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PIB Pérola 2

Primeira Igreja Batista no Pérola 2

Crescimento Saudável à Luz das Escrituras. Temos como objetivo crescermos unidos para a glória de Deus Pai, com intuito de sermos a cada dia uma igreja relevante na sociedade testemunhando do amor de Deus nesta cidade. Cremos que este crescimento saudável só poderá ser realmente alcançado à Luz das Escrituras Sagradas. Elas que testificam do Senhor Jesus e sempre será luz para o nosso caminho.
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A podcast about the rants and musings of 2 Cuban-American guys discussing news, politics, culture, arts, celebrity interviews and anything else that pops up! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Messenger of Love with Gina Pero

Author, Speaker, High Performance Trainer

Gina Pero is an elite performance coach, dance artist/teacher, motivational speaker, and a former Radio City Rockette. The Golden Path is living a life with ease, joy, and grace. In each episode, you with receive quick and efficient daily tools that allow you to choose this path. Through the sharing of my personal journey and guest interviews, specific examples will guide you on how to easily apply this to your life. This show is a contribution to any individual who values feeling alive and ...
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alternatif peron

alternatif peron

Herkes kendi yolunda. Burası da alternatif peron. Yeni bir yolun, rotanın arandığı genellikle kurgusuz ve editsiz podcast. Bilinmeze yolculuk gibi... Web sitemiz: E-postamız:
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La Perorata

Esteban Biba y Emiliano Castro

Charla disléxica, tratando de recuperar los tópicos perdidos en la coyuntura tropical presentado por los periodistas Esteban Biba y Emiliano Castro.
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A Psicologia foi fundada como ciência há mais de 100 anos e muitos temas ligados à comportamento, emoções e estruturas psíquicas ainda são tabus ou conteúdos totalmente desconhecidos pela maior parte da pessoas . Conhecimentos sobre a estrutura psíquica e comportamento humano deveria fazer parte do currículo de formação nas escolas e por isso estamos aqui, levando para muitos o que ainda está guardado a sete chaves nos baús dos Psicólogos e Terapeutas. Sigam nossos episódios semanalmente ✌
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Pero Entonces

Phi Beta Lambda Podcast

’Pero Entonces’, un podcast de Jaime Barreiro sobre reinventarse. Entrevistas a personas que decidieron arriesgar para cambiar. Historias sobre sus proyectos y empresas.
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El partido fue el resultado de la fusión de los tres partidos que habían sido creados en 1945 para sostener la candidatura presidencial de Perón: el Partido Laborista, la Unión Cívica Radical Junta Renovadora y el Partido Independiente.
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Creado por José Jiménez, a bilingual platform in which multiple topics will be discuss with un-requested, controversial and ignorant opinions. DISCLAIMER: tienes que saber ingles o estar en el instituto para llegarle... ok, gracia. Oh, and if you're sensitive this is the podcast for you!
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Soy Maxi Kronenberg, periodista. Trabajo en varias secciones del diario Clarín. Aquí encontrarás mis entrevistas en crudo con artistas, pintores, escritores y diversos personajes que forman parte de mis notas. Además, soy y autor del libro "Peron, Gardel y los deportes" (Leamos). Disponible únicamente en formato digital en
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Cuantas veces hemos repetido patrones conscientes o inconscientemente que nos llevan directamente a la estación de la “culpa” ? Y con base a ello obtenemos los resultados menos deseados Cover art photo provided by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash:
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¡Pero Escucha!

Mary y Olga

Olga y María, dos amigas que nos sentaremos a conversar sobre distintos temas expresando nuestra opinión real y sin filtros. Puedes dejar tus likes, comentarios y compartir en IG: @peroescuchapodcast Puedes contactarnos al email:
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"Healthcare Tech and the World" brings you the perspectives of health care industry leaders from across the globe. The monthly series explores technology innovations in the industry and sheds light on the major issues facing health care providers -- cost, quality and safety. Guests will share their opinions on the future of health care in the US and in regard to technology adoption.
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Perón encauzo a una clase media inexistente, logrando ampliar Derechos, les dió voz a las minorías no escuchadas, encaminó a jóvenes de vuelta en la política con esperanza y protagonismo. Volvió a ser una juventud transgresora, latente y firme en sus convicciones, eliminando el perjuicio a la política que venía dañada por los recurrentes golpes que vivió el país.
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show series
Let’s have Vera Farmigia on the show…who knew so many people had an opinion on lemons and limes…so many places with numbers…we miss you Bugle Boy jeans…there’s no way Gwyneth Paltrow has good recipes…Shirley Temple, drink or child actor…bring back stained glass at Pizza Hut…what is it about Mothers Day and the place for ribs…who irons in the airpor…
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In this week’s episode, we sit down with the incredible Kayla Gonzalez, a professional dancer whose journey with alopecia has shaped her resilience, self-love, and passion for movement. 💃✨ I first met Kayla when she was just 13 years old, dancing at Dance Zone in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the same age, she was diagnosed with alopecia, a condition that …
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Werde kostenlos Mitglied unserer Community "BRIGHT FUTURE LEADERS"! Auf diesem Kanal berate ich dich dabei, dich selbst und dein Unternehmen zukunftssicherer auszurichten. Stelle mir gerne Deine Fragen zu Zukunft, Innovation, Strategie und Führung. Durch KI und Robotik werden sehr …
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The name struggle is real kids…we love our local icons…before foodies were a thing, we had Bite with Belkys…love that she’s totally loving our wings…would love to see all the ‘fails’ too…shout out to all the locals who inspired us…WSVN’s Boston cousin is WAY too similar onscreen…they are still kinda ‘new’ aren’t they…shout out to Craig Stevens…we’r…
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Neste sermão, exploramos Salmos 125 e a poderosa verdade de que aqueles que confiam no Senhor são inabaláveis como o monte Sião. Em meio às incertezas da vida, Deus nos cerca com Sua proteção e nos fortalece para permanecer firmes na fé. Descubra como essa promessa nos dá segurança e esperança, independente das circunstâncias. Ouça agora e fortaleç…
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Chiropractic adjustment watching ain’t weird…hi Juan Luis Guerra & that good ol’ bilirubin…yet another great experience at SoBe WFF, this year with a win!...NOBODY controls the mayo…happy Oakenfold & Tiesto are still around…can’t laugh if you’re not in on the funny…is ‘no sabo’ a true slur…how big a part of culture is language…does the caribbean NO…
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SoBeWFF, see you there…maybe Libertad Lamarque’s still touring…filming 15s on a cruise is DJ’s dream job…fly safe, mi gente…Cap America has been black before…never forget, your fave comics were created during a much different time…fake Valentines cake outrage…our addiction to outrage is no just real, it’s being gamified…even hate comments feed the …
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Unlock the Power of SELF-LOVE with Dr. David Stella | Energy Medicine & Holistic Healing In this transformative interview, we sit down with Dr. David Stella, a renowned chiropractor and energy medicine expert with over 25 years of experience in holistic wellness. Dr. Stella has dedicated his career to helping people harness their body's natural hea…
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Taking it back to morning announcements…that intermediary banquet hall just hit right…ppl having less cousins..we don’t need to over engineer in the name of convenience…sometimes you just need to use a check…no need to be on speakerphone for that long…really, we’re lifting up an alleged murderer now?...maybe tomato juice just tastes better at 30,00…
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Took forever to get him on, now he’s back…love a guest with nothing to really promote…legit how did we know exactly what bear balls smell like…oh healthcare, you never fail to disappoint…we love a guest who can work a callback…wow, talk about a survival story…yeah, guess advertising isn’t a profession in a communist country…so much topography in th…
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It’s FINALLY February…bring on the jamon serrano…let’s start celebrating our actual birth day…relampago in the shower is real…Darien’s mom is all about la secadora de pelo…Spring Break in Miami Beach isn’t really a thing for those of us who live here…Good Times…swimming after eating equals death…portable cafetera for the win…fixing the car with a c…
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Welcome to the very first episode of Messenger of Love with your host, Gina Pero! 💖✨ This show is dedicated to exploring the life-changing messages that come to us in unexpected ways—through a phone call, a letter, a song, a post-it note, or even a simple phrase that shifts our entire perspective. In this episode, Gina shares a personal story of a …
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Werde kostenlos Mitglied unserer Community "BRIGHT FUTURE LEADERS"! Auf diesem Kanal berate ich dich dabei, dich selbst und dein Unternehmen zukunftssicherer auszurichten. Stelle mir gerne Deine Fragen zu Zukunft, Innovation, Strategie und Führung. Beschreibung: Wenn KI und intelli…
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Welcome back todo el mundo…glad 2025 hasn’t really done anything yet…celebration of life is the way to go…Cuban funerals should be a party given all the chisme…centromesas are the ultimate hunger games at ethnic weddings…DJ’s mom probably won’t ever fully understand Only Fans…Ish now has a souvenir about an audition for O-Town he may not have been …
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Join the "BRIGHT FUTURE LEADERS" community for free: Lead your team into a challenging future and future-proof your business. What do you do for a living today? AI and intelligent robots will increasingly take over many tasks from humans. And they will do it better, faster and cheaper. Yes, yours too. Many p…
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Werde kostenlos Mitglied unserer Community "BRIGHT FUTURE LEADERS"! Auf diesem Kanal berate ich dich dabei, dich selbst und dein Unternehmen zukunftssicherer auszurichten. Stelle mir gerne Deine Fragen zu Zukunft, Innovation, Strategie und Führung. Womit verdienst Du heute Dein Gel…
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Send us a text New Year, same Manas. Come recap our favorite 2024 moments and stories. Happy New Year to all our loyal listeners, we love you all! We invite you to help us grow our manahood, so please share our podcast! If you are new, go listen to all our previous episodes to keep us with this highlight episode! We look forward to 2025! THANK YOU …
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Neste sermão, mergulhamos em Lucas 2:9-11 para refletir sobre a gloriosa mensagem do nascimento de Jesus Cristo, nosso Redentor. Através desta passagem, exploramos como a vinda do Salvador traz segurança, paz e alegria duradouras para aqueles que confiam Nele. Descubra como esta boa nova transforma nossa vida e renova nossa confiança em Deus, mesmo…
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Neste sermão, exploramos a profundidade de Gálatas 5 e descobrimos como viver no Espírito nos dá segurança em nossa caminhada cristã. A partir da Palavra de Deus, discutimos o contraste entre as obras da carne e o fruto do Espírito, destacando o chamado para uma vida de liberdade e plenitude em Cristo. Encontre inspiração e direção prática para for…
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Send us a text On this episode of how embarrassing can they get, listen to the manas tell their cringe-worthy embarrassing moments. Undies may or may not be involved. Share your embarrassing moments with the manas! Las manas quieren escuchar sus historias! We promise to keep your name anonymous. Send us a message! Support the show…
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Bring on the holidays…Christmas songs are hit or miss with Ish…turron is nougat and nougat is turron…wow eggnog IS good…womp, womp indeed…please do NOT kill Junior…the distinction of saying ‘el niño Jesus’...yeah, don’t just buy stuff to buy stuff…Grace Jones’ Little Drummer Boy, full stop…A Christmas Story is the perfect pace for a movie to watch …
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Boy George should have been on We Are The World…with good food this close, Ish is gonna be soooo fat…love a guest who brings champagne…food is great, but a vibe makes a place…jazz is pretty punk if you think about it…el pueblo de la bicicleta, who knew…how did he avoid the Miami accent…90s baby who grew up on 70s & 80s pop culture…let’s hear for al…
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Neste episódio especial do nosso podcast, celebramos o 24º aniversário da PIB Pérola. O tema do nosso culto foi “Uma Igreja Consagrada ao Senhor”. Tivemos a honra de receber o Pr. Reginaldo, que nos trouxe uma mensagem inspiradora e edificante. Junte-se a nós nesta celebração de fé e comunhão.
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Neste episódio especial do nosso podcast, celebramos o 24º aniversário da PIB Pérola. O tema do nosso culto foi “Uma Igreja Consagrada ao Senhor”. Tivemos a honra de receber o Pr. Wesley Sousa, que nos trouxe uma mensagem inspiradora e edificante. Junte-se a nós nesta celebração de fé e comunhão.
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Dear Android, bring back the food updates…apps on apps on apps…Best Buy was just an experience…to criticize Spanglish is to criticize Miami…there’s a time in place, but you don’t get to use your microaggressions on places you aren’t from…animals all speak different languages…are there really no poisonous animals in Cuba…bring on las gallinas…if any…
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Ish is back…so much mentions of Juniors of all kinds…we only think of one Blue Sky…ok, so you pushed a button, want a prize?...mira, if DJ had been on Real World he could have been a senator now…cabin people vs non-cabin people…Bring on Glicked…of course Ish is digging on musicals…no more turkey cooking for DJ this Thanksgiving…are Italian restaura…
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Setting the mood together…canceled 3 seconds in…Mario the Bear…comedians shouldn’t necessarily apologize for their jokes…two things can be true at once…Caribbean, Korean, similar…look at Mario letting Ish own his insecurities…gotta be introspective to grow…Mario is ABSOLUTELY funny…only drunk white girls in college turn gay…bring on the crowd work,…
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JR Alonso Co-hosts....The real Miami was filled with Marimberos in the 80s.....Miami Vice and shooting on location....Disney Pixar Movies pull at the heart strings....the beauty of the movie UP and Inside Out...Finding Nemo Taught us to stay away from the drop off....Swimming the Great Barrier Reef in Australia....New Zealand limits airport hugs to…
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Every ep should start with old school Nintendo…eelcome back DJ…it took a lot for us not to break last episode…was there an election or something this week…you can’t just put a new product on the market without enough time to test it…it’s the economy, stupid…wtf is a ghost job listing…now & forever, Sesame Street…wow, three past guests who worked on…
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Welcome back Brittany…love when people we love are on each other’s shows…hmmm, Ocala or frozen eggs?...she gets nervous after hosting her own radio show…Bubonic Core is a thing…Miami naked is just different…listen to Big Yikes…isn’t single by choice the ultimate pro-choice…sometimes you have to prioritize one vs the other…reclaim your breakup…take …
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