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Sunday messages from Plymouth Christian Centre, an Elim Pentecostal church in Devon, UK.
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Reflections & Sermons: Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis
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Bible Studies and Special Events presented by St. George Coptic Orthodox Church in Plymouth, MN.
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Woodside Bible Church Plymouth Podcast: Subscribe to listen to the latest sermons from Woodside :: Updated Weekly :: At Woodside, our mission is to Belong to Christ, Grow in Christ, and Reach the world for Christ. :: For more information, visit us at
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A reading of Jack’s diaries.
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Sunday messages from Plymouth Christian Centre
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The teaching message at Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ in Washington, DC.
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Just a Dope up and coming MC trying to influence minds...
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Plymouth Herald’s home to showcase all of the podcasts from the Plymouth Herald.
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New Plymouth First Baptist Church
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Pastor Geoff starts a series on Lent leading up to Easter.由plymouthchristiancentre
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How does Jesus demonstrate His divine authority? Do we give him the rightful respect and honor due to who he is? Pastor Jeremy Writebol tackles these questions in John 5:1-18 in the third sign performed by Jesus.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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Bible Study - Book of Judges - Chapter 4 - Episode 5
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Life & Spirit - Bible Study - Acts Chapter 13 - Episode 26
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Pastor Paul Wright speaks on the power of the Gospel.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Pastor Geoff Lee preaches on 1 Peter 1:1-5.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Is your faith devilish? In this message Pastor Jeremy Writebol, encourages us to consider the nature and condition of our faith in Jesus with three important questions. You may discover your need for a sign is unnecessary.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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Bible Study - Book of Judges - Chapter 3 - Episode 4
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Life & Spirit - Bible Study - Acts Chapter 12 - Episode 25
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Pastor Paul Wright gives a non-series message looking at how we make room for God's spirit in our lives.由plymouthchristiancentre
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What does a small, behind the scenes miracle say about who Jesus is, and how he considers us? In this message from John 2:1-11, pastor Jeremy Writebol encourages us to consider how Jesus relates to us in our shame and shows his glory to those with eyes to see.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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2025-02-16_pete_lillestolen.mp3File Size: 19033 kbFile Type: mp3Download File由
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Bible Study - Book of Judges - Chapter 2 - Episode 3
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Life & Spirit - Bible Study - Acts Chapter 11 - Episode 24
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Pastor David Beresford continues our series on the book of Acts.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Guest speaker Andrew Whitman speaks at our morning service.由plymouthchristiancentre
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What do you do when you are curious about or don't understand something? Many will investigate and go deeper looking for answers. But some won't. What do you do? In this message, pastor Jeremy Writebol invites us to investigate the claims that Jesus makes about himself and consider who he is.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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2025-02-09_pete_lillestolen.mp3File Size: 19061 kbFile Type: mp3Download File由
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Bible Study - Book of Judges - Chapter 1 - Episode 2
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Life & Spirit - Bible Study - Acts Chapter 11 - Episode 23
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Pastor Geoff Lee rounds up our vision series by looking at how we "enable" people to become wholehearted followers of Christ.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Why do we pray? In this final message in the Why Pray? series, Pastor Kiel Mahaffy shows us how prayer is a means of knowing and loving God. When we pray we see his heart and desires for us and can pursue him in them.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouht
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2025-02-02_tim_neargarth.mp3File Size: 20707 kbFile Type: mp3Download File由
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Bible Study - Book of Judges - Episode 1
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Life & Spirit - Bible Study - Acts Chapter 10 - Episode 22
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Paul speaks on the power of witness. (Please note - the start of sermon was cut off, this was the reading of the scripture only.)由plymouthchristiancentre
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Pastor Geoff Lee speaks on the importance of us all serving one another.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Celebrating 10 years of God's faithfulness at Woodside Plymouth, Pastor Jeremy Writebol calls us to reject spiritual complacency and keep pressing on in our faith and walk with God.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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Rachel and Hamish, our Youth pastors, speak on the power of servant leadership.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Pastor Paul Wright speaks on the "love" element of our church vision.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Why should we pray? In this message pastor Jeremy Writebol points us to the security and assurance a believer can have through the practice of daily prayer.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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2025-01-19_pete_lillestolen.mp3File Size: 17479 kbFile Type: mp3Download File由
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Pastor Paul Wright resumes our series looking at the book of Acts.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Pastor Geoff launches our vision series with a look at where we currently are as a church.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Is God generous? Is he good? One of our troubles in prayer is when we feel like he isn't meeting our expectations or needs. In this sermon, pastor Jeremy Writebol shows us how prayer isn't about getting, it's about growing in and taking hold of what God has already provided.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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2025-01-12_pete_lillestolen.mp3File Size: 17875 kbFile Type: mp3Download File由
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Pastor Paul Wright speaks on the importance of experiencing more of Jesus and having his Word as a filter for our lives.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Maldwyn Jones speaks on the vision of an eagle, relating it to our church.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Pastor Geoff speaks on the angel's message to the shepherds.由plymouthchristiancentre
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What if you could have the same power and effectiveness in prayer as Jesus did? Would that change how you viewed prayer? In this message, Pastor Jeremy Writebol shares the secret of effective prayer and the relational keys that unlock praying effectively to God.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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2025-01-05_pete_lillestolen.mp3File Size: 18316 kbFile Type: mp3Download File由
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Life & Spirit - Bible Study - Acts Chapter 10 - Episode 21
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Life & Spirit - Bible Study - Acts Chapter 9, 10 - Episode 20
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How does the coming of Christ meet our deepest needs? In this special Christmas Eve message, pastor Jeremy Writebol shares from Isaiah 9:5-6 about the way Jesus meets our deepest needs.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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Why is peace so elusive, and how do we live in a world torn by war? In this message from Isaiah 9:5, Pastor Jeremy Writebol shows us how the first and second coming of Christ bring true and ultimate peace for all who trust in him.由Woodside Bible Church Plymouth
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Paul Wright speaks on the message Mary receives from God.由plymouthchristiancentre
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Geoff Lee preaches on darkness and light, from Isaiah.由plymouthchristiancentre
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