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️ 欢迎收听首期节目! 大家好!我是你的主播 @阿Guy,欢迎来到【NEWS杂馄饨】!这是一个中英双语的杂谈类播客节目,在这里我会和大家分享一些外刊外媒里的有趣故事和新鲜话题。 2025第一期节目跟大家见面啦!也是这个播客诈尸级别的更新呀! 本期主题:圣诞节看电影的那些事儿 圣诞节期间,看电影是美国的传统家庭活动,但你有没有想过,这个传统是啥时候开始有的呢? 互动时间: 你会在新年或春节时定期去看贺岁档的电影吗?有哪些电影让你印象深刻?欢迎在评论区或社交平台上和我互动! 别忘了: 订阅我们的节目,第一时间收听更新! 关注主播 @阿Guy,一键解锁更多精彩内容! 感谢收听【NEWS杂馄饨】,让我们一起在轻松的对谈中发现有趣的世界!期待你的分享与建议~…
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As I walked out one evening Walking down Bristol Street, 晚上我在散步於布里斯托爾大街 The crowds upon the pavement 街道兩旁黑壓壓的一片, Were fields of harvest wheat. 是田裡熟透待割的小麥。 And down by the brimming river 沿著水波蕩漾的江邊,在一座鐵路拱橋的下麵 I heard a lover sing Under an arch of the railway: 我聽到一個戀人在歌唱: "Love has no ending. 愛情永無止境”。 "I'll love you, dear, I'll love you 我將永遠愛你,親愛的,我將永…
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Any luck/joy? 然后呢?/进展如何? We use this expression to ask if someone has managed to do something. Written: YES Spoken: YES Formal: NO Informal: YES Example 1 - You know we talked about buying an amazing gift for my girlfriend for her birthday? - Yes, any joy? -Yes, Sarah was really happy about the perfume that I bought. Example 2 -You were trying to f…
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I wouldn’t go that far! 我不是这么认为/我不是很赞同 We use this expression when we want to show that we don’t really agree with someone. Written: NO Spoken: YES Formal: NO Informal: YES Example 1 - I think this movie is the best of his ever! - I wouldn’t go that far. His previous movie is his best that I have seen. Example 2 -Don’t you think that he is a good e…
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The Cat In The Hat By Dr. Seuss The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day. I sat there with Sally. We sat there, we two. And I said, “How I wish We had something to do!” Too wet to go out And too cold to play ball. So we sat in the house. We did nothing at all. So all we could do was to Sit! …
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Different Countries Have Different Customs 不同的国家有不同的风俗习惯 L:Hello,everyone!My name is Linda.I’m 10 years old. 大家好,我是Linda。我10岁了。 G:Hi,My name is Grace.I’m 10 years old. 大家好,我是Grace。我10岁了。 L:Grace,do you like traveling? Grace,你喜欢旅行吗? G:Yes,I do.We travel a lot on summer vacation. 是的,我喜欢。我们暑假的时候经常去旅行。 L:Traveling is fun,but it is important to learn th…
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地理位置:Zhanjiang lies at the southernmost tip of the Chinese mainland, facing Hainan to the south. 靠山吃山靠水吃水:Zhanjiang is famous throughout China for its seafood. Seafood is fresh, fabulous and ubiquitous. 气候有如何呢:Zhanjiang has a humid subtropical climate, with short mild winters and long, very hot humid summers. 有好玩的:Huguanyan National Geopark,it has …
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S1:Hello,everyone!My name is Eason.I’m 11 years old. 大家好,我是Eason。我11岁了。 S2:Hi,My name is Yan.I’m 10 years old. 大家好,我是Yan。我10岁了。 S1:Today we’re going to talk about famous architecture in the world. 今天我们将要讨论我们世界上著名的建筑物。 S2:The Big Ben is in England.The Big Ben is one of London's best-known landmarks, and looks most spectacular at night when the clock…
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1.It is raining cats and dogs outside right now. X 这是比较老的表达方式,现代英语中已经不这样说了。 2.表示雨下的很大,可以说 A.pouring 瓢泼大雨 It is pouring outside B.heavy rain 很大的雨 It is raining heavily outside C.a downpour 暴雨(短暂又很大的雨)There is a downpour right now. 3. It is raining pretty strongly outside X Heavy rain 大雨 Light rain 小雨 It’s raining heavily 现在雨下得很大 It’s raining hard 现在…
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这期节目记得戴耳机收听,那才有感觉。 It's not what happened to your parents.I killed them.I killed them.It was my job.It was my first time.Your father was supposed to be alone.But then your mother came out of in nowhere,and I had to change my plan.It changes things,that knowledge.Doesn't it?When what you love gets taken from you,you wanna know the truth.I'm sorry. 你…
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各位客官记得打赏扔荔枝啊! When we go about our day, we tell ourselves a story about what’s happening … and at the center of that narrative is a single person. Ourselves. When I talk to myself about how so-and-so is inconsiderate or treated me badly, when I tell myself that it’s OK to procrastinate because I’m tired and not in the mood … I’m at the center of th…
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To Create a Habit, Tell a Good Story If you want to create a new exercise habit (for example), you might tell yourself something like this: “This is going to be amazing, I’m going to get fit and look incredible and be super healthy!” This is a story you’re telling yourself. It’s not real, but it has tremendous power to affect your feelings about yo…
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There is a famous stone water basin (or “tsukubai”) outside of the even more famous Ryoan-ji Temple in Kyoto, with four characters that read: “ware tada shiru taru.” This is a Zen saying that can be translated in a number of ways, all to do with contentment. But my favorite translation is: “All you need, you already have.” I think it’s such a lovel…
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为了强调英语句子中的某一成份,强调方式是多种多样的,现将它们归纳如下,以供参考。 1.用形容词“very”,“single”等表示强调 e.g.Red Army fought a battle on this very spot. 红军就在此地打过一仗。 Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon. 今天下午竟然没有一个人来过办公室。 2.用反身代词表示强调 e.g.I myself will see her off at the station. 我将亲自到车站为她送行。 You can do it well yourself. 你自己能做好这件事情。 3.用助词“do”表…
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随着毕业季的到来,很多大四学生都开始忙着面试啦,今天我们要跟大家分享的是一些面试的小贴士。 These interview tips cover all the basics you need to know to ace a job interview. 下面给大家介绍的10个面试小贴士,如果你掌握了其中的诀窍,面试成功的几率将会大大提高。 Avoid Interview Mistakes 避免犯常见的面试错误 What shouldn&`&t you do when interviewing? Check out the most common job interview mistakes, blunders, and errors a candidate for employment …
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Don&`&t Look Back 告别过去 As you travel through life there are always those times when decisions just have to be made when the choices are hard, and solutions seem scarce and the rain seems to soak your parade! 人生的旅途中,你常常会面临必须做出一个艰难抉择的时刻,这时的解决方法看似少之又少,而你则像在行进中被雨水浇透那样无助! There are some situations where all you can do is to simply let go and move on, ga…
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《Ex Machina》效力于某知名搜索引擎公司的程序员Galeb幸运地抽中老板Nathan所开出的大奖,他将受邀前往位于深山的别墅中和老板共度假期。在与世隔绝的别墅中,Nathan亲切地接待了这位员工。 事实上他邀请Galeb到来还有另一个目的,那就是协助他完成其所开发的智能机器人的测试。天才一般的Nathan研制了具有独立思考能力的智能机器人Ava,为了确认她是否具有独立思考的能力,他希望加利能为Ava进行著名的“图灵测试”。似乎从第一眼开始,Galeb便为这台有着宛如人类般姣好容颜的机器人所吸引。 在随后的交流中,他所面对的似乎不是冷冰冰的机器,而更像是一个被无辜囚禁起来的可怜少女…… 影片《机械姬》片段中,男主人公想在离别之际跟朋友把酒言欢,祝酒词已经说出口,无奈朋友婉言拒绝,只…
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各国间的文化差异巨大,我们自个儿行得通的礼仪到了西方就是另一回事啦!今天我们就来通过三个场景,了解一下中外文化间的一些不同吧~~ 第一幕:一位学校领导向教师们介绍新来的美国老师 Ladies and gentlemen, I'm delighted to introduce to you a very pretty girl, Miss Brown. She is a very good teacher from the USA. 对这番话,美国女教师一脸难堪的样子。 文化差异:中国人介绍来宾,喜欢用褒扬的话语言辞。但美国人认为,初次结识,相互介绍,不必评头论足。凡是主观性的评论,尽管是美言,也会给人唐突、强加的感觉。对以上那番话,美国女教师感到难堪的是pretty和good两个词。在那种场…
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Gratitude to Cure the Impulse to Buy More Stuff It’s funny that two days with such opposing spirits come back-to-back in our calendars here in the U.S.: Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday. One is about being thankful for what you have, and the other is about getting more of what you don’t have. They aren’t aligned at all. The good news is that we ca…
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The Guanghzhou Auto Show, one of China's biggest auto shows, is getting underway. Domestic and foreign players in the auto market are taking part in the event, putting the spotlight on SUVs. 中国最大的车展之一的广州车展正在进行中。国内外汽车爱好者将参加此次车展,关注运动型多功能车。 Yale Zhang, Automotive Foresight's Managing Director, says many auto brands, such as Ford's Everest and Great Wa…
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Most complaints made by Chinese consumers last year were about online shopping, a report from China's top legislative body said on Monday. 中国最高立法机关于周一在一份报告中称,去年中国消费者的投诉大都是关于网上购物。 The number of complaints and disputes related to shopping on the Internet rose sharply and the network has become a breeding ground for counterfeits, the report by a law e…
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A Guide for All of Us: Getting Good at Storytelling & Other Superhuman Social Skills By Leo Babauta Let’s face it: most of us aren’t amazing social ninjas, good at working any social situation, let alone comfortable telling a captivating story in front of a crowd. It would be great if there were a manual that taught us the key social skills for bei…
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Real English Academy的五岁小学员Joseph为大家带来了一个小故事由主播阿Guy
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