Reflections on the Blessings of Presence in Time ——————— We talk about uncovering the blessings of time so we can live a life of presence, praise, and gratitude. Visit me online at:
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We are all afraid to sin… but what does it really matter? How is our fear of sin sometimes taunting our perception of Allah and limiting our growth? We delve into this topic in this episode.
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Self-knowledge and self-development is a big industry , but what is the purpose ? We take for granted that Self-knowledge and self-development are the essentially good, but all actions are by intentions so what should be our intentions as we embark on a journey of knowing ourselves. Recording from July/August 2022…
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There are subtle ways we fall into pride and arrogance. For one...if you are unable to admit that you have ben duped because you are 'too smart' to fall for lies and deceit, you might want to reevaluate your position.
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How’s your spiritual Stamina? Are you able to show up in your life with the appropriate spiritual energy to decipher your moments and meet them and engage with your life effectively? Continue this discussion and sign up for the course sampler or coaching program at join my newsletter at www.plan-bara…
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We know we believe in Allah. But do we believe Him? When He promises us of His rewards, of His help, of His displeasure, mercy, forgiveness… do we take His words as THE truth upon which all others are measured ? What does that look like in ‘real time’?
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Sometimes our expectations are out of alignment bc we don’t understand the nature of what we are dealing with. Clarity and trust stems from being real about what the nature of God, ourselves and the world around us is. While we strive to be happy, healthy, and peaceful , the temporary lack of those things won’t shake us if we remember that in this …
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Getting ready for a Ramadan by embracing the time shift and unique blessing Allah has put into this blessed month.
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It’s one thing to talk about cultivating new habits, but what about analyzing the habits that form the bulk of who we think we are. Recognizing our current habits and habituation have ourselves to something new can be one key to living a fuller more expansive life.
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As salaam alaikum, Sometimes we look at the grand acts of worship others are able to do and wish we could do the same , but in truth no one is cutoff from getting near to Allah if that’s what we really want. Let’s look at what ways He has made available to us in this season of our lives that can get us the spiritual connection and nearness to God w…
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Taking a pause to admit the truth about ourselves can be a very uncomfortable process. However we must take opportunities for self reflection and self growth as beautiful gifts from our creator. The rift between who we say we are and how we show up in the world (ie, who we really are) can only be removed if we take the chance to truly look at ourse…
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Motherhood, though a blessing, can sometimes threaten to take over our complete identity and even derail us on our path to God. What makes the difference between fulfilling, enjoying, and thriving in the blessed role of mother, and becoming consumed with anxiety and pressure to do what seems an impossible task at times? I think the answer is trusti…
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As mothers we are so accustomed to looking after the needs of others that we downgrade our own needs to ‘wants’ and thereby ignore them for far too long. What do you need in your life to thrive ? If a plant was loosing all its leaves we wouldn’t say it ‘wants’ water, we know it needs it ! 💦 there may be areas of our lives where we are losing oursel…
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In order to love anyone fully we have to first love ourselves. Worshipping Allah fully also requires self love. We must love ourselves enough to take care of the very faculties we use to approach and know our Lord and give Him our best as well as be in the best position to receive and make use of the best He gives us as well.…
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Close quarters gives us time to reflect on how we feel and show love to our Lord, ourselves , and others. In this episode we explore a bit of what it means to show love to God. For more of our content and tools to help you manage your time so the blessings within can reveal themselves please visit: To check out the book club I…
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