warfare. He profoundly…
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The Navy’s version of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, recently declared ready for combat, has netted unacceptably low “fully mission capable” rates—meaning it’s in fact almost never fully ready for combat—according to a document obtained by the Center for Defense Information at the Project On Government Oversight (POGO). The fact that the Navy is pu…
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Former Army Chief of Staff Martin Dempsey issued a challenge to the Army in 2012 to change its institutional culture. In his transformative “Mission Command White Paper,” he wrote that “education and training are keys to achieving the habit of mission command; our doctrine must describe it, our schools must teach it, and we must train individually …
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Instructors at The Basic School, the Marine Corps’ six-month-long course for all newly commissioned officers, are using training methods used in institutions like Harvard Business School and Columbia University to make better decision-makers. The Case Method Project at Quantico, Virginia, uses decision-forcing exercises, or scenarios used to place …
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Navy LT Wes Van Dorn raised concerns for years about the safety of the MH-53E helicopters in his squadron. Aging equipment and shoddy maintenance plagued the entire fleet for years which he believed seriously jeopardized the lives of his crew. Tragically, he was proven correct when faulty wiring sparked a fire in his helicopter, causing it to crash…
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Officials in the F-35 Joint Program Office are doing paper reclassifications of potentially life-threatening design flaws to make them appear less serious, likely in an attempt to prevent the $1.5 trillion program from missing another schedule deadline and budget cap.The Center for Defense Information at the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) o…
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After receiving his grades from the Army’s Command and General Staff College, Major Jamie Schwandt decided to assign his own grades for the instructors and the institution itself. He did not paint a flattering portrait of the school. He took issue with the school’s leadership, the course content, and even the method of taking attendance. When he pu…
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Jeff Groom, a former Marine Corps helicopter pilot, recently published a highly satirical, and occasionally irreverent, account of his experiences in uniform, American Cobra Pilot: A Marine Remembers a Dog and Pony Show. He talks with POGO’s Jack Shanahan Military Fellow Dan Grazier about his transition from being a highly motivated and idealistic …
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The F-35 has now entered an unprecedented seventeenth year of continuing redesign, test deficiencies, fixes, schedule slippages, and cost overruns. And it’s still not at the finish line. Numerous missteps along the way—from the fact that the two competing contractors, Lockheed Martin and Boeing, submitted “flyoff” planes that were crude and undevel…
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The A-10 has proven itself to be one of the most venerable and capable aircraft in the U.S. arsenal. It is also an aircraft most people in the Air Force never wanted, and they have spent years actively working to send it to the scrap yard. It is the first aircraft ever designed from the very beginning to be solely dedicated to supporting ground tro…
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The A-10 has proven itself to be one of the most venerable and capable aircraft in the US arsenal. It is also an aircraft most people in the Air Force never wanted and have spent years actively working to send it to the scrap yard. It is the first aircraft every designed from the very beginning to be solely dedicated to supporting ground troops. Ge…
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Congress has authorized—and the Pentagon has spent—nearly $40 billion purchasing approximately 189 F-35s that, in their current configuration, will never be able to perform the way they were expected to when taxpayer dollars were used to buy them. This is hardly the right way to do business. POGO’s Jack Shanahan Military Fellow Dan Grazier explores…
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The doctrine of both the Army and Marine Corps are based on a foundation of mission command, a leadership philosophy where commanders tell subordinates what they want done but allow the subordinate leaders to figure out how to do it. For such a leadership philosophy to work, the entire organizational culture must be optimized for that, to include t…
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Secretary of Defense James Mattis once wrote, “Thanks to my reading, I have never been caught flat-footed by any situation, never at a loss for how any problem has been addressed (successfully or unsuccessfully) before. It doesn’t give me all the answers, but it lights what is often a dark path ahead.” He wrote this to impart the importance for mil…
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Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mark Thompson has a 4 decade-long perspective covering the Pentagon. He brings this experience to the Center for Defense Information and POGO with his new column, the Military Industrial Circus.由Center for Defense Information
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DOT&E Releases Analysis and It Isn’t PrettyPresident Trump called the F-35 “fantastic.” It appears he didn’t read the latest brutally honest report from the Pentagon’s testing office. POGO wades through the complicated language of the report to show there are still many unresolved problems with the program.The F-35 still has a long way to go before…
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Dr. Tim Kane speaks to CDI’s Dan Grazier about his recommendations to modernize the Pentagon’s antiquated personnel system.No other issue has the potential to fundamentally reform the military than optimizing the way the Pentagon manages the men and women in uniform. Yet little has been done to update a system which has roots deeply set in early in…
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When the Marine Corps needed a new capstone document to capture its emerging warfighting philosophy in the 1980s, the person chosen to draft it was not a general, but a junior officer, then-captain John Schmitt. He explains how he came to write one of the most widely read military documents in the world today on the latest episode of Pentagon Labyr…
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